To earn credit,

    you will work as scheduled with children

    and will read and evaluate children’s literature.

    Absence from class should not prevent your moving forward with this work: you can make up work with children and you can do the reading outside of class.
    You need to file a report for each time that you work with children and you need to file reports for the literature that you read (with them or on your own).
    A.  You will be turning your reports in for each week at the start of the following week.
    B.  Timely reports will earn full credit; late reports will lose points.
    Grading Guide for Working with Children

    If you report in detail on each section of the accompanying form for each time you work with children, earn 95.

    Grading Guide for Children’s Literature Reports

    If you fill out the accompanying form fully, accurately, and thoughtfully for 2 children’s books per reading class, score: 65. Thoughtful work would mean that you use your notes from the handout on children’s lit in your analysis.

    If you fill out the accompanying form fully, accurately, and thoughtfully for 3 children’s books per reading class, score: 75.

    If you fill out the accompanying form fully, accurately, and thoughtfully for 4 children’s books per reading class, score: 85.

    If you fill out the accompanying form fully, accurately, and thoughtfully for 5 children’s books per reading class, score: 95

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    Mark Scher . . . draft of 03.24.06 . . . page 1 of 1