December 2005 Edition 6
    Volume 42
    The Mane Event
    of Lyons Jr Sr. High School
    The Editor’s Head
    Editor in Chief, Brian Ocque
    Advertisements are featured in almost every
    television show, radio and movie. Whether you want
    to or not, you are being fed messages to buy certain
    products over others through catchy songs, flashy
    lights or humor, or celebrity influence. However, not
    every advertisement is a good advertisement; there
    are few that stick out from the rest in our memory
    banks. But what makes a good advertisement?
    One of the most prominent parts of an ad­
    vertisement is the music. Almost every ad contains
    some sort of song or catchy jingle. This is due to the
    attention it would grab and the memory it instills. For
    instance, how many song lyrics can you remember
    after only hearing the song once? Most people would
    be able to sing at least part of a song after hearing it
    just once. This is what advertisers are going for. They
    want you to be able to sing and remember their jingle,
    thus, when it comes time to purchase an item, you
    have a better chance of remembering their product.
    Another important piece in the advertising
    world is celebrity influence. People purchase shoes
    all the time because they
    have the name of their fa­
    vorite basketball player
    on them. These shoes
    stick out in the buyer’s
    mind because of the fact
    that they already remember their favorite player’s
    name, so of course, that is going to influence them to
    buy that shoe. One last major part of an ad is how
    flashy it is. People want to watch something that will
    entertain them, not bore them to death. For instance,
    some people watch the Superbowl just for the com­
    mercials. Companies know this and spend a lot more
    money to advertise at that time, making their com­
    mercials, flashier, funnier and just all around better.
    With that added humor, people are later able to re­
    member it and even talk about it with friends.
    Advertisements play a big role in what you
    buy. They influence you to buy a certain product,
    not based on the quality of the product, but on how
    well you remember it. So next time you are purchas­
    ing a product, think if you are buying the product
    based on quality or if it’s just the one you have seen
    on television more often.
    Patrick Tyler, Senior
    School not only has turned into a place to
    receive an education, but also somewhere where you
    can go to just get away from the stress and problems
    of life. Recently, many after school programs have
    been started to help kids from having absolutely noth­
    ing to do after school and keep them off the streets.
    Those after school programs are primarily for younger
    kids, though. What happens when older kids, such
    as those in grades nine through twelve, have nothing
    to do?
    I’m not saying that these after school pro­
    grams are a bad thing, not at all. What I am saying is
    that they should have something for the older kids as
    well. You could argue that that’s what the sports’ pro­
    grams are for. You practice every day of the week,
    and most times on weekends too. If that isn’t taking
    up your time, then what is? The problem, however, is
    that many people are not so athletically inclined. They
    would go to try out and just get cut, so then they
    would be back to square one. What are they to do?
    It seems to me like there could be one simple
    solution. Every activity period, many kids from the
    elementary school come into this school. The kids
    have fun activities which they do, so why not just
    have the older kids do the same? Of course, the
    activities would be different, being that they are two
    different ages, but it’s the same concept. If kids need
    help on something, such as homework, then they could
    ask for help from a friend. Not all kids understand
    everything which their teachers are trying to teach
    them. Some people learn better from their peers, as
    they can relate, and they may be able to teach it to
    him/her in a different way that the teacher may not. A
    program intended to keep people off the streets
    couldn’t hurt. It’s always been said that you don’t
    know until you try. For all we know, this could help
    with both keeping kids off the streets and improving
    their grades.
    Nothing better will ever come about by do­
    ing the same. You can’t intend to have change with­
    out making a change first. People complain how all
    they ever see are kids standing outside on the street.
    If you want to help that, all I can say is to try some­
    thing new. An after school program for kids in high
    school would be nice to have. It’s just something out
    of the ordinary.
    What About Us?
    Lachanda Mills, Sophomore
    People now days are becoming less aware
    of the dangers of living an unhealthy lifestyle. Because
    of this more and more people are becoming obese
    or have a life threatening illness that occurs early in
    life. However, if Physical Education was more val­
    ued in schools and homes, then we could reverse
    what is happening today. There are many benefits in
    one’s life from Physical Education.
    Physical education benefits people’s bodies
    by decreasing the chance of suffering from many ill­
    nesses. One of the benefits of physical education is
    Physical Education
    Fighting America’s
    Bad Habits
    Ron Johnson, Senior
    exercising. Exercising keeps a person’s body from
    becoming obese and enlarges your arties, which can
    reduce the chance of having a heart attack. A person
    can also reduce the chance of having a stroke by
    exercising. It is believed by many scientists that exer­
    cising is one of the greatest medicines for the human
    For Americans to fight against its bad habits,
    physical activity is the answer. Adults, teens and chil­
    dren need to pick up on the physical activities, like
    exercising thirty minutes a day just to get their body
    immune system working. Younger kids should be
    more activate in school P.E classes and after school
    sports activities. If people start to take physical edu­
    cation more seriously, we could reduces both obe­
    sity and other illnesses affecting our Nation today.
    Get into the weight room today
    and feel better tomorrow!
    New Hopes for Oil?
    It was written in www.USAToday.com that
    there is a new hope for the oil crisis in America. With
    the help of the Canadians, who are always looking
    for new and low cost solutions to our Global Warm­
    ing epidemic, we may utilize a process in which you
    can bury Carbon emissions and get oil. This could
    work wonders for the economy.
    The process sounds rather simple. Mining
    companies and oil workers can take fuel emissions
    from power plants, factories and small warehouses
    and pump the emissions into the ground. By burying
    these pollutants, oil fields increase their oil yields by
    up to 60%. The estimated barrels per year that can
    be harvested from this over a century’s time is
    10,000 barrels. This is amazing! What does this mean
    for America? we can now produce our own supply,
    which would reduce the amount we would have to
    buy from other nations. No longer will we have to
    argue with OPEC and bargain our way to higher
    prices and not enough fuel to justify it. We won’t
    even have to bargain with Venezuela, who currently
    supplies a majority of our oil. Maybe we can even
    start selling it as our own venue to profit. Knowing
    America, from past experience that is, we probably
    will monopolize the oil industry; well, at least we can
    This is surely a great advance in our nation’s
    history. Not only can you obtain valuable resources
    to produce gas, but you can reduce the amount of
    gases in the atmosphere. My question is, however,
    what do you do when everyone starts driving again?
    There will be an increase in the amount of carbon
    dioxide output in America, and not only that, but re­
    strictions on factories and manufacturing plants would
    hypothetically be lessened. This could mean that along
    with this project, you would need some sort of man­
    agement system to ensure the safe burial of all emis­
    sions that are intended to be transformed to oil. We
    can’t use it all; trees still need to grow and thrive.
    Whatever happens, management is the key, along
    with consistency. Let our nation “…live long and

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