1. Keshequa Mountain Dulcimer Learning Group
  2. Do you like music and singing?
  3. Are you interested in learning to play a musical instrument?
  4. Learn to play a traditional folk instrument!
  5. Play “old” songs and learn new ones!
  6. Perform with others in a concert!
  7. Have fun!
  8. Go to the back to learn more about our Group!
  9. Here are some important facts about our group!
  10. Keshequa Mountain Dulcimer Learning Group
  11. Loan Agreement Form
    1. Parent or Guardian’s names
    2. Contact information (mailing address, phone number, email)

Keshequa Mountain Dulcimer Learning Group



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Do you like music and singing?

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Are you interested in learning to play a musical instrument?

The purpose of our new group is to learn to play the Mountain Dulcimer. The Dulcimer, also known as the Appalachian or lap dulcimer has been used since colonial times by the people of the Appalachian Mountains. During the 20th century it made its way out of the mountains and now is enjoyed by thousands of people. You can even buy CD’s by professional dulcimer players!
The great thing about mountain dulcimers is that they are easy to learn and can be used to play just about any music from traditional folk songs to rock and roll. You may even find you can play pop music on it!
Our group will give you a chance to try a dulcimer. As member of the Keshequa Mountain Dulcimer Learning Group you will:

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Learn to play a traditional folk instrument!

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Play “old” songs and learn new ones!

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Perform with others in a concert!

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Have fun!



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Go to the back to learn more about our Group!


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Here are some important facts about our group!
1. It is open to all students in grades 6-12.
2. The group has currently 9 dulcimers. These were purchased through a grant made possible by the Livingston County Fund of Rochester Area Community Foundation. 5 of the dulcimers will be available for students to borrow for one week once their parents sign the agreement form. The other dulcimers will remain at school. Students can stop by after school Tuesday-Thursday to play them.
3. Our group will formally meet once a month after school to learn new songs and play the dulcimers as a group. Members can also meet together more frequently if they wish.
4. Families may be interested in purchasing their own dulcimers. Although we do not sell dulcimers, we can help in the search for the right one!
5. Members and their families are encourage to participate in a local Dulcimer Learning Group which meets from 3:30-5 PM the 2nd and 4th Mondays of every month at the Nunda Historical Society Building.
6. The group hopes to hold a concert for friends and family in late spring.

      The Livingston County Fund of the Rochester Area Community Foundation supports access to educational excellence for county residents. Almost 900 individuals, families and organizations in the six-county region around Rochester have funds at the Community Foundation and benefit from its unique combination of personalized service, local expertise, and community leadership in the upstate New York area.

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Keshequa Mountain Dulcimer Learning Group

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Loan Agreement Form

The Keshequa Mountain Dulcimer Learning Group has some student dulcimers which can be taken home by the students for a 1 week period. These dulcimers are available on a first come basis. Students are eligible to borrow a dulcimer when they return this sheet signed by their parents or guardians. If no dulcimer is available at the time, they will be put on a waiting list. When they return the dulcimer after 1 week, they will then be eligible to borrow another dulcimer.
Please read the agreement guidelines below and then sign and return the documents.
Student Name      Grade

Parent or Guardian’s names

Parent or Guardian’s names

Contact information (mailing address, phone number, email)

Contact information (mailing address, phone number, email)


Dulcimer Borrowing Guidelines
1. There is no charge for borrowing the dulcimer.
2. The dulcimer will be returned to Mr. Cook no later than one week from the time it was borrowed
3. We will follow the “Care and Feeding of Dulcimers” Guidelines found in the dulcimer bag.
4. If the dulcimer is lost or damaged, we will pay for the replacement ($50) or repair of the instrument. (If the cost of repair exceeds $25, the dulcimer will have to be replaced.)
5. Dulcimers can be picked and returned either by students (be careful on the bus!) or by parents. Parents should make arrangements with Mr. Cook to pick them up. They can be dropped off in the Central Office during the school day or at Mr. Cook’s house (9 Creek Road in the Village) after school hours.
6. Students who fail to return the dulcimer after one week may be restricted from borrowing another dulcimer.
7. Students can use a dulcimer after school in Mr. Cook’s room any Tuesday –Thursday!
We have read and agree to the guidelines listed above.

Students signature          Parent’s signature       Date
Student Name__________________________
Dulcimer # ___________    Date Borrowed ________________
Instruction: This sheet will give you some basic hints on taking care of the dulcimer you have borrowed. For additional information, see the copy of the instructional booklet you were given. Please keep this sheet with the dulcimer! You can find out more on dulcimers at www.everythingdulcimer.com or other dulcimer websites.

The Care and Feeding of Dulcimers

Like all musical instruments, dulcimers are meant to be handled and played, but not to be mistreated. Whether the dulcimers are made of cardboard, plywood, or special wood some simple rules should be followed:
Don’t leave them where someone will sit or step of them.
Don’t let them get wet. Also, don’t set them to close to heat sources or leave them in the cold. This is especially true for the wooden dulcimers.
Don’t let little brothers and sisters play with them!
Do practice often! And don’t forget to sing – dulcimers love you to sing with them!
Do experiment with the dulcimer. See if you can pick out songs you know.
If you have to tune them, follow the directions in the booklet. Remember not to turn the tuning pegs so much that you break a string. You may not have to tune it at all!!!
Feel free to have other family members give it a try!
Dulcimers can be picked and returned either by students (be careful on the bus!) or by parents. Parents should make arrangements with Mr. Cook to pick them up. They can be dropped off in the Central Office during the school day or at Mr. Cook’s house (9 Creek Road in the Village) after school hours.
If your family is interested in buying a dulcimer, please contact Mr. Cook. He doesn’t sell them, but he has had some good (and not so good) experiences in purchasing them and may be able to give some helpful hints! There is also a pretty good guide to buying dulcimers on the website listed above and at eBay.
If you have questions, please contact Mr. Cook at 468-2541 ext 2044 (school) or 469-5991 (home)

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