1. Present fitness assessment
  2. What am I going to do to reach those goals
  3. How will I measure those goals

Fitness Plan guidelines:
Helpful websites: There were 31,600,000 hits on fitness plan from Google, here are some:
Present fitness assessment
 include height, weight, resting heartrate, Blood pressure, present level of activity (low, moderate or active),flexibility (reach how far on your physical fitness test), strength, (number of pull-ups) and aerobic ability (mile run time).
Present caloric intake and recommended intake (use one of the websites)
Fitness goals:

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What am I going to do to reach those goals

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How will I measure those goals
1.  BMI
2.  heartrate
3.  blood pressure
4.  increased distance, speed, time, number, etc.
Timeline of activity ( types of exercise activities {biking, skiing, running, lifting, dance}
1.  calander of what I will do daily, weekly, monthly (time allotted for daily exercise)
2.  what my expectations for results are in 1 month, 2 months, etc.
Any diet changes (cut back on soda, candy, chips, increase intake of fruits, vegetables, protein, water, etc.)

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