1. May 26, 2006
    2. Board Letter:
    3. 9. Upcoming Events:
    4. 10.  Attachments:

Letter to the Board



May 26, 2006
By the time you're 80 years old you've learned everything. You only have to remember it."

--George Burns, American comedian

Greetings from Wayne Central. Below are a few items of interest.


Board Letter:

1. North Fence: I walked the line where the fence is to be installed. Bob and I feel comfortable that we are making the right decision regarding its location. We also feel committed to reviewing it next year to make sure we were correct. If we weren’t, we will extend it the distances Mr. Anderson is requesting.


2. ASI: The Interview team has forwarded the names of three finalists for me to consider for the position of Assistant Superintendent for Instruction. I have enclosed their resumes for you to learn a little about them. Lori has scheduled appointments with them for next week. I may be able to bring the successful candidate to the next Board meeting.


3. Mr. Landry’s Comments: Last night Mr. Landry asked that you investigate two matters; one was an alleged incident of a teacher cheating on regents exam scoring. The second was former middle school tech teacher Danielle Powelczyk meeting with myself. We have already discussed the first matter at length so I feel comfortable you are fully apprised of the situation. The second issue appears minor, but I believe Mr. Landry was trying to make some connection between Mr. Wiznewski’s resignation and Mrs. Powelczyk. I believe this because this is the second time he has mentioned her. The allegation I believe, though never said, is that we got rid of Mr. Wiznewski so we could hire Mrs. Powelczyk back.

Most of you will say that you do not need to know about a conversation I may or may not have had with a former employee and generally I would agree. But because Mr. Landry has suggested some impropriety has occurred, I want you to be in a position to say that did not occur. Mrs. Powelczyk left us earlier this year to take a position in her hometown of Sodus. Mr. Armocida and I had a great relationship with Danielle as we do with many of our staff. We were both disappointed that she would leave Wayne Central. We were particularly disappointed that she would leave in the middle of the year. Danielle met with both Bob and myself for advice about handling her teaching position in Sodus which was not going well. She also wondered if we would ever consider taking her back if there was an opening. This is actually not an uncommon situation. Kids who have only taught at Wayne think the grass is greener somewhere else, only to discover they didn’t realize what a wonderful opportunity they had here. I told her we would interview her for an opening. Danielle was interviewed for the position but was not the candidate selected. In her interview her depth of knowledge and understanding of teaching was not as good as other candidates competing for the job. As you have heard me say a million times, we make decisions based on what is best for children not what is best for adults.
Earlier this week I hired Michael Elliott to fill the position. He is a wonderful young man who grew up south of Utica in a small farming community, graduated from Oswego State, and impressed both Joe and myself with his knowledge and commitment to children. So you can see that while Mr. Landry may want to make a connection, the facts do not bear out his theory.
Incidentally, I want to compliment Mr. Siracuse on a change he has made in the interview process. He has invited a senior to sit with him as he interviews the final candidates and to gather their input as to who they believe would make a good teacher. This is a model schools idea which I was never able to convince people to embrace. Joe has tried it and has been impressed by the insight of the students. He is convinced we are making better choices because of the student input.

4. Special Olympics:    The Wayne hosted Special Olympics did go on as planned, despite threatening weather. I was very pleased with those in our district for bringing this event to fruition. I know Mr. Blankenberg deserves a real pat on the back for all his efforts in making this happen, despite some apathy from area districts. It was a wonderful opportunity for all our students to be a part of, and I was very proud that Wayne Central took the lead in the event. I wish to also thank all our special education staff that took part in planning and coordinating this event. They did a great job, and it could not have been done with out them. We also had a great amount of support from our student body overall, which was so positive. It was truly a collaboration, with all students winning.
5. Involuntary Transfer Meetings: I meet with three teachers from the MS who are being transferred due to enrollment changes at the MS. The meetings had a range of tones, from “not terribly pleased” to “happy to have a job.” Michelle Scheik meet with the special education teachers effected and they were all pretty much ok with the adjustments, with the exception of one staff member that was somewhat displeased. However, all jobs were saved, so maybe that fact will take hold and ease the transition in the coming months.
6. NYSSBA Annual Convention: We need to make this reservation on June 1, so please let Lori know if you plan to participate in the annual convention in NYC in October (26-29). We can cancel the rooms if necessary (up to a certain date) but will NOT be able to get them if we don’t book on June 1ST.
7. Graduation Ceremonies: Just another reminder, please let Michael or I know right away if you are planning on attending graduation ceremonies. The high school needs to get the cap and gowns for everyone and needs to know your height. So far the only one who has responded is Joyce.
8. Four County Information: Attached is information on the New and “nearly new” school board members workshop for anyone who is interested. Please let Lori know if you wish to attend. Also, Lori has registered Joyce and Jackie for the Annual Meeting

9. Upcoming Events:
May 29 – Memorial Day Observance @ Memorial Point -7:30 p.m.May 30 – HS Undergraduate Awards @ PAC – 7:00 p.m.May 31 – OE Band Concert @ PAC – 7:00 p.m.June 5 – Varsity Club Awards @ PAC – 7:00 p.m.June 6 – MS Band Concert @ PAC – 7:00 p.m.June 7 – MS Awards Night @ PAC – 7:00 p.m.June 8 – Board of Education Meeting @ DO – 7:00 p.m.June 15 – Education Foundation Meeting @ R-House – 7:00 p.m.
May 29 – Memorial Day Observed – School Closed
May 31 – Four County Annual Meeting – Belhurst Castle – 5:30 p.m.
June 1 – Freewill 5th Grade Banquet @ Freewill( semi-formal attire) – 6:15 p.m.
June 1 – OP Grandparents Day
June 7 & 8 – NYS Grade 8 Social Studies Assessment Tests

10. Attachments:
a. ASI Finalist Resumes
b. Four County Information

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