The High School Art Department
    Visions of O’Keeffe
    A display of student art work
    Inspired by American Artist
    Georgia O’Keeffe

    Claudia A. works on
    a pastel piece.

    Work will include 2D and 3D work
    based on studies of O’Keeffe’s pieces
    on flowers, bones, landscapes,
    doors, and crosses.
    Sara B. works on a drawing.

    The show will be in the small cafeteria
    of the high school.
    Trevor C. with his pencil

    Olivia T. and Brandie C. finishing their pieces.

    Olivia K. and Heather M. working with pastels.

    The opening will run from 6 – 8 pm.
    Thursday, March 29th
    Refreshments will be served.
    Everyone is invited to share in this event.

    Kendall C. working
    on a ceramic piece.

    Mackenzie G. working on the wheel.

    Mike N. puts finishing touches on a large piece.

    Renee R. and her floral vase.

    Claudia A.
    Charcoal Drawing

    Mike T. Pencil Drawing

    Brandie C. Pencil Drawing

    Claudia A.
    Pastel Drawing

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