Name _______________________________________________

    Astronomy Online Treasure Hunt

    Using the internet, find the different information below. Use search engines, astronomy websites, and any other resource to find the information.
    1. What phase will the moon be in on November 4th, 2017.
    2. Draw the phase of the moon on June 22nd, 2009
    3. What is the equatorial diameter of Neptune?
    4. List three websites that show the Doppler Effect.
    5. When is the next lunar eclipse going to occur?
    6. When will the next solar eclipse occur?
    7. How far away is Jupiter from Earth? How far is Venus from Earth?
    8. List one author that discusses the effects of the moon on Whitetail deer movement
    9. Most stars are made of two elements. What are those two elements?
    10. Where is the closest observatory to NRW High school?
    11. Name three different societies or clubs that share their love for astronomy with others in their club.
    12. What is the surface temperature of the Sun?
    13. What is another name for God of the Sun?
    14. What is the major cause of the tides? Insert a picture below of the effect on tides. Also, be sure to copy and paste the URL you obtained these pictures from.
    15. Define a Spring Tide. Import a picture of a neap tide below. Also, be sure to copy and paste the URL you obtained these pictures from.
    16. Define a Neap Tide. Import a picture of a neap tide below. Also, be sure to copy and paste the URL you obtained these pictures from.
    17. List three sites that could be used to review for an Astronomy quiz
    18. Insert a picture defining Kepler’s Law of Elliptical Orbits and Equal Area Law. Also, be sure to copy and paste the URL you obtained these pictures from.
    19. Below, insert a picture of the Heliocentric Model. Also, be sure to copy and paste the URL you obtained these pictures from.
    20. Below, insert a picture of the Geocentric Model. Also, be sure to copy and paste the URL you obtained these pictures from.
    21. What is NASA’s Galileo project?
    22. How many people are currently on the International Space Station?
    23. How many satellites are currently orbiting Earth? (this is not expected to be an exact number)
    24. Search for Keith’s Moon Facts. Look at full moon phases for 200 years. What was the date of Full moon in the month and year you were born?
    25. How does the full moon effect the date of Easter?

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