1. Using the Budget Request Form

Using the Budget Request Form
Using the Budget Request Form yearly should simplify your budget, once you get the hang of it.
You may wish to open the form and then save it to your computer, adding your own personal information to expedite ordering in the future. For example, you may wish to add your name and any other information that will not change. If you order from more than one company you may wish to make one for each company, so that you do not have to look up and retype company addresses each year. Just remember to note any important changes in company information (like address) that may occur.
Another advantage to doing your budgets in a Word table is that you no longer have to add up your figures, Word will do it for you. Once your pricing information has been inputted, move your cursor down to the “total” box (you can do this by single-clicking on the “total” box. Then go to the Table command on your toolbar. Scroll down to “formula”. The formula should say: =SUM(ABOVE) If it does not you will have to type this in. Word will then tabulate your dollar amount for you in the “total” box. PLEASE NOTE, if you are ordering in multiple quantities you will have to arrive at these figures independently, although Word can probably do this, I haven’t yet figured out how.
If you have any question just drop me an e-mail,

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