Civil War Assignment Mr. Cook
    Reminder: You have been assigned two things to do already. Make sure you have them completed. The internet battle worksheet should be completed. You also need to complete Chapter 11 in your textbook by the assigned date.
    Then completed ONE of the following
    1. Get a copy of the Guided Reading sheets for the assigned reading. Complete that as you read.
    2. Pick TWO of the people that where in important in your battle. Do a brief summary of their lives including a)their background, b) military experience before the War c) role in the Civil War d) life after the war.
    3. Research a brief history of one of the Civil War units that many Nunda men belonged to. They are the 33rd NY, 130th NY (1st NY Dragoons), 104th NY (Wadsworth Guards); 136th ;
    4. Complete either activity 19, 29, or 21 on page 383.

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