1. Call To Order
    1. Pledge of Allegiance
    2. Public Comment
        1. Board Members
        2. ►Nancy Scher read the response to Deb Cimineri’s request at the October board meeting.
        3. Board Committee Reports
      1. District Superintendent
        1. Dr. Marinelli reported that for the last several years the DSs of the four BOCES in our JMT region have been meeting with presidents and deans of colleges in our region to discuss various issues around teacher shortages and quality. They conducted a study of local districts to gather data to identify the need for teacher preparation in certification areas. They have also discussed internships, access to them and quality of teacher preparation programs.
        2. Strategic Plan
          2. COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Brunner, Mr. Davis, Mr. Havens, Mr. Atseff, Mr. Switzer

Letter to the Board

December 16, 2005
“For centuries men have kept an appointment with Christmas. Christmas means fellowship, feasting, giving and receiving, a time of good cheer, home.” ~W.J. Ronald Tucker
Greetings from Wayne Central. Below are a few items of interest.
Board Letter:
1.  Concerts: Tis’ the season for Christmas concerts. If you didn’t catch any this week. We are having them this Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday. It should definitely get you in the Christmas or Hanukkah spirit.
2.  Negotiations Update: We continue to meet each Wednesday for negotiations. I have nothing new to report other than we continue to work positively toward a settlement.
3.  High School Honor Roll Lists: Attached are the honor roll letters and the list of students who achieved a ranking on either the merit roll (85% or higher), honor roll (90% or higher) or high honor roll (95% or higher). For our high school students who have achieved an 85% or higher overall average for the first 10 weeks the breakdown is as follows: Grade 12: 48% of the senior class; Grade 11: 46% of the Junior Class; Grade 10: 42% of the Sophomore Class; Grade 9: 52% of the Freshman Class. I particularly like the Freshman Class numbers where we have over half the class on the honor roll. I hope that we will continue to build on these numbers.
4.  Ontario Town Board:     One of the Board’s goals for me when I first came was to establish closer ties with the towns of Ontario and Walworth. I can honestly say that I had no part in now having two staff members serving on the Ontario Town Board. Lori Smith was appointed to fill the vacancy left when Mark Brewer resigned Monday evening. Since we now have one republican and one democrat I have declared the district office neutral territory. I know Lori will be a great councilwoman. She has overseen a number of excellent community projects.
5.  Freewill Concert: Thursday night we held our Freewill concert during some questionable weather. Greg and I had checked the roads earlier and they seemed fine. The salters had done their job and the surfaces were only wet. As a result I allowed after school events to go on as planned. I went out on the roads again at 5:00. Again they still seemed in good shape. By 6:00 when students and parents began to show up the conditions had deteriorated. Of course by that time it would have been difficult to cancel the performance. I was suppose to attend a Foundation meeting that night but knew I better stay at the concert so parents could speak to me. Needless to say there were a number who did seek me out to let me know how they felt. Given the circumstances, I can't say I blame them for being upset. I don't think I'll be winning any popularity contests in Walworth for a while.
6.  Superintendent Weekend: I will be out of town this weekend visiting my daughter. I will have my cell phone if you need to contact me.
7.  Upcoming Events:
12/18 – HS Band & Chorus Concert @ PAC – 2:30 p.m.
12/20 – OE Band & Chorus Concert @ PAC – 7:00 p.m.
12/21 – MS Band Concert @ PAC – 7:00 p.m.
12/26, 27, 30 & 1/2– Schools Closed for Holiday Recess (All Offices)
1/5 – Policy Committee Meeting @ DO – 5:15 p.m.
Athletics (Home Events Only)
12/16 – Boys’ JV & V Basketball vs. Pal-Mac – 6:00 & 7:30 p.m.
12/20 - Boys’ JV & V Basketball vs. Newark – 6:00 & 7:30 p.m.
12/23 – Boys’ JV & V Wrestling Match vs. Bath – 6:00 & 7:30 p.m.
   8.  Attachments:
a)  Honor Roll Letters
b)  High School Honor Roll List
c)  BOCES Board Meeting Agenda – 12/19
d)  BOCES Board Meeting Minutes – 11/21
e)  Policy Committee Meeting Minutes – 12/1
f)   Energy Committee Meeting Minutes – 11/29
g)  MCSBI “Newscope” - December
h)  Wayne’s World – December

Wayne Central School District
Office of the Superintendent of Schools
PO Box 155
6200 Ontario Center Road
Ontario Center, NY 14520

              November 28, 2005
High Honor Roll
Wayne High School
Dear Jennifer,
Congratulations on earning a first quarter grade point average between 95 and 100 and a place on the high school high honor roll. You have started the 2005-06 school year off extremely well and I am certain that with continued hard work and effort you will maintain a high level of excellence throughout the year.
Abigail Adams wrote “Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought with ardor and attended to with diligence.” You have made the choice to seek success in your school work with ardor and diligence. I recognize that these grades reflect a personal commitment to excellence and a tremendous amount of effort for which you are to be commended. What you accomplish in your high school years opens the doors to your future.
Keep up the good work!
              Michael Havens
              Superintendent of Schools
Xc: Board of Education

“Students First ~ Excellence For All”  

Wayne Central School District
Office of the Superintendent of Schools
PO Box 155
6200 Ontario Center Road
Ontario Center, NY 14520

              November 28, 2005
Honor Roll
Wayne High School
Dear Rebecca,
Congratulations on earning a first quarter grade point average between 90 and 95 and a place on the high school honor roll. You have started the 2005-06 school year off very well and I am certain that with continued hard work and effort you will maintain a high level of achievement and success throughout the year.
Abraham Lincoln wrote “Always bear in mind that your own resolution to success is more important than any other one thing.” You have made a choice to achieve success in your classroom each day. I recognize that these grades reflect a personal commitment to excellence and you are to be commended. What you accomplish in your high school years opens the doors to your future.
Keep up the good work!
              Michael Havens
              Superintendent of Schools

“Students First ~ Excellence For All”  

Wayne Central School District
Office of the Superintendent of Schools
PO Box 155
6200 Ontario Center Road
Ontario Center, NY 14520

              November 28, 2005
Merit Roll
Wayne High School
Dear Denis,
Congratulations on earning a first quarter grade point average between 85 and 90 and a place on the high school merit roll. You have started the 2005-06 school year off well and I am certain that with continued hard work and effort you will maintain a high level of achievement throughout the year.
Eugene S. Wilson wrote “Only the curious will learn and only the resolute overcome the obstacles to learning.” It is most important to always remain diligent to your school work and the quest for learning that you are faced with each day. What you accomplish in your high school years opens the doors to your future.
Keep up the good work and always strive to do your best.
              Michael Havens
              Superintendent of Schools

“Students First ~ Excellence For All”  

Regional Support Center
 Eisenhower Building, Large Conference Room (first floor)

 Newark, New York

 Regular Meeting – Monday, December 19, 2005 – 6:30 PM


1. Call to Order – Nancy Scher                       OI

a. Request for Executive Session                    A

(Contingent upon adoption of a motion during the public portion of the meeting in accordance with Section 105 of the Public Officers Law)
u It is anticipated that the Regular Business Meeting will reconvene by 7:30 PM u

b. Pledge of Allegiance – Nancy Scher
2. Welcome and Introductions – Nancy Scher         OI
a. Guests
b. Representatives from Component Boards
3. Public Comment
4. Approval of the Agenda – Nancy Scher  A
5. Approval of the Minutes Regular Meeting of November 21, 2005 – Nancy Scher  A

6. Reports and Correspondence               OI
a. Board Members
b. Board Committee Reports
c. District Superintendent
d. Strategic Plan Update

7. Consensus Agenda – Keith Henry  A
a. Treasurer’s Reports for General and Special Aid for the Month Ending October 2005
b. Budget Status Reports for General, Administration and Special Aid for Month Ending November 2005
  c. Budget Change Summary
d. Routine Action Items
1.   Contracts
a.   Contract Amendment to Finance Manager Software Master Agreement
b.   Architect Contract with Beardsley Design for Williamson Campus
c.   Extension of Clerk of the Works Contract
2.   Bids
a.   Printing Services
b.   Lumber & Building Supplies
c.   Project Lead the Way Items
3.   Surplus Equipment
4. Donations
a. 1993 Dodge Caravan
b. 1997 Chevy Lumina
8. Personnel – Jim McNeil A  
a. Certified
b.   Non-Certified
9. Approval of Change Orders – Keith Henry             A
a.   Landmark Enterprises #SD-007 +$5,450
b.   Allied Builders, Inc. #GC-010 +$5,870
c.   Allied Builders, Inc. #GC-011 +$1,840
10. Policies – Second Reading – Jim McNeil                       A
a.   P6120 Student Referral and Placement
b.   P6130 Non-Resident Students
c.   P6140 Pregnant and Married Students
d.   P6212.2 Program Exclusion
e.   P6213 Loss or Destruction of BOCES Property or Resources
f.   P6220 Alcohol, Drugs and Other Substances (Students)
g.   P6241 Gun-Free Schools Policy
h.   P6250 Vehicle Safety
i.   P6310 Student Evaluation
j.   P6311 Provision of Interpreter Services to Parents who are Hearing Impaired
k.   P6320 Student Records: Access and Challenge
l.   P6321 Custodial/Noncustodial Parents
m.   P6322 Designation of Person in Parental Relation
n.   P6410 Immunization of Students
o.   P6420 Accidents/First Aid Treatment
11. Review of Proposed Budgets for 2006-07                    OI/WI
a.   Instructional/Staff Development Services – Marla Iverson
b.   Special and Alternative Education – Bonnie Lindsay
c.   EduTech – Camille Sorenson
12. Other Business – Nancy Scher                   A
a.   Menu of Programs for Presentations at Component Board Meetings
b.   Menu of Site Visits to Various Facilities for Component Boards
c.   BOCES Joint Meeting
13. Adjournment – Nancy Scher                       A



Jack Loveless Conference Room, Eisenhower Building
Regional Support Center
Newark, New York
The Regular Meeting of the Wayne-Finger Lakes Board of Cooperative Educational Services Sole Supervisory District, Ontario, Seneca, Yates, Cayuga and Wayne Counties, was held Monday evening, November 21, 2005, in the Jack Loveless Conference Room, Eisenhower Building, Newark. The meeting was called to order at 6:35 PM.
Board Members Present: Thomas DeRue; Jeanne Durfee; Stu Einstein; Anne Morgan; OJ Sahler (arrived at 6:45); Nancy Scher; and Nadina Stevens.
Board Members Absent: Patrick Crowe and David Crystal
Others Present: District Superintendent Joe Marinelli; Associate Superintendent Jack McCabe; Assistant Superintendents Jim McNeil and Keith Henry; Bonnie Lindsay, Director of Alternative and Special Education; Joe Galante, Director of Career and Technical Education; Marla Iverson, Director of Staff Development; Tony Tripolone; Jeanna Savage, Public Relations Officer; Support Personnel President Patti Scoon; Elaine Hartnagle, Liaison and Board Member Palmyra-Macedon; and Board Clerk Carolyn Robinson.

Call To Order

Call To Order

President Nancy Scher called the meeting to order at 6:35 PM.

Pledge of Allegiance

Pledge of Allegiance

   Nancy Scher led the Pledge of Allegiance

Welcome and Introductions
Nancy Scher welcomed everyone to the board meeting.

Public Comment

Public Comment


Approval of the Agenda
A motion was made by Jeanne Durfee and seconded by Nadina Stevens to approve the agenda.
 All present voted yes. The motion was carried.
Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 24, 2005
A motion was made by Stu Einstein and seconded by Anne Morgan to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on October 24, 2005.
 All present voted yes. The motion was carried.

Educational Presentation – Regional Results of State Assessments
Tony Tripolone and Marla Iverson reported on the regional results of State Assessments

Tony presented district comparison data. ELA 8 continues to be an area of concern. Math 4 is excellent. (Naples has again reached the national goal of 100% of the students reaching proficiency in Math 4 and many districts are not too far behind.) Math 8 is really coming along, as is ELA 4. The energy we’ve put into Math 8 is paying off. (We exceed the state’s growth even though little progress was attained from any group in the state this year.) Also, for the first time our region achieved the state benchmark of 150 as a Performance Index on all four assessments. We continue to outperform the state in ELA and Math, as well as in Regents. Districts that aren’t making progress need to continue to align and map their curricula particularly in view of the 3-8 testing and develop parallel tasks to determine local achievement. We are working with them to analyze the data and increase their understanding of how to use the data to inform instruction. We will also try to provide the momentum needed to improve literacy across curricula and in helping teachers to identify strategies necessary to address student needs.
OJ Sahler arrived at 6:45PM

Reports and Correspondence

Board Members

Board Members

►Nancy Scher read the response to Deb Cimineri’s request at the October board meeting.

►Nancy Scher read the response to Deb Cimineri’s request at the October board meeting.

“On the evening of October 24 at our school board meeting you presented several questions regarding the Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES Tractor Trailer program. You concerns centered on: there wasn’t a class scheduled, the trucks are going to be parked and not used, and that this was a career field where there is employment. You also inquired as to whether there would be classes run sometime in the future. The fact that you took the time to come to our board meeting and make this presentation tells me that you deeply care about this career field and you are proud of your contributions as an instructor.
Our actions on the Tractor Trailer program and other career training programs are certainly not a reflection on staff skills or the importance of conducting a career training program. You were correct to say that there are students interested in enrolling in the Tractor Trailer class. However, there are an insufficient number of students who can obtain funding in order to pay for the course and, therefore, in order for us to schedule another class at this time.
We do want to promote driver training classes and driver careers. We will be retaining two of our trucks for now, and we will continue to research how we can help students obtain funding. When we have a sufficient number of students, who are able to pay the tuition, we will move to begin a new class.”
►Stu Einstein reported on his trip to Washington, DC. He noted it put in perspective how important it is to provide a good education and the need to provide a good place to grow up. Geneva was the only community in New York State to be recognized. It was an exciting event, working together to help kids. Finger Lakes Health will be looking at how leadership programs can be provided to retain leaders in our community.
►Nadina Stevens reported on the seminar held at the NYSSBA Annual Convention last month in Rochester. The attendance was the largest ever (75). Everyone enjoyed the program.

►Jeanne Durfee, Stu Einstein and Nancy Scher attended the Four County School Boards Association general meeting last week and commented on the program on Childhood Nutrition and Obesity. A pediatrician from the University of Rochester Medical Center provided a presentation on the scope, causes, and effects of childhood obesity, the coordinator of the Student Support Services from GV BOCES outlined the new federal requirement for a wellness committee and policy in school districts, the Wellness coordinator from Clyde-Savannah CSD talked about how they are addressing it, and a representative from the Heart Association described the information and support available to schools as they work on the problem. To sum it up, it was noted that the nutrition and obesity problem has a negative impact on student achievement and must be addressed for that reason, not just because it is a federal mandate. It was also noted that this will not come without a cost - serving healthy foods is not inexpensive.


Board Committee Reports

Board Committee Reports

OJ Sahler, chair of the Board/DS Evaluation Committee, said the committee would be meeting soon.
Thomas DeRue, chair of the Board Policy Committee, distributed a 3-page matrix. Any questions or comments direct to either Thomas or Jim McNeil. They will use this as a model for reviewing policies.

District Superintendent

District Superintendent

Dr. Marinelli reported that for the last several years the DSs of the four BOCES in our JMT region have been meeting with presidents and deans of colleges in our region to discuss various issues around teacher shortages and quality. They conducted a study of local districts to gather data to identify the need for teacher preparation in certification areas. They have also discussed internships, access to them and quality of teacher preparation programs.

Dr. Marinelli reported that for the last several years the DSs of the four BOCES in our JMT region have been meeting with presidents and deans of colleges in our region to discuss various issues around teacher shortages and quality. They conducted a study of local districts to gather data to identify the need for teacher preparation in certification areas. They have also discussed internships, access to them and quality of teacher preparation programs.

Dr. Marinelli visited the Reading First Program at Red Creek last week. They have a 90-minute block of reading for K-3. He was very pleased with the program.
W-FL BOCES received their Health and Safety compliance report with a 99% score.
Committee of district superintendents looking at best practices in their BOCES.
November 2nd Summit - The Summit provided an excellent opportunity to strengthen existing partnerships and to identify new collaborative opportunities necessary to carryout the Pre-K-16 priorities described in the New York State Board of Regents Statewide Plan for Higher Education. Key initiatives described in the plan are to provide K-12 students and their families the information they need to prepare for higher education and to help school districts ensure that all students are taught by qualified, certified teachers and that all school leaders and other school professionals are well prepared.
Governor Pataki signed a bill to permit BOCES to operate a full day technical high school. BOCES can’t grant the diploma that would remain with local districts.
Erie #2 Merger study completed, they did not recommend merger with another BOCES. Monroe 1 and 2 study will be issued in December.

Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan

The educational presentation on regional results of state assessments related to the strategic plan. 


Tom Zuber from Ray Wager Auditing Firm reviewed the audit report with the Board.

     Consensus Agenda 
A motion was made by OJ Sahler and seconded by Anne Morgan to approve the consensus agenda.

a.  Acceptance of Treasurer’s reports for General and Special aid for the month ending September 2005.
b.  Acceptance of budget status reports for general, administration and special aid for month ending October 2005.
c.  Acceptance of Budget Change Summary
d.  Routine Action Items
1. Donations
a.  Acceptance of donation by Wendy Whiffen of an electric hospital bed, a reclining Geri chair, and a hoyer lift to the Health Dimensions Class at FLTCC for instructional purposes.
b.  Acceptance of 25 pieces of solid block donated by Phelps Cement Products to the Plant Science Class at FLTCC for a student activity project.
2. Multi-Year Purchase Agreement

Approval of SAA-6605 in the amount of $74,400 for the installment contract with Chase Equipment Leasing for purchase of microcomputers and associated hardware and software for Bryon/Bergen Central Schools.
 All present voted yes. The motion was carried.

A motion was made by Thomas DeRue and seconded by OJ Sahler to approve the certified, non-certified personnel, and the School Resource Officer resolution.

Certified Personnel
Jason VanLare, 1.0 FTE Teacher Assistant, Social Skill Development, effective November 4, 2005, no reason given.
Michael Tauscher, 1.0 FTE Adult Instructor/Vehicle Operation Programs and CDL Examiner, effective November 4, 2005, no reason given.
Marion Kise, 1.0 FTE Teacher Assistant, Alternative Suspension, effective January 2, 2005, due to retirement purposes.
Colleen Hill, 1.0 FTE Instructor, Appropriate Social, Behavioral and Communication Skills, effective November 1, 2005 no reason given.
Patricia Schell, 1.0 FTE Instructor, Social Skill Development, effective June 30, 2005, due to retirement purposes.
Patty Cline, 1.0 FTE Case Manager/Career Counselor, change in appointment end date of temporary appointment from June 30, 2006 to November 11, 2005. Ms. Cline's appointment is ending earlier than original appointment due to lack of work, not her job performance.
Thomas Shepard, 1.0 FTE Program Coordinator for Literacy and Secondary Related Program, change in appointment end date of temporary appointment from June 30, 2006 to December 9, 2005. Mr. Shepard's appointment is ending earlier than original appointment due to lack of funding, not his job performance.
Changes in Appointment
Joelle Mendola, from 1.0 FTE Speech Therapist, change in appointment end date from November 16, 2005 to October 28, 2005, originally approved at the October 24, 2005 Board meeting. Ms. Mendola's annual salary for the 2005-2006 school year is Step 6, prorated.
Emergency conditional appointment of Robert Yanaitis from 10/17/05 through 11/11/05. Upon clearance from SED, converts to a 2-year probationary appointment retroactively to appointment start date as 1.0 FTE Student Services Specialist, in the tenure area, Mathematics 7-12, effective October 17, 2005 through October 16, 2007 and pending SED approval for "Clearance for Employment" based upon fingerprinting and background checks. His current assignment is in the Educational Technology Services, Newark, replacing Lori Weykman (resigned). Mr. Yanaitis holds permanent certification in Mathematics 7-12. Mr. Yanaitis's annual salary for the 2005-06 school year is $50,000, prorated.
Emergency conditional appointment of Frank Buisch from 10/17/05 through 11/11/05. Upon clearance from SED, converts to a 3-year probationary appointment retroactively to appointment start date as 1.0 FTE Teacher Assistant, Power Mechanics, in the tenure area, Teaching Assistant, effective October 17, 2005 through October 16, 2008 and pending SED approval for "Clearance for Employment" based upon fingerprinting and background checks. His current assignment is in the Power Mechanics program, Wayne Technical and Career Center, Williamson, replacing Rich Sundberg (resigned). Mr. Buisch is eligible for temporary license certification in Teaching Assistant. Mr. Buisch's annual salary for the 2005-06 school year is Step 1, prorated ($19,447, prorated).
Three-year probationary appointment of Michael Crespo as 1.0 FTE Teacher Assistant, Social Skill Development (Support Room), in the tenure area, Teaching Assistant, effective October 17, 2005 through October 16, 2008. His current assignment is in the Social Skill Development (Support Room) program, Wayne Education Center (Williamson location), replacing Pat Pierce (transfer). Mr. Crespo is eligible for Level I certification in Teaching Assistant. Mr. Crespo's annual salary for the 2005-06 school year is Step 3, prorated ($20,082, prorated).
Emergency conditional appointment of Nicole McDeid from 10/6/05 through 11/3/05. Upon clearance from SED, converts to a 3-year probationary appointment retroactively to appointment start date as 1.0 FTE Instructor, Social Studies (Experiential Learning), in the tenure area, Social Studies 7-12, effective October 6, 2005 through October 5, 2008 and pending SED approval for "Clearance for Employment" based upon fingerprinting and background checks. Her current assignment is in the Social Studies program, Centers for Experiential Learning, Flint and Williamson, replacing Charles Lovejoy (resigned). Ms. McDeid holds initial certificate certification in Social Studies 7-12. Ms. McDeid's annual salary for the 2005-06 school year is Step 1, prorated ($35,118, prorated).
Emergency conditional appointment of Walter Zweigle from 10/18/05 through 11/15/05. Upon clearance from SED, converts to a temporary appointment retroactively to appointment start date as 1.0 FTE Instructor, Literacy, effective October 18, 2005 through June 30, 2006, or sooner upon termination by the Board and pending SED approval for "Clearance for Employment" based upon fingerprinting and background checks. His current assignment is in the Literacy Program, Ontario County Jail, replacing Michael Record (resigned). Mr. Zweigle holds permanent certification in Elementary Education (New Jersey certification). Mr. Zweigle's annual salary for the 2005-06 school year is $34,000, prorated.
*The following On-Line and Hourly instructors have emergency conditional appointments for 20 days from their start dates. Upon clearance from SED, convert to regular On-Line and Hourly appointments.
*Temporary appointment of Taryn Nole as Student On-Line Course Instructor, Project Accelerate, effective July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006, or sooner upon termination by the Board and pending SED approval for "Clearance for Employment" based upon fingerprinting and background checks. Ms. Nole's certification is permanent/Mathematics 7-12. Ms. Nole's compensation is: $115.00 per student with the instructor being compensated on a pro-rated basis for student attendance (1/6 of $115.00 per month, or fraction thereof), with a $350 annual stipend, payable upon instructor activation. Students are enrolled in courses on a rolling enrollment basis. Each course will have a maximum of 20 students at any one time. Instructors will teach no more than 3 courses unless otherwise authorized. Compensation will be paid per monthly student roster report.
Employment of Sandra Greiner as Instructor, Certified Nursing Assistant for up to approximately 150 hours from November 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006, or sooner upon termination by the Board. Certification status is Adult Education Instructor/Job Skills Training. The approximate total salary to be paid if Ms. Greiner works the entire period is $2,992.50.
Employment of Connie Martin as Instructor, Certified Nursing Assistant for up to approximately 150 hours from October 31, 2005 through January 17, 2006, or sooner upon termination by the Board. Certification status is Adult Education Instructor/Job Skills Training. The approximate total salary to be paid if Ms. Martin works the entire period is $3,375.00.
Employment of Helene Ribble as Instructor, Office Technology for up to approximately 7 hours from July 19, 2005 through August 24, 2005, or sooner upon termination by the Board. Certification status is Adult Education Instructor/Job Skills Training. The approximate total salary to be paid if Ms. Ribble works the entire period is $146.65.
Non-Certified Personnel

Michael Crespo, .75 FTE School Aide, effective October 14, 2005, to accept teacher assistant position, this BOCES.
Jennie Giannotti, .75 FTE School Aide, effective October 28, 2005, no reason given.
Aimee Hilton, .75 FTE School Aide, effective November 4, 2005, no reason given.
Leave of Absence
Jan Bauer, .75 FTE School Aide, effective October 24, 2005 through February 23, 2006, due to child rearing purposes.
Change of Position
Stephanie Curry, from .80 FTE Occupational Therapist to 1.0 FTE Occupational Therapist, effective October 31, 2005. Her current assignment is Occupational Therapist, Midlakes and Newark Education Centers. Ms. Curry’s probationary appointment continues. Ms. Curry's annual salary for the 2005-2006 school year is Step 3. This is a competitive position.
Permanent appointment of David Daunce as 1.0 FTE Messenger, effective December 5, 2005. His current assignment will be Messenger, EduTech Warehouse, Newark. Mr. Daunce's annual salary for the 2005-2006 school year will be Step 1. This is a change in civil service status from probationary to permanent.
Emergency conditional appointment of Margaret Walker as .75 FTE School Aide. Upon clearance from SED converts to a probationary appointment retroactively to appointment start date, effective October 12, 2005. Her current assignment will be in the Social Skill Development program, Wayne Education Center, Kelley School, Newark, new (10/2005 Board). Ms. Walker's annual salary for the 2005-2006 school year will be Step 3 ($10,524), prorated. This is a non-competitive position. This appointment pending SED approval for "Clearance for Employment" based upon fingerprinting and background checks.
Temporary appointment of Annette Cleveland as .69 FTE School Aide, effective November 2, 2005 through June 30, 2006 or sooner upon termination by the Board. Her current assignment will be in the Communication Skill Development program, Newark Education Center, Perkins School, replacing Marilyn Pieschke (leave of absence). Ms. Cleveland's annual salary for the 2005-2006 school year will be Step 3 ($10,524), prorated. This is a non-competitive position; previous employee.
Emergency conditional appointment of Shelly Filiatreau as .75 FTE School Aide. Upon clearance from SED converts to a probationary appointment retroactively to appointment start date, effective October 12, 2005. Her current assignment will be in the Appropriate Social, Behavioral and Communication Skills program, Midlakes Education Center, Intermediate School, replacing Linda Gagnon (transfer). Ms. Filiatreau's annual salary for the 2005-2006 school year will be Step Minimum ($10,005), prorated. This is a non-competitive position. This appointment pending SED approval for "Clearance for Employment" based upon fingerprinting and background checks.
Temporary appointment of Laura Hight as .75 FTE School Aide, effective October 17, 2005 through June 30, 2006 or sooner upon termination by the Board. Her current assignment will be in the Social Skill Development program, Finger Lakes Secondary School, Rushville, new (10/2005 Board). Ms. Hight's annual salary for the 2005-2006 school year will be Step Minimum ($10,005), prorated. This is a non-competitive position; previous employee.
Emergency conditional appointment of Michelle Minier as .75 FTE School Aide. Upon clearance from SED converts to a probationary appointment retroactively to appointment start date, effective October 31, 2005. Her current assignment will be in the Social Skill Development program, Wayne Education Center, Williamson, replacing M. Crespo (resigned). Ms. Minier's annual salary for the 2005-2006 school year will be Step 2 ($10,371), prorated. This is a non-competitive position. This appointment pending SED approval for "Clearance for Employment" based upon fingerprinting and background checks.
Creation/Elimination of Positions
Educational Technology Services
- 1.00 FTE Information Technology Network Analyst II, Sodus, Gorham-Middlesex, Dundee, MTS (A510/A611)
+ 1.00 FTE Information Technology Network Analyst I, Sodus, Gorham-Middlesex, Dundee, MTS (A510/A611)
- 1.00 FTE Senior Computer Services Assistant, EduTech, LeRoy (A510/A611)
+ 1.00 FTE Computer Services Assistant, EduTech, Newark (A510/A611)
Special Education
+ 1.00 FTE Secretary I, Wayne Education Center (A702)
+ 0.20 FTE Occupational Therapist, Midlakes and Newark Education Centers (A304)
+ 0.75 FTE School Aide, Social Skill Development, Wayne Education Center (A213)
+ 0.75 FTE School Aide, Social Skill Development, 1:1 (Canandaigua student), FLSS-R (A213)

School Resource Officer Resolution
Recommend approval of the resolution for an agreement with Ontario County to provide a school resource officer for our Stanley Campus, at a cost of $105,293 for the four-year period.
All present voted yes. The motion was carried.
       Approval of Change Order 
A motion was made by Thomas DeRue and seconded by Anne Morgan to approve Allied Builders, Inc. #GC-009 in the amount of +$9,211 for precast panels on the east wall of section A at Entry A-2 and 30’ of precise panels in lieu of the veneer block specified.
All present voted yes. The motion was carried.
         Acceptance of SA-111 Annual Financial Report 
A motion was made by Anne Morgan and seconded by Stu Einstein to accept the SA-111 Annual Financial Report for the year ending June 30, 2005.
All present voted yes. The motion was carried.

p.    P6120 Student Referral and Placement
q.  P6130 Non-Resident Students
r.  P6140 Pregnant and Married Students
s.  P6212.2 Program Exclusion
t.  P6213 Loss or Destruction of BOCES Property or Resources
u.  P6220 Alcohol, Drugs and Other Substances (Students)
v.  P6241 Gun-Free Schools Policy
w.  P6250 Vehicle Safety
x.  P6310 Student Evaluation
y.  P6311 Provision of Interpreter Services to Parents who are Hearing Impaired
z.  P6320 Student Records: Access and Challenge
aa.  P6321 Custodial/Noncustodial Parents
bb.  P6322 Designation of Person in Parental Relation
cc.  P6410 Immunization of Students
dd.  P6420 Accidents/First Aid Treatment
        Acceptance of General Fund Audit Fiscal Year Ending 2005 

A motion was made by Stu Einstein and seconded by OJ Sahler to accept the General Fund Audit for the year ending June 30, 2005.
All present voted yes. The motion was carried.

   Policies – First Reading 
   First reading of policies:
   Review of Technical, Career & Continuing Education Budget 

Joe Galante highlighted the draft of the Technical, Career & Continuing Education Proposed Budget for the 2006-07 school year. An enrollment of 918 for 2006-2007 is anticipated based upon analysis of 2005-2006 student enrollment, resulting in tuition of $7,399 per student. Enrollment greater than 915 might result in flexibility in the budget. The budget has been reviewed by the CSO Technical and Career Committee.

   Other Business
Joint BOCES Workshop – NYSSBA is soliciting presentations for a best practices session which will be held March 6th. Following discussion, the Board decided they would send a letter to NYSSBA stating their tremendous disappointment that there is not sufficient discussion time for BOCES board members during this workshop. OJ Sahler will draft the letter.

A motion was made by OJ Sahler and seconded by Stu Einstein to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 PM.
               Carolyn E. Robinson, Board Clerk

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DATE: Thursday, December 1, 2005 TIME: 5:15 p.m. PLACE: District Office



COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Brunner, Mr. Davis, Mr. Havens, Mr. Atseff, Mr. Switzer

COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Brunner, Mr. Davis, Mr. Havens, Mr. Atseff, Mr. Switzer

PRIOR MEETING MINUTES: Minutes of the meeting of October 20, 2005 were filed as presented.
(1)     Proposed RevisionsCode of Conduct – Athletics & Extra-Curricular Activities: Committee members have received the working draft of the proposed revisions. Detailed discussion and review was tabled until the next policy committee meeting.
(2)     Required Annual Review of Policies: 3410 (Code of Conduct on School Property ) & 3420 (Harassment & Discrimination): Mr. Johnson recommended that the two (2) policies continue as stated; the committee concurred. He also presented suggested revisions to the Regulation 3410-R (see new business).
(1)     Status of Policy Review Service – NYSSBA: Mr. Johnson noted that approval was made by the Board of Education at the November 10th meeting. Mr. Switzer will handle details with the business office.
(2)     Proposed Revisions (Section 1000) – Annual Review of 50% of Handbook: Mr. Johnson noted proposed revisions and deletions from the annual review at the prior committee meeting. Mr. Switzer presented working drafts of the proposed modifications. Committee members endorsed the modifications; Mr. Switzer will submit for first reading at the Board of Education meeting of January 12th.
1230 – Reporting of Campaign Expenditures 1320 – Appointment & Duties of the School District Treasurer
1420 – Execution of Policy Through Administrative Regulations 1610 – Voting Procedures for School Elections
(3)     Future New Policy – Wellness & Child Nutrition: Mr. Johnson reported that he is working with Mrs. Wilson (food service), Mr. Blankenberg (athletics) and Mr. Havens on a working draft of this new policy.
(4)     Proposed New Policy Sexual Misconduct: Mr. Havens presented a working draft for review by the committee. Following discussion, it was decided to incorporate the topic into the existing regulation 3420 (sexual harassment & discrimination) and present it to the Board of Education for review on January 12th.
(5)      Required Annual Review of Policies: These items were tabled until the next committee meeting:
4250 – Evaluation of the Superintendent of Schools (Mrs. Brunner) 5220 – District Investments (Mr. Davis, Mr. Atseff)
5221 – Principles of Purchasing (Mr. Davis, Mr. Atseff)
(6)     Annual Review – 50% of Policy Handbook - Section 2000 – Internal Operations: Mr. Davis shared proposed revisions based on his review of this section. The committee will review working drafts of the proposals at the next committee meeting. Mr. Davis added that the maintenance/repair projects completed by district staff each year are often unknown by the Board of Education and suggested that the director of facilities present reports on both plans and results of those projects at school board meetings in addition to the required reports and inspections of facilities. The committee endorsed the idea. He also suggested that a school trustee serve as a member of the district-wide safety committee.
(7)     Policy Modifications Based on New Fiscal Oversight Requirements: Mr. Havens and Mr. Atseff are working with the district auditor on revisions or additions to policies or regulations prompted by new regulations of the State Comptroller on auditing and fiscal oversight. They will bring proposals to the committee as they are available (e.g. role of internal claims auditor, use of credit cards)                                
(8)     Proposed Revisions – Regulation 3410 – Public Conduct on School Property: Mr. Johnson reviewed this regulation as part of annual review of this policy, noted above, and presented suggested revisions and additions. Following review, the committee endorsed the modifications; Mr. Switzer will submit for first reading at the Board of Education meeting of January 12th.
NEXT MEETINGS: Thursdays, December 15th & January 5th @ the District Office @ 5:15 p.m.

ADJOURNMENT: 6:15 p.m.

Recorded by Jim Switzer

 Follow-Up On: Review of Working Draft of Revisions to Athletic/Extra-Curricular Code of Conduct
 Follow-Up On: Revisions to Policy 2320, 2330 & 2340 (Internal Operations)
 Follow-Up On: Revisions to Regulations 3410 (Public Conduct on School Property) & 3420 (Sexual Discrimination)
 Follow-Up On: Proposed Wellness & Child Nutrition Policy/Committee
 Follow-Up On: Proposed Revisions to Policies & Regulations – Fiscal Oversight
• Follow-Up On: Review First & Second Reading of Section 1000 (Bylaws) – Annual Review
Follow-Up On: Review of Required Policy 4250 – Evaluation of the Superintendent of Schools (Mrs. Brunner)
Follow-Up On: Review of Required Policies 5220 (District Investments ) & 5221 (Principles of Purchasing) ( Mr. Davis, Mr. Atseff)
Follow-Up On: Review of 50% of Policy Handbook – Section 3000 – Community Relations (Mr. Johnson)

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