DATE: Thursday, January 5, 2006 TIME: 5:15 p.m. PLACE: District Office
PRESENT: Mr. Johnson, Mr. Davis, Mrs. Brunner, Mr. Havens, Mr. Atseff, Mr. Switzer, Mr. Blankenberg
Minutes of the meeting of December 1, 2005 were filed as presented.
Proposed Policy Revisions – Code of Conduct – Athletics & Extra-Curricular Activities: Committee members and Mr. Blankenberg, director of athletics and physical education, reviewed the working draft of proposed revisions to this item. This draft was deemed complete and ready for first reading by the Board of Education at the business meeting of February 9th. The required public hearing for proposed revisions to the Code of Conduct will occur at 7 p.m. at the start of that business meeting; Mr. Switzer will prepare necessary notices.
Required Annual Review of Policies: Committee members reviewed the revisions to the following policies which require annual review and are scheduled for first reading by the Board of Education at the business meeting of January 12th.
3410 - Code of Conduct on School Property 3420 – Harassment & Discrimination
Proposed Policy Revisions – Section 1000
Committee members reviewed the revisions to the following policies which are scheduled for first reading by the Board of Education at the business meeting of January 12th.
1230 – Reporting of Campaign Expenditures 1320 – Appointment & Duties of the School District Treasurer
1420 – Execution of Policy Through Admin Regulations1610 – Voting Procedures for School Elections
Proposed Policy & Regulation Revisions – Section 2000: Committee members reviewed the revisions to the following policy & regulations which are scheduled for first reading/single review
by the Board of Education at the business meeting of January 12th.
2320P - Attendance by Board of Education Members @ Conferences, Conventions, Workshops
2340R - Regulation on Self-Evaluation by the Board of Education
Proposed Revisions – Policy 5430 – Use of District Credit Cards: Committee members reviewed the revisions to this policy statement which is scheduled for first reading by the Board of Education at the business meeting of January 12th.
Proposed Revisions to Regulations – Section 3000 – 50% Review of Handbook: Committee members reviewed the revisions to the following regulations which are scheduled for single review by the Board of Education at the business meeting of January 12th.
3410R – Regulation for Public Conduct on School Property
3420R – Regulation for Sexual Harassment, Discrimination, Misconduct
Proposed New Regulation 1335 - Reporting Procedure for Internal Claims Auditor: Committee suggested minor wording changes and approved presentation of this regulation for single reading by the Board of Education at the business meeting of January 12th.
Required Annual Review of Policies – Section 5000: Mr. Davis and Mr. Atseff reported that they conducted their annual review of the following policies and found no need for revisions.
5220 – District Investments 5221 – Principles of Purchasing
Required Annual Review of Policy 4250-Evaluation of the Superintendent of Schools: Mrs. Brunner will present this item for review at the next policy committee meeting.
Scheduled Monthly Review – 50% of Policy Handbook – Section 3000 – Community Relations: Mr. Johnson reviewed each of the policy pages of this section and suggested minor changes on specific items. Mr. Switzer will prepare drafts of revisions for review at the next committee meeting.
New Policy/Committee – Wellness & Child Nutrition: Mr. Johnson reported that the committee assigned this duty is conducting meetings. He is our committee liaison and will present proposal when they are ready.
Thursday, January 19th, District Office @ 5:15 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
Follow-Up On: Preparation of Athletic/Extra-Curricular Code of Conduct for February 9th
Follow-Up On: Review of Proposed Revisions - Section 3000 – Annual Review – First & Second Reading
Follow-Up On: Proposed Wellness Policy/Committee
Follow-Up On: Annual Review of 4250 – Evaluation of the Superintendent of Schools (Mrs. Brunner)
• Follow-Up On: Review of 50% of Policy Handbook – Section 4000 – Administration (Mr. Havens, Mr. Atseff)
• Follow-Up On: Review of Required Policies – 5530 – Petty Cash Funds (Mr. Davis, Mr. Atseff)
• Follow-Up On: Review of Required Policies – 5690 – Contagious Diseases (Mr. Johnson)
• Follow-Up On: Review of Required Policies – 7111 – 7113 – Attendance Policies (Mr. Johnson, Mr. Switzer)
Recorded by Jim Switzer
Recorded by Jim Switzer
JANUARY 9, 2006
A regular meeting of the Ontario Town Board was called to order by Supervisor Molino at 7:00 PM in the Ontario Town Hall. Present were Supervisor Joseph Molino, Council members: Lori Eaton-Smith, Jason Ruffell, Donald Shears and James Switzer, Superintendent of Water Utilities Robert Wykle, Superintendent of Highways William Slocum, Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer Edward Collins, Director of Recreation & Parks William Riddell, Accounting Supervisor Lois Buckalew, Sole Assessor Eileen Perkins, Library Director Karina Churchill, Dog Control Officer Mark Plyter, Town Attorney Patricia Crippen and Town Clerk Cathy Herzog.
Twenty-eight residents and visitors were present at portions of the meeting.
Mr. Switzer led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mr. Molino announced that there will be an addition to the agenda for a presentation from Ora Rothfuss from the Wayne County Planning Department relative to applying for a farmland protection grant.
Comments from the Public – None
Approval of Minutes - Mr. Molino asked for approval of the minutes of the January 2, 2006, Town Board meeting. A motion was made by Mr. Switzer, seconded by Mr. Ruffell, to approve the minutes as presented. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
Correspondence – The Town Clerk received the following correspondence:
Announcement that the 2006 Training School and Annual meeting will be held at the Hilton New York, New York City, February 19-22, 2006, a certificate of designation needs to be filed by February 9th for the town’s official voting delegate.
Notification from United States Postal Service of postage rates and fee increases
Wayne County Industrial Development Agency will conduct a Public Hearing on February 13, 2006, at 9:00 AM in the Ontario Town Hall, 1850 Ridge Road, regarding a 2006 real estate transfer and the Ariel Optics, Inc. project
Invitation from The Office of the State Comptroller to a conference with Brownfield experts on how to tackle Brownfield’s redevelopment in Ontario
Effective January 15th no dog license may expire after the expiration date of the dog’s rabies vaccination
A motion was made by Mr. Shears, seconded by Mr. Switzer, to accept and file the correspondence.
Town Attorney Report – Ms. Crippen reported that she has information to discuss with the board in an executive session relative to pending litigation.
Department Head Reports -
Superintendent of Water Utilities – A motion was made by Mr. Switzer, seconded by Mr. Ruffell, to accept the December 2005 report as presented. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
Mr. Switzer extended compliments to the Water Department for responding and taking care of an emergency on a holiday.
Mr. Wykle noted the Wayne County Water Authority exceeded their contract for the amount of gallons of water purchased in 2005.
Superintendent of Highways – A motion was made by Mr. Molino, seconded by Mr. Switzer, to accept the December 2005 report as presented. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
Mr. Slocum stated this is the first year that his crew did not have to snow plow on Christmas Day in many years. He added they have not used a lot of salting material because of the mild weather.
Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer – A motion was made by Mr. Ruffell, seconded by Mr. Shears, to accept the December 2005 report and summary of department activity in 2005 as presented. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
Mr. Collins stated the board will need to consider the adoption of a local law in 2006 to enforce the new Building Code of New York State. He added he has a model local law from the state to assist with wording a law for the Town of Ontario.
There was a discussion on the number of new single family homes, fifty-one (51) in 2005, compared to seventy (70) in 2004.
Director of Recreation & Parks – A motion was made by Mrs. Eaton-Smith, seconded by Mr. Ruffell, to accept the December 2005 report as presented. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
Mr. Riddell reported on progress on the proposed Community Center. He announced the Spring Program flyer will be going out in one week. Mr. Riddell explained that the conservation grant and the downtown tree planting project information, in his Recreation Department report, should probably be on the Economic Development report and will be in the future.
Mr. Switzer asked for clarification on the registration figures and Mr. Ruffell asked for an update on the concession room located at the Lodge in Casey Park. Mr. Riddell answered their questions.
Sole Assessor – A motion was made by Mrs. Eaton-Smith seconded by Mr. Switzer, to accept the December 2005 report as presented. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
Mrs. Perkins stated exemption renewal letters have been mailed and must be filed by March 1st except for the renewal of senior aged/income exemption; seniors have until Grievance Day to file.
Ontario Public Library - A motion was made by Mr. Shears, seconded by Mr. Switzer, to accept the December 2005 Library report as presented. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
Ms. Churchill announced that on January 24th the Library will be celebrating Chinese New Year with a party and special programs for children and for adults.
Ontario Town Court – A motion was made by Mrs. Eaton-Smith, seconded by Mr. Shears, to receive the December 2005 report as presented. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
Dog Control Officer – A motion was made by Mr. Shears, seconded by Mr. Switzer, to accept the December 2005 report as presented. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
Mr. Plyter expanded on the correspondence about a new state law on dog licenses. He stated it will be a cumbersome job for the Town Clerk’s office and that it will take several years to get all the dog licenses in compliance with the law.
Watershed Management Advisory Council – A motion was made by Mr. Molino, seconded by Mr. Switzer, to accept the December 2005 report as presented. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
Economic Development Department – A motion was made by Mr. Switzer, seconded by Mr. Shears, to accept the December 2005 report as presented. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
Mr. Switzer thanked Mr. Riddell and his staff for preparing the Economic Development monthly report so quickly after his request. He also thanked Donna Burolla and Pam Grundman for keeping the bulletin board and kiosk at the Town Hall up-to-date with business and economic development information.
Old Business - None
New Business – A motion was made by Mr. Shears, seconded by Mr. Switzer, to accept the Town Clerk’s 2005 Annual report as presented. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
The Town Clerk provided fiscal documentation, copies of monthly reports, bank deposits and information and supporting documentation for the monies collected by her office in 2005. Prior to the meeting the Town Board members audited and signed the Town Clerk’s cash receipt book for 2005.
A motion was made by Mr. Switzer, seconded by Mr. Ruffell, to authorize the Supervisor to execute the five (5) year renewal for the town’s domain name ontariotown.org through Network Solutions, LLC for $99.95, as presented by the town’s technical contact Advance 2000. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
A motion was made by Mr. Molino, seconded by Mr. Switzer, to adopt a RESOLUTION to authorize the execution of the Agreement to Spend Highway Funds and to further authorize the Superintendent of Highways to spend town highway funds for highway improvements per the agreement. 5 Ayes 0 Nays RESOLUTION ADOPTED
Mr. Slocum stated the town annually files an agreement with Wayne County for approval for the road repairs and improvements.
A motion was made by Mr. Ruffell, seconded by Mr. Switzer, to authorize the Supervisor to execute an updated easement between the Town of Ontario and Rochester Gas & Electric for placement of utility facilities on property known as 2231 Lake Road, Town of Ontario, to supply gas and electric service to the town and neighbors at 2219, 2227 and 2229 Lake Road, as reviewed and approved by the Town Attorney. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
A motion was made by Mr. Shears, seconded by Mrs. Eaton-Smith, to authorize the Director of Recreation & Parks to purchase a ZG2354 Kubota Zero-Turn Rotary Mower from S.V. Moffett Co. Inc., at State Bid contract #PC61981, for a total amount not to exceed $6,039.00, as requested by Mr. Riddell in Memorandum PR1-2006. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
Mr. Ora Rothfuss from the Wayne County Planning Department presented a proposal to apply for an Agriculture and Farmland Protection grant for a portion of land on the Albright Farms on Lake Road and Knickerbocker Road. He explained what the grants are for and he stated an easement is given and the land remains as farmland and not for development purposes.
Mr. Rothfuss stated the town previously received a grant for the Albright farms and the portion of land that he is proposing to apply for was excluded from that grant. He stated the additional property is owned by Johnson Albright and includes a horse farm, a dilapidated house and approximately 25 acres of land. Mr. Rothfuss gave specific information on the location, description, value and grant application process and he asked if the town supports the proposal and would authorize him to proceed with a grant application?
A motion was made by Mr. Shears, seconded by Mr. Switzer, to adopt a RESOLUTION
WHEREAS, Johnson Albright of Albright Farms Inc. who owns farmland in the Town of Ontario; and is willing to consider selling the development rights for his property, and
NOW, THEREFORE be it RESOLVED, that the Town of Ontario hereby authorizes and directs the Wayne County Planning Department to prepare, and the Town Supervisor to submit, an application for funds from the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets Farmland Protection Implementation Grant Program, on its behalf, to purchase the development rights from this landowner, and
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Attorney is also authorized to prepare, review and approve all necessary documents needed for the grant application. 5 Ayes 0 Nays RESOLUTION ADOPTED
Policy Items - A motion was made by Mr. Switzer, seconded by Mr. Shears, to waive the first reading and adopt an amendment to town policy, the Town of Ontario fee schedule 4030.1 AR through 4030.9 AR, as presented. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
Reports by Town Board Members – Mr. Switzer, on behalf of the town, extended condolences on the demise of Paul Crombach, D.D.S. to his family, his partner Dr. Gilson and his employees. He stated Dr. Crombach served the community for more than 30 years and will be sadly missed.
Mr. Switzer stated he is attending the NYS training for new town officials in Rochester. He added he is finding it very informative and that he appreciates the support of the town for the opportunity to attend.
Approval of Claims - A motion was made by Mr. Shears, seconded by Mr. Ruffell, to approve the abstract of claims for the month of January 2006, including vouchers # 001 through # 101 with a grand total of $181,673.43 and to authorize the Supervisor to issue payments for same. 5 Ayes
Comments from the Public – Mr. Riddell gave a brief presentation on a proposal to seek an easement from Frank Pitts for access across his property at Lincoln Road and Route 104 to Timothy Lane in the Beh Industrial Park. He asked if the Town Board supports and is willing to pay attorney fees for preparing and filing the easement and engineering fees for the proposed project. He clarified the exact location of the Pitts easement. There was a discussion on previous attempts at obtaining access and easements for a Route 104 parallel road and for crossing the railroad at Lincoln Road to Route 104.
The Town Board members were supportive and asked if a motion was necessary. Mr. Riddell stated it was not but he wanted to be sure of their support before going forward with the proposal.
Ms. Lindsay Steffen, a Wayne Central School advanced government class student, asked how the public would be informed about the change in dog license renewal dates.
The Town Clerk stated it will be difficult and take several years to implement. The town plans to have a press release and put it on the town’s web site. There were other suggestions on ways to communicate the new mandate.
Executive Session - A motion was made by Mr. Shears, seconded by Mrs. Eaton-Smith, to adjourn for an executive session at 7:47 PM to discuss pending litigation with the Town Attorney. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
Reconvene –
Adjourn - A motion was made by Mr. Shears, seconded by Mrs. Eaton-Smith, to adjourn at PM. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
Respectfully submitted,
Cathy Herzog
Ontario Town Clerk
The above minutes will become official upon approval of the town board.
Wayne Central School District
Office of the Superintendent of Schools
PO Box 155
6076 Ontario Center Road
Ontario Center, NY 14520
January 19, 2006
Baxter Lansing
1761 Kenyon Road
Ontario, NY 14519
Dear Baxter,
On behalf of the Wayne Central Board of Education, I want to thank you for taking the time from your evening to speak to the Board last Thursday evening. Our Vo Pro program is very important to our district. Next year almost 50 students will attend the program. Your speech reminded all of us of the wonderful benefits of this program and the dedicated teachers working with students such as yourself.
It is not easy to stand in front of a crowd of adults and peers to speak. You should be very proud of the job you did. Thank you for your words and for taking the time to share your thoughts with your Board of Education.
Michael Havens
Superintendent of Schools
Xc: Board of Education
HS Admin.
“Students First ~ Excellence For All”
-----Original Message-----
From: Ronald Price [
Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2005 7:06 PM
To: Havens, Michael
Cc: Armocida, Robert
Subject: Mr. Shaffer, et. al.
Mr. Havens,
I am a parent of a middle school seventh grader at T.C. Armstrong.
Both of my older boys graduated from Wayne Central High School in the past few years. I wanted you to know what a fantastic job some of your administrators are doing. In particular, Mr. Shaffer, the assistant principle at Armstrong, is a standout.
We have had a few dealings with Mr. Shaffer since my youngest son, Matthew, entered his building last year. He is always honest, straightforward and extremely fair. He returns phone calls in a more timely manner than most corporate executives.
Yesterday, we had a situation. My son, Matthew, came home and got off the bus extremely upset. Another boy had pushed him from behind, tearing his pants and cutting up his knee. This was the same child that had thrown racial slurs my son's way last year.
I knew what I needed to do. Having already dealt with Mr. Shaffer on a few occasions, I was comfortable calling him. I did so on my way to work this morning and left him a message to call me on my cell phone "at his earliest convenience." My phone rang promptly at 8:00 a.m. It was Mr. Shaffer. He told me that the bus driver had made him aware of the incident and that he had already suspended the other young man.
He was very receptive and asked if I had any other concerns. I told him that I expected the parents of the other child to pay to replace the pants that were ruined by this assault on my son. He explained to me that there was no way that the school could force the parent to pay, but that I did have the recourse to file charges against the boy and pursue the thirty-five dollars in small claims court. Obviously, the thirty-five dollars is not the issue, but rather it's the principle of the situation that mattered.
Mr. Shaffer offered to give me the number of the boy's parents or he could call for me. I chose the second option. I asked him to relay the information that if the parent balked at paying for replacing the pants, that I would, in fact, pursue the legal means we had discussed. Mr. Shaffer called me back five minutes later to tell me that the thirty-five dollars would be there tomorrow.
This may seem like a small or even inconsequential problem, but I felt it was worthy of my time and effort. As a teacher in the Rochester City School District, efficient, effective administrators like Mr. Shaffer are few and far between. But I also know that without the support of yourself and the school principal, Mr. Armocida, Mr. Shaffer would not be empowered to do the excellent job that he does. Kudos to all of you.
No eMail to you would be complete without me complimenting Marc Blankenberg on the amazing job he's done since taking jurisdiction over athletics. He is smart, hardworking and extremely receptive to input. I loved having my two older boys in his athletic programs and I am extremely pleased that Matthew has become involved in modified football and will be going out for modified wrestling, as well. I look forward to his days playing varsity football for David Marean, another fantastic member of your staff.
For the record, I sent my two older boys to private schools until they entered high school, because in my opinion as an educator, Wayne Central Schools just didn't measure up. Matthew has been with you since the fifth grade because I believe that Wayne Central is now one of the best suburban school districts in the entire area. I am sure that you and your staff are proud of your achievements and well you should be!
Feel free to share this eMail with anyone you choose and keep up the excellent job you are doing educating children. It is a pleasure to put my son's academic future in the hands of such qualified and dedicated professionals.
Ronald H. Price
P.S. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to eMail me at rhprice259@hotmail.com or call my cell phone during business hours at 585-355-3001.
Mr. Price,
Thank you so much for your email about Mr. Shaffer and Wayne Central. Having begun my administrative career as an assistant principal, I know how difficult a job it can be. By the nature of the position you deal teachers when they are most upset, students when they are most upset and parents when the are most upset. I appreciate the kind words you have to say about Chris. He is a very student centered administrator as is Mr. Armocida). I feel very lucky to have both of them running our Middle School.
I also want to thank you for your positive comments about Wayne Central. All of us have worked extremely hard to make this a different place than it was six years ago. We are working very hard to make it a different place six years from now than it is today. Our written goal is to, "make the Wayne Central School the best district, by any measure, in New York State." As you may already know our academic scores have become among the best in the Rochester area. We still have a long way to go but thank you for recognizing the long way we have come.
Have a wonderful Holiday.
Michael Havens
NEW YORK CITY - Sheraton Hotel Tower
October 26-29 (Thursday – Sunday), 2006
3 nights @ $351/night $1053 x 10 rooms = $10,530
Double occupancy $1053 x 5 rooms = $ 5,265
(If I book now and pay non-housing rates, but guarantee you get into the host hotel)
3 nights @ $192/night $576 x 10 rooms = $ 5,760
Double Occupancy $576 x 5 rooms = $ 2,880
(If I wait and use the housing bureau lottery, very little chance I will get into the host hotel)
(Consider that the cost of paying for taxi’s, etc. could eat some of the savings. The time and convenience issue is a factor as well – you may spend an unfortunate amount of your 3 days waiting for taxis or hiking to and from transportation or an alternate hotel)
Conference Registration: Governance Team (Up to 10 People) $2600
Airfare: $225.00 round trip x 10 people $2,250
Conference Meals (ordered through registration)
Banquet: $50 x 10 $500
Luncheon/Breakfast Meetings: $35 x 20 $350
Total: $850
Meals: (not included with conference)
Thursday evening: $75 x 10 $750
Friday (2 meals per person): $125/person x 10 $1,250
Saturday (1 meal per person): $50/person x 10 $500
Sunday (1 meal per person): ($25/person x 10) $250
Total: $2,750
Airport Taxis/Transfer $20/person x 10 ($200) each way $400
*** Miscellaneous Transportation needs:
If staying at host hotel: $100
If NOT staying at host hotel: (really guessing here – depends on location) $500
Scenario #1 Scenario #2
Stay at Host Hotel; book now Stay where placed by housing
Hotel: 10, 530 (single) 5265 (double) Hotel: 5760 (single) 2880 (double)
Registration: 2600 Registration: 2600
Airfare: 2250 Airfare: 2250
Meals: 2750 Meals: 2750
Conf. Meals: 850 Conf. Meals: 850
Transportation: 500 Transportation: 900
Total (single): $19,480 Total (single): $15,110.
Total (double): $14,215 Total (double): $12,230.
April 7-11, 2006
4 nights @ $250/night (this will include taxes which we must pay out of state) $1000 x 10 rooms = $10,000
Double occupancy $1000 x 5 rooms = $ 5,000
Conference Registration: $795/person x 10 people $7,950
Airfare: $300.00 round trip x 10 people $3,000
Conference Meals (I don’t see where I order these, but I am just leaving these estimations the same)
Banquet: $50 x 10 $500
Luncheon/Breakfast Meetings: $35 x 20 $350
Total: $850
Meals: (not included with conference)
Thursday evening: $75 x 10 $750
Friday (2 meals per person): $125/person x 10 $1,250
Saturday (1 meal per person): $50/person x 10 $500
Sunday (1 meal per person): ($25/person x 10) $250
Total: $2,750
Airport Taxis/Transfer $20/person x 10 ($200) each way $400
*** Miscellaneous Transportation needs: (they provide a free shuttle – so I am not budgeting) 0
Hotel: 10, 000 (single) 5000 (double)
Registration: 7950
Airfare: 3000
Meals: 2750
Conf. Meals: 850
Transportation: 400
Total (single): $24,950
Total (double): $19,950
Single Occupancy
Double Occupancy
Buy now
Housing bureau
Buy Now
Housing bureau
**LORI’S Disclaimer** much of this data is estimated and best guess information. Subsequently, I respectfully request that you do not shoot the messenger for any errors or miscalculations. /:>Back to top