1.        Councilman Keyes Aye
          1. The Board agreed that although building permits may be issued after the blacktop is down, no
  1.  Deb Germain stated that it was a very successful Red Ribbon Week, with 8 assemblies held in 8
      1.    The legal notice was read. As there were no comments from the public, Councilman Keyes
        1.        Roll call vote:  Supervisor Guelli  Aye
        2.    Councilman Keyes Aye
      2.    The legal notice was read. As there were no comments from the public, Councilman Keyes
  2.   Motion by Councilman Yale authorizing the Supervisor to sign a contract with the West
  3.      Walworth Volunteer Fire Department for fire protection in the West Walworth Fire Protection
        1.    Roll call vote:  Supervisor Guelli  Aye
        2.    Councilman Keyes Aye
        3. 1. HEARING: 
        4.  The legal notice was read. Comments were as follows:
        5.  As there were no additional comments, Councilman Yale moved that the hearing be
        6.    Councilman Keyes Aye

Letter to the Board


November 18, 2005
“All growth is a leap in the dark, a spontaneous unpremeditated act without benefit of experience.”

- - Henry Miller

Greetings from Wayne Central. Below are a few items of interest.
Board Letter:

1. First snow: Bus drivers had their first snowy weather this season. We always worry about the first snow as each of us have to adjust our driving habits. They did a great job getting all our children safely in to school


2. Negotiations: We are meeting with WTA (Wayne Teachers Association) weekly to work on the new contract. This past week we continued our discussion of benefits. We are trying very hard to work as a team to develop a good contract. Enclosed is our joint statement regarding this latest meeting.


3. Wayne County Education Coalition: I believe that our sales tax money will be safe again this year provided we continue to be vigilant with our Supervisors. The shake up in the elections has many of them nervous, which is to our benefit. See the attached letter from Lori Verbridge.


4. Windmill: I met with our MS and HS technology department yesterday to talk about building a windmill as a joint MS HS student project. The idea is pretty exciting. They would design and construct all aspects of the windmill including the generator and blades. There is still much background work to be done but I believe we will be bringing a proposal to you in January or February. We are also continuing discussions with a different source on the possibility of a windmill similar to Harbec’s.


5. HS Principal Interview Status: The interviews have gone well. The candidates have worked their way through three separate committees and I now have three final candidates. I hope to be able to meet with them next week. I should have more to tell you after the Thanksgiving break on the outcome of my interviews. The three finalists are Deborah Tubiolo, who has been a foreign language teacher and an assistant principal at Greece Olympia HS; our own Joe Siracuse, who has been a second grade teacher, a secondary level social studies teacher and an elementary principal, and Robert Riviello who has been a fifth grade teacher, middle school reading teacher, elementary principal and a K-12 principal for curriculum and instruction.
6. Zoning Board of Appeals Letter: Attached is a letter written to the Zoning Board of Appeals from Fred Prince. I am asking that each of you also contact our town representatives asking them to overturn this decision. I have attached the information you need to send an email or make a phone call. Even if you are not a resident of Ontario, as a Board Member of Wayne Central representing students in the Town of Ontario, you should make a contact as a matter of concern over the health and welfare for the students of our district.
7. Rotary New Teacher Night: On Tuesday evening we had 22 new teachers/staff that attended the Rotary New Teacher night at the Ontario Golf Club. The evening followed its usual program of social time, dinner and then introductions by the building principals. All the principals were in attendance and only a small number of our new staff were unable to attend. This was a great opportunity for our new staff to meet community members and become acquainted with our area. I know it is appreciated by our staff.
8. Board Letter: There will not be a board letter next week due to the Thanksgiving break. I would like to extend my best wishes to all of you and your families for a wonderful Thanksgiving day to enjoy the many blessings we have been given and to be thankful for those around us that fill our lives each day. Safe travels and don’t eat too much! (and if you do, may you at least get to have a nice long nap afterwards) /:>
9. Upcoming Events:

11/18-20 – NAC – Seussical the Musical” @ PAC evening performances 7:30 p.m.; matinees 2:00 p.m.
11/21 – HS PTSA Meeting @ DO Conference Room – 7:00 p.m.
11/22 - ½ day K-8 – Parent Teacher Conferences
11/23 – ½ day Staff Training Day; ½ Day Parent Teacher Conferences K-12
11/24-25 – Schools Closed – Thanksgiving Recess
11/28-12/2 – OP Holiday Shop/ FE Gingerbread House Gift Shop
11/29 – Passport Application processing @ District Office – 5:30 – 7:30 – p.m.
11/30 – FE Parent Group Meeting @ Media Center – 6:45 p.m.
12/3 – Ontario Chamber of Commerce Holiday Craft Show @ MS – 9:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Athletics (Home Events Only)
11/19 – JV & V Basketball vs. Pittsford Mendon – 10:00 & 11:30 a.m.
11/21 – JV & V Basketball vs. Franklin HS – 4:15 & 5:45 p.m.
11/22 – JV & V Coed Bowling vs. Newark @ Empire Lanes – 4:00 p.m.
11/30 – JV & V Coed Bowling vs. Penn Yan @ Empire Lanes – 4:00 p.m.
12/1 – JV Wayne Basketball Tournament vs. Williamson – 7:30 p.m.
12/1 – JV Cheerleading Wayne Tournament – 7:30 p.m.
12/2 – V Wayne Basketball Tournament vs. Williamson – 7:30 p.m.
12/2 – V Cheerleading Wayne Tournament – 7:30 p.m.
12/3 – JV Wayne Basketball Tournament vs. Williamson – 2:00 & 4:00 p.m.
12/3 – JV Cheerleading Wayne Tournament – 2:00 & 4:00 p.m.
12/3 – V Wayne Basketball Tournament vs. Williamson – 6:00 & 8:00 p.m.
12/3 – V Cheerleading Wayne Tournament – 6:00 & 8:00 p.m.
10. Attachments:

a) WTA Negotiations Memo
b) Ontario Zoning Board Letter
c) Staff email re: “Grease” Musical decision
d) County News
e) Sales Tax Update
f) Walworth Town Board Meeting Minutes – 11/3
g) Guelli Letter
h) “Grease” Public Comment
i) “Grease” Newspaper Articles
j) October Press Releases
k) BOCES Board Meeting Minutes – 10/24
l) Hopeworks Newsletter – November
m) Newscope – November
n) Four County News & Notes - November

To:   Board of Education, WTA
From:   Lori Sensenbach and Michael Havens
Date:   11/04/23

Re:   Contract negotiations


On Wednesday, the contract team met for the fifth time, continuing to discuss and develop our proposed contract. A number of sub-committees were appointed to further analyze data from our jointly selected comparable districts regarding compensation, health benefits, stipends, and time. They will be bringing their information back to the larger group on November 30.
Teams assigned are:
 Jason Carter and Mark Callahan – Health Benefits
 Michael Havens and Jeff Trout - Compensation
 Jay Gauthier – Stipends
Additional meeting dates are scheduled for Dec. 14 and Dec. 20.

Wayne Central School District
Transportation Department
6044 Ontario Center Road
Ontario Center, N.Y. 14520

  November 18, 2005
To the members of the Ontario Zoning Board of Appeals;
My name is Fred Prince. I am the Transportation Supervisor for the Wayne Central School District. I’m writing to express my concerns over recent Town actions that are creating a hardship for some of our students.
I am specifically concerned with the recent removal of school bus shelters on Roder Parkway and other Town roads. It is my understanding that the removal of these shelters was ordered by the Town of Ontario as a result of a variance issue with a property owner who resides at 713 Lake Rd. The details of this variance issue are published in the Zoning Board of Appeals meeting minutes dated 10/05/05. The property owner who was unsuccessful in his petition apparently decided to be vengeful and took issue with the placement of these shelters. Upon review by the Town, these shelters were deemed to be not in compliance and ordered removed.
I can certainly appreciate the fact that this homeowner was frustrated by the decision that was made. While I do understand his position, I have a hard time accepting the result of children being made to suffer over an adult issue. These shelters are a means for children to escape the elements while they wait for the school bus to arrive. The children must not wait outside without the protection of any shelter.
I am asking the Town of Ontario and the Zoning Board of Appeals to review the decision to remove the school bus shelters. I believe the current situation creates an unnecessary hardship for the children of our Town and our School District. Is there some additional rationale that we could consider in reversing this decision? Perhaps a grandfather clause?
Thank you for your time in considering this matter and ensuring the safety and well being of our children. Please feel free to contact me at 524-1120 with questions.
Frederick A. Prince
Transportation Supervisor
Wayne Central School District

Joe Molino, Supervisor
Town of Ontario
1850 Ridge Road
Don Camp, Councilman
Town of Ontario
1850 Ridge Road
Ontario, NY 14519
Don Shears, Councilman
Town of Ontario
1850 Ridge Road
Ontario, NY 14519
Mark Brewer, Councilman
Town of Ontario
1850 Ridge Road
Ontario, NY 14519
Ronald Fillmore, Councilman
Town of Ontario
1850 Ridge Road
Ontario, NY 14519
 Jason Ruffell
1953 Kenyon Road
Ontario, NY 14519
Tom Briggs(I could not find a home listing)
Town of Ontario Zoning Board
1850 Ridge Road
Ontario, NY 14519
Don Anderson
6803 Lakeside Road
Ontario, NY 14529
Robin Schmidt
2169 Ridge Road
Ontario, NY 14519
Chairman John Smith < ltsmitty@rochester.rr.com >
Tom Briggs < tbriggs2@rochester.rr.com >
Jason Ruffell < Jason.ruffell@tycoelectronics.com >
Robin Schmidt < robin0932@aol.com >
Don Anderson < Don.Anderson@r-houseera.com >
Copy Donna Burrolla - Zoning Board Clerk.


From: Molisani, Martin
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2005 9:41 AM
To: Havens, Michael
Subject: Commending your decision

Mr. Havens,
As a department that emphasizes character development amongst pre-teens and teens, we are in total agreement with your choice not to allow the production of Grease to occur in our district. We are proud that we have a leader that will take a stand and take the higher ground for what is right. It’s just sad that you had to justify this decision in the manner you had to. Thank you from the middle school Health and Family Sciences department.
Tim Mattle
Tara Fisher
Martin Molisani
Health & Family Sciences


CSO Minutes

Members Present: 23/25 present

Rick Amundson Lyons Rich Boyes
B. Christmann
Oren Cook
Marcus Whitman
Dick Drahms
M. Ehresman
    Mike Ford
Mike Havens
Brenda Keith
Bob Leiby
Red Jacket
G. Macaluso
Seneca Falls
T. McElheran
Mike Midey
Ann Orman
Penn Yan
Pat Roach
Susan Salvaggio
Bill Schofield
David Sholes
Red Creek
Dan Starr
North Rose/
S. Uebbing
Fred Wille
Robert Young
Nancy Zimar

Round Table
Seneca Falls - Everything is wonderful. Compliments in Wayne County particular Bob C. regarding Finger Lakes Times Article.
Clyde Savannah - Calmer than last year. Former graduate in Wayne County Times regarding arrest. Clyde is a SINI school this year.
Penn Yan - Thank Bob C. for afternoon chuckle. PY finishing elementary principal position interviews. Looking at Reading First Grant.
Romulus - Thank you responses to e-mails your advice is appreciated. Getting building ready for winter.
Canandaigua - Bids came in over budget. Attended Special Olympics meeting. Special Olympics. idea – Steve will follow up with e-mails. Break on ELA 4 & 8 with the approved flexibility for the number of students in special education to be exempt only this year.
North Rose Wolcott - Voters voted down on Capital Project on maintenance.
Williamson - Capital Project has a contamination issue. Teacher has filed for grievance.
Wayne - Things are well at Wayne
Red Creek - Still at impasse with teachers
Newark - Mediation session with teachers differences are far apart. Will go to fact finding.
Victor - Opened BIDS for construction project – pretty much on target. Concerns about January BIDS issues with the high cost of materials. Initiative on “World if Flat” -1/3 teachers signed up on book talk hopefully will focus on Middle School.
Midlakes - Settled one contract with support staff, in negotiations with secretaries and aides. Teachers are moving slowly to settle may go to impasse.
Accountability Issue – all 4 schools in good shape – District did not do well.
Thanks to Joe & Jack for E. Learning Symposium.
Geneva – Negotiations with administrators headed to fact finding. Salary and health insurance issues. Confidential group is working with the superintendent. Athletic field issues still on going. Comptroller audit on going.
Lyons - Enjoying my first few months in Lyons - going well. Noise from NAACP trying to lead discussion with a positive manner regarding cultural competence. Finishing up a bond issue for new entrance way.
Winter Sports
How would athletic cuts affect boys & girls sectional standings? Winter basketball – if you do not complete all games your teams would not be penalized.
Spring Sports – must complete in 6 events.
Sodus - CSEA negotiations used David Pratt went well. Comptroller’s presentation was not helpful. Round 2 of Medicaid audit going well.
Bus Incident in Sodus child monitoring device will be on all buses.
Marcus Whitman - Things going well. Football team doing well.
Renovation project in progress. Nice community great district
Gananda -Negotiations will be starting again with CSEA. Teachers want to start negotiations as soon as possible.
Commissioner’s Advisory Committee in 2 weeks
RIC – Orman
Meeting focused on meeting new RIC members. Topics of discussion: 3-8 testing scoring with grade 8 ELA being an area of concern.
Fuel Conservation
Data in packets – Heat settings form to be filled out. Superintendents will use the chart at their discretion. Recommendation to use the chart as a range of temperatures that the region is using. Chart is attached to the minutes.
Reading Recovery Presentation –Peg Brewer and Anita Hawkins gave a presentation of the Reading Recovery Program in our region.
Athletic Association Update
See handout letter for details
CSO Professional Development Topic – Favorite strategies of superintendents in providing instructional leadership.
Fred Wille - Open enrollment in AP classes. Leadership team discussed the idea. Went to BOE wrote policy & resolution. Leadership team wrote a protocol In guidance plan and handbook that all students could hear about.
The plan:

1.   Eliminated prerequisite
2.   Eliminated grade level and year requirement
3.   Eliminated hand picking
4.   No audit of AP classes. Enrollment went up 70%. Performance went up along with the enrollment.

Bob Young -  Relationship with School Alliance for Continuous Improvement.
Activity of self- reflection and then an external review.
Mike Havens -What gets tested gets taught?
BOE set 8 goals
Focus students and staff on the goals
Hand out – focusing on what is important and managing all your resources for it.
Dan Starr - ELA 4 scores are dismal, focus on improving. Increase of staff development over three years. A great deal of time and effort have been spent have not seen the transfer into classroom results. Staff is now developing “IEP” like plans for students in need who are not classified as special education students.
Rick Amundson -   Regents scores improving. HS principal has the teacher that teaches the course teaches the AIS for the students. AIS is very focused. Being implemented at MS level too. Counts as part of the teacher load part of Master Schedule.
Oren Cook -   Instructional leadership team is new. Had the team read Jack Welch new book “Winning”. Faculty meetings were not allowing for enough time and discussion for areas of concern. Principals are working well together but need to learn how to work collaboratively with instructional staff.
Rich Boyes – in 2004 – 8th grade students did poorly in ELA and Math, Marion was beaten up in press. To combat this, the district decided to produce an annual report to show how students are doing in every assessment. Looking at data down to the student level. It is a good plan for having everyone on the same page. It is available on the web site available in community locations.
Mike Midey -  Adding to course selection requires 3-4 preps from staff. Mike teaches a class every day to support his staff. Show expectation for lesson plans grading.
Tim McElheran - Extensive goals process keeps BOE focused. We report to BOE every other month. BOE no longer wanders – we bring them back to the goals they adopted. End of year there is a culminating event in reporting out. Specific critical questions are asked when new ideas are brought forward. How do you know you will be meeting with success? What will be your measurement that you have been successful?
Brenda Keith - We are working through the culture in hopes of reducing the autonomy of each classroom. We continue to infuse the standards and align curriculum to increase student performance. The district focuses a critical look at all areas of instruction. There is also an external review to see how the district is doing currently in the beginning phases. A level of high expectations is supported by BOE and staff.
Bill Schofield - Laptop update. Program is working well for staff but some teachers are resistant. We are removing desktops so they are forced to use laptops.
Regional Results of State Assessment
Handout in folder.- we ask that each superintendent read and review with staff the assessment results and then come back to discuss the information at the next meeting.
DS Report
· State Performance Plan
· Math Graduation Requirements.
· State Aid
· Update on NYS Testing Program
· Child nutrition policy
· Professional Development
· Certification Update
· Phase In graduation requirement
Audit Exceptions and Omissions – Extracurricular Activity Funds – Keith Henry
Extra classroom activity funds are an area of concern because:
· -High risk area
· -Great deal of cash
· Great deal of turnover
Extra classroom Activity Funds Presentation - A handout was presented and briefly discussed from Ray Wager’s presentation. “The Safeguarding Accounting and Auditing of Extra Classroom Activity Funds” districts can use this information if they do not have their own procedures.
Finance Manager Patch – A memo has been sent out stating that the required patch has been put in place for those districts that use finance manager.
Workshop – January 20, 2006 at the Loveless Conference Room the topic is Internal Auditor. More information to follow.

Master District Day/Night Setback Temperatures


12 hrs
14 hrs
15 hrs
15 hrs
14 hrs
14 hrs
14 hrs
13 hrs
12 hrs
Marcus Whitman        
16 hrs
68-72 (k)
15 hrs
13 hrs
13 hrs
Penn Yan
16 hrs
Phelps Clifton
17 hrs
Red Creek
16 hrs
16 hrs
Minimum use
Seneca Falls
15.5 hrs
13 hrs
12 hrs
14 hrs
12 hrs



Thanks Dave and Jean for the update.
Here is what I have to date:
Jim Hoffman has thrown his hat in the ring. At this point he believes, if elected chairman he would appoint Colvin, Lyons, Hammond and Parks to the Finance Committee. I immediately told him that I could not support him as a candidate if he placed Colvin back on the finance committee.
He explained his rationale which is maintaining the balance of the old
regime and the new...if he is truly to be the compromise candidate. I
told him I understand what he is saying but I do not believe I can agree. I would have to check the numbers and get back to him. I am afraid this would set the committee up for a lot of fighting and disagreement and no work would get done. He plans to proceed as the compromise candidate. Again - I left this as I would get back to him and would have to think about what he said.
This morning Jim called me back and said there is a new candidate - Jim Fabino. He is an all round good guy and he believes the Board thinks that he might be able to come out in front.
I spoke with Kim Parks yesterday. She said that Bill Hammond is really the candidate she believes would move the county forward. She thinks the past Board members are afraid of change because they have never had a true leader. I think she is right. I questioned her about the recycling and she said that Bill has just asked to review it - he has said there is opportunity to privatize but at this time there would have to be a complete study before this decision were made.
Kim is hosting a new board member meeting on Friday. She said she is willing to set us up with a meeting with new members prior to Jan 1 if we would like. I think this might be a good idea.
I have not had a chance to call Jody Bender but will try to tomorrow.
Have a great day.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jean wilkinson [ mailto:jwilkinson@rccsd.org ]
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2005 2:23 PM
To: kathy graham; Richard Drahms; Wayne Baran; Dee Stonemetz; Patricia Roach; RMENDRICK@hselaw.com; Laurie Verbridge; dave alena; Richard Amundson; w odit; barb schoonerman; Kathy Wegman; rich boyes; RChristmann@newark.k12.ny.us; RFogel@newark.k12.ny.us; SSchultz@newark.k12.ny.us; dan starr; Donna House; mickey laplaca; hal.ferguson@palmaccsd.org; Ralph.brongo@palmaccsd.org; Sally.Borland@palmaccsd.org; Andrew DiBlasi; David Sholes; RMoline@soduscsd.org; smoore2@soduscsd.org; ssalvaggio@soduscsd.org; GAtseff@wayne.k12.ny.us; lsmith@wayne.k12.ny.us; mhavens@wayne.k12.ny.us; joe marinelli; keith henry; gbarno@williamsoncentral.org; mehresman@williamsoncentral.org
Subject: Sales Tax Update
Please see attachment from David Sholes. (*** fYI – We never received an attachment –Lori)

The regular Town Board meeting, held at the Walworth Town Hall, 3600 Lorraine Drive, was called to
order at 7:30 P.M. by Supervisor Frank Guelli. Board members present: Daniel Keyes, Frank Maciuska,
Patti Marini and Thomas Yale.
Other town employees present:  Norman Druschel, Building Inspector
                      Michael Frederes, Highway Superintendent
                      Debora Germain, Recreation Director
               Susie Jacobs, Receiver of Taxes
                      Paul Russell, Town Engineer
            George Schaller, Sewer Superintendent
                      Phil Williamson, Code Enforcement Officer
                      Marcia Englert, Town Clerk
               Karen Ambroz, Deputy Assessor
         Barbara Kuelling, Receptionist
        Jean Johnson, Account Clerk
An appreciation letter was received from the Town of Ontario, thanking Assessor John Aman for his services during the time their Assessor was on medical leave. Motion by Councilman
Yale to accept and file the letter. Seconded by Councilwoman Marini and unanimously carried.
 Motion by Councilman Yale to accept the minutes of October 20, 2005 as presented. Seconded by
 Councilman Keyes and unanimously carried.
 Supervisor Guelli presented certificates to Peter and Thomas Valone for their selflessness in
 spending their own money to purchase school supplies to send to a poor, rural school in Nicaragua.
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: No one present offered any comments.
 Motion by Councilman Keyes authorizing Karen Ambroz and Barbara Kuelling to attend a Notary
 Public training seminar on November 8, 2005, for a cost of $129.00 per person.
 Seconded by Councilwoman Marini.
 Roll call vote: Supervisor Guelli  Aye

         Councilman Keyes  Aye
                               Councilman Maciuska Aye
                       Councilwoman Marini  Aye
                     Councilman Yale  Aye
      Motion carried.
         Motion by Councilman Maciuska authorizing Brownie Troop 478 to sell Girl Scout cookies at the
Town Hall on Election Day, November 8, 2005. Seconded by Councilman Yale.
 Roll call vote:  Supervisor Guelli  Aye
          Councilman Keyes  Aye
          Councilman Maciuska  Aye
          Councilwoman Marini Aye
         Councilman Yale  Aye
 Motion carried.
 Motion by Councilman Keyes to approve the 2006 Town Office Holiday Schedule as presented.
 Seconded by Councilwoman Marini and unanimously carried. Copy is attached.

The Board agreed that although building permits may be issued after the blacktop is down, no
Certificates of Occupancy are to be issued until the road is dedicated.
 Mike Frederes stated that the deck has been paved, although a small section still has to be installed,
and the guardrail was put up.

Back to top

 Deb Germain stated that it was a very successful Red Ribbon Week, with 8 assemblies held in 8
school buildings. The presenters were very impressed with the youth.

     The legal notice was read. As there were no comments from the public, Councilman Keyes
        moved the hearing be closed. Seconded by Councilwoman Marini and unanimously carried.
 Time: 7:41 P.M.

       Motion by Councilman Yale authorizing the Supervisor to sign a contract with the Lincoln

       Volunteer Fire Department for fire protection in the Lincoln Fire Protection District, for the
       contract amount of $120,000 for the year 2006. Seconded by Councilwoman Marini.

        Roll call vote:  Supervisor Guelli  Aye

     Councilman Keyes  Aye
                              Councilman Maciuska Aye
                        Councilwoman Marini  Aye
                         Councilman Yale  Aye
                Motion carried.
          Motion by Councilman Yale authorizing the release of $111,381.93 to the developer, from
 the Orchard View Development Letter of Credit. Seconded by Councilwoman Marini.
 Roll call vote:  Supervisor Guelli  Aye
          Councilman Keyes  Aye
          Councilman Maciuska  Aye
          Councilwoman Marini  Aye
           Councilman Yale  Aye
 Motion carried.
        1.  HEARING:

     The legal notice was read. As there were no comments from the public, Councilman Keyes
        moved the hearing be closed. Seconded by Councilwoman Marini and unanimously carried.
 Time: 7:46 P.M.
          2.  APPROVED:

Back to top

   Motion by Councilman Yale authorizing the Supervisor to sign a contract with the West

Back to top

       Walworth Volunteer Fire Department for fire protection in the West Walworth Fire Protection
    District, for the contract amount of $153,500.00, for the year 2006. Seconded by Councilwoman

    Roll call vote:  Supervisor Guelli  Aye

     Councilman Keyes  Aye
                                      Councilman Maciuska Aye
                        Councilwoman Marini  Aye
                         Councilman Yale  Aye
                Motion carried.
 Councilman Maciuska reported that he and Paul Russell had presented the proposal to the Macedon
 Town Board, requesting their support. Although no formal vote was taken, The Board was not
 receptive at this time, because:
¨ There are no signed contracts for the industrial area;
¨ They questioned whether the receipt of a grant was possible without a commitment from a developer;
¨ 1/3 of the cost to the Sewer District is too high;
¨ The significant development increase will be residential, not industrial.
 Councilman Maciuska stated there are 2 options:
1.  Cross the creek and benefit from the grant with matching funds from the Town or split it with the Sewer District, excluding those in the Town of Macedon.
2.  The Sewer District, excluding those in the Town of Macedon, pay only the cost of upsizing
      the pipe.
 George Schaller and Paul Russell will review the costs and project the rates.  George Schaller stated
 that the sewer system usage needs to increase in order to maintain reasonable rates. A joint meeting
 will be scheduled with the Macedon Town Board.
2006 BUDGET:

1.  HEARING:  

 The legal notice was read. Comments were as follows:
¨ Diane Hermanet, Court Clerk, thanked the Board for the proposed salary increase. However, she requested an even greater increase due to her workload and because she works alone. The Board agreed to consider another substantial raise in 2007, and strongly recommended that the judges consider hiring additional help.
¨ Councilman Yale stated that other salaries should also be reviewed next year.

 As there were no additional comments, Councilman Yale moved that the hearing be
 closed. Seconded by Councilwoman Marini and unanimously carried. Time: 8:03 P.M.
   Councilman Yale offered the following resolution and moved its adoption, seconded by
   Councilman Maciuska to wit:
    BE IT RESOLVED that the Budget for the year 2006 be adopted subject to the
use of fund balances as follows:
          General: 225,000
 Highway: 162,000
 Library: 3,000
   Roll call vote: Supervisor Guelli  Aye

     Councilman Keyes  Aye
                                      Councilman Maciuska Aye
                        Councilwoman Marini  Aye
                         Councilman Yale  Aye
        Motion carried.
   The Town tax rate will be $3.64 a thousand, which includes the15 cents that the County will
 Motion by Councilwoman Marini to adjourn. Seconded by Councilman Yale and unanimously
 carried. Time: 8:23 P.M.
             Respectfully submitted,
             Marcia Englert, RMC
             Town Clerk

Wayne Central School District
Office of the Superintendent of Schools
PO Box 155
6200 Ontario Center Road
Ontario Center, NY 14520

               November 14, 2005
Mr. Frank Guelli, Supervisor
Town of Walworth
3600 Lorraine Drive
Walworth, NY 14568
Dear Frank,
Like many, I was quite surprised to see the Walworth results scroll across the TV the other night. I can not imagine Walworth moving ahead without you. You have been the soul of this Town. I wanted to let you know how much I have enjoyed working with you these past six years. You have always been a strong supporter of the Wayne Central School system and our programs. I valued your insight about our local Walworth community as well as County politics.
Together we have seen some triumphs and defeats. I was thrilled to see the sales tax issue supported by such a large margin. It showed the County’s support for education. You were untiring in your support for us. I was disappointed the community center failed to materialize, as it would have provided an excellent site for an alternative school for some of our students.
We also have a few stories we can tell. I will never forget being called from our trip to Livingston County, told that the meeting was cancelled and then finding out they went without us. Although I was mad at the time it seems a bit more humorous now, especially in light of Mrs. Park’s new position.
I try to be philosophical about these turns of events. Although it may not seem like it now, this outcome may have a silver lining for you. You will now be able to spend more time in Florida with your wife and more time visiting your grandchildren. I know both are important to you. In the end family is what really matters most.
Thanks for the opportunity to work with someone of your caliber. It has been a wonderful experience for me. I look forward to working with you in other capacities in the future. Perhaps you’ll even have time to become involved with the educational foundation. Best of luck!
Michael Havens
Superintendent of Schools

“Students First ~ Excellence For All”  


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