    Mane Event
    The NBA doesn’t want students to play in
    the league right out of high school, so the commis­
    sioner has changed the age requirements to twenty
    years of age. The NBA want the recruits to have at
    least two years in college or has to be twenty years
    or older. The league believes this should be so be­
    cause they think students need their education be­
    fore going to the pros.
    What the NBA doesn’t know is that the
    league needs the young talent on the NBA floors.
    NBA stars such as Tracy McGrady,
    Kobe Bryant, Amare Stoundemire,
    Jermain O’Neill, Kevin Garnett, and
    LeBron James all skipped college
    and went to the NBA right out of high
    school. Paul Harris from Niagara
    Falls could have gone to the NBA
    but was stopped by the new age re­
    quirement. Now he has to go to a prep school in
    New Hampshire.
    Tracy McGrady is one of the All­Stars in
    the NBA that kids try to be like because
    he came right out of high school and
    went straight to the NBA. Student in
    high school dream to one day be like him.
    The NBA stops this from happening be­
    cause of the new age limit.
    Some fans of the NBA think they should have
    this age requirement, but most of them think it is a
    really dumb idea. Seventy percent of the NBA’s play­
    ers opposed this minimum age. The NBA really needs
    the fresh talent coming up to play because the NBA
    wouldn’t be good at all if they didn’t have younger
    players on the court to liven up the game.
    High School Basketball
    Players and the NBA
    Antoine Alford, Senior
    With so many teen athletes throughout the
    United States deciding to take steroids, it has be­
    come the most widely used drug among teens. Be­
    cause schools aren’t testing their athletes for steroids,
    young athletes are mislead into thinking that by tak­
    ing steroids they will become better athletes without
    Many people think that steroids are benefi­
    cial, but in fact, they can do more harm than good. A
    lot of you don’t realize the health risks involved with
    taking steroids. Steroids can cause heart damage by
    causing an enlargement of the left ventricular, which
    is the part that pumps oxy­
    genated blood throughout
    the body. Steroids can also
    cause confusion throughout
    the body because of the
    extra testosterone it gives
    off. The extra testosterone that comes from steroids
    can cause facial hair growth in girls and deepen their
    voices. In addition, steroids can cause severe mood
    swings, as well as, aggressive behavior, which is also
    known as “Roid Rage”.
    Teen boys will also see the harmful effects
    steroids give off. The use of steroids can cause shrink­
    age of testicles as well as breast enlargement. Ste­
    roids can also cause death, which was a reality for a
    high school student named Taylor Hooton. Hooton
    was a former steroid user who hung him self because
    of the depression caused by steroids. The good news
    is there are ways of preventing teens from using ste­
    A program called
    (Athletes Training
    and Learning to Avoid Steroids) is set up to raise
    teen’s awareness about steroids. ATLAS can be
    taught in schools, as well as, recreational centers. It
    also teaches teen’s skills on how to refuse steroids if
    someone is pressuring them to use. A new program
    is being set up called
    “Make the Right Choice”
    which is set up to distribute brochures, posters and
    DVD’s to teens and their parents. The program is
    set up to give medical information and make teens
    aware of the harmful effects that come from steroid
    If you or anyone you know is using steroids
    and feel that there is a problem, be sure to contact
    the parents, school nurse, principal, or coaches.
    Steriods can kill!
    Steroids in High School
    Ben Follette, Senior
    how will they prepare if we were to experience an­
    other natural disaster, such as a hurricane, a blizzard
    or an earthquake? Will they respond poorly or will
    they be prepare ahead of time? Will they enforce
    evacuations? Will they have systems and precautions
    to follow?
    It is clear that the government needs to make
    improvements because the death toll is continuing to
    rise and the damages are tremendous. More and more
    people are going to continue to die from storms, like
    Katrina, if we do not more efficiently prepare ahead
    of time.
    Division I college athletes should not be paid
    because the athletes are receiving a free education
    which is worth around $42,000 per year. Other stu­
    dents have to pay for an education, yet some boost­
    ers, former college athletes, and former coaches still
    think these athletes should be paid.
    Do you think college athletes should be paid?
    At a Division I school, such as Syracuse, it costs some
    where around $42,000 per year with the tuition, hous­
    ing, meals, supplies, books, lab fees, etc. A Division
    I scholarship player gets to go to school and not pay
    anything, and people still think they should be paid!
    College athletes are considered amateurs,
    and if the NCAA were to pay these athletes, then
    they would lose their amateur status. College sports
    would then turn into farm teams for the pros. In due
    time this would also eliminate the responsibilities of
    being a students because the main purpose would no
    longer be to get an education first. The main reason
    these athletes are not paid is because the NCAA feels
    that a long­term education is better than a short­term
    financial reward.
    The boosters, former college athletes and
    former coaches that want these athletes to be paid
    don’t realize that paying these athletes would result
    in a handful of schools receiving the best athletes.
    The boosters, former college athletes and coaches
    also brought up the proposal that the athletes should
    be allowed to make money off of endorsements, such
    as shoe, clothing and television contracts. The prob­
    lem with this is that only the star athletes would make
    money. The athletes, whether the star or not, all have
    the same schedules and have to follow the same rules,
    so if one athlete is paid, then they all have to be paid.
    The money that the universities make off of
    college sports should be used to benefit all the col­
    lege sports not just individuals. The student athlete is
    a part of the university just like any other student is
    even if they don’t play any sports. All students have
    needs that need to be fulfilled, and the only way to
    pay these students and athletes is to distribute the
    money evenly throughout the university. Overall, I
    think that getting scholarship and having a college ex­
    perience is definitely compensation enough for these
    Show Me the Money
    Isaiah Scott, Senior
    Hurricane Katrina makes a powerful argu­
    ment for not sacrificing disaster preparedness. Katrina
    killed and wiped out hundreds of people, flooded
    New Orleans, left more than a million people home­
    less, and did many billions of dollars worth of prop­
    erty damage.
    There should have safe places already set up
    with increased amounts of food, blood, water, ice
    and supplies ready in the region while preparing for
    this disaster. There should have been doctors, Red
    Cross workers, officers and any type of law enforc­
    ers helping the survivors. These things should have
    been in place before or at least immediatley after the
    disaster due to the fact that there were many women,
    men, and children who needed aid because of the
    storm or the violence that occurred after it. This vio­
    lence included people being robbed, killed, and raped
    in addition to the many people who were dying due
    to sicknesses and injuries brought on by the hurri­
    In an
    ABC News/Washington Post
    67% of the people surveyed said the federal govern­
    ment should have been better prepared to deal with
    a storm the size of hurricane Katrina. Many Ameri­
    cans felt that if the government cannot be prepared
    for this type of catastrophe, then what will they do or
    Taken by Storm Or
    by Government?
    Lateishia Mason, Senior
    The government fails to aid those in need
    Teens need to look into religion more today
    because it can become a positive force in their lives.
    Having a spiritual side can help you feel more at peace
    because having faith can see you through difficult
    times. It’s a way to live that is better.
    Not only do you learn how to respect and
    carry yourself in a morally right and proper way, but
    you can also create long lasting friendships. Churches
    Can Religion be a
    Guide to a Better Life?
    Crystal Foster, Senior
    and other places of worship are more upbeat for the
    younger generation. Having a combination of wor­
    ship services and friends go hand in hand. When no
    one is there or you can’t seem to find anyone to count
    on, your faith can become what you lean on.
    is a really good example of that; it
    sets kids on the right path of life. Scriptures in the
    , even though they are based back in Biblical
    times, can be used in current situations because most
    conditions that teens experience today aren’t that dif­
    ferent from tribulations and obstacles that people faced
    throughout time.
    Having a set base faith is all up to you. No­
    body can decide for you if you believe in religion or
    not. These are only some benefits you can get out of
    having a belief system. Our lives need guidance be­
    cause guidance is a key to a prosperous future. Hav­
    ing a spiritual side to you can build a constructive and
    promising life because it gives you a better under­
    standing of what to do in your lifetime. You are your
    own person. Religion is just one thing you should have
    because you can become a better and more well­
    round individual.

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