1. April 13, 2006
    2. Board Agenda:
    3. Board Letter:
    4. 11. Upcoming Events:
    5. 12. Attachments:

Letter to the Board



April 13, 2006


Greetings from Wayne Central. Below are a few items of interest.


Board Agenda:
1. Three Boards Meeting: I am enclosing the Three Boards Agenda. As you can see it is a full agenda. The student presentations involves a presentation of certificates from the County Board of Supervisors and will be presented by our Town Supervisors to students of excellence. I will make a shortened budget presentation.
2. BOCES Budget Vote: We will need to convene at 6:50, in my office for the purpose adopting the BOCES Budget. All districts in the WFL BOCES must vote on April 26, thus the reason we selected this date for the three boards meeting. The large booklet you received at the last board meeting from BOCES contained the budget pages, but I have enclosed those pages again for your review. It is fairly reasonable and I support its passage.


Board Letter:

1. OE Student Burn: Earlier this week a student at OE is reported to have received 2nd degree burns from a bowl of soup in the cafeteria, that spilled from her lunch tray. The tray was placed on a pick up area 1-2 inches above the serving line where the student picked it up and brought it onto the serving line. The soup spilled and her wrist was burned. She went to the nurse for treatment and an accident report was filed. Nique Wilson, Food Service Director spoke to the NYS Health Department about the incident and the temperature of the soup. He said that the district should be commended for actually meeting health code by serving it at the recommended temperature (and not luke warm) and stated “it is understood that you will receive a soup or chili at higher temperatures because the public expects this food to be hot.” The parent was upset with the temperature of the soup and has stated she is talking to her lawyers. I’ll let you know if anything materializes.
2. April Break: I will be in Florida next week. I believe Lori will be on vacation next week as well. If you need to reach me, try my cell phone, or give Lori a call and she might be successful in reaching me. There will not be a board letter next Friday as I plan to be basking in the sun, reading a good book, playing golf or walking on the beach…….


3. Education Foundation Donation: We will receive our first official donation to the Education Foundation this morning. CSEA presented a $500 per year donation for the duration of their current contract. The Wayne County Mail was present to take a photo. I am very pleased with the CSEA and their initiative in this donation. I hope this might encourage others to do the same.


4. Track Ribbon Cutting Ceremony: The Ribbon Cutting Ceremony went very well. Thanks to Marc, Amy, Lori and Nan for organizing. Thanks also to Nique for refreshments, maintenance staff for set up and Ontario Recreation for the use of their tent. Thanks to all of you who were able to attend.


5. Budget Presentations: John and I made a budget presentation to Rotary this past week. They were very receptive to the budget. Lori is setting up some other community presentations. I am presenting to all the faculty and staff in the next few weeks also. I will be attempting to meet with the Ontario and Walworth Fire Departments, The Ontario September Club, the Booster Clubs, and all the PTA’s. Lori will forward you a list of places and times once it is finalized.


6. Golf Tournament: On May 19, the Annual District Golf Tournament will be held at the Webster Golf Course. There is a limited number of foursomes that there is space for, so start thinking of your partners now. This is a great opportunity to get involved and mingle. Please contact Dick Galvin, Martha Hanley or me if you are interested in playing. This is one of the fundraising events the WTA initiates for their scholarship and Weisenreder funds.


7. MS Award: Merry Go Round Youth Theatre – Echoes 2006 awarded Wayne MS the Outstanding Writing Achievement Award for the 6th Grade. The Merry Go Round Theatre contracts with our district to come in and create interactive performances in various schools which then involve coordinated writing opportunities that are submitted.


8. Parent Letter: Mark Wyse received the enclosed letter from Mr. Bodak. He is obviously very upset about the dismissal of the tech teacher as well numerous other issues. As we explained last week the tech teacher has told his students about the situation. Obviously this has upset some of them. This lack of judgment is just one more example of why I stand by our decision to let him go. The National Tech Competition that Mr. Bodak mentions was a mystery to me. I was not aware of what this was. I was with the tech teachers on Monday. No one mentioned anything about a national competition. I asked Mr. Siracuse about this. He knew nothing but did some investigation. He found out that there is a national competition but Matt (the tech teacher) did not tell Mr. Siracuse about it nor ask if the team could go. We are investigating our options at this point. If their competition at Oswego has earned them the right to compete nationally then of course we would whole heartily support them. –another example why we aren’t asking Matt back.


9. BOCES in the News: Enclosed is an article about Monroe BOCES staff that you should read. It demonstrates why we have to carefully monitor all aspects of our finances.


10. Easter Greetings: Best wishes to you and your families for a Happy Easter. May you have the opportunity to spend time with family and loved ones for all those who may be traveling – safe travels.


11. Upcoming Events:
April 26 – Three Boards’ Meeting @ District Office – 7:00 p.m.  
April 24 – HS PTSA Meeting at DO – 7:00 p.m.
April 24-28 – Turn off the TV Week – Various Activities all week long
April 24-28 – OP/OE Book Fair
April 26 – Game Night at Casey Park
April 27 – Family Read Night sponsored by OP/OE PTA A OE – 7:00 p.m.
Athletics: (Home Events Only)
4/18 – Varsity Softball vs. Lyons – 4:15 p.m.
4/24 – JV Baseball vs. Victor – 4:15 p.m.
4/24 – JV Boys Tennis vs. Midlakes – 4:15 p.m.
4/25 – JV Baseball vs. Canandaigua – 4:15 p.m.
4/25 – JV Softball vs. Canandaigua – 4:15 p.m.
4/25 – V Boys’ Tennis vs. Honeoye – 415 p.m.
4/26 – V Boys’ vs. Pal-Mac – 4:25 p.m.
4/27 – Varsity Baseball vs. Penn Yan – 4:15 p.m.

12. Attachments:


a. BOCES Budget
b. John Bodak Letter
c. D&C Article on BOCES Audit


April 12, 2006
Wayne Central School District
6200 Ontario Center Road
Ontario Center, New York 14520
Dear Board Members:
In my recent excursion to Oswego State College with the TSA competition team, I was very disappointed to hear Technology instructor, Mr. Matt Wisniewski will no longer be employed by the Wayne Central School District. It seems his contract is not being renewed by the district! This truly is an injustice to the students and parents who look forward to the leadership skills and knowledge displayed by such a devoted teacher.
As Facilities Manager of the Webster Central School District, past sponsor of the Science Olympiad Competition and involved parent of the Technology TSA program, this information has shaken the trust I have placed in the administrative staff at Wayne Central.
In the 30 + years as a Maintenance Facilitator at Webster Schools, I know how important it is to hire qualified employees who are well rounded and skilled in the mechanical field. Mr. Matt Wisniewski brings this trait out in our students as was displayed at the Oswego State College TSA competition. The High School team achieved first place over undefeated Ithaca High School. It is also unfortunate the Wayne Central School Board cannot support this teacher and our students in their endeavors to compete in the national competition to be held in Texas.
I have been an avid supporter /voter for numerous years and have fielded negative comments of questionable leadership on the behalf of the district from time to time. With the dismissal of Mr. Matt Wisniewski, I personally am beginning to question the leadership displayed by the Wayne Central School District. Issues of example are: construction of the unrealistic “Clock Tower” addition, Technology equipment purchased during the bond project still not being utilized due to lack of tooling, a high school Principal quietly dismissed with no explanation to the public. Other actions include appointment of an “in house” elementary principal to the high school after a taxpayer funded nationwide search, key administrators seeking employment in other districts and qualified teachers leaving Wayne Central add to the list. Now you are dismissing a qualified Technology teacher!
On behalf of the students and involved parents, please reconsider and reappoint a dedicated teacher and put an end to misguided information from questionable and short term administrators.
John M. Bodak


BOCES audit says some staff abused resources

Gary McLendon  
Staff writer


(April 13, 2006) — A recent state Education Department audit reports that a lack of controls over the BOCES 2 internal billing and payment process led to an "abuse of resources" by some BOCES staffers which in some cases resulted in nonpayment of repairs made on their cars.

Sheila Matsumoto of Hilton, who went to state officials last year seeking the investigation, told the Monroe-Orleans Board of Cooperative Educational Services 2 on Wednesday during its regular meeting that if the board didn't take disciplinary action against staffers who were in violation of the law, that she would seek a criminal investigation by the Monroe County District Attorney's Office.

According to the audit, as of June 30, 2005, more than $9,000 in unpaid auto repairs were done for BOCES 2 staff and management. Two senior officials each had 22 repair bills, some dating back to September 2001, totaling $1,670 and $2,125 respectively, that had not been paid in a timely manner. They were paid by the first day of the audit.

The BOCES officials in question were not named in the audit, or during the meeting.

It is against state law for BOCES to extend credit for goods or services. The actions taken by staffers violate BOCES policy, the audit said.

Interim BOCES Superintendent Joseph J. Marinelli said his own investigation shows that there has been "delayed billing and delayed payment that involved support staff, teachers, administrators, board members, students and community members with no special preference given to anyone of any group."
Steve Zions of Hilton said that because "the auditor is pointing out that this is a violation of our state constitution ... my interpretation is this now becomes a potential criminal manner."
The state is requiring BOCES to shore up its internal bookkeeping procedures — something Marinelli said has already been done.

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