1. Att. e

Letter to the Board

March 17, 2006

May luck be our companion; May friends stand by our side;
May history remind us all; Of Ireland's faith and pride.
May God bless us with happiness; May love and faith abide.    

- - Irish Blessing (Happy St. Patrick’s Day!)

Greetings from Wayne Central. Below are a few items of interest.
Board Agenda:
1. TV Production: There will be a presentation on our TV production studio and class. Staff will show aspects of the technical as well as the broadcast end.
2. Budget: The Board’s charge to me was to get the tax rate down to somewhere between 0% and 2%. I have been working with administrators to bring you a plan that will meet that goal. We are not finished so I do not have a packet with the balancing recommendations for you today. You will receive them at our meeting. One of the areas we are looking at is not replacing some of elementary teachers who may retire. It is our goal to keep primary grades (K-2) at 16-19 and intermediate (3-4) at 20-25. Due to reduced enrollment at the elementary, I believe we can cut at least three elementary classrooms (through retirements) and still be within these numbers. Greg and I have reviewed the most recent information coming from Albany and will be able to adjust State aid up slightly. We are confident we can meet your goal though you must be prepared to cut positions.
Yesterday I met with my fellow Wayne County superintendents. The chart below shows where they predict their tax rate will be next year . These numbers are very confidential and must not be shared with anyone.
School Tax Rate Increase Comments
School 1 3.8 Cutting teaching positions
School 2 6.3 Cutting 2 positions
School 3 4.1 Not cutting
School 4 4 Not replacing some retirees
School 5 5-6 Cutting 1.8 million 18 teachers
School 6 6.9  
School 7 4 Cuts through attrition
School 8 9.5 Cutting 5 staff positions
School 9 4 Cutting at least 2 positions
School 10 8 Cutting 2-3 positions
Wayne 0-2 Mainly cuts through attrition
Average 5.2    

It is my personal belief that the 8% and 9.5% increases will come down. I don’t think they would dare go out that high given the other rates. Things will change over the next three weeks. There will be pressure on districts to cut more and pressure to add more. I can’t predict how much the numbers will change or what gets reported in papers. I do believe that even at 2% our tax increase will be among the lowest if not the lowest in the county.
3. BOCES Board Nomination: Jeanne Durfee has asked for our support in her candidacy to continue on the BOCES board. I will be recommending that we nominate her at this board meeting. The nomination will then need to be filed on Friday, March 24.
Board Letter:
1.  Carl & Carl Fisher: I e-mailed you earlier about Carl Fisher’s condition. There has not been a great deal of change in his condition. He has some eye movement, reacts to loud noises, and some awareness of the breathing tube, which indicate a very small sign of improvement. The doctors are saying he is not in a coma he is just not awake. It still sounds very serious and we ask for continued prayers.
2.  Larry Spring: There is nothing officially to be said about Larry’s candidacy for the Pal-Mac position. I can tell you that he and I have had a number of unofficial discussions. I expect to be able to say something official by our Board meeting. I’ll let you know sooner if I am able.
3.  Gullace Property: We (the town, county and school) will be meeting again on April 3 to review where we want to go with the next step. I am attaching some recent information from John Refermat regarding the latest meeting. Please look it over and let me know if you have any questions. Frank is our Board representative on this matter. Please feel free to ask him , Greg or I any questions.
4.  Elementary Principalship: The committee narrowed the candidates to three and have submitted the names to me. I will be interviewing them next week. If we stay within our timeframe I will bring a candidate to our April meeting.
5.  Carolyn Straub Retirement: HS and MS German teacher Carolyn Straub came to see me Tuesday morning to let me know of her intentions to retire at the end of this year. I am very sad to learn this news, although at age 64, I can not blame her. She will be sorely missed and very difficult to replace. She exemplifies a quality teacher, has strong leadership skills, models wonderful classroom management and lesson planning and has done a great service to our school with the inception of the GAPP program.
6.  Skateboarders/Wrestlers: It has been quiet on this front this week. I have learned from students that the skateboarders are often called emos. It is short for emotionals meaning they are emotional, always wear black etc. Holly continues to monitor the situation. I have also attached a hardcopy of Mr. Freischlag’s email which I sent earlier electronically.
7.  TSA Competition: Our High School & Middle School Technology Student Association will again be traveling to Oswego for the Annual Conference at the SUNY Oswego Campus April 28 and April 29, 2006. The appropriate paperwork has been submitted for the trip. As you may recall, the students did extremely well last year, with a top finish. They were awarded a second place ranking, although there was a great deal of debate about whether they really earned the first place award.
8.  Board Petitions: Petitions have been picked up by John Triou, Scott Griswold and Susan Newman. You probably have heard of the first two. They are often hanging around Board Meetings. Susan Newman has three children. One will graduate this year, one is a freshman and the youngest is in 5th grade at OE. She attended model schools with two of our Board members last year. You may also know her husband Ed who is heavily involved with the Ontario Recreation program. Susan is a Dr. of Audiology at Monroe BOCES working with students with hearing disabilities.
9.  WTA Contract: The contract between the WTA and the district ws ratified Thursday night by a vote of 207 to 48. Having a new 5 year contact is great! We have some committee work to do on professionalism and stipends.
10.  Upcoming Events:
March 17 – Happy St. Patrick’s Day!! – Green birch beer & Corned Beef and Cabbage for everyone!!!
March 17 – WTA – Social Gathering at OGC – Everyone welcome – 3:30 on….
March 20 – Spring Equinox –YES, it has arrived, officially anyway!
March 20 – HS PTSA meeting @ DO – 7:00 p.m.
March 22 – Mandatory Parent/Student Senior Trip Meeting @ PAC – 7:00 p.m.
March 23 – Board of Education Meeting @ DO – 7:00 p.m.
March 28 –HS Art Show @ HS – 7:00 p.m.
March 29 – Freewill Parent Group Meeting @ FE Media Center – 6:45 p.m.
March 30-31 – NYSCOSS Meeting at Turf Inn, Albany
March 31, April 1 – HS Musical, Cinderella; 7:00 p.m. Saturday 2:00 and 7:00 p.m.
11.  Attachments:
a.  Freischlag Email
b.  Safety Committee Meeting Minutes – March 2
c.  Hopeworks Newsletter – March
d.  BOCES Newsletter “ Board to Board” – February
e.  Policy Committee Meeting Minutes – 3/16


Att. a

I can not meet at 2:00 today for two reasons;
1.   I need to prepare for the meeting. This means I have to speak with an attorney which will happen tonight.  
2.   I am going to have an “advisor” attend the meeting with me to record the conversation and that person is not available this afternoon.  
I am available to meet at either 1:45 tomorrow or at 7:30 Monday a.m. Please let me know if either of those times are okay, or let me know of another time when the meeting can occur.
Thank you,

Att. b

TO: Safety Committee Members:
Chris Shaffer - Committee Co-Chairperson (MS Asst. Principal)

Fred Prince - Transportation
Maureen Doyle – MS PE
Tom Lucieer – OE Maintenance
Mark Callahan - DO Administration
Lori Sensenbach – OP SCRIP
Bob Magin – FE Instructional
Kim Smith – SRO
Chris Moore- HS Science Dept.
Don Davis - School Board Rep.
FROM: Bob Miller – Committee Co-Chairperson (Dir. of Facilities)
RE:                   Meeting Minutes
DATE: March 2, 2006

Old Business
At the last meeting the committee listed the emergency training procedures for staff that are required through Project Save.
Starting at the top of the list, with Fire Drills, we identified that most of the training is done at the beginning of the school year with staff development. Persons to which duties have been assigned are trained at that time. We all agreed that this, along with the required twelve fire drills practiced during the school year would be adequate training .
The next subject was Gas Leaks. This training is covered in the Emergency Disaster Procedures booklet. After reviewing the procedure there was one item the Committee would like to change. Currently, if there is a gas leak, students are to leave the building and stand at a safe distance. Instead, to allow for RG&E response time and weather factors, we all agreed that it would be best if students and staff were to be evacuated to a nearby school. Those from all buildings except Freewill should be able to walk to the nearest building. We have an agreement with the Walworth Highway Department allowing us to use their facility in case of an emergency. Students from Freewill must walk across the lawn to reach the Highway Department building. This works well until the winter months. Fred Prince suggested that buses could be sent over to transport students to the Highway building or to another school building within 15 minutes if needed.
New Business
I will look into getting a replacement for committee member Frank Gough.
There are concerns about safety measures at the new high school weight room. I will ask Marc Blankenberg to attend the next meeting to answer any questions.
Next Safety committee Meeting – Tuesday, April 11th, at 8 am and 2:30 pm.
 Robert Miller
Director of Facilities
Wayne Central Schools

Att. c

Att. e

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DATE: Thursday, March 16, 2006 TIME: 5:15 p.m. PLACE: District Office

PRESENT: Trustees Johnson, Brunner, Davis, Mr. Havens, Mr. Atseff, Mr. Switzer

PRIOR MEETING MINUTES: January 19, 2006 (copy provided by e-mail)
(1)   Follow-Up: - Public Hearing & First & Second Reading – Policy 7310 Revisions to Code of Student Conduct: Mr. Johnson noted the public hearing was conducted and the first and second readings of these items were approved by the Board of Education.
(2)   Review of Second Reading of Proposed Policy Revisions 3220- Public Participation at Board of Education Meetings & 3290 – Speed Limit & Vehicles on School Grounds: Mr. Johnson noted that the second reading was approved by the Board of Education for these items:
(3)   Review of Proposed Policy Revisions First & Second Reading: Mr. Johnson noted that the first and second readings were approved by the Board of Education for the following items:
4210 – Exhibit – Organizational Chart    
 4250 – Policy – Evaluation of the Superintendent of Schools
 4270 – Policy – Evaluation of the Professional Staff
 4330 – Policy – Administrative Staff & Authority
5321 – Policy – Reimbursement for Travel & Conference
 5321 – Regltn – Reimbursement for Travel & Conference
 5322 – Policy – Meals At Meetings or Special Events
 5322 – Regltn – Meals At Meetings or Special Events
(4)   Proposed Regulation 3150 & Exhibit 3150 – School Volunteers: Mr. Johnson noted that the single readings for these items were approved by the Board of Education.
(5)   Working Committee - Proposed Wellness & Child Nutrition Policy: Mr. Johnson reported that the working committee is reviewing resource information and will present a draft for consideration at a policy meeting in April. The new policy must be adopted by the Board of Education by July 1, 2006.
(1)   Review of Required Policy 5530 – Petty Cash Funds: Mr. Davis and Mr. Atseff reported that they had reviewed this policy and they find no changes are needed at this time.
(2)   Review of Required Policy 5680 – Contagious Diseases & 5690 – AIDS Virus: Mr. Johnson has reviewed each of these policies and finds no changes are needed at this time.
NEXT MEETINGS:   Thursdays, April 13 & 27, May 18, June 1 & 15, District Office @ 5:15 p.m.

ADJOURNMENT:      5:20 p.m.

Recorded by Jim Switzer

   Follow-Up On: Proposed Wellness Policy/Committee           

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