1. Call To Order
  1. Request for Executive Session
    1. Pledge of Allegiance
    2. Public Comment
        1. Board Members
        2. Board Committee Reports
      1. Associate Superintendent

Letter to the Board

January 13, 2006
The ancient Greek definition of happiness was the full use of your powers along lines of excellence.

- - John F. Kennedy

Greetings from Wayne Central. Below are a few items of interest.
Board Letter
1.  Negotiations: We met Tuesday from noon to 8:00 p.m. We made good progress, but don’t have a contract nailed down yet. Unfortunately, the facilitator is leaving until April. The teachers and the district have agreed to meet on our own next February 1st to continue our work.
2.  Sustainable Energy Developments: As mentioned last night, Bob Miller and I meet with Kevin Schultz of Sustainable Energy Development on Monday to discuss the windmill. He has all of our energy use data and believes he can put together a plan which will make a windmill viable. He meets with Atlantic Energy next. I believe that will be the key step as Atlantic Energy will be providing the written guarantee that this will save money. I’ll keep you abreast of developments.
3.  Tina Preston Meeting: Mr. Atseff, high school students and myself met with Tina Preston of CPA this week. Tina did some of the interior design work for the high school including the new bathrooms and the clock tower area. We want to create displays honoring our academic and musical successes that are at least as nice as those honoring our athletic accomplishments. This is part of our longer term effort and one of this year’s goals to elevating academic success to a more deserving place in our schools. She has some great initial ideas.
4.  HS Career Day – I want to thank those of you who were able to participate in career day (another one of our 2005-06 goals). I think Susan Van Acker and especially, Jackie Robusto and our Interact club did a tremendous job setting it up.
5.  Leadership Institute – Last night Dr. Marinelli described the leadership institute which takes talented teachers and provides them with administrative training. Last year I nominated two individuals for that program, Nikki Miller and Melanie Stevenson. Both are now well on their way to becoming certified administrators.
6.  Power School – I thought you might be interested in some facts about the parent access portion of Power School; at the Middle school we are getting 20.9 average accesses of student grades by parents each day with the average length of each visit being 5 minutes. At the high school there are 27.8 visits each day with the average time also being 5 minutes. We also have some parents who have signed up for the automatic emails of grades. I think we are off to a good start with this. Some of you may remember that it was a long time desire of former Board member Tim Ratcliffe that the district institute something like this. It took three years of work but it is finally here.
7.  Marcus Whitman Tax Collection Letter - I have attached a fax I just received regarding a tax collection discrepancy in the Marcus Whitman School District. This is going to appear in the papers so I wanted to let you know. I don’t know anything of the details, as this is the first I have heard of it.
8.  Upcoming Events:
1/16 – Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday – Schools Closed
1/ 17–20 – NYS ELA Tests Grades 6, 7 & 8
1/18 – MS PTO Meeting @ Media Center – 6:30 p.m.
1/19 – Policy Committee Meeting @ DO – 5:15 p.m.
1/22-24 – NYSCOSS Mid-Winter Conference @ Albany Desmond
1/23 – HS PTSA Meeting @ DO – 7:00 p.m.
1/24-27 – NYS Regents & Midterms
1/30 – Four County General Membership Meeting – TBD
2/3 – Ontario Comedy Club – Dinner @ Ontario Golf Club -
Athletics (Home Events Only)
1/13 – Boys’ JV & V Basketball vs. Waterloo – 6:00 & 7:30 p.m.
1/17 – Boys’ JV & V Basketball vs. Mynderse – 6:00 & 7:30 p.m.
1/18 – JV & V Wrestling vs. Canandaigua – 6:00 & 7:00 p.m.
1/18 - Varsity Co-Ed Bowling @ Empire Lanes – 4:15 p.m.
1/20 – JV & V Wrestling vs. Greece – 6:00 & 7:00 p.m.
   8.  Attachments:
a)  BOCES Board Meeting Agenda - 1/17
b)  BOCES Board Meeting Minutes – 12/19
c)  Calvin and the Snowman Comics
d)  MCSBA “Newscope” - January
e)  BOCES Newsletter
f)   Marcus Whitman Tax Letter

Att. A
 Regional Support Center
 Eisenhower Building, Large Conference Room (first floor)

 Newark, New York

 Regular Meeting – Tuesday, January 17, 2006 – 7:00 PM


1.  Call to Order – Nancy Scher                       OI
a. Pledge of Allegiance – Nancy Scher                                          
2. Welcome and Introductions – Nancy Scher           OI
a. Guests
b. Representatives from Component Boards
c. NYSSBA Recognition of Lynn Gay
3. Public Comment
4. Approval of the Agenda – Nancy Scher  A
5. Approval of the Minutes Regular Meeting of December 19, 2005 – Nancy Scher  A

6. Educational Presentation – Staff Development Opportunities – Jack McCabe      OI/WI
7. Reports and Correspondence                   OI
  a. Board Members
       b. Board Committee Reports
  c. District Superintendent
       d. Strategic Plan Update

8.  Consensus Agenda – Keith Henry  A
a.   Treasurer’s Reports for General and Special Aid for the Month Ending November 2005
b.   Routine Action Items
1. Donation 1989 BMW
    2. Award of Bid for Xerographic, Personal Computing and Fine Papers WFL2006/B-06
9.  Personnel – Jim McNeil A  
   a. Certified
b.   Non-Certified
15.   Approval of Change Orders – Keith Henry                       A
a.   Landmark Enterprises #SD-008 +$3,000
b.   Allied Builders, Inc. #GC-012 +$725
c.   Allied Builders, Inc. #GC-013 +$6,456
d.   Allied Builders, Inc. #GC-014 +$317.50
11.  Policies – First Reading – Jim McNeil                 A
b.   P2413 Anti-Harassment in the BOCES
c.   P6150 Education of Homeless Children and Youth
d.   P6230 Bullying: Peer Abuse in the Schools
e.   P6430 Child Abuse and Neglect
f.   P6440 Sexual Harassment of Student
g.   P6451 Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Related Illness (Students)
h.   P6452 Administering Medications
i.   P6460 Equal Educational Opportunity (Students)
j.   P6510 Censorship of Non-School Student Publications
k.   P6520 Extracurricular Activities
l.   P6530 Student Funds
m.   P6540 Constitutionally Protected Prayer in Public Schools
15.   Second Review of Proposed Budgets for 2006-07                 OI/WI
a.   Administration – Keith Henry/Joe Marinelli
b.   Technical and Career – Joe Galante
c.   Staff Development and Instruction – Marla Iverson
d.   Special and Alternative – Bonnie Lindsay
e.   EduTech – Camille Sorenson
13.  Adoption of Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES Calendar 2006-07 – Jim McNeil       A
14.  Other Business – Nancy Scher                     A
a.   BOCES Joint Meeting
b.   Location and Format for Annual Meeting
15.  Adjournment – Nancy Scher                         A


Att. b
Jack Loveless Conference Room, Eisenhower Building
Regional Support Center
Newark, New York
The Regular Meeting of the Wayne-Finger Lakes Board of Cooperative Educational Services Sole Supervisory District, Ontario, Seneca, Yates, Cayuga and Wayne Counties, was held Monday evening, December 19, 2005, in the Jack Loveless Conference Room, Eisenhower Building, Newark. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM.
Board Members Present: Patrick Crowe; David Crystal; Thomas DeRue; Stu Einstein; Anne Morgan; OJ Sahler (arrived at 6:38); Nancy Scher; and Nadina Stevens (arrived at 6:40).
Board Members Absent: Jeanne Durfee
Others Present: Associate Superintendent Jack McCabe; Assistant Superintendents Jim McNeil and Keith Henry; Bonnie Lindsay, Director of Alternative and Special Education; Joe Galante, Director of Career and Technical Education; Marla Iverson, Director of Staff Development; Camille Sorensen, Director of EduTech; Jeanna Savage, Public Relations Officer; Educators’ Association President Pam Modzel; Support Personnel President Patti Scoon; and Board Clerk Carolyn Robinson.

Call To Order

Call To Order

President Nancy Scher called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM.

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Request for Executive Session

A motion was made by Anne Morgan and seconded by David Crystal to move to executive session for the purpose of employment history of particular persons. All present voted yes. Time: 6:30 PM
OJ Sahler arrived at 6:38PM
Nadina Stevens arrived at 6:40PM

The regular meeting reconvened at 7:18PM.

Pledge of Allegiance

Pledge of Allegiance

Nancy Scher led the Pledge of Allegiance

Welcome and Introductions
Nancy Scher welcomed everyone to the board meeting.

Public Comment

Public Comment


Approval of the Agenda
A motion was made by David Crystal and seconded by OJ Sahler to approve the agenda.
 All present voted yes. The motion was carried.
Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 21, 2005
A motion was made by Stu Einstein and seconded by Anne Morgan to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on November 21, 2005.
 All present voted yes. The motion was carried.
Reports and Correspondence

Board Members

Board Members

  Stu Einstein reported on the AESA National Conference he attended in November. He said it was a great experience. He learned about the concept of educational service agencies from a BOCES to minimal efforts. It was well organized, everyone was energized and enthusiastic. Very valuable, learned a lot, encouraged all to attend if they have the opportunity.
  David Crystal reported on the Tech conference he attended in October. Very good speakers dealing with changing demographics and challenges.
  Nancy Scher and Joe Marinelli visited with the Dundee Board and said it was a very positive exchange.


Board Committee Reports

Board Committee Reports

  Pat Crowe, chair of the B&G Committee, said the capital project is on track to finish at the scheduled completion time, within three months. Recommended extending the Clerk of the Works contract, later on this agenda. Keith Henry and Bob Smith are drafting a 5-year survey and will be forwarding to the committee members.
  Thomas DeRue, chair of the Policy Committee, said the committee is working on reviewing policies, anticipate new policies will be needed dealing with audit and finance.
  OJ Sahler, chair of the Board/DS Evaluation Committee, said a draft would be ready for the committee to review in a couple of weeks.
  David Crystal, chair of the Audit Committee, said the committee met with Keith Henry and the internal auditor. They are comfortable with her functioning. Next time the committee will look over processes, how often to sample and what to look at. The current auditor is recommended for one more year, and then do an RFP for auditors in 2007. The charge to the committee will need to be changed as the Comptroller’s directions change.

Associate Superintendent

Associate Superintendent

Jack McCabe reported in Joe Marinelli’s absence. Joe was at the Monroe #1 and Monroe #2 Public Hearing on the study of the First Supervisory District of Monroe County.
Jack reported that as part of the study of the merger the Victor Central School District expressed an interest that the district transfer to Monroe 1 BOCES for reasons of proximity, district enrollment and wealth. The other 24 component districts in W-FL BOCES would be faced with higher rates for services and would likely be forced, after calculating inflationary and fixed cost increases, to reduce their participation in BOCES programs, further compounding the problem, or they would be faced with reducing educational programs and staffing in their own district, or raising taxes. The impact of Victor leaving W-FL BOCES would result in losing $2.7 million, which would have a negative impact on our region and the programs we offer.

     Consensus Agenda 
A motion was made by David Crystal and seconded by Pat Crowe to approve the consensus agenda.

a.  Recommend acceptance of Treasurer’s reports for General and Special aid for the month ending October 2005.
b.  Recommend acceptance of budget status reports for general, administration and special aid for month ending November 2005.
c.  Budget Change Summary – recommend acceptance.
d.  Routine Action Items
1.  Contracts
a.  Contract Amendment to Finance Manager Software Master Agreement – recommend approval of the contract amendment to Finance Manager Software Master Agreement to cap the percentage increase of annual maintenance.
b.  Architect Contract with Beardsley Design for Williamson Campus – recommend approval of the architect contract with Beardsley Design for access drive and parking lot reconstruction on the two lots on east side of occupational center at Williamson, in an amount not to exceed $30,000 for preparation of contract documents, bidding and award, and the construction phase.
c.  Extension of Clerk of the Works Contract – recommend extending (Ray Philipson) the clerk of the works contract at the rate of $32.00 an hour, until BOCES determines that the need for the clerk’s services can be terminated.
2.  Bids
a.  Printing Services – recommend award of printing bid as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder to Progressive Graphics & Printing, Newark, NY in the amount of $2,586.76 based on estimated quantities for W-FL BOCES.
b.  Lumber & Building Supplies – recommend award of lumber and building materials bid to the lowest responsive and responsible bidders to Lowe’s in the amount of $54,144.11 and F.A. Church in the amount of $14,962.46.
c.  Project Lead the Way Items – recommend approval of bid with Monroe2-Orleans BOCES for computers, software, technology engineering equipment and supplies, to the vendors as listed, for a total cost of $132,889.95.
3.  Surplus Equipment - recommend declaring the EduTech surplus equipment listed as excess and deeming it surplus in accordance with Board policy P4320: BOCES Personal Property Accountability.
4.  Donations
a.  Recommend acceptance of a 1993 Dodge Caravan donated by Lawrence Edwards, Canandaigua for instructional purposes only
b.  Recommend acceptance of a 1997 Chevy Lumina donated by Stephen Finewood, Newark for instructional purposes only.

   All present voted yes. The motion was carried.

A motion was made by Stu Einstein and seconded by David Crystal to approve the certified, non-certified personnel, and the JUUL agreement resolution.

Certified Personnel

Caren Converse, 1.0 FTE Instructor, Criminal Justice, effective June 30, 2006, for retirement purposes.
Angela Galek, .90 FTE Teacher Assistant, Social Skill Development, 1:1 (Sodus Student), effective November 25, 2005, to accept another position this BOCES.
Emily Parker, 1.0 FTE Instructor, Functional Skill Development, effective August 30, 2005, for retirement purposes.
Barbara Stevens, 1.0 FTE Resource Coordinator, effective June 30, 2006, for retirement purposes.
Changes of Position
Jeanne Cosat, a change in status from temporary to probationary. Further recommend a new three-year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2005 through August 31, 2008 in the tenure area Mathematics 7-12 (Jarema credit given for prior service) Her assignment is in the Math program, Wayne Technical and Career Center (.50 FTE) and Center for Experiential Learning (.50 FTE). Ms. Cosat's annual salary for the 2005-2006 school year is Step 7.
Kelly Endres, a change in appointment end date from December 16, 2005 to November 30, 2005 for her position as 1.0 FTE Professional Development Specialist, SETRC. Ms. Endres' annual salary for the 2005-2006 school year is $64,900, prorated.
Karen Pesarek, from hourly position as Teacher Assistant/ST-TEP, to .50 FTE Teacher Assistant, Cosmetology, effective November 5, 2005. Her assignment is in the Cosmetology program, Finger Lakes Technical and Career Center, Flint, replacing Nancy Switzer (leave of absence). This is a temporary appointment. Ms. Pesarek's annual salary for the 2005-2006 school year is Step 4, prorated.
Sarah Willson, reinstatement to her 3-year probationary appointment, effective February 3, 2005 through February 2, 2008, as 1.0 FTE Instructor, Appropriate Social, Behavioral and Communication Skills, effective November 7, 2005. Her assignment is in the Appropriate Social, Behavioral and Communication Skills program, Midlakes Education Center (Primary School), replacing Colleen Hill (resigned). Ms. Willson's annual salary for the 2005-2006 school year is Step 2.
Two-year probationary appointment of Kelly Endres as 1.0 FTE Coordinator, SETRC, in the tenure area, Coordinator, SETRC, effective December 1, 2005 through November 30, 2007. Her current assignment is in SETRC, Newark Maple Building, replacing Janet LeRoux (retires). Ms. Endres holds permanent certification in Special Education, N-6, Intern Certificate/School Administrator & Supervisor. Ms. Endres' annual salary for the 2005-06 school year is $64,900, prorated.
Three year probationary appointment of Angela Galek as 1.0 FTE Teacher Assistant, Social Skill Development (Support Room), in the tenure area, Teaching Assistant, effective November 28, 2005 through November 27, 2008. Her current assignment is in the Social Skill Development program, Wayne Education Center (Newark Perkins), replacing Jason VanLare (resigns). Ms. Galek is eligible for temporary license certification in Teaching Assistant. Ms. Galek's annual salary for the 2005-06 school year is Step 1, prorated ($19,447 prorated).
Tenure appointment of Mary Kirsch, effective March 8, 2006, in Elementary. Currently, Ms. Kirsch is 1.0 FTE Coordinator of Enrichment Programs in the Staff Development Office, Canandaigua.
Temporary, part-time appointment of Diana Modera as .22 FTE Instructor, Clinical (Health Dimensions), effective November 3, 2005 through June 9, 2006, or sooner upon termination by the Board. Her current assignment is in the Health Dimensions program, Finger Lakes Technical and Career Center, Flint. Ms. Modera worked in this position during the 04/05 school year. Ms. Modera is eligible for Transitional A certificate certification in Nurse's Assist 7-12. Ms. Modera's annual salary for the 2005-06 school year is Step 5, prorated ($37,059, prorated).
Emergency conditional appointment of Tamara Owen from 1/3/06 through 1/31/06. Upon clearance from SED, converts to a temporary appointment retroactively to appointment start date appointment as 1.0 FTE Administrative Intern, effective January 3, 2006 through June 30, 2006 or sooner upon termination by the Board and pending SED approval for "Clearance for Employment" based upon fingerprinting and background checks. Her current assignment is in the Staff Development Office, Career Resource Center, Canandaigua, new (12/05 Board). Ms. Owen holds permanent certification in PreK-6, English 7-12. Ms. Owen's annual salary for the 2005-06 school year is $57,743, prorated.
*The following on-line and temporary employees have emergency conditional appointments for 20 days from their start dates. Upon clearance from SED, convert to regular on-line and temporary appointments.
*Temporary appointment of Cheryl Tisa as Student On-Line Course Instructor, Project Accelerate, effective July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006, or sooner upon termination by the Board and pending SED approval for "Clearance for Employment" based upon fingerprinting and background checks. Ms. Tisa's certification is provisional/Spanish 7-12 and provisional/SDS, SAS. Ms. Tisa's compensation is $115.00 per student with the instructor being compensated on a pro-rated basis for student attendance (1/6 of $115.00 per month, or fraction thereof), with a $350 annual stipend, payable upon instructor activation. Students are enrolled in courses on a rolling enrollment basis. Each course will have a maximum of 20 students at any one time. Instructors will teach no more than three courses unless otherwise authorized. Compensation will be paid per monthly student roster report.
Employment of Susan Hassett as Instructor, Pet Grooming for up to approximately 30 hours from November 1, 2005 through November 13, 2005, or sooner upon termination by the Board. Certification status is Adult Education certification/Job Skills Training. The approximate total salary to be paid if Ms. Hassett works the entire period is $517.50. This is an extension of hours to an appointment previously approved at the August 29, 2005 Board meeting.
Employment of Valerie Pfaltzgraf as Instructor, Literacy (non-traditional) for up to approximately 400 hours from November 14, 2005 through June 30, 2006, or sooner upon termination by the Board. Certification status is Adult Education Instructor/Job Skills Training. The approximate total salary to be paid if Ms. Pfaltzgraf works the entire period is $7,460.00.
Employment of Valerie Pfaltzgraf as Instructor, Literacy (traditional) for up to approximately 200 hours from November 14, 2005 through June 30, 2006, or sooner upon termination by the Board. Certification status is Adult Education Instructor/Job Skills Training. The approximate total salary to be paid if Ms. Pfaltzgraf works the entire period is $3,730.00.
Employment of Patricia Ramsey-Macomber as Instructor, Nursing Assistant for up to approximately 120 hours from October 31, 2005 through June 30, 2006, or sooner upon termination by the Board. Certification status is Adult Education certification/Job Skills Training. The approximate total salary to be paid if Ms. Ramsey-Macomber works the entire period is $2,724.00.
Employment of Mary Spittler as Instructor, Literacy (non-traditional) for up to approximately 400 hours. This is an addition of hours to an already existing appointment. from July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006, or sooner upon termination by the Board. Certification status is permanent/Art. The approximate total salary to be paid if Ms. Spittler works the entire period is $7,100.00.
Employment of Mary Spittler as Instructor, Literacy (traditional) for up to approximately 200 hours from November 14, 2005 through June 30, 2006, or sooner upon termination by the Board. Certification status is permanent/Art. The approximate total salary to be paid if Ms. Spittler works the entire period is $3,550.00.
Employment of Fred Zuccala as Financial Aid Advisor for up to approximately 800 hours from November 14, 2005 through June 30, 2006, or sooner upon termination by the Board. Certification status is Adult Education Instructor/Job Skills Training. The approximate total salary to be paid if Mr. Zuccala works the entire period is $24,800.00.
Creation/Elimination of Positions
+1.0 FTE Administrative Intern, Staff Development Office, Canandaigua
Victoria Haas, .75 FTE School Aide, effective November 25, 2005, due to other employment.
Leave of Absence
John Grassi, 1.0 FTE Information Technology Network Technician, effective December 12, 2005, to accept an Information Technology Network Analyst I position, this BOCES.
Christen Davis, .75 FTE School Aide, effective January 18, 2006 through May 12, 2006, due to educational pursuits.
Temporary appointment of Donna Lati as .75 FTE School Aide, effective November 15, 2005 through December 23, 2005 or sooner upon termination by the Board. Her current assignment will be in the Functional Skill Development program, Newark Education Center, High School, replacing J. Gottshall (leave of absence). Ms. Lati's annual salary for the 2005-2006 school year will be Step Minimum ($10,005), prorated. This is a non-competitive position; previous employee.
Probationary appointment of Sarah Lindsay-Briggs as .75 FTE School Aide, effective November 14, 2005. Her current assignment will be in the Social Skill Development program, Wayne Education Center, Williamson, replacing J. Giannotti (resignation). Ms. Lindsay-Briggs' annual salary for the 2005-2006 school year will be Step 4 ($10,730), prorated. This is a non-competitive position; previous employee.
Temporary appointment of Michael Boggs as .75FTE School Aide, effective November 21, 2005 through June 30, 2006 or sooner upon termination by the Board. His current assignment will be in the Social Skill Development program, Finger Lakes Secondary School, Rushville, new (11/2005 Board). Mr. Boggs' annual salary for the 2005-2006 school year will be Step Minimum ($10,005), prorated. This is a non-competitive position; previous employee.
Probationary appointment of Christopher Kincaid as 1.0 FTE Computer Services Assistant, effective December 12, 2005. His current assignment will be Computer Services Assistant, Educational Technology Services and Gorham-Middlesex School District, new (11/2005 Board). Mr. Kincaid's annual salary for the 2005-2006 school year will be Step 4 ($27,567), prorated. This is a competitive position; previous employee.
Emergency conditional appointment of Gilbert Jodeit as 1.0 FTE Computer Systems Analyst. Upon clearance from SED converts to a probationary appointment retroactively to appointment start date, effective December 5, 2005. His current assignment will be Computer Systems Analyst, Educational Technology Services, Newark, new (7/2005 Board). Mr. Jodeit's annual salary for the 2005-2006 school year will be Step Minimum ($43,679), prorated. This is a competitive position. This appointment pending SED approval for "Clearance for Employment" based upon fingerprinting and background checks.
Probationary appointment of John Grassi as 1.0 FTE Information Technology Network Analyst I, effective December 12, 2005. His current assignment will be Information Technology Network Analyst I, Sodus School District, Gorham-Middlesex School District and Dundee School District, new (11/2005 Board). Mr. Grassi's annual salary for the 2005-2006 school year will be Step 8 ($43,723), prorated. This is a competitive position.
Temporary appointment of Karen Picchi as .75 FTE School Aide, effective November 14, 2005 through December 16, 2005 or sooner upon termination by the Board. Her current assignment will be in the Appropriate Social, Behavioral and Communication Skills program, Midlakes Education Center, Primary School, replacing A. Gilbert (medical). Ms. Picchi's annual salary for the 2005-2006 school year will be Step 11 ($12,302), prorated. This is a non-competitive position; previous employee
Creation/Elimination of Positions
Special Education
+ 0.75 FTE School Aide, Social Skill Development, 1:1 (Phelps/Clifton Springs student), Red Jacket EC (A213)
+ 0.75 FTE School Aide, Functional Skill Development, 1:1 (Newark student), Midlakes EC (A232)
+ 0.75 FTE School Aide, Appropriate Social, Behavioral & Communication Skills, 1:1 (Canandaigua student), Midlakes EC (A242)
+ 0.75 FTE School Aide, Appropriate Social, Behavioral & Communication Skills, 1:1 (Geneva student),
Midlakes EC (A242)
+ 0.40 FTE Physical Therapist, Midlakes EC and Geneva SD (West Street) (A311)

JUUL Agreement

JUUL Agreement

Recommend authorizing the Board President to sign a JUUL agreement between the Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES and Ms. Christi (Cleveland) Kuhn.
All present voted yes. The motion was carried.

   Approval of Change Orders 
A motion was made by Thomas DeRue and seconded by Anne Morgan to approve change orders as listed:
e.  Landmark Enterprises #SD-007 +$5,450 – delete approximately 2200 square feet of asphalt removal and replacement work at the front entrance area adjacent to the bus loop.
f.  Allied Builders, Inc. #GC-010 +$5,870 – provide partition walls in the time out areas of b and c wings to 8’ above the ceiling in lieu of to the deck.
g.  Allied Builders, Inc. #GC-011 +$1,840 – provide framing for roof penetrations and for supply duct due to an omission on the documents.
All present voted yes. The motion was carried.
   Policies – Adopted 
   A motion was made by Policy Chair, Thomas DeRue to adopt the following policies:
a.  P6120 Student Referral and Placement
b.  P6130 Non-Resident Students
c.  P6140 Pregnant and Married Students
d.  P6212.2 Program Exclusion
e.  P6213 Loss or Destruction of BOCES Property or Resources
f.  P6220 Alcohol, Drugs and Other Substances (Students)
g.  P6241 Gun-Free Schools Policy
h.  P6250 Vehicle Safety
i.  P6310 Student Evaluation
j.  P6311 Provision of Interpreter Services to Parents who are Hearing Impaired
k.  P6320 Student Records: Access and Challenge
l.  P6321 Custodial/Noncustodial Parents
m.  P6322 Designation of Person in Parental Relation
n.  P6410 Immunization of Students
o.  P6420 Accidents/First Aid Treatment
     Review of Proposed Budgets for 2006-07                           
Program directors highlighted their drafts of proposed budgets.
a.  Instructional/Staff Development Services – Marla Iverson. Total proposed budget $1,866,098 which is a 2.66% increase over last year’s.
b.  Special and Alternative Education – Bonnie Lindsay. Total special ed budget $22,202,446 which is a 1.65% increase over last year’s. Alternative education total budget $868,079, which is a 4.07% increase over last year’s.
c.  EduTech – Camille Sorenson. Total expenditure budget $10,780,820, which is a 2.7% increase over last year’s.
Factors driving all budgets are health care benefit, retirement, and annual salary increases.
Program budgets have been reviewed by the CSO Committees.
    Other Business   
c.  Menu of Programs for Presentations at Component Board Meetings – One of the board’s goals for this year in relation to component boards, is to arrange for presentations to local boards of selected education presentations made at our board meetings. Staff recommendations for offering a menu of presentations were accepted. Our component districts will be surveyed to ascertain their interest.
d.  Menu of Site Visits to Various Facilities for Component Boards – Another one of the board’s goals for this year is to arrange for local board members to visit our BOCES sites/programs and to offer a menu they could select from to visit. Following discussion it was determined that a letter of invitation from the student attending the program at BOCES will be sent to each district inviting board members, principals and counselors to visit their sites/programs.
e.  BOCES Joint Workshop – Taking into consideration the expected visit of Tim Kremer to our January Board meeting, Board members decided to wait to have a conversation with Mr. Kremer on the format and timing of the workshop, before relaying their concerns to other BOCES board members.

A motion was made by Stu Einstein and seconded by David Crystal to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 PM.
               Carolyn E. Robinson, Board Clerk

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