May 25, 2006 6:30 p.m. District Office Conference Room
6:30  Executive Session
7:00  Call To Order /Pledge of Allegiance  
   Approval of Agenda/Approval of Minutes            Att. 1
7:05  Public Comment
7:15  Board Member Comments
7:20  Board President Comments
   Action Items
7:25  Superintendent’s Report

1. Erik Larson Presentation
2. Board Retreat Workshop
3. Special Olympics Information
4. Financial Report
5. Student Questions

8:10  Board Action

1. Appoint Mark Callahan Assistant Purchasing Agent

(effective May 26 through June 30, 2006  )           
8:15  Public Comment
8:20  Board Member Comments
8:25  Adjournment

Next Meeting Date: June 8, 2005 7:00 p.m. District Office Conference Room

District Mission Statement
Based on the belief that all students can learn, the staff of the Wayne Central School District accepts the responsibility to teach all students, regardless of differences, the fundamental skills. We further accept the responsibility to challenge all students to attain higher levels of achievement. Wayne Central will provide the opportunity, environment, and encouragement to meet this goal while developing the whole child, physically, socially, emotionally, and culturally.
Att. 1
Ontario Center, New York 14520
DATE: Thursday, May 4, 2006    TIME: 6:00 p.m.
TYPE: Regular Business Meeting PLACE: District Office/High School
& Public Hearing • Proposed 2006-2007 Budget
(left @ 9:04 p.m.),
PRESENT: Trustees Brunner, Davis, Griswold, Johnson Lyke, Robusto, Schultz, Triou, Wyse; District Clerk Switzer; Administrators Havens, Siracuse, Armitage, Considine, Armocida, Shaffer, La Ruche, Pearles, Cox, Schiek, Atseff, Spring, Callahan
   @ District Office 
GUESTS: Visitor’s Roster filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting
I. CALL TO ORDER: 6:00 p.m. by John D. Triou, School Board President II. EXECUTIVE SESSION (Personnel)
Mr. Robusto offered a MOTION to adjourn the meeting,at 6:01 p.m., for an executive session on personnel matters pertaining to specific persons. 9 Ayes, 0 Nays, Carried.
III. RECONVENE: 7:00 p.m., Performing Arts Center, James A. Beneway High School
V. PUBLIC HEARING · Proposed Budget · 2006-2007 School Year
Mr. Triou opened the public hearing on the proposed school budget for the 2006-2007 school year @ 7:01 p.m. pursuant to §§1608 (1), 1716 (1) and 2022(1) of the NYS Education Law.
Michael Havens, superintendent of schools, outlined highlights of student achievementinacademic, athletic, extra-curricular and community service activities which are also published in the budget newsletter mailed to each postal customer in the school district. (copy of newsletter attached to these minutes in the minute book)
Mr. Havens displayed graphs showing improvements in student achievement on state exams in language arts which reflected a shift from the lower 5 districts to second from the top in grades K to 4 and third from the top in grades 5 to 7 among school districts in neighboring Monroe County. He noted that these achievements are an excellent reflection of the use of budgeted funds.
Mr. Havens reviewed priorities and programimprovements included in the proposed budget.
Mr. Havens noted that the major cost increases for 2006-2007 are for new academic programs, for wage adjustments through collective bargaining agreements, for fuel costs for school busses and vehicles and for health insurance benefits for employees.
In terms of the three budget componentsrequired by the NYS Education Department, the program component represents 71% of the proposed budget, the administrative component represents 12% and the capital component, including first time debt payments for the 2002 Capital Improvement Project, represents 17%.
John Triou, school board president, outlined revenue projections and the projected property tax ratefor 2006-2007. The projected increase in the tax levy is 1.98%.The projected tax increase for a home assessed at $100,000 is $42.00 per year, exclusive of STAR exemptions.
Mr. Havens noted that eligible voters will consider the proposed budget, purchase of busses from school bus purchase reserve fund and election three (3) persons to three (3) seats on the Board of Education at the annual school election on Tuesday, May 16th. Voting will occur from 9:00 a.m, to 9:00 p.m. in the lobby of the new gym at the high school.
Mr. Triou opened the public hearing for comments from the public which are summarized as follows:
(1) Robert Maxwell, 1651 Atlantic Avenue, Walworth, a student at the high school, asked why the school board seeks approval to purchase new school busses when fuel costs are projected to increase by $165,000. Mr. Havens explained that the school district purchases school busses each year according to a replacement plan based on age and mileage of school vehicles.
(2) Denise Kolb, 5984 Lincoln Road, Ontario, asked what program additions are planned for 2006-2007. Mr. Havens and Mr. Triou cited an additional literacy coach for primary and elementary teachers and the pre-engineering program for students to earn college credits in applied technology as examples.
(3) Harry Kowalski, 3893 Orchard Street, Walworth, a former school board member, asked if the school board has explored cooperative insurance as an effort to achieve economies. Mr. Havens stated that the school district presently participates in a cooperative effort with forty-two (42) other school districts and that collective bargaining agreements ratified this spring with both the teaching and non-teaching units included significant concessions for health insurance costs.
Mr. Wyse offered a MOTION to adjourn the public hearing at 7:40 p.m. 9 Ayes, 0 Nays, Carried.
VI. APPROVAL OF AGENDA & MINUTES (April 6 & 26, 2006)
Mr. Schultz requested consideration of the two (2) sets of minutes as separate items and offered a MOTION to approve the agenda for this evening’s meeting and the minutes of the meeting of April 6, 2006, each as presented. 9 Ayes, 0 Nays, Carried.
Mrs. Brunner offered a MOTION to approve the minutes of the meeting of April 26, 2006 as presented. 7 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Abstentions (Mr. Johnson, Mr. Schultz), Carried.



Mr. Triou stated that public comment is some of the most valuable time spent by trustees who appreciate input from speakers. While immediate responses are not always possible, follow-up will occur if needed. He asked speakers to confine their remarks to five (5) minutes. Persons wishing to speak should first be recognized by the school board president, then identify themselves, any organization they may be representing at the meeting, and the agenda topic.

A. Alana Wayland, 2016 Bear Creek Drive, Ontario, a high school student, presented a petition and essays from students in support of the continued employment of Matthew Wisneiwski as a technology teacher at the high school. (copy filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting)
B. Peter Thayer, 4140 County Line Road, Macedon, a high school student, spoke in support of the continued employment of Matthew Wisneiwski as a technology teacher at the high school and the importance of continuity of teachers to student achievement.
C. Brittany Ambeau 6188 Lillypond Way, Ontario, a high school student, spoke in support of the continued employment of Matthew Wisneiwski as a technology teacher at the high school and noted the great rapport he has with his students.
D. Samuel Allen, 2149 Ridge Road, Ontario, a senior, stated that he plans to pursue a career as a technology teacher based in large part on the influence and encouragement of Mr. Wisneiwski. He stated that Mr. Wisneiwski is a good teacher whom everyone respects,
E. Dawn Landry, 365 Jacobs Road, Macedon, spoke from written remarks in support of the continued employment of Matthew Wisneiwski as a technology teacher at the high school and noted his fine efforts with students in the classroom, as advisor for the technology student association which recently earned top honors in statewide competition, and in working with students in the Eagle Ventures program. She requested that the school board table and re-consider the individual’s resignation.
F. Steven Singley, 2223 Ridge Road, Ontario, a high school student, noted that his research paper on the reduction in student achievement rates, nationwide, found a substantial influence on students by teachers who create interest in their subjects. He feels that Mr. Wisneiwski does that and should not resign.
G. Mike Landry, 365 Jacobs Road, Macedon, a high school student, spoke in support of the continued employment of Matthew Wisneiwski as a technology teacher at the high school and noted the potential for fewer students to enroll in those subjects or to lose the motivation to achieve success in the class.
H. Brian Reiber, 4711 Walworth-Ontario Road, Walworth, a middle school student, noted the extra time and attention by Mr. Wineiwiski to help him with a technology project for the state competition which he then won.
I. Peter Thayer, supra, asked each of the persons present in the audience who support Mr. Wisneiwski to stand; a large number of persons in the audience stood up.
J. Dennis Landry, 465 Jacobs Road, Macedon, congratulated the school board for keeping the projected tax levy increase under 2.0%. He noted the large number of students and parents who support of the continued employment of Matthew Wisneiwski as a technology teacher at the high school and the efforts by students to formally express their views through petitions, letters to the editor and speaking at public meetings. He feels that a decision by the school board to accept a recommendation by the acting principal who is now leaving the school district is not in the best interests of our students.
K. Deborah Schmidt, 4184 Ontario Center Road, Walworth, a teacher in a neighboring school district, noted the enthusiasm for school and for learning which her son has demonstrated based on his classes with Mr. Wisneiwski and feels that the school district should encourage and continue that type of instruction. She asked that the school board table this matter, conduct further review and allow the teacher to complete his third probationary year before a final decision is made.
L. Travis Larner, 6811 Slocum Road, Ontario, a high school student, displayed the first place trophy earned by the technology student association in statewide competition and stated that it speaks for itself.
M. Deborah Whittmore, 7345 Knickerbocker Road, Ontario, expressed her concern for the future success of the Eagle Ventures’ program with the departure of Mr. Wisneiwski. She is concerned about the plan to reduce the size of that program and noted the value of the program for her child.
N. Robert Coward, Jr., 6233 Lakeside Road, Ontario, a high school student, stated that Mr. Wisneiwski provides a model to students of traits of responsibility, determination, respect and service and works hard to provide support for all students, regardless of their abilities.
O. Robert Coward, Sr., 6233 Lakeside Road, Ontario, noted that he interacted with Mr. Wisneiwski in both the technology student association competition and the Science Olympiad and witnessed his sincere interest and support for students and his efforts to motivate them. He has also witnessed efforts of other tenured teachers in the past that he would not support in the same manner as in this case. He is disappointed in the process which led to this issue and asked the school board to carefully weigh all of the factors involved,
P. Michael Smith, 744 Plank Road, Walworth, a high school student, noted that this was the first year for the new technology classrooms at the high school and the efforts by Mr. Wisneiwski to teach him and his classmates in temporary space until the new classrooms were completed. He believes that the school board should review other weak programs at the high school, such as mathematics, rather than take action to diminish the value of the technology program.
Q. Susan Newman, 1005 Lake Road, Ontario, stated that one of the themes of the model school’s program is “relevance” and that, regardless of the outcome of the topic at hand, she believes there are many persons present who do not understand the process and are unable to obtain answers from the school board. If the school district is committed to “relevant” instruction, there is a need to insure that students and adults understand the “relevance” of the evaluation process to present and future decisions.
R. Mrs. Newman, supra, stated that she is extremely proud of the manner in which the students have prepared and presented themselves in written and spoken form and displayed maturity in dealing with a very emotional issue.
S. Amanda Collins, 6812 Lakeside Road, Ontario, a high school student, stated that the TV production program helps students create ideas and she believes that Mr. Wisneiwski has helped students do that. She feels it is unfair to ask him to leave and asked if the school board has ever had as large a turnout for a single teacher as this evening.
T. Bryan Reiber, 4711 Walworth-Ontario Road, Walworth, stated that he has owned a construction firm for 35 years and can not emphasize strongly enough the importance that young adults learn trade skills. His son was excited about the prospect of having Mr. Wisneiwski as a technology teacher and he is very proud of the manner in which his son presented his views earlier this evening. He feels the school board should carefully consider the skills this teacher has before accepting his resignation.
Mr. Robusto offered a MOTION to extend public speaking time by five (5) minutes. 9 Ayes, 0 Nays, Carried.
V. Cathy Connelly, 734 Jacobs Road, Macedon, noted that the school board reversed a decision in a prior year when the seniors in the Class of 2003 presented their arguments for reinstatement of the senior class trip. She believes that the speakers this evening have presented many valid concerns and she does not understand what this teacher may have done that would not afford him a third probationary year to determine resolution of those issues. She believes that students and parents deserve a better explanation of the reasons for this proposed action. She added that this teacher worked with class of as many as thirty (30) students in temporary classrooms as the new spaces were completed in mid-year.
A. Mr. Wyse extended compliments to everyone who assisted in preparation and presentation of the middle school’s musical presentation of “The Sound of Music” this past weekend.
B. Mr. Wyse extended thanks to Amanda Collins for preparation and presentation efforts for use of microphones for this evening’s meeting upon short notice.
C. Mr. Wyse noted that senior Millie Perez is guest soloist for the national anthem at Frontier Filed this evening for the Red Wings’ baseball game.
D. Mr. Wyse noted that he has completed reading the trustee-shared copy of “The World Is Flat” and has it to pass along this evening.
Mr. Havens noted that the students who have spoken at recent school board meetings have presented themselves very well and shared their views verbally and in writing in an articulate manner. He also noted that they expressed their concerns through established channels from the building level to the district level and the Board of Education. Regardless of the final decisions reached, he is very proud of the manner in which the students participated in the democratic process.
Mr. Havens introduced Mr. Marc Blankenberg, director of athletics and physical education, to recognize the recent achievements of junior Ryan La Magra and senior Josh Patterson.
Mr. Blankenberg reviewed the outstanding season for the wrestling team and the records set by Ryan, in sixth place, and Josh, who placed first, respectively, in national wrestling competition.
Mr. Triou presented plaques to each of the students. Mr. Robusto noted that wrestling is not a casual sport and requires a combination of mind and body fitness and preparation.
Mr. Havens stated that the community recognition of local students through the highway signage at the entry points to the school district will now include these honors along with the district’s Science Olympiad achievements.
Mr. Havens stated that these accomplishments do not occur without the efforts of the team coaches and extended compliments to Scott Freischlag, varsity wrestling coach, and Ted Hargarther, assistant coach, for the fine wrestling program they have developed. Trustees, audience members and students present extended a round of applause.
Mr. Havens introduced Mr. Laurence Spring, assistant superintendent for instruction, to present the academic progress report for third quarter of the 2005-2006 school year.
Mr. Spring shared highlights of the report in a PowerPoint presentation of facts and graphs (copy filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting),
He noted the gains in achievement among primary and elementary students due to continued emphasis on literacy and mathematics and strong passing and mastery rates by middle school students their core subjects.
At the high school, efforts are focused during the final quarter on the Regents’ exams in earth science, Math A and junior English. The co-teaching model is working well at the high school for students with disabilities. Achievement by students with disabilities also showed continued improvement at each level.
Mr. Johnson commended the students, teachers and administrators whose diligent efforts are reflected by these results. Trustees, audience members and students present extended a round of applause in recognition of the hard work by committee.
Mr. Havens noted that Mr. Spring has accepted appointment as superintendent of schools for the Cortland City School District, effective July 1st, and reviewed a timeline for recruitment and selection of his successor.   (copy filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting)
Mr. Havens invited the Board of Education to designate a trustee liaison to the screening committee. Mr. Triou stated that he would like to serve in that role for this position. Hearing no objection, he formalized that designation.
Mike Smith, 744 Plank Road, Walworth, asked about the status of potential sand volleyball courts for the Ontario Center campus. Mr. Havens stated that he and Mr. Miller, director of facilities, met with the team to review the topic and the step is for the team representatives to provide costs and design plans for further review. He is hopeful that the proposal will meet with success.
XII. RECESS:    9:04 p.m.
 (Mr. Johnson left the meeting @ 9:05 p.m.) 
XIII. RECONVENE: 9:15 p.m.
Mr. Havens presented the following personnel changes for review and consideration by the Board of Education:
Katie Breedy, art, assigned to the high school, effective June 30, 2006 (personal reasons)
Joshua Dougherty, special education, assigned to the middle school, effective June 30, 2006. (personal reasons)
Christina Sauers, special education, assigned to the high school, effective June 30, 2006. (personal reasons)
Meybhol Vanegas, Spanish, assigned to the high school and middle school, effective June 30, 2006 (personal reasons)
Matthew Wisniewski, technology, assigned to the high school, effective June 30, 2006 (personal reasons)
Michael Kenyon, science teacher, NYS Control No. 552123941 (permanent) assigned to the high school, a two (2) year probationary appointment effective March 20, 2006 through March 19, 2008 at $53,468 (replacement for Francis Gough, resigned)
Additional Coaching Appointments/Designations • 2005-2006 School Year
(Competition Payments – Sectionals, State Qualifiers, State Championship)
See Listing, Clerk’s Agenda File, This Meeting
Sharon Crisafulli, teacher aide, 1:1, assigned to the high school, a two-(2) month temporary civil service appointment effective April 28 through June 30, 2006 at $8.25 per hour (replacement for Patricia Gommenginger during a leave of absence)
Randall Emison, teacher aide, assigned to the high school, a six month probationary civil service appointment effective March 20 through November 19, 2006 at $8.25 per hour (new, budgeted position)
Jacklyn Gurnett, teacher aide, 1:1, assigned to the high school, a two (2) month temporary civil service appointment effective April 24 through June 30, 2006 at $8.25 per hour (replacement for Kristin Liberti-Bauerschmidt while on child rearing leave)
Ann Jordan, cafeteria monitor, assigned to the high school, a six month probationary civil service appointment effective February 6 through October 5, 2006 at $7.43 per hour (new, budgeted position)
Catherine Luke, senior typist, assigned to the district office (instruction), a permanent civil service appointment effective May 20, 2006, at current salary (having served a successful probationary period)
Robert Miller, director of facilities and operations, a permanent civil service appointment effective May 29, 2006, at current salary (having served a successful probationary period)
Terry Nevil, cafeteria monitor, assigned to the high school, a six month probationary civil service appointment effective March 3 through November 2, 2006 at $7.43 per hour (new, budgeted position)
Bobbi Sue Peper Hasenauer, typist (10 mo), assigned to the high school, a six month probationary civil service appointment effective May 1 through December 31, 2006 at $9.43 per hour (replacement for Catherine Luke, re-assigned to senior typist, district office)
Ann Rosenzweig, cafeteria monitor, assigned to the high school, a permanent civil service appointment effective April 23, 2006  (having served a successful probationary period)
Dawn Schmidt cafeteria monitor, assigned to the high school, a six month probationary civil service appointment, effective March 13 through November 12, 2006 at $7.43 per hour (new, budgeted position)
Deborah Whittemore, school bus driver, a permanent civil service appointment effective April 25, 2006  (having served a successful probationary period)  
Patricia Gommenginger, teacher aide, 1:1, assigned to the high school, a combination paid and unpaid FMLA leave of absence effective May 9 through June 30, 2006
Mrs. Brunner offered a MOTION to approve the personnel changes as recommended by the superintendent of schools. 8 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Mr. Johnson), Carried.
Mr. Havens presented the pupil placement recommendations of the Committee on Special Education for review and consideration by the Board of Education.
Mr. Wyse offered a MOTION, seconded by Mrs. Brunner, to adopt a RESOLUTION for pupil placements by the CSE, TO WIT:
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the recommendations of the Committee on Special Education and authorizes the Director of Student Services to arrange the recommended special programs and services.
On the question, the RESOLUTION was adopted by a vote of 8 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Mr. Johnson),

(1) Reports of the School District Treasurer (A/O 2/28/06 & 3/31/06)
(2) Award Bids • Supplies & Equipment • Physical Education, Athletics & Health • 2006-2007
(3) Resolution for Non-Public Health Services Contract • West Irondequoit CSD
(4) Resolution for Non-Public Health Services Contract • Canandaigua City School District
(5) Resolution for Non-Public Health Services Contract • Rush-Henrietta CSD
(6) Resolution for Non-Public Health Services Contract • Gates-Chili CSD
(7) Declare School Vehicles As Surplus Property • Busses, Truck, Sedan
(8) Appointment of School Election Personnel • May 16, 2006
Mr. Havens presented the consensus agenda for review and consideration by the Board of Education.
Mrs. Brunner offered a MOTION, seconded by Mr. Wyse, to approve/adopt the consensus agenda, as presented by the superintendent of schools, as follows:
(1) Receive & file reports of the school district treasurer for the periods ending February 28, 2006 & March 31, 2006 (copies attached to these minutes in the minute book)
(2) Award bids for supplies & equipment for physical education, athletics & health, 2006-2007, to the lowest responsible bidders, multiple bid award (copy filed in clerk’s files)
(3) Adopt a RESOLUTION for a non-public health services contract with the West Irondequoit CSD, TO WIT:
(Non-Public School Pupils, 2005-2006)
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of Wayne Central School District hereby approves a contract with the Board of Education of the West Irondequoit Central School District for health service charges, pursuant to §912 of the State Education Law, for pupils at non-   public schools in the 2005-2006 school year, and authorizes the President and Clerk of the Board of Education to execute said contract, pending approval of same by the superintendent of schools (copy of contract filed in clerk’s files)
(4) Adopt a RESOLUTION for a non-public health services contract with the Canandaigua City School District, TO WIT:
(Non-Public School Pupils, 2005-2006)
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of Wayne Central School District hereby approves a contract with the Board of Education of the Canandaigua City School District for health service charges, pursuant to §912 of the State Education Law, for pupils at non-public schools in the 2005-2006 school year, and authorizes the President and Clerk of the Board of Education to execute said contract, pending approval of same by the superintendent of schools (copy of contract filed in clerk’s files)
(5) Adopt a RESOLUTION for a non-public health services contract with the Rush-Henrietta CSD, TO WIT:
(Non-Public School Pupils, 2005-2006)
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of Wayne Central School District hereby approves a contract with the Board of Education of the Rush-Henrietta Central School District for health service charges, pursuant to §912 of the State Education Law, for pupils at non-public schools in the 2005-2006 school year, and authorizes the President and Clerk of the Board of Education to execute said contract, pending approval of same by the superintendent of schools (copy of contract filed in clerk’s files)
(6) Adopt a RESOLUTION for a non-public health services contract with the Gates-Chili CSD, TO WIT:
(Non-Public School Pupils, 2005-2006)
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of Wayne Central School District hereby approves a contract with the Board of Education of the Gates-Chili Central School District for health service charges, pursuant to §912 of the State Education Law, for pupils at non-public schools in the 2005-2006 school year, and authorizes the President and Clerk of the Board of Education to execute said contract, pending approval of same by the superintendent of schools (copy of contract filed in clerk’s files)
(7) Declare school vehicles as surplus property and dispose pursuant to Policy #5250, as follows: Bus Nos. 166, 195, 196, 197, 200, 203, 212, 214, 215 & 228, a 1987 Chevy Dump Truck, a 1975 Brockway Truck & a 1990 Chevy Caprice sedan
(8) Appointment of school election personnel for the annual school election of May 16, 2006 (copy filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting)


On the question, the consensus agenda was approved/adopted by a vote of 8 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Mr. Johnson)
Mr. Griswold offered a MOTION to waive the thirty (30) minute time period for public comment at meetings of the Board of Education per Board of Education Policy 3220. 6 Ayes, 2 Nays (Mr. Robusto, Mr. Wyse), 1 Absent (Mr. Johnson), Carried.
A. Deborah Schmidt, supra, asked what was included in the personnel action approved by the Board of Education this evening. Mr. Triou read the recommended actions. Mrs. Schmidt asked if this action is final; Mr. Triou stated it is.
B. Peter Thayer, supra asked if another technology teacher is lined up to fill the vacancy which the resignation of Mr. Wisneiwski will create. Mr. Havens stated he would review that topic with Peter after the meeting.
C. Peter Thayer, supra, asked if the school district could re-hire Mr. Wisneiwski. Mr. Havens stated he would review that topic with Peter after the meeting.
D. Dennis Landry, supra, stated that he hopes that the school board does not re-hire the technology teacher who abandoned the program and the students when she left in mid-year.
E. Deborah Whittemore, supra, noted the large number of persons present and speaking this evening in support of the continued employment of Mr. Wisniewski and she feels that the school board made a poor decision. She is also concerned about the potential reduction in size of the Eagle Ventures’ program and wonders if she will receive answers to her questions about where her son goes from here.
F. Edward Collins, 6812 Lakeside Road, Ontario, asked why the school board allowed persons to speak this evening and think they could change the decision and then wait until everyone left to accept the resignation. The speakers hoped; he feels the school board should have stated at the outset that they had made their decision. He does not believe that the meeting agenda and process works fairly.
A. Mrs. Lyke reminded trustees of meetings on May 31st  (annual meeting) @ Geneva and May 22nd  (President/Vice-President Roundtable) at Flint of the Four County School Boards Association. Former Presidential Aide Mark Gearan, now president of Hobart & William Smith Colleges, will speak at the annual meeting.
B. Mrs. Lyke asked when the annual Elenbee Awards for student musical productions are planned this year; Mr. Havens stated he would provide details.
C. Mr. Schultz stated he has changed his employment and will share new contact information.
Mrs. Brunner offered a MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 9:33 p.m. 8 Ayes, 0 Nays 1 Absent (Mr. Johnson), Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
School District Clerk
The foregoing minutes of the Board of
Education were submitted for review
& (approved as presented)(corrected
as noted) at the meeting of
May 25, 2006
School District Clerk
Ontario Center, New York 14520
DATE: Tuesday, May 16, 2006    TIME: 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
TYPE: Annual School District Election PLACE: High School Gymnasium Lobby
PRESENT: District Clerk Switzer, Election Inspectors Althea Biviano, Jean Bassage, Lyle Bassage, Hope Benjamin, Nancy Benton, Christine Butler, Patricia Fisher, Frances Hastings, Marilyn Hamman, Carolyn Lyon, Cindy Miller, Evelyn Nersinger, Barbara Sass, Blanche Sones, Jean Susser, Judy Taillie, Brenda Toal, Thomas Toal; Machine Custodians Eric Lubberts and Michael Semans.
I. OPENING OF THE POLLS - 9:00 a.m., local time
Inspectors filed their oath of office statements with the school district clerk prior to service as inspectors of election. Each shift of workers designated a chief inspector, as noted on the tally sheet attached to these minutes in the minute book.
The voting machines were opened and inspected by the district clerk and the inspectors of election assigned to the morning shift who certified that all columns & rows were set at zero. Each of the write-in rolls was secured & initialed.
The voting machines were unlocked and prepared for use by eligible voters of the school district.
At 9:00 p.m., Mr. Switzer announced that the polls were closed. The poll lists showed a total of 1,315 persons. The inspectors of election confirmed this tally by comparison to the total of the public counter tally on each of the three-(3) voting machines. Absentee ballots totaled 19.
The voting machines were locked, opened and the tallies on each recorded by the district clerk and the inspectors of election for the evening shift. The tally of votes which appeared on the voting machines for Proposition #1 & Proposition #2 and for school trustee candidates were announced by Mr. Switzer as noted below.
The write-in rolls were inspected and removed from the machines. There were no write-in ballots for school trustee.
Absentee ballots were canvassed and cast by the inspectors of election with names and added to the poll list and tally as noted below.
The results of the vote were confirmed by the inspectors of election as follows:
(copy of election inspectors’ signed tally sheet attached to these minutes in the minute book)
PROPOSITION #1: Proposed 2006-2007 Budget
Yes No Blank
Ballot by Machine: 793 496 26
Absentee Ballots: 8 10 1
PROPOSITION #2: Purchase Busses From School Bus Purchase Reserve Fund
Yes No Blank
Ballot by Machine: 851 420 44
Absentee Ballots: 13 6 0
ELECTION OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES (Vote Tallies by Candidate in Ballot Order)
Scott W Larry L. . Tom Susan H. Marian John D.
Griswold Ruth Nicholson Newman Adams-Wulfert Triou
Ballot by Machine: 735 452 350 699
460 744
Absentee Ballot 11 10 6 6
6 15
TOTAL: 746 462 356 705 466   759
WRITE-IN CANDIDATES (Tallies by Candidate in Vote Count Order) - None
Based on the foregoing vote tallies for school trustee, the following persons were declared elected as school trustee, effective July 1, 2006.
Three Year Term John D. Triou
Three Year Term Scott W. Griswold
Three Year Term Susan H. Newman
The annual school election was concluded @ 9;50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
School District Clerk
The foregoing minutes of the Board of education were submitted for review & (approved as presented) (corrected as noted) at the meeting of
May 25, 2006
School District Clerk

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