1. 2. Approve Change Orders        
  2. Att. 4
  3. 8:25 Policy Committee           
  4. Att. 5
          1. V. PUBLIC COMMENT
  5. Att. 4
  6. To: Michael Havens, Superintendent of Schools
  7. To: Michael Havens, Superintendent of Schools
  8. To: Michael Havens, Superintendent of Schools
  9. Att. 5
    1. (1) Conduct annual committee review of 50% of policy handbook
    2. (2) Conduct annual review of policies, regulations & exhibits that require same
    3. (3) Review and develop new and emerging policies and regulations as they arise and present for review and consideration by the Board of Education
    4. (4)  Research and develop policy issues as referred by the Board of Education

September 29, 2005   6:30 p.m.   Performing Arts Center
6:30  Executive Session
7:00  Call To Order/Pledge of Allegiance

Approval of Agenda/Approval of Minutes            
Att. 1

7:05  Public Comment
7:10  Board Member Comments
7:15  Retiree Reception                    
Att. 2
8:00  Action Items
8:10  Superintendent’s Report
1.   NYSSBA Convention/Voting Delegate                    
8:20  Board Action
1.   Appoint Voting Delegate                Att. 3
2. Approve Change Orders                

Back to top

Att. 4

Back to top

8:25  Policy Committee                    

Back to top

Att. 5
8:25  Board Member Comments
8:30  Adjournment
Next Meeting Date: October 13, 2005  7:00 p.m.   Performing Arts Center


District Mission Statement

District Mission Statement

Based on the belief that all students can learn, the staff of the Wayne Central School District accepts the responsibility to teach all students, regardless of differences, the fundamental skills. We further accept the responsibility to challenge all students to attain higher levels of achievement. Wayne Central will provide the opportunity, environment, and encouragement to meet this goal while developing the whole child, physically, socially, emotionally, and culturally.

Att. 1
Ontario Center, New York 14520

DATE: Thursday, September 15, 2005        TIME: 6:00 p.m.
TYPE: Regular Business Meeting      PLACE:                 District Office

PRESENT: Trustees Brunner, Davis, Griswold, Johnson, Lyke, Robusto, Schultz, Triou; District Clerk Switzer; Administrators Havens, Pirozzolo, Armocida, La Ruche, Siracuse, Cox, Schiek, Atseff, Spring, Callahan, Green, Blankenberg

ABSENT: Trustee Wyse
GUESTS: Visitor’s Roster filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting
I.  CALL TO ORDER: 6:00 p.m. by John D. Triou, School Board President

Prior to start of the business meeting, trustees and school officials toured the new and renovated areas of the high school building (e.g. new classroom wing, renovated classrooms, upgraded library-media center, re-located fitness center, expanded dining room and counseling office and re-located nurse’s office)


 Mrs. Brunner offered a MOTION to approve the agenda for this evening’s meeting and the minutes of the meeting of August 25, 2005, each as presented. 7 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Mr. Wyse), 1 Abstention (Mr. Johnson), Carried.



Mr. Triou stated that public comment is some of the most valuable time spent by trustees who appreciate input from speakers. While immediate responses are not always possible, follow-up will occur if needed. He asked speakers to confine their remarks to five (5) minutes. Persons wishing to speak should first be recognized by the school board president, then identify themselves, any organization they may be representing at the meeting, and the agenda topic.
A.   Carol Johnson, 1924 Brick Church Road, Ontario, expressed her disappointment about the inability of her son to include driver and traffic safety education in his schedule, the method used to determine how the limited numbers of seats in that class are filled and the lack of response and follow-through by counselors to her telephone inquiries in recent days. She suggested that the high school adapt the lottery method for filling seats in the class as is done in a neighboring district. She also noted comments by students about the large number of scheduling conflicts this year and asked whether school was ready to open.
A.   Mrs. Lyke reported on attendance at the recent meeting of the Wayne County Education Coalition and plans for a candidates’ night for town & county supervisor candidates to discuss education issues. She added that such an event might appear on the educational cable channel.
B.   Mrs. Lyke reminded trustees of the program meeting of the Four County School Boards Association on October 18th with NYS Comptroller Alan Hevesi as featured speaker.
C.   Mrs. Lyke noted the meeting of school board presidents and vice-presidents scheduled for September 20th by the Four County School Boards Association.
D.   Mrs. Lyke noted that the Four County School Boards Association is planning a program meeting in November on the topic of childhood obesity and the potential for a new required policy on same by school boards.
E.   Mrs. Lyke noted the new state requirement that all school trustees elected or re-elected on or after July 1, 2005 complete six (6) hours of training in school finances. In addition to the course offerings at the state school boards’ association conference in Rochester in late October, the Four County School Boards Association is considering sponsoring the course at a regional site in March, 2006.
F.   Mr. Griswold suggested that the course would also have value for trustees who are in the midst of a term of office. Mrs. Lyke believes that there is also a benefit for all of our trustees complete the course at the same time.
G.   Mr. Robusto stated that he enjoyed the visit to new and renovated spaces at the high school prior to the meeting this evening and extended compliments to all parties involved in planning and preparing them. He added that the expanded dining room space in the cafeteria creates an exciting atmosphere which he feels leads to the positive behavior he witnessed when he joined his daughter for lunch recently.


 A.  Mr. Triou extended condolences to the family of retiree Frances Schoonmaker, a bus driver and head bus driver for the school district for 22.5 years, and past president of the regional school bus road-eo association


Mr. Havens presented the proposal for adoption of a new textbook for general music in grades K to 5 for review and consideration by the Board of Education.
He introduced the members of the textbook selection committee who were present: Sara Moran (K-12 Advisor), Monica Spring (Freewill Elementary School), Jim Herendeen (Ontario Elementary School) and Heather Melnick (Ontario Primary School) to review their research and recommendations.
Mrs. Melnick reviewed the summary criteria for the potential new textbooks (copy filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting). She noted that only two (2) comprehensive elementary music textbooks are currently available that meet state and national learning standards.
She noted that the committee is recommending the Spotlight on Music textbook published by MacMillan-McGraw Hill Book Co.. She noted that this series includes outstanding lesson plans, strategies for students with special educational needs, links to reading and language arts topics and a full musical production, with rights and accompaniment, as a performance option at each grade level. The series includes CD-ROMS with the full track, vocal track, instrumental track and an auditory track.
Mr. Havens stated that the administrative council also endorses this proposal.
Mrs. Lyke asked what musicals the children at primary and elementary levels could present; Mrs. Melnick presented several examples.
Mr. Davis asked if we have typically presented musicals at the primary and elementary levels; Mrs. Melnick stated that it depends on the individual school and grade levels; the proposed new textbook provides several opportunities.
Ms. Spring noted examples of units’ children study at those grade levels (e.g. pioneer life) and the related musical tracks available in the proposed new textbook.
Mr. Schultz noted the large amount of discussion at the model school’s workshops last summer on the value and importance of the linkage of language arts to other subject areas and asked how this would apply in general music. Mrs. Melnick provided several examples.
Mr. Havens noted that the publisher of the proposed new general music textbook also publishes the language arts textbooks now in use in the district which provides further alignment.
Mr. Johnson asked if there is any additional cost for the CD-ROMS and if they are kept current. Mrs. Melnick stated that they are included in the purchase of the textbooks and updates are available.
Mr. Triou asked when children can begin instrumental lessons; Mrs. Melnick stated grade four.
Mrs. Lyke recalled that she and her classmates presented The Mikado in eighth grade and still remembers it was an exciting event.
Mr. Johnson offered a MOTION to approve the new textbook for general music as presented by the selection committee and recommended by the superintendent of schools. 8 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Mr. Wyse), Carried.
Mr. Havens presented a report on opening day student enrollment updated as of 3:00 p.m. today (copy filed in clerk’s agenda file ). He also reviewed grade level and class size data and the changes in net enrollment at the primary and elementary levels based on changes in attendance areas in September of 2004.
He reviewed the obstacles posed by the new student management system, Power School, implemented this year and issues related to the master schedule at the high school. He noted that the new program is web-based and will allow parents and guardians to view and monitor the progress of their child through secure access.
Mr. Griswold asked if there are any steps that the creators of the program can take. Mr. Havens reviewed efforts underway by the regional computer center at Wayne-Finger Lakes B.O.C.E.S. and Power School personnel.
Mrs. Lyke asked how many resident children are home schooled; Mr. Havens will provide that data.
Mr. Havens stated that opening day activities went very well, especially at the high school where the facilities staff worked until the last minute on final preparations as the contractors finished their work on the holiday weekend. He noted the excellent efforts of our custodial and maintenance staff and complimented them on their hard work.
He also noted the success of the revised orientation for entering kindergarten children and their parents or guardians; response by parents and guardians was very positive. He also noted the positive response from students and staff to the expanded and updated high school dining room, now known as the Eagle Café.
Mr. Havens presented the district-wide school improvement plan for the 2005-2006 school year for review and consideration by the Board of Education (copy filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting). He noted that progress reports on the varied components of the plan will occur at school board meetings during the school year.
Mr. Havens stated that the overall goal of the plan is that our school district is, by any measure, the best school district in the state. The goals and objectives in the school improvement plan reflect efforts planned to achieve high passing rates in math and language arts, to continue efforts to emphasize reading and writing in content areas, to assist students with special needs or disabilities to succeed and to increase the number of students who receive a Regents diploma and the number of students who pursue college studies.
They also continue the goals from prior years to provide safe and inviting facilities for staff and students, continue to share county sales tax revenues and achieve successful completion of a successor collective bargaining agreement with the teachers’ union.
Mr. Schultz stated that the format and content of the school improvement plan is exactly the metric he wishes to see to observe and monitor the progress on these goals
Mr. Triou stated that he is pleased that the plan indicates parties responsible for each area.
Mr. Johnson recommended that the Board of Education share the document with the public.
Mr. Havens reviewed final details for the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new classroom wing at the high school on Friday evening, September 23rd at 6:00 p.m. He shared copies of the invitation for the event as developed by Mrs. Gebhardt, public information officer (copy filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting)
He noted that feedback from trustees since last meeting indicates that the persons who should “cut the ribbon” are the school board president and the superintendent of schools.
Mr. Havens reviewed the proposed program and agenda for the event and plans for trustees to conduct tours of the new wing with the assistance of school officials. Visitors to the event will receive free admission tickets to the football game planned as part of Homecoming Weekend on the same evening.
Mrs. Lyke suggested that students participate in the tours and opening event; Mr. Havens reviewed plans for such involvement.
Mr. Havens reported that interviews have occurred with a facilitator for the collective bargaining process with the teachers’ association and reviewed tentative dates for training for members of the bargaining teams from both parties.
Mr. Haven noted that the tour and visit to the high school prior to start of the business meeting. He asked Mr. Atseff, assistant superintendent for business, to review status of other aspects of the capital project.
Mr. Atseff noted that new floors and carpeting completed at Ontario Primary School and new rubberized wheels for cafeteria tables cause less scraping and damage to the floors.
At Ontario Elementary School, some issues are still incomplete for final installation of the new chair lift for the gym/stage and auditorium.
At Freewill Elementary School, new rubber surface corridor finishing is completed and the new carpeting in the classroom wing is in place.
At the middle school, the new entry mat is completed and exterior sidewalks were removed and replaced.
At the high school, each of the student-occupied areas within the high school was available for use on the opening day of school. Unfinished work remains in the re-located and enlarged fitness center and final seeding and turf conditions of the new athletic fields is not yet resolved with the contractors. Mr. Havens noted that payments for incomplete work are being withheld.
Many users of the new fields, bleachers and press box have extended compliments to the school district on the new fields and athletic facilities.
Discussion among trustees and school officials is generally summarized as follows:
One of the goals of the school improvement plan is to complete the 2002 Capital Improvement Project on time and within budgeted funds.
Mr. Johnson asked if any efforts were made to explore options to resolve the athletic field turf issues by contacting locations such as Aquinas Institute, in Rochester, or the East Rochester Public Schools, which used alternative materials. Mr. Atseff stated those options were explored but were not eligible for state aid.
Mr. Johnson believes that the contractors have had sufficient time to prepare the athletic fields. Since they have not yet met that goal he feels that they must develop an acceptable solution as soon as possible.
Mr. Triou asked if there is any risk that our students will not have access to the fields for use next spring. Mr. Havens stated that he was provided a personal guarantee from the general contractor that our students would have full use of those fields, even if the contractor was required to use sod, and he has frozen payments to the contractor as a result.
Mr. Davis asked if the all-weather surface of the new track poses any restrictions or limitations on the type of heavy equipment that contractors can use for access to the athletic field in question. Mr. Atseff stated that he as posed that question and is awaiting a response from the contractor.
Mr. Triou asked if the new all-weather track is all set for spring track meets in 2006. Mr. Havens stated that our students will have use of the track at that time.
Mr. Robusto asked about the present status of the seeded and re-seeded grass areas. Mr. Havens characterized it as “spotty” and invited trustees to visit the site. He added that the press box provides a good vantage point to view the condition of the fields for which the contractors have responsibility and the fields which are maintained by our buildings and grounds staff. Mr. Robusto asked if the condition of the new fields is rather severe; Mr. Havens stated that was correct. He added that the field in question was set for completion one (1) year ago and it should have a full-year of grass growth by this time. The field has had a re-seeding this year by the contractor as part of efforts to successfully complete the job.
Mr. Davis stated that there is a medley of issues related to the new field; uneven surfaces, varied types of grass, uneven growth, and weeds. Mr. Atseff stated that bare spots also exist.
Mr. Johnson noted that he has observed the irrigation of the fields underway en route to work during early-morning hours.
Mr. Havens stated that this issue must reach a positive conclusion.
Mr. Griswold asked if the issues with the athletic fields are related to the poor soil quality issues that exist with the trees planted on the west front of the performing arts center adjacent to the sidewalk at the high school. Mr. Havens noted that the soil at that latter location has a high clay content and the soil used on the new athletic fields is a combination of new soil and material from the “borrow pit “created during the project. Our staff has had the soil on the west front site tested and determined that it is of poor quality.
(1)   Sarah Kester, 5949 Trillium Trail, Ontario, asked if advanced placement art students will have an opportunity to prepare a new mural for the corridor walls at the high school. She stated that several students were disappointed that the prior murals were removed during the construction process. Mr. Havens noted that the students will have chance to develop new murals on moveable frames to prevent damage in the future.
(2)   Nicole Giel, 4376 Ontario Center Road, Walworth, asked if there is a definite date when students can begin to use the new TV production studio at the high school for daily announcements. Mr. Havens state that final work on the space is scheduled for November and December; use by students to produce daily announcements is anticipated for second semester.
X.  RECESS:    8:05 p.m.

XI. RECONVENE:  8:10 p.m.

 Mr. Havens presented the following personnel changes for review and consideration by the Board of Education:
Melissa Banks, reading teacher, assigned to the middle school, a one year temporary appointment effective September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006 at $36,250 (replacement for Amy Tobin, on child rearing leave)
Tracy Beachner, elementary education teacher, assigned to Ontario Elementary School, a five (5) month temporary appointment anticipated from September 1, 2005 through January 20, 2006 at $35,000, pro-rated (replacement for Tracy Harvey, on child rearing leave)
Timothy Burlee, physical education teacher, assigned to the Ontario Primary School, a three (3) month temporary appointment anticipated from September 1, 2005 through November 23, 2005 at $35, 000 , pro-rated (replacement for Patricia Yates, on leave)
Jaime Gallo, special education teacher, assigned to the high school, a three year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2005 through August 31, 2008 at $38,893 (new position)
Lindsey Robusto, Spanish teacher, assigned to the high school, a five (5) month probationary appointment effective September 1, 2005 through January 20, 2006 at $35,000, pro-rated (replacement for Jacqueline Senecal, on child rearing leave)
Meybhol Vanegas, Spanish teacher, assigned to the high school, a three year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2005 through August 31, 2008 at $35,000 (replacement for Jane Del Guidico, resigned)
 Additional/Amended Extra-Duty Appointments/Designations • 2005-2006 School Year
  See Listing, Clerk’s Agenda File,This Meeting
Laura Gilbert, kindergarten teacher, assigned to Freewill Elementary School, a combination paid and unpaid FMLA leave of absence anticipated from October 3, 2005 through January 3, 2006 (child rearing)
Patricia Yates, physical education teacher, assigned to the Ontario Primary School, a paid FMLA leave of absence anticipated from September 1 through November 23, 2005. (illness)

Jaime Gallo, teacher aide (1:1), assigned to the high school, effective September 1, 2005 (accepted promotion to special education teacher)

Lois Katz, teacher aide (1:1), assigned to the Ontario Elementary School, effective September 1, 2005 (accepted promotion to teaching assistant)

Michelle Quigley, school bus driver, effective August 24, 2005 (personal reasons)
Sandra Adolf, teacher aide (1:1), assigned to the Ontario Elementary School, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006 at $8.25 per hour (replacement for Lois Katz, promoted)
Andrea Baggott, teacher aide (1:1), assigned to Freewill Elementary School, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006 at $8.25 per hour (replacement for Kathleen Beck, resigned)
Kay Drechsler, teacher aide/job coach, (1:1), assigned to the high school, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 12, 2005 through June 30, 2006 at $8.25 per hour (new position)
Beverly Flanigan, school monitor, assigned to Ontario Primary School, a six month probationary civil service appointment effective September 6, 2005 through March 5, 2006 at $7.43 per hour (replacement for Mary Grice-Cockrell, transferred to high school)
Wendy Freida, teacher aide (1:1), assigned to Ontario Elementary School, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006 at $8.25 per hour (replacement for Lisa Mercurio, re-assigned to position vacated by Linda Dye, retired)
Patricia Griswold, registered professional nurse, assigned to Ontario Elementary School, a six month probationary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2005 through February 28, 2006 at $14.56 per hour (replacement for Martha Walton, resigned)
Dawn Landry, bus driver, a six month probationary civil service appointment effective September 6, 2005 through March 5, 2006 at $12.20 per hour (replacement for Michelle Quigley, resigned)
Andrea Milsome, teacher aide (1:1), assigned to the Freewill Elementary School, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006 at $8.25 per hour (replacement for Laura Bushey, retired)
Sharon Oddi, food service helper, assigned to the high school, a six month probationary civil service appointment effective September 6, 2005 through March 5, 2006 at $7.64 per hour (new position, 3 hours per day).
Shannon Sabin, teacher aide (1:1), assigned to Freewill Elementary School, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006 at $8.25 per hour (replacement for Debra Pecoraro, resigned)
Stephanie Sage, food service helper, assigned to Freewill Elementary School, a six month probationary civil service appointment effective September 6, 2005 through March 5, 2006 at $7.64 per hour (replacement for Anne Jaeger, transferred to high school)
Deborah Whittmore, bus driver, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 6, 2005 through June 30, 2006 at $12.20 per hour (replacement for James Klem, on leave of absence)
   Mr. Johnson offered a MOTION to approve the personnel changes as recommended by the superintendent of schools. 8 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Mr. Wyse), Carried.
 Mr. Havens presented the pupil placement recommendations of the Committees on Special Education and Pre-School Special Education for review and consideration by the Board of Education.
 Mrs. Brunner offered a MOTION, seconded by Mr. Johnson. to adopt the following RESOLUTIONS for pupil placements by the CSE/CPSE, TO WIT:
 (1) to approve the recommendation for CSE pupil placements,
   RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the recommendations of the Committee on Special Education and authorizes the Director of Student Services to arrange the recommended special programs and services.
(2)   to approve the recommendation for CPSE pupil placements:
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the recommendations of the Committee on Pre-School Special Education and authorizes the Director of Student Services to arrange the recommended special programs and services.
  On the question, the RESOLUTIONS were adopted by a vote of 8 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Mr. Wyse)



(1)   Reports of the School District Treasurer (A/O 6/30/05 & 7/31/05)
(2)   Approve Budget Transfers
   Mr. Havens presented the consensus agenda for review and consideration by the Board of Education.
Mrs. Brunner offered a MOTION to approve the consensus agenda, as presented by the superintendent of schools, as follows:
(1)   Receive & file reports of the school district treasurer for the periods ending June 30 and July 31, 2005 (copies attached to these minutes in the minute book)
(2)   Approve budget transfers pursuant to Policy 5330 (copies attached to these minutes in the minute book) .
Mr. Triou asked if the budget transfer for the Eagle Ventures’ storefront was for renewal of a lease. Mr. Atseff stated that the transfer relates to the lease on the second storefront space.
Mr. Davis asked if this was a budgeted expense. Mr. Atseff stated it was not. Mr. Havens noted that tuition paid by a neighboring district for students to participate in the program provide the funds for this expense.
Mr. Griswold asked if there is a single lease; Mr. Havens stated that there is a single lease with an amendment.
Mr. Johnson asked if the lease and amendment is renewable annually. Mr. Atseff stated that the term is just under five (5) years to comply with state requirements.
Mr. Davis asked if the salary transfer is also covered by the non-resident tuition. Mr. Havens noted that the additional space houses the district’s tutoring center which is operated by a teacher already on staff who previously met with students at scattered locations. Mr. Atseff stated that a portion of the salary transfer covers teacher aide time.
On the question, the vote was 8 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Mr. Wyse), Carried.
Policy Handbook – Second/Final Review – Revisions & Additions – Regulations & Exhibits  
Mr. Johnson presented the policy regulations and exhibits, noted above, for final review and consideration by the Board of Education. He noted that these proposed revisions will complete the two-year update process for the district’s policy handbook.
Mr. Robusto asked if trustees will receive the final documents in CD-ROM format. Mr. Johnson stated that they will receive updated versions in that format. Mr. Robusto asked if the documents are available to the public, Mr. Johnson stated that both the policy handbook and these regulations and exhibits do/will appear on the district web page and thanked Mr. Switzer and the computer technology staff for their efforts in that regard.
Mr. Johnson offered a MOTION to adopt the handbook of regulations and exhibits for the district policy handbook as presented by the policy committee. 7 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Mr. Wyse), 1 Abstention (Mr. Schultz), Carried.
A.   Mrs. Brunner suggested that trustees have updated identification badges when they conduct tours at the ribbon-cutting ceremony at the high school on September 23rd.
B.   Mrs. Brunner requested that Mr. Havens provide information on the driver and traffic safety education classes noted in public comment this evening,
C.   Mrs. Brunner reminded trustees of the recognition and reception for retirees planned at the September 29th Board of Education meeting in the performing arts center at the high school. She invited trustees to contact her if they wish to read and present the customized resolutions to a retiree; she will randomly assign them if no specific requests are made.
D.   Mr. Triou noted that the reception for new teachers traditionally sponsored by the Board of Education was always well received and suggested renewing the event; Mr. Havens stated that a future date is under consideration.
E.   Mrs. Brunner noted that trustees are invited to participate in the ice cream social at Freewill Elementary School on Tuesday evening, September 20th.
F.   Mrs. Lyke noted the success of the new approach for orientation of entering kindergarten children and their parents with bus rides and visits to school on opening day.


Mr. Robusto offered a MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m. 8 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Mr. Wyse), Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
School District Clerk
       The foregoing minutes of the Board of
       Education were submitted for review
       & (approved as presented)(corrected
       as noted) at the meeting of
September 29, 2005
School District Clerk



Att. 2
WHEREAS, Deborah Adamo has retired effective June 30, 2005, and
WHEREAS, said retirement concludes a career of 33 years of service at Wayne Central School District, and
WHEREAS, Deborah Adamo served the students and families of Walworth Elementary School in grades five and six and at Freewill Elementary School in grades one and three, and the residents of the community, and
WHEREAS, Deborah Adamo developed a positive attitude for learning where children took pride in their accomplishments and recognized that students respond well to high expectations and through a consistent message and support from parents, and
WHEREAS, Deborah Adamo participated in leadership and supportive roles through service as a team leader and committees on social studies, science, gifted and talented education, writing, and computer technology, among others, and
WHEREAS, Deborah Adamo shared her expertise with student teachers and further served the school district as a member of district-wide committees on language arts and in summer curriculum workshops in language arts and mathematics, among others, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Education recognizes that the contributions of each employee are essential to student achievement and success
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District that the service of Deborah Adamo is recognized and commended, with grateful appreciation, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be presented to Deborah Adamo and that the school district clerk is hereby directed to cause the text of this resolution to appear in the minutes of the Board of Education meeting of September 29, 2005

WHEREAS, James Adamo has retired effective June 30, 2005, and
WHEREAS, said retirement concludes a career of 30 years of service at Wayne Central School District, and
WHEREAS, James Adamo served the students and families of Freewill Elementary School in grades five and six and Ontario Elementary School in grades three and four, and the residents of the community, and
WHEREAS, James Adamo challenged his students to achieve high expectations, to develop an excitement and sense of discovery in their learning activities and to work independently, and
WHEREAS, James Adamo participated in leadership and supportive roles through service as a team leader, assistant principal, district-wide teacher coach for language arts, district-wide, textbook review and selection and teacher of in-service education courses in classroom management, and member of the building leadership team and pupil services team, among others, and
WHEREAS, James Adamo shared his expertise with teachers in areas of data analysis, incorporating computer technology in the classroom and integration of state learning standards with their lessons and further served the school district as a member of interview committees for staff and management positions, on district-wide committees for science, language arts, and mathematics and summer curriculum workshops in language arts and mathematics, among others, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Education recognizes that the contributions of each employee are essential to student achievement and success
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District that the service of James Adamo is recognized and commended, with grateful appreciation, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be presented to James Adamo and that the school district clerk is hereby directed to cause the text of this resolution to appear in the minutes of the Board of Education meeting of September 29, 2005.





WHEREAS, Audrey Anderson has retired effective July 12, 2005, and
WHEREAS, said retirement concluded a career of 18 years service to the Wayne Central District and the residents of the community, and
WHEREAS, Audrey Anderson served staff, students and families at James A. Beneway High School as a food service worker, and
WHEREAS, Audrey Anderson’s service was marked by her personal interest and attention to the needs of students, families and staff members, and
WHEREAS, Audrey Anderson worked with students and staff members for daily preparation of breakfast and lunch meals and for special activities, observances and banquets, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Education recognizes that the contributions of each employee are essential to student achievement and success
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District that the service of Audrey Anderson is recognized and commended, with grateful appreciation, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be presented to Audrey Anderson and that the school district clerk is hereby directed to cause the text of this resolution to appear in the minutes of the Board of Education meeting of September 29, 2005



WHEREAS, Joanne Beach has retired effective June 26, 2005, and
WHEREAS, said retirement concludes a career of 32 years of service at Wayne Central School District, and
WHEREAS, Joanne Beach served the students and families of Ontario Primary School, and the residents of the community, in the area of grades one through four, and
WHEREAS, Joanne Beach established a student-centered classroom with careful attention to individual student needs and encouraged primary level children to take responsibility for their learning, and
WHEREAS, Joanne Beach worked in varied classroom settings, ranging from single grades to multi-aged classes and “looping” within grade levels and served in leadership and supportive roles, including the building committee on social studies and as a teacher of in-service courses on metrics, and
WHEREAS, Joanne Beach shared her expertise with student teachers and further served the school district as a member of district-wide committees on math, science, staff development and Talents Unlimited, among others, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Education recognizes that the contributions of each employee are essential to student achievement and success
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District that the service of Joanne Beach is recognized and commended, with grateful appreciation, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be presented to Joanne Beach and that the school district clerk is hereby directed to cause the text of this resolution to appear in the minutes of the Board of Education meeting of September 29, 2005

WHEREAS, Laura Bushey has retired effective July 1, 2005, and
WHEREAS, said retirement concluded a career of 28 years service to the Wayne Central School District and the residents of the community, and
WHEREAS, Laura Bushey served as a teacher aide in a variety of subject areas for fifth and sixth grade teams at Freewill Elementary School, and
WHEREAS, Laura Bushey was respected for understanding the individual needs of students with whom she worked and set high expectations for student conduct and behavior, and 
WHEREAS, Laura Bushey shared her affection and support for students through participation in numerous extra activities and special events, particularly the fifth and sixth grade recognition banquets, and
WHEREAS, Laura Bushey was highly regarded by her students, fellow employees and her supervisors, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Education recognizes that the contributions of each employee are essential to student achievement and success
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District that the service of Laura Bushey is recognized and commended, with grateful appreciation, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be presented to Laura Bushey and that the school district clerk is hereby directed to cause the text of this resolution to appear in the minutes of the Board of Education meeting of September 29, 2005.





WHEREAS, Edward R. Currier has retired effective July 1, 2005, and
WHEREAS, said retirement concludes a career of 37 years of service at Wayne Central School District, and
WHEREAS, Edward R. Currier served the students and families of Thomas C. Armstrong Middle School, and the residents of the community, and
WHEREAS, Edward R. Currier brought a passion for science and compassion for students to the high standards he set and the enthusiasm for science that he created in varied classroom and extra-classroom activities, and
WHEREAS, Edward R. Currier was a charter member of the middle school staff, served as a member of the building planning team for school improvement, on staff & management screening committees, provided in-service training for teachers, developed community partnerships such as beautification and Eagle Scout projects and assisted in curriculum development in math, science, technology, energy conservation and outdoor education, including the school’s nature center, and
WHEREAS, Edward R. Currier served Thomas C. Armstrong Middle School as science department chairman (28 years), as an advisor for science club, astronomy club, rocket club and Science Olympiad, the latter repeatedly recognized as at the national level, organized primary level science days, was a co-founder of Science Exploration Days for central and western New York State and filled leadership roles in regional, state and national science associations, and
WHEREAS, his outstanding service was recognized in 2001 by creation of the annual Edward R. Currier Award for exemplary academic performance, character and citizenship by an eighth grade boy and girl, and
WHEREAS, Edward R. Currier was also recognized as Teacher of the Year at the local and regional level, by yearbook dedication, as a nominee for NEA National Teacher of the Year and was selected to serve as a school assessment expert for the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Education recognizes that the contributions of each employee are essential to student achievement and success
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District that the service of Edward R. Currier is recognized and commended, with grateful appreciation, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be presented to Edward R. Currier and that the school district clerk is hereby directed to cause the text of this resolution to appear in the minutes of the Board of Education meeting of September 29, 2005.





WHEREAS, Donald M. Davis has retired effective April 29, 2005, and
WHEREAS, said retirement concluded a career of 25 years service to the Wayne Central School District and the residents of the community, and
WHEREAS, Donald M. Davis served staff, students and families of the school district as manager and supervisor of maintenance, renovations, repair and improvements to buildings and grounds owned and operated by the school district, and
WHEREAS, Donald M. Davis’ service included management of a large staff of cleaners, custodians, senior custodians, maintenance, buildings, grounds and central stores staff, planning and conducting occupational and safety training for employees, security, repair and maintenance of facilities and maintaining plans for emergency management and facilities’ planning, among others, and
WHEREAS, Donald M. Davis extended his care and concern for others through support and encouragement of the efforts by his staff members and personal attention to detail, and
WHEREAS, Donald M. Davis demonstrated and promoted the value and importance of clean and inviting facilities, indoors and outdoors, in the success and achievement by students in the daily learning experiences, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Education recognizes that the contributions of each employee are essential to student achievement and success
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District that the service of Donald M. Davis is recognized and commended, with grateful appreciation, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be presented to Donald M. Davis and that the school district clerk is hereby directed to cause the text of this resolution to appear in the minutes of the Board of Education meeting of September 29, 2005.


WHEREAS, John Don Vito has retired effective June 30, 2005, and
WHEREAS, said retirement concludes a career of 34 years of service at Wayne Central School District, and
WHEREAS, John Don Vito served the students and families of James A. Beneway Senior High School, and the residents of the community, in the area of secondary social studies education (28 years) and driver and traffic safety education (6 years), and
WHEREAS, John Don Vito set high expectations for his students, recognized their individual needs and interests and encouraged them to assume responsibility for their learning, and
WHEREAS, John Don Vito filled many roles at the high school, ranging from department chairperson and mentor for new teachers to membership on the high school’s leadership team and as a chaperone for student activities and events, and
WHEREAS, John Don Vito further served the school district and the community through service as principal of Lakeshore Secondary Summer School, junior class advisor, track coach and head football coach, and
WHEREAS, John Don Vito has served the local school community as a member of the Walworth Recreation Commission and as a volunteer coach and officer of youth football leagues and his profession as a president and chief negotiator for the Wayne Central Teachers’ Association, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Education recognizes that the contributions of each employee are essential to student achievement and success
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District that the service of John Don Vito is recognized and commended, with grateful appreciation, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be presented to John Don Vito and that the school district clerk is hereby directed to cause the text of this resolution to appear in the minutes of the Board of Education meeting of September 29, 2005


WHEREAS, Silva Don Vito has retired effective June 30, 2005, and
WHEREAS, said retirement concludes a career of 31 years of service at Wayne Central School District, and
WHEREAS, Silva Don Vito served the students and families of Freewill Elementary School, and the residents of the community, in the area of first and second grade, and
WHEREAS, Silva Don Vito established a positive and nurturing learning environment for her students and assisted them in gaining independence in the learning at the primary level, and
WHEREAS, Silva Don Vito participated in leadership and supportive roles through service as a team leader and as a member of the building leadership team and committees on character education, special education, mathematics, flag day, assemblies, Reading Olympics, bicentennial, progress reports, and pupil services team, among others, and
WHEREAS, Silva Don Vito shared her expertise with student teachers and further served the school district as a member of district-wide committees on math, language arts and science and through summer curriculum workshops in math, language arts, and social studies and the community as a cheerleading coach, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Education recognizes that the contributions of each employee are essential to student achievement and success
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District that the service of Silva Don Vito is recognized and commended, with grateful appreciation, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be presented to Silva Don Vito and that the school district clerk is hereby directed to cause the text of this resolution to appear in the minutes of the Board of Education meeting of September 29, 2005


WHEREAS, Nancy Driscoll has retired effective June 30, 2005, and
WHEREAS, said retirement concludes a career of 16 years of service at Wayne Central School District, and
WHEREAS, Nancy Driscoll served the students and families of Thomas C. Armstrong Middle School and the residents of the community, in the area of science education, and
WHEREAS, Nancy Driscoll established a climate of acceptance and encouragement in her classroom and caring and respect for the individual needs of her students and encouraged parents to take an active role in their child’s school experiences, and
WHEREAS, Nancy Driscoll served in leadership and supportive roles through service as a house leader and participation in developing scope and sequence for new state standards in middle school science, and
WHEREAS, Nancy Driscoll worked with students at the middle school as an advisor for science club, in planning and conducting science exploration days for primary level children, as an advisor for Science Olympiad, astronomy club and ecology club and in development of community partnerships with the local garden club for the entry garden to the middle school, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Education recognizes that the contributions of each employee are essential to student achievement and success
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District that the service of Nancy Driscoll is recognized and commended, with grateful appreciation, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be presented to Nancy Driscoll and that the school district clerk is hereby directed to cause the text of this resolution to appear in the minutes of the Board of Education meeting of September 29, 2005


WHEREAS, Linda Dye has retired effective August 1, 2005, and
WHEREAS, said retirement concluded a career of 27 years service to the Wayne Central School District and the residents of the community, and
WHEREAS, Linda Dye served as a teacher aide in grades 4 to 6 at Walworth Elementary and for Wayne-Finger Lakes Board of Cooperative Educational Services and in reading readiness and whole language for grade 3 at Ontario Elementary School, preceded by service as a volunteer aide, and
WHEREAS, Linda Dye set high expectations for student achievement, conduct and behavior by students with whom she worked in traditional settings, one-to-one assistance and classes for students with special educational needs, and
WHEREAS, Linda Dye provided additional support for teachers and students by coordinating ecology club, rain forest and Earth Day activities and manage exercise programs to assist students with weight loss, and
WHEREAS, Linda Dye was highly regarded by her students, fellow employees and her supervisors, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Education recognizes that the contributions of each employee are essential to student achievement and success
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District that the service of Linda Dye is recognized and commended, with grateful appreciation, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be presented to Linda Dye and that the school district clerk is hereby directed to cause the text of this resolution to appear in the minutes of the Board of Education meeting of September 29, 2005.





WHEREAS, Linda Elmer has retired effective June 27, 2005, and  
WHEREAS, said retirement concluded a career of 10 years service to the Wayne Central School District and the residents of the community, and
WHEREAS, Linda Elmer served staff, students and families at James A. Beneway High School as a teacher aide and as a typist in the main office, and
WHEREAS, Linda Elmer’s service was marked by her care and concern for the staff, students and families in maintaining student schedules and data and assisting students, parents, teachers, staff members, visitors and vendors with multiple items on a daily basis, and
WHEREAS, Linda Elmer filled the additional role as treasurer of the extra-classroom activities fund for the high school for many years, working with students, faculty advisors and others in accounting for projects, activities and events of student organizations, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Education recognizes that the contributions of each employee are essential to student achievement and success
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District that the service of Linda Elmer is recognized and commended, with grateful appreciation, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be presented to Linda Elmer and that the school district clerk is hereby directed to cause the text of this resolution to appear in the minutes of the Board of Education meeting of September 29, 2005.



WHEREAS, Richard Galvin has retired effective June 30, 2005, and
WHEREAS, said retirement concludes a career of 30 years as a guidance counselor, including 24 years at Wayne Central School District, and
WHEREAS, Richard Galvin served the students and families of Thomas C. Armstrong Middle School and James A. Beneway High School, and the residents of the community, as a school counselor, and
WHEREAS, Richard Galvin worked with students and their parents or guardians in course selection, orientation programs, financial aid and college and career counseling, and
WHEREAS, Richard Galvin was respected for his expertise in developing and resolving conflicts in the “master schedule” for student and teacher class assignments and for his care and concern for each of the students with whom he worked, and
WHEREAS, Richard Galvin further served the school community on the pupil services team, as a light and sound manager for the performing arts center/auditorium, as an audio and media coordinator for indoor and outdoor interscholastic athletic events, as an advisor for the Student-Faculty Senate and as a resource person and board member for the local chapter of Dollars for Scholars, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Education recognizes that the contributions of each employee are essential to student achievement and success
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District that the service of Richard Galvin is recognized and commended, with grateful appreciation, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be presented to Richard Galvin and that the school district clerk is hereby directed to cause the text of this resolution to appear in the minutes of the Board of Education meeting of September 29, 2005


WHEREAS, Marian Mazura has retired effective August 1, 2005, and
WHEREAS, said retirement concluded a career of 24 years service to the Wayne Central School District and the residents of the community, and
WHEREAS, Marian Mazura served as a teacher aide and teaching assistant in the areas of reading and language arts for grades three through five at Ontario Elementary School, and
WHEREAS, Marian Mazura was respected for her attention to instructional detail and concern for the achievement of each of her students, and
WHEREAS, Marian Mazura also provided support for students in the homework hangout, early arrival and breakfast supervision, silent study hall, detention center, bus loop and school lunch duty, and Friendship Groups, among others, and
WHEREAS, Marian Mazura was highly regarded by her students, fellow employees and her supervisors, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Education recognizes that the contributions of each employee are essential to student achievement and success
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District that the service of Marian Mazura is recognized and commended, with grateful appreciation, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be presented to Marian Mazura and that the school district clerk is hereby directed to cause the text of this resolution to appear in the minutes of the Board of Education meeting of September 29, 2005.



WHEREAS, David Scott has retired effective June 30, 2005, and
WHEREAS, said retirement concludes a career of 34 years of service at Wayne Central School District, and
WHEREAS, David Scott served the students and families of Thomas C. Armstrong Middle School and James A. Beneway High School and the residents of the community, in the area of language arts and English education, and
WHEREAS, David Scott insured opportunities for student participation and engagement in their classes and taught them that high expectations for learning and careers were essential for achievement and accomplishment, and
WHEREAS, David Scott was recognized for leadership in the “art” of teaching and served in leadership and supportive roles through service as a department chairperson at the high school for 20 years, member of the building planning team for school improvement and in district-wide activities such as the district curriculum council and curriculum development for English, language arts and social studies, and
WHEREAS, David Scott worked with students as an advisor for student-faculty senate and with staff members in review sessions for teaching assistants and training for teaching the Great Books, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Education recognizes that the contributions of each employee are essential to student achievement and success,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District that the service of David Scott is recognized and commended, with grateful appreciation, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be presented to David Scott and that the school district clerk is hereby directed to cause the text of this resolution to appear in the minutes of the Board of Education meeting of September 29, 2005

WHEREAS, Carolyn Stowe has retired effective June 30, 2005, and
WHEREAS, said retirement concludes a career of 37 years in education, 33 years of them at Wayne Central School District, and
WHEREAS, Carolyn Stowe served the students and families of Walworth Elementary School, Freewill Elementary School and Ontario Elementary School in primary and elementary grades, and the residents of the community, and
WHEREAS, Carolyn Stowe developed a positive classroom environment for her students and encouraged parents to take an active role in their child’s education, and
WHEREAS, Carolyn Stowe served as a team leader, as a member of the building planning team for school improvement, as an intramural coach and on committees for talent shows, assemblies, holiday toy drives, and language arts, among others, and
WHEREAS, Carolyn Stowe shared her expertise with student teachers and further served the school district as a member of textbook selection committee for health education and on district-wide committees on math, health education, benchmarks and language arts, among others, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Education recognizes that the contributions of each employee are essential to student achievement and success,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District that the service of Carolyn Stowe is recognized and commended, with grateful appreciation, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be presented to Carolyn Stowe and that the school district clerk is hereby directed to cause the text of this resolution to appear in the minutes of the Board of Education meeting of September 29, 2005




WHEREAS, Deborah Wood has retired effective June 30, 2005, and
WHEREAS, said retirement concludes a career of 26 years of service at Wayne Central School District, and
WHEREAS, Deborah Wood served the students and families of Thomas C. Armstrong Middle School and the residents of the community, in the area of special education, and
WHEREAS, Deborah Wood encouraged students to take pride in their efforts, helped them advocate for themselves in a positive way and worked closely with parents to insure student achievement and success, and
WHEREAS, Deborah Wood served as a member of the building planning team for school improvement, as a consultant teacher for children in varied subject areas and as a mentor for staff members in developing ways to assist students with special educational needs, and
WHEREAS, Deborah Wood assisted with staff recognition activities and planning the middle school talent show, served on the pupil services team, and as chairperson of the building sub-committee for the Committee on Special Education, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Education recognizes that the contributions of each employee are essential to student achievement and success
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District that the service of Deborah Wood is recognized and commended, with grateful appreciation, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be presented to Deborah Wood and that the school district clerk is hereby directed to cause the text of this resolution to appear in the minutes of the Board of Education meeting of September 29, 2005


WHEREAS, Sandra Woodard has retired effective July 8, 2005, and
WHEREAS, said retirement concluded a career of 21 years in education, including 16.5 years of service to the Wayne Central School District and the residents of the community, and
WHEREAS, Sandra Woodard served staff, students and families of the school district as a teacher of special education, assistant middle school principal, director of student services and chairperson of the Committees on Special Education and Pre-School Special Education, and
WHEREAS, Sandra Woodard provided leadership and training for teachers who worked both directly and indirectly with students with special educational needs, including, pupil services teams and subcommittees of the Committee on Special Education at each school, and the transition from pre-school to school age services, and
WHEREAS, Sandra Woodard recognized the diverse needs of each child and importance that high expectations for learning have on the academic achievement of each child, and
WHEREAS, Sandra Woodard assisted in introduction of new and emerging trends in education such as effective teaching and model schools and in careful planning and development of programs and services, taking special leadership in development of outcomes for graduates of our high school and the many components of the district’s Comprehensive District Educational Plan (CDEP), and
WHEREAS, the Board of Education recognizes that the contributions of each employee are essential to student achievement and success
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District that the service of Sandra Woodard is recognized and commended, with grateful appreciation, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be presented to Sandra Woodard and that the school district clerk is hereby directed to cause the text of this resolution to appear in the minutes of the Board of Education meeting of September 29, 2005.


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Att. 4


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To:  Michael Havens, Superintendent of Schools
From:  Gregory Atseff, Assistant Superintendent for Business
Date:  September 23, 2005
Re:  Change Order CO-32
Attached is a copy of Change Order CO-32, from Blackmon-Farrell Electric. This change order is for the cost to reinstall new conduit & wire damaged by the site contractor, when working outside the southend of Area D. The cost of this work will be backcharged to Christa Construction, the general contractor. The site contractor is a sub-contractor of the general contractor.
Please present the following resolution to the Board of Education at their meeting on September 23, 2005:
Resolved; that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District hereby approves Change Order CO-32 from Blackmon-Farrell Electric for $10,200.00.


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To:  Michael Havens, Superintendent of Schools
From:  Gregory Atseff, Assistant Superintendent for Business
Date:  September 23, 2005
Re:  Change Order CO-13
Attached is a copy of Change Order CO-13, from Christa Construction. This change order is for the cost to install ceramic mosaic tile floor and glazed cove base in the team rooms, at the high school.
Please present the following resolution to the Board of Education at their meeting on September 23, 2005:
Resolved; that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District hereby approves Change Order CO-13 from Christa Construction for $15,120.00.


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To:  Michael Havens, Superintendent of Schools
From:  Gregory Atseff, Assistant Superintendent for Business
Date:  September 23, 2005
Re:  Change Order CO-9
Attached is a copy of Change Order CO-9, from Christa Construction. This change order is for the cost to remove existing plaster ceiling, and install new soffits as required and acoustical ceiling tile in the corridor in area A, in front of the old gym.
Please present the following resolution to the Board of Education at their meeting on September 23, 2005:
Resolved; that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District hereby approves Change Order CO-9 from Christa Construction for $10,572.00.


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Att. 5

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(1) Conduct annual committee review of 50% of policy handbook

(1)   Conduct annual committee review of 50% of policy handbook

(2) Conduct annual review of policies, regulations & exhibits that require same

(2)   Conduct annual review of policies, regulations & exhibits that require same

(3) Review and develop new and emerging policies and regulations as they arise and present for review and consideration by the Board of Education

(3)   Review and develop new and emerging policies and regulations as they arise and present for review and consideration by the Board of Education

(4)  Research and develop policy issues as referred by the Board of Education

(4)   Research and develop policy issues as referred by the Board of Education

Adopted by the Board of Education On……………………….
One reading

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