ough draft
      Handed in on time (5)     Handed in late (2)   Not handed in (0)  
    Format 5000 words, double spaced, MLA style (6) One error in formatting (5) Two errors in formatting (4) Three errors in formatting (3) Four errors in formatting (2) Five errors in formatting (1) Six or more errors in formatting (0)
    Title page   Neat, complete information; error-free (5) Neat, single error (4) Neat, two errors (3) Sloppy; error-free (2) Sloppy; incomplete (1)  
    Non-existent (0)
    Introduction Well-defined, creative presentation of ideas (6) Original presentation of ideas (5) Mundane presentation of ideas (4) Lacks direction in presentation of ideas (3) Unspecific, vague presentation of ideas (2) Rambling; no direction to presentation of ideas (1)  
    Non-existent (0)
    Thesis Thesis explicitly and emphatically stated (6) Thesis stated clearly (5) Clear thesis; buried too deep (4)  
    Implied thesis (3)
    Unclear thesis (1)
    No thesis (0)
    Logic and Clarity of discussion Explicitly defined discussion with support for each point (30) Clearly defined discussion; most points supported (25) Ideas discussed; inconsistent support (20) Generalizations; weak support (15) Arbitrary and random generalizations; weak support (10) Unsupported generalizations; little to no support (5) No discussion or support of ideas (0)
    Organization Original structure; strong conclusions; smooth transitions (15) Reasoned structure; strong conclusions; smooth transitions (12) Mundane structure, stated conclusions; apparent transitions (10) Hard-to-follow structure; stated conclusion; some transitions (7) Poor organization; weak conclusion; few transitions (5) Disjointed; weak conclusion; no transitions (3) No logical organization; no conclusion; no transitions (0)
    Style Eloquent language; fluid and precise sentences; varied sentence length (10) Articulate word choices; sentences flow smoothly; varied sentence length (8) Appropriate word choices; mostly well-written sentences; some variation in sentence length (6) Simple word choices; dependence on simple and compound sentences (4) Trite word usage; mostly simple sentences (2) Elementary word choices; simple sentences (1)  
    Use of sources Five or more appropriate sources interspersed; correctly used and formatted (10) Four appropriate sources used; one error in use or formatting (8) Three appropriate sources used; two errors in usage or formatting (5) All sources clumped (book report style); correctly used and formatted (5) Two sources used; three errors in use or formatting (3) Inappropriate sources; four or more errors in use or formatting (1) No sources (0)
    Mechanics No errors (6) 1- 2 errors (5) 3-4 errors (4) 5 errors (3) 6 errors (2) 7 errors (1) 8 or more errors (0)
    Works Cited page   5 or more sources; correctly formatted and annotated (5) 5 or more sources; no more than 2 errors (4) 4 sources; no errors; annotated (3) 4 sources; no more than 2 errors (2) Fewer than 4 sources; 3 or more errors (1)  
    No Works Cited page (0)

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