1. Movie Review chart

Movie Review chart
1. Choose one movie (you don’t need to have seen it, you don’t even have to like it…just pick a movie you won’t mind reading about).
2. Go to three of the review sites listed on the Docushare site, or visit them below.

  FilmCritic   Rotten Tomatoes   Ebert & Roper

3. Read a review for the movie you’ve chosen at three DIFFERENT sites.
4. Fill out the chart on the next page from information you gleaned by reading the reviews .
5. Answer the questions on page 3.

Site 1
Site 2
Site 3
Name of site
1. list the positive comments about the movie (includes comments about the stars, the direction, the photography, etc)
2. list the negative comments about the movie (includes comments about the stars, the direction, the photography, etc)


What are the common themes between and among the reviews?
What statements made by the reviewers do you agree with?
What statements made by the reviewers do you disagree with?
Does this review impact either your desire to see the movie or your opinion about the movie?

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