1. Melanie Stevenson, special education teacher assigned to the Freewill Elementary School, teacher on special assignment as the assistant to the director of student services, assigned to the district office, effective September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006 at contract salary (temporary replacement for Michelle Scheik, promoted to director of student services, district office)
  4. Elementary Assistant Principals: rate - $1,807

September 15, 2005   6:15 p.m.   District Office Board Room
6:15  Tour of Building
7:00  Call To Order/Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of Agenda/Approval of Minutes             Att. 1
7:05  Public Comment
7:10  Board Member Comments
7:15  Action Items
7:20  Superintendent’s Report
1.   Music Textbook Presentation
2.   Opening Day / Enrollment  
3.   School Improvement Plan                Att. 2  
4.   Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
5.   WTA Negotiations
6.   Capital Project Update                      
8:10  Board Action
1.   Approve Personnel Action                 Att. 3
2.   Approve CSE/CPSE Action                 Att. 4
2. Approve Consensus Agenda                             Att. 5
1)   Accept Treasurer’s Reports
2)   Approve Budget Transfer
8:20  Policy                        
Att. 6
8:25  Board Member Comments
8:30  Adjournment
Next Meeting Date: September 29, 2005  7:00 p.m.   Performing Arts Center

District Mission Statement

District Mission Statement

Based on the belief that all students can learn, the staff of the Wayne Central School District accepts the responsibility to teach all students, regardless of differences, the fundamental skills. We further accept the responsibility to challenge all students to attain higher levels of achievement. Wayne Central will provide the opportunity, environment, and encouragement to meet this goal while developing the whole child, physically, socially, emotionally, and culturally.

Att. 1
Ontario Center, New York 14520

DATE: Thursday, August 25, 2005           TIME: 6:00 p.m.
TYPE: Regular Business Meeting    PLACE: Ontario Elementary School

PRESENT: Trustees Brunner, Davis, Griswold, Lyke, Robusto, Triou, Wyse; District Clerk Switzer; Administrators Havens, Shaffer, Siracuse, Cox, Schiek, Atseff, Spring, Callahan, Green

ABSENT: Trustees Johnson & Schultz
GUESTS: Visitor’s Roster filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting
I.  CALL TO ORDER: 6:00 p.m. by John D. Triou, School Board President

 Mr. Wyse offered a MOTION to adjourn the meeting, at 6:05 p.m., for an executive session on personnel matters pertaining to specific persons. 7 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Mr. Johnson, Mr. Schultz), Carried.

III.   RECONVENE: 7:00 p.m.
V.  APPROVAL OF AGENDA & MINUTES (July 7 & 17, 2005)

 Mrs. Brunner offered a MOTION to approve the agenda for this evening’s meeting and the minutes of the meetings of July 7 & 17, 2005, each as presented. 6 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Mr. Johnson, Mr. Schultz), 1 Abstention (Mr. Wyse), Carried.



A.   Mrs. Lyke encouraged trustees to attend the program meeting of the Four County School Boards Association on October 18, 2005 featuring guest speaker Alan Hevesi, the Comptroller of the State of New York.


Mr. Havens distributed copies of the 2005-2006 district calendar and noted that attribution was inadvertently omitted by the printer for the cover’s art work by Sarah Kester. He also acknowledged his secretary, Mrs. Smith, for her efforts on calendar production for the past three (3) years.
Mr. Havens presented the annual assessment of student achievement for the 2004-2005 school year for review and consideration by the Board of Education. (copy filed in clerk’s files)
Mr. Havens noted that each of the several graphs in the report represents a full year of work by teachers, students and administrators which is the essence and purpose of the school district. He added that there is no true way to do justice to the effort reflected by each graph and praised staff members and students for the diligent efforts and hard work that led to these results.
Mr. Havens noted that, for the second consecutive year, the district goal of a 90% passing rate in math for students in grades K to 4 was achieved, and exceeded, at 92%. A similar district goal for a 90% passing rate in grades K to 4 language arts was missed by 1%, at 89%. These achievements reflect efforts such as the summer reading program, additional reading teachers and the language arts teacher coach.
He also cited achievement of mastery levels by students in language arts, math, biology, chemistry, English, social studies and foreign language. He noted that continued efforts are planned in those areas where student achievement and mastery show room for improvement. For the second consecutive year, K-4 students surpassed the 90% passing rate goal in science, at 95%.
Mrs. Lyke noted that these results do not reflect the impact of the full day kindergarten program. Mr. Havens noted that will occur in three (3) to four (4) years.
At the middle school, language arts scores increased from 46% to 68% over the past six (6) years and math scores from 46% to 76% over the same time period. Efforts to increase the amount of writing by students, in all subject areas, and emphasis on academic intervention, were contributing factors.
Achievement in science at the middle school continues to reflect high expectations for these students and passing (100%) and mastery (91%) levels by eighth graders in Regents Biology, with only one score under 85%.
Mr. Triou asked if any efforts are in place to account for “brain drain” when veteran, experienced teachers retire. Mr. Havens noted that efforts continue to enlist retirees to serve as mentors for new staff members.
At the high school, a reduction in passing rates on the Regents exams in Math A and lower than desired scores in Math B have prompted improvement plans for each. New state course sequences and exams in math will appear in 2007-2008. Mr. Triou asked if the new exams will be easier or more difficult. Mr. Havens noted that single year courses allow teachers to determine and address student weaknesses more directly.
Mr. Havens added that more than one third of students earned a passing grade of 85% or greater on the Regents exam in earth science, where the passing rate increased from 78% to 87%. High school students were also consistent with increases in passing (91%) and mastery rates on the Regents exams in biology and chemistry. The reduction in passing rates for the Regents exam in physics is due in part to the statewide disputes on that exam; more time is needed to determine if the concern is local or state in nature. Mrs. Lyke noted that the test results were not consistent.
On the Regents exams in Comprehensive English, global studies and U.S. History, the results indicate that attention is needed on achievement by “at risk” students. Efforts also continue to increase the passing rate on these exams since students must pass them to graduate. Mastery rates on these exams remain high and exceed district goals for same.
Achievement by students in languages other than English continues to reflect passing rates above 90% and consistently high mastery levels and exceptional levels of achievement. 80% of our high school students are enrolled in these courses. In five (5) of the past six (6) years, 100% of German students passed the Regents exam, including some perfect scores.
With the goal set by the Board of Education for 98% of students to obtain a Regents diploma, the rate increased from 59% to 81% over the past six (6) years. 88% of the Class of 2006 is on track to receive a Regents diploma. Mr. Pirozzolo, assistant high school principal, is coordinating this effort.
Efforts by staff members and counselors to encourage students to pursue college studies have resulted in an increase of the college-bound rate from 78% to 88% in one (1) year with expectations that it will exceed the district goal of 95% next year. Mrs. Armitage, assistant high school principal, is coordinating this plan.
Mr. Havens stated that he is very proud of our staff and students and the record achievement levels they have reached. He noted the substantial efforts by district and building administrators and complimented them for their work as well.
Mr. Wyse noted there are students at the high school at risk of failure and asked how many of them have ability to achieve but fail due to poor attitudes. Mr. Havens that while student attitude is part of the problem, students also need to assume more responsibility for their work.
Mr. Wyse noted that while the 88% level indicates that district has made good strides toward the 95% college bound rate, he has learned through his work with the local food pantry that there is a poorer portion than he thought existed in our school district. He wonders how many students have a desire to attend college but lack the financial resources to do so.
Mr. Havens noted that both financial resources and parents who did not attend college themselves are factors that impact the motivation of students to pursue higher education. Some students begin college studies with a two-year degree program.
Mr. Wyse asked where students are tallied who pursue military careers. Mr. Havens noted that the State Education Department does not include them in the college count even though many military programs include college studies.
Mr. Robusto asked if data exists on the number of graduates who seek college studies as part of military service. Mr. Havens stated it does.
Mr. Wyse asked if there is any effort to determine if those graduates who do pursue military careers pursue college using veterans’ benefits after discharge from active service. Mr. Havens stated that such data is not maintained at present but options to do so exist. He also noted that seniors have conducted a few such studies in prior years.
Mrs. Lyke recalled that one of the issues previously identified was the number of entering students who had changed schools frequently and efforts were made to obtain student academic records more quickly when they moved into our district. She asked if this has had any impact on achievement levels. Mr. Spring noted that no analysis of that data has occurred. Mr. Havens noted that an effort by building principals to review any academic needs of transfer students by their pupil service team has worked successfully.
Mrs. Lyke asked if it is still possible to pass a course by earning a passing test grade. The response was yes.
Mr. Griswold asked if there are any predictions of how well our students will do next year on each of the achievement measures included in this report. Mr. Havens stated that the goal is always to do better and to set high expectations for students. Mrs. Lyke noted that the full impact of full day kindergarten will appear in a few years.
Mr. Griswold asked if efforts are made to follow a group of students throughout their school career and pinpoint any achievement concerns. Mr. Havens noted that such review does occur and there is no clear evidence of a strong correlation between language arts exams in fourth and eighth grade and the Comprehensive Regents English exam in the junior year.

Mr. Davis asked if the data on college-bound seniors is based on the number of students who applied for admission or the number who are actually enrolled in college. Mr. Havens noted that the year to date data reflects students who are have applied and are accepted to attend college with the realization that some students may change their mind after starting college and others may begin college at a later date.
Mr. Davis asked if any of our students are pressured to apply to college. Mr. Havens noted that students are encouraged to attend college. He noted research he obtained at a recent workshop on earning power that students with college training do have an increased earning power.
Mr. Davis stated he views encouragement to consider college as one issue and pressure to apply and attend as another. He asked if the 95% goal for college bound students is based on research or if it is an arbitrary goal set by the school board. He wonders if 95% of jobs require college degrees.
Mr. Havens stated that he would like to see 95% of our kids attend college since the challenge of the school board to him is to provide the best education and citizenship for our students, In the new millennium, college training is essential.
Mr. Davis feels that labor class jobs will always exist. While he is impressed with the achievements of our students, as described earlier this evening, he is not sure that the school board should insist that they attend college.
Mr. Havens noted that the school district does need to advocate for some children who are not encouraged by their parents to attend college,
Mrs. Lyke noted that technical college training is also an option and she feels that we need to pursue that concept in more depth with the trade and career center operated by Wayne-Finger Lakes Board of Cooperative Educational Services at the Williamson campus.
Mr. Davis stated that he attended trade and technical school while in high school and later earned his college degree when he was 48 years old because he was happy with what he was doing. He is concerned that the 95% goal is truly representative of providing options for our students and if the school district should not also nurture the children to follow their own goals. He noted that the average age of students at Empire State College is 35.
Mr. Robusto recalled the 95% goal for college bound students was developed at a summer workshop on goal setting some three (3) years ago,. He feels 95% is a worthy goal for our students.
Mr. Davis stated he is not opposed to tracking the number of students who do seek college.
Mrs. Brunner noted that the school district offers an opportunity to students to consider college and help them understand what training and experiences they will need to pursue their chosen career.
Mr. Davis stated that he views the 95% goal as pushing students too hard and he is not certain if it is the role of the Board of Education to establish the goal at that level.
Mr. Havens introduced Mrs. Michelle Schiek, director of student services, to provide an overview of adjustments planned in the special education program for the 2005-2006 school year.
Mrs. Schiek noted that the 2005-2006 budget two (2) additional special education teachers to provide educational programs for students previously placed at sites outside of the school district. She added that these two (2) teaching positions will also handle the newly enrolled students with special needs who would have otherwise attended school sites outside of the school district; she noted that seven (7) new students have enrolled to date.
Mrs. Schiek stated that the presence of these classes within the district will allow creation of several co-teaching settings which will better serve both general education students and students with special educational needs and support district goals for students to earn high school diplomas. She also compared the costs for out of district tuition and local district expenses to provide these services.
Mr. Wyse noted the value of locally based programs for these students and commented on the amount of net savings projected.
Mrs. Lyke noted the large number of newly enrolled students with special educational needs and asked what levels of services they will require. Mrs. Brunner asked what educational settings those students will require. Mrs. Schiek provided clarifications.
Mr. Havens noted that Mrs. Schiek began her new duties in July and that she has “hit the ground running.” He is pleased with the plans developed to meet the needs of our students in locally based classes and to incorporate the needs of newly enrolled students. He added that the appointment of the two (2) new special education teachers cited by Mrs. Schiek is not included in the recommended personnel actions for this evening; he wanted to present the proposed program adjustments, this evening, prior to such actions.
Mr. Wyse confirmed that funding for the two (2) new positions is included in the 2005-2006 budget; Mr. Havens stated that was correct.
Mr. Davis asked for clarification between the projected cost reductions. Mr. Havens provided explanations.
Mrs. Brunner asked what age levels are represented by the new classes; Mrs. Schiek stated that they are high school aged students.
Mr. Havens asked the pleasure of the Board of Education on scheduling a ribbon-cutting and open house for the new classroom wing at the high school as part of Homecoming Weekend from September 23-25. Mrs. Brunner was concerned that such an event not conflict with student activities planned for that weekend.
Trustees suggested inviting retired teachers of the subject areas encompassed by the new classroom wing. Mr. Wyse suggested inviting Mr. Edward Currier to cut the ribbon in recognition of his efforts in science education. Mr. Havens asked trustees to provide their input on persons to participate in the ribbon-cutting.
Mr. Havens introduced Michael Jordan, project supervisor, to present a progress report on the 2002 Capital Improvement Project. Mr. Jordan used a Powerpoint presentation with digital photographs for the report. (copy filed in clerk’s agenda file)
Mr. Jordan reported that all student occupied spaces are slated for completion prior to the first day of school. Many new features await staff and students, ranging from the new science, applied technology and art classroom wing, a remodeled media-center, enlarged counseling area, and expanded dining room at the high school to new fields, final seeding and landscaping, grandstand seating, press box installation, asphalt on walkways and roadways and additional features on the Ontario Center athletic fields.
Installation of the all-weather surface for the new track is expected in the last week of August and the fitness center at the high school was relocated. The new bus loop and additional parking areas are finished and paved at the high school and new floors, carpeting and tiling was completed in several district schools. The main entry at the middle school has a new entry mat, complete with an inscribed Eagle, the district symbol, and finish work is completed in the renovated counseling office.
At Ontario Elementary School, a few items remain prior to completion of the lift for persons with disabilities in the stage/gym/auditorium area and corridor tile work is nearing completion.
Mr. Wyse asked if there are any concerns about matching new and old corridor tiles; Mr. Jordan said there are none.
At Ontario Primary School, installation of carpeting for one remaining classroom and stair tread on stage is in the final stages.
At Freewill Elementary School, rubberized corridor tile floors are completed and new carpeting installed in the library-media center.
On the athletic fields, relocation of the scoreboard is underway. Mr. Havens stated that he concluded from comments by trustees at the prior meeting that they felt the error which required this move was clearly the responsibility of the architect and that the school district should not incur any additional expense. As a result, he has withheld payments for this work. He requested that any trustees who did not have the same understanding contact him; trustees concurred that this approach was correct.
Mr. Griswold asked if anything different has occurred since comments by Mr. Davis and Mr. Wyse at the prior meeting about the absence of a roadway to and between athletic fields for access by emergency vehicles and the potential for vehicles to become stuck in soft turf at certain times of the year when serving persons on those fields. Mr. Jordan noted that the walkway to the track area does have an asphalt surface but there is no such paved access to the baseball diamonds.
Mr. Wyse noted that the width of the walkways is too narrow for use by emergency vehicles.
Mr. Griswold stated that awareness of this issue by everyone should occur in the next capital project. Mr. Havens noted that those needs would fit with the inter-campus roadway which the school board has desired for many years at the Ontario Center campus.
Mrs. Brunner asked if the all-weather track surface is in place. Mr. Jordan stated that the contractor now plans to install the surface on August 29th. The contractor has indicated that extremely hot weather can pose problems with the track material curing properly.
Mr. Triou noted that he, and the entire school board, expects that the new track is completed to insure that athletes can use it for the fall season. Mr. Havens stated that he is withholding payments to the contractor to insure that this occurs. Mr. Jordan noted plans for final striping of the new track, as well.
Mrs. Brunner asked if seeding and irrigation of the new athletic fields has started. Mr. Jordan reviewed status of topsoil, seeding and re-seeding, weed control and irrigation. Mrs. Brunner asked if the cost of re-seeding is borne by the contractor. Mr. Jordan stated it is. Mr. Wyse stated that Mr. Atseff has clearly stated the expectations of the school district in these areas.
Mr. Jordan noted that installation of fencing is complete for the new bleacher/press box, walkways to tennis courts, the new bus loop, the new access roadway and south parking lot at the high school.
Mr. Wyse stated that he was pleased with the status of the bleachers and press box during a recent site visit.
Mr. Jordan noted additional items at the high school include re-alignment of two (2) flag poles at the west side of the high school, sidewalk paving, final corridor floor surfaces, final work in the expanded cafeteria/dining room, finish work on the expanded counseling center and re-located nurse’s office, finish work on wall pads and new scoreboard in the old gym, repair of water damage in a portion of the old gym floor and placement of shelving and books in the refurbished library-media center. He added that the original shelving blends well with the new décor and soffits in the latter.
Mr. Triou asked if the fitness center & equipment was moved from the old gym. Mr. Jordan stated it was and that the floor repair was covered by the asbestos contractor. He added that installation of ceramic tile in team rooms worked well.
Mr. Jordan noted that during September and October, final work would occur on the new weight room, installation of the divider in the electronics classroom to separate classroom/computer uses from the work area and re-location of the stairs to the storage area in the technology room.
Mr. Davis asked if the installation of this wall divider will require modifications to the heating and ventilating systems in that room. Mr. Jordan noted that some minor modifications might occur depending on use of the space and cost considerations.
Mr. Davis asked if the staff and school district will have concerns about variance in temperature controls in the two areas after the divider wall is installed. Mr. Jordan noted that those issues may arise in the future. Mr. Davis asked if Mr. Jordan could estimate the cost for such modifications; Mr. Jordan stated a range of $30,000 to $40,000, depending on specific systems chosen. Mr. Davis stated that the re-location of the stairs in the technology classroom may pose an obstacle to the original concept for storage and transfer of materials for classroom uses.
Mr. Jordan noted that the work by the several contractors was very smooth during this summer period. He is proud of the work completed and hopes that the school board shares this view that the overall project is one of which everyone should have pride. He is very pleased that project completion is on schedule and under budget and to have had an active role in the overall 2002 Capital Improvement Project.
Mr. Wyse asked how long the stage area of the performing arts center would continue to serve as storage space; he noted that the auditorium manager needs access to that space to prepare for student and concert uses during the fall season. Mr. Jordan expects that storage uses will conclude by the first week of school.
Mrs. Brunner noted that the design, cost, content and placement of the dedication plaque for capital projects have raised contention in prior years. Mr. Havens stated that he is working on this item with the architect and general contractor.
Mr. Havens extended compliments to the custodial and maintenance staff from each of the schools for their diligent efforts and great spirit. They have completed final preparations on areas as soon as the contractors moved out and, in the case of the high school, are working three daily shifts until the start of school to insure a successful opening of school. Mr. Jordan added his compliments to these persons for their fine work.
Mr. Havens noted that rumors of a planned delay in opening of the high school due to construction work are untrue.
Mr. Havens introduced Mr. Atseff to present a financial report to the Board of Education.
Mr. Atseff noted that the business office is closing the books for the fiscal year that ended on June 30, 2005 and setting up accounts for the fiscal year which started on July 1, 2005. The independent auditors are scheduled to begin work on September 6th.
Mr. Atseff noted that both the resolution to establish school tax rates and issue the school tax warrant and a recommendation for school lunch prices are included in the consensus agenda portion of this evening’s meeting.
The school tax rate is proposed at one cent (1 cent) less per thousand of assessed valuation than the rate projected when the proposed school budget was submitted for consideration by voters in May. This represents an increase in the tax rate of 0.85%.
Prices for school meals are recommended at the same level as 2004-2005 with a five cent (.05) increase in the cost of milk. He noted the excellent work by Mrs. Wilson and the food service staff to achieve an operating profit of appx. $80,000 while also adding additional serving lines at the high school and Freewill Elementary School.
He stated that the school district is in strong financial shape and did meet its financial goals for the 2004-2005 school year. He noted that recommendations for allocation of any unexpended funds would follow the completion of the independent audit.
Mr. Wyse noted current news media reports on the increased in costs for heating fuel by 30% or 35% and asked how those projections would impact the amount budgeted for 2005-2006. Mr. Atseff explained how heating fuel costs are projected in the annual budget and stated that allowances were included for the additional square footage included in the classroom addition at the high school and increased costs for the fuel.
Mr. Triou asked if the price of diesel fuel is also increasing and if any reduction of bus use or field trips would occur. Mr. Atseff reviewed the method used to budget for these expenses and stated that there are no plans to cancel field trips. Mr. Havens noted that the projected expenditure for diesel fuel was increased in the budget at the suggestion of Mr. Wyse.
Mr. Havens thanked Mr. Atseff for his report and his diligent efforts to manage district finances.
Mr. Havens noted the agenda attachment with information as requested.
 Mr. Havens presented the following personnel changes for review and consideration by the Board of Education:


Jane Del Gudico, Spanish Teacher, middle & high schools, effective August 4, 2005 (child rearing)
Heather Armstrong, special education teacher, assigned to Freewill Elementary School, a one year temporary appointment effective September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006 at $36,250 (replacement for Melanie Stevenson, appointed as teacher on special assignment, assistant to director of student services, district office)
Janice Becker, science teacher, assigned to the middle school, a three year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2005 through August 31, 2008 at $36,893 (replacement for Edward Currier, retired)
Sarah Cooman, special education teacher, assigned to the Ontario Elementary School, a five (5) month temporary appointment anticipated from September 1, 2005 through January 27, 2006 at $35,000, pro-rated (replacement for Francene Pucci, medical leave of absence)
Michele Farley, special education teacher, assigned to the Ontario Elementary School, a three year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2005 through August 31, 2008 at $38,143 (replacement for Rebecca Krause, transferred to middle school)
Stacy Fravel, school counselor, assigned to the high school, a one year temporary appointment effective September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006 at $36, 250 (replacement for Kim Sherwin, on leave)
Jeffrey Kloptowski, driver & traffic safety education teacher, assigned to the high school, a part-time temporary appointment effective July 1 through July 30, 2005 at $6030.
Anna McGrath, science teacher (chemistry), assigned to the high school, a three year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2005 through August 31, 2008 at $45,250 (new position)
Jennifer Saul, English Teacher, assigned to the middle school, a three year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2005 through August 31, 2008 at $36,250 (replacement for Charles Roods, transferred to high school)
Julie Schwartz, school counselor, assigned to the high school, a three year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2005 through August 31, 2008 at $36,250 (replacement for Richard Galvin, retired)
Penny Spina, special education teacher, assigned to the middle school, a two year probationary appointment (one year prior tenure credit) effective September 1, 2005 through August 31, 2007 at $43,798 (replacement for Laura Schoenberger, resigned)

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Melanie Stevenson, special education teacher assigned to the Freewill Elementary School, teacher on special assignment as the assistant to the director of student services, assigned to the district office, effective September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006 at contract salary (temporary replacement for Michelle Scheik, promoted to director of student services, district office)

Jeffrey Ugine, science teacher (biology), assigned to the high school, a three year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2005 through August 31, 2008 at $37,484 (replacement for Diana Page, resigned)
Cara VanderBrook, elementary education teacher, assigned to the Ontario Elementary School, a five month temporary appointment anticipated September 1, 2005 through January 20, 2006 at $35,000 (base) pro-rated (replacement for Suellen Terranova, child rearing leave)
Amend Appointment from July 14, 2005 Personnel Action:
Lisa Housler-Rojas, elementary education teacher, assigned to Ontario Elementary School, a one year temporary appointment effective September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006 at $36,250 (replacement for Nicole Welch, teacher on special assignment as language arts coach )
Amend Personnel Action • Tenure Recommendation (Minutes of June 9, 2005 )
Christine Uetz, revise tenure area from elementary education to special Education
 Annual Appointment of Per Diem Substitute Teachers • 2005-2006 School Year
( September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006, rates set by collective bargaining agreement)
 See Listing, Clerk’s Agenda File, This Meeting
 Annual Extra-Duty Appointments & Designations • 2005-2006 School Year
(Assistant Principals, K-12 Advisors, Department Chairpersons, Team Leaders, Extra-Curricular & Model School Club & Stipend Positions, September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006, rates set by collective bargaining agreement)
 See Listing, Clerk’s Agenda File, This Meeting
Annual Coaching Appointments • 2005-2006 • Fall, Winter & Spring Seasons
(rates set by collective bargaining agreement)
 See Listing, Clerk’s Agenda File, This Meeting
Additional Summer Conditioning Program Supervisors & Post Season Stipends- Spring 2005
(Sectionals Competition State Qualifier, State Championships)
 See Listing, Clerk’s Agenda File, This Meeting
Fall Athletic Event Staff
(rates set by collective bargaining agreement)
 See Listing, Clerk’s Agenda File, This Meeting
Amy Tobin, reading teacher, assigned to the middle school, an unpaid leave of absence from September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006 (child rearing)
Audrey Anderson, food service helper, assigned to the high school, effective July 12, 2005 (retirement, 18 years service to Wayne Central School District)
Kathleen Beck, teacher aide, assigned to Freewill Elementary School, effective August 8, 2005 (personal reasons)
Laura Bushey, teacher aide, assigned to Freewill Elementary School, effective July 1, 2005 (retirement, 28 years of service to Wayne Central School District)
Linda Dye, teacher aide, assigned to the Ontario Elementary School, effective August 1, 2005. (retirement, 27 years of service to Wayne Central School District)
John Leone, food service helper, assigned to the high school, effective August 15, 2005 (promotion to maintenance worker)  
Marian Mazura, teaching assistant, assigned to the Ontario Elementary School, effective August 1, 2005 (retirement, 24 years of service to Wayne Central School District)
Laurie Anderson, teacher aide (1:1), assigned to Ontario Elementary School, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006 at $11.50 per hour
Kristen Bauerschmidt, teacher aide (1:1), assigned to the high school, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006 at $8.70 per hour
Ruth Beck, teacher aide (1:1), assigned to high school, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006 at $8.70 per hour
Jacqueline Boerschlein, teacher aide (1:1), assigned to Freewill Elementary School, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006 at $8.70 per hour
Colleen Boyce, teacher aide (1:1), assigned to Ontario Elementary School, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006 at $10.75 per hour
Sarah Catalano, teacher aide, assigned to the high school, a six month probationary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2005 through February 28, 2006, at $8.95 per hour
Myra Jane Cotsonas, teacher aide (1:1) (.50 FTE), assigned to Project Show at the high school, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006, at $10.10 per hour
Mary DeWolf, teacher aide (1:1), assigned to the middle school, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006, at $8.70 per hour
Patricia Dell’Olio, teacher aide (1:1), assigned to Freewill Elementary School, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006 at $8.30 per hour
Joan Di Fabio, teacher aide (1:1), assigned to the Freewill Elementary School, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006 at $11.50 per hour
Ellen Ebert, teacher aide (1:1) (.50 FTE), assigned to Project Show at the high school, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006, at $11.50 per hour
Rachel Ford, teacher aide (1:1), assigned to the middle school, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006, at $10.10 per hour.
Jaime Gallo,   teacher aide (1:1), assigned to the high school, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006 at $9.35 per hour.
Amy Gebhart, public information specialist, assigned to the district office, a provisional civil service appointment effective August 25, 2005 at $38,000 (new position)
Patricia Gommenginger, teacher aide (1:1), assigned to the high school, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006 at $8.70 per hour
Lynne Howard, teacher aide (1:1), assigned to the middle school, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006, at $8.95 per hour
Suzanne Johnson, teacher aide (1:1) (.50 FTE), assigned to Project Show, high school, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006, at $11.50 per hour
Lois Kashmer, teaching assistant assigned to Ontario Elementary School, a three year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2005 through August 31, 2008 at $12.05 per hour (replacement for Marian Mazura, retired)
Dawn Kittleson, teacher aide (1:1), assigned to Ontario Elementary School, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006 at $8.95 per hour
Denise Kolb, teacher aide (1:1), assigned to the middle school, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005 at $10.75 per hour
Kim Kramer, teacher aide (1:1), assigned to the high school, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006 at $9.60 per hour
Mary Ann Kritall, teacher aide (1:1), assigned to Freewill Elementary School, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006 at $11.50 per hour
John Leone, maintenance worker, assigned to the high school, a six month probationary civil service appointment effective August 15, 2005 through February 14, 2006 at $11.51 per hour (new position)
Kim Maira, grant writer (.50 FTE), assigned to the district office, a provisional civil service appointment effective September 1, 2005 at $25,000 (new position)
Lisa Mercurio, teacher aide, assigned to the Ontario Elementary School, a six month probationary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2005 through February 28, 2006 at $8.95 per hour (replacement for Linda Dye, retired)
Kristine Murray, teacher aide (1:1), assigned to Freewill Elementary School, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006 at $10.30 per hour
Laura Packer, teacher aide (1:1), assigned to Ontario Elementary School, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006 at $9.60 per hour
Karin Pickard, teacher aide (1:1), assigned to Project Show, high school, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006, at $11.50 per hour
Julie Schueler,   teacher aide (1:1), assigned to the middle school, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006 at $9.60 per hour
Bunny Trost, typist assigned to the high school, a six month probationary civil service appointment effective August 29, 2005 through February 28, 2006 at $9.43 per hour
Jayne VerSchage, teacher aide (1:1), assigned to the high school, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006 at $10.50 per hour
Heidi Ward, teacher aide (1:1), assigned to Ontario Primary School, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006 at $8.70 per hour
Lindsay Wilbert, teacher aide (1:1), assigned to the high school, a temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006 at $10.75 per hour
   Mr. Wyse offered a MOTION to approve the personnel changes as recommended by the superintendent of schools.
 Mrs. Brunner noted the service years of the four (4) additional retirements included in these personnel actions. Mr. Triou asked if plans for retiree recognition at a school board meeting are underway; Mrs. Brunner stated that they are.
   On the question, the vote was 7 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Mr. Johnson, Mr. Schultz), Carried.



(1)   Resolution for Change Order #5 • 2002 Capital Improvement Project • Technology Room Wall
(2)   Resolution for Change Order #6 • 2002 Capital Improvement Project • Repair Damaged Gym Floor
(3)   Award Bid for Ford Truck With Plow
(4)   Award Bid for Food Service Commodities & Supplies • Cooperative Bid • W-F.L. B.O.C.E.S. • 2005-2006
(5)   Award Bids for Computer Supplies • 2005-2006
(6)   Resolution to Adopt Property Tax Levy • 2005-2006
(7)   Establish School Lunch Prices • 2005-2006
(8)   Approve Budget Transfers
(9)   Resolution for Final Scope of Energy Performance Contract (Atlantic Energy, Inc.)
(10)   Resolution to Participate in Assessment Litigation (Gullace • Orchard Grove Va MHP)
   Mr. Havens presented the consensus agenda for review and consideration by the Board of Education.
   He noted that the cost for the replacement of the section of wood floor in the old gym at the high school will include a back-charge to the asbestos abatement contractor and suggested that the Board of Education designate a trustee liaison for the energy performance contract.
   Mrs. Brunner offered a MOTION, seconded by Mr. Wyse to approve/adopt the consensus agenda, as presented by the superintendent of schools, as follows:
(1)   Adopt a RESOLUTION to approve Change Order #5 for 2002 for the Capital Improvement Project re: installation of a divider wall in the technology classroom, TO WIT:
(Christa Construction – Add Divider Wall – H.S. Technology Classroom)
BE IT RESOLVED that, upon the recommendation of the superintendent of schools, the Board of Education of Wayne Central School District hereby approves change order #5 in the amount of $10,686.00 for installation of a divider wall in a technology classroom at James A. Beneway High School
(2)   Adopt a RESOLUTION for Change Order #6 for the 2002 Capital Improvement Project • Repair Damaged Gym Floor, TO WIT:
(Christa Construction – Replace Section of Wood Floor – H.S. Old Gym)
BE IT RESOLVED that, upon the recommendation of the superintendent of schools, the Board of Education of Wayne Central School District hereby approves change order #6 in the amount of $10,161.00 to replace appx. 27 x 24 foot section of wood floor in the old gym at the James A. Beneway High School damaged during asbestos abatement.
(3)   Award the bid for a Ford Truck with a plow to Fairport Ford, LLC, 71 Marsh Road, East Rochester, NY 14445, the lowest responsible bidder, in a total amount of $32,557.00 (copy of bids in clerk’s files)
(4)   Award bids for food service commodities & supplies (ice cream products, paper products, bread products, milk products, juices, meat products, cheese, frozen foods, canned and packaged foods and snack and specialty food items) to the lowest responsible bidders, multiple bid award, in the cooperative bid conducted by Wayne-Finger Lakes Board of Cooperative Educational Services (copy of bids clerk’s files)
(5)   Award bids for computer supplies to the lowest responsible bidders, multiple bid award, for the 2005-2006 school year (copy of bids in clerk’s files)
(6)   Adopt a RESOLUTION to establish rates and levy school taxes  for FY 2005-2006 , TO WIT:
WHEREAS, the amount authorized to be raised for school tax purposes for the 2005-2006 school year, for the current school year's budget, is a sum not to exceed $16,550,000.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education set and fix the equalized school tax rates for 2005-2006 by towns and confirm the extension of said taxes as they appear on the tax rolls of the component townships (see worksheet attached to these minutes in the minute book)
AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the school tax warrant of the Board of Education, duly signed, shall be affixed to the 2005-2006 school tax rolls authorizing the collection of said school taxes begin on Thursday, September 1, 2005 with an effective period of said school tax warrant of 61 days, at the expiration of which the school tax collector shall make an accounting, in writing, to the Clerk of the Board of Education of the amount of paid and unpaid school taxes,
AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Helen Jensen, School Tax Collector for the Wayne Central School District, be, and hereby is authorized and directed to give legal notice and to start collection of school taxes, beginning Thursday, September 1, 2005 in accordance with provisions of law, and to give notice that school tax collection will conclude on Monday, October 31, 2005 and to collect school taxes in the amount of $16,550, 000 as set by the attached school tax warrant;
AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that delinquent school tax penalties shall be fixed as follows:
2 per cent, payments made from October 1 to October 31, 2005
2 per cent, plus additional penalty, from October 31, 2005, as levied by
  the county treasurer in the re-levy in town/county taxes
AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the 2005-2006 school taxes will be collected at the district office of the Wayne Central School District, 6200 Ontario Center Road, Ontario Center, NY 14520, from September 1 to October 28.. No taxes received or postmarked after October 31, 2005, shall be accepted by the school tax collector.
(7)   Establish prices for school meals and milk for 2005-2006, as follows:
     Breakfast: Full Price @ 75 cents, Reduced Price @ 25 cents
     Lunch:   Full Price @ $1.60, Reduced Price @ 25 cents
     Milk:   Half-Pint @ 40 cents
(8)   Approve budget transfers pursuant to Policy 5330 (copy attached to these minutes in the minute book)
(9)   Adopt a RESOLUTION to approve the final scope of the energy performance contract, TO WIT:
 (Atlantic Energy Services, Inc.)
BE IT RESOLVED that, upon the recommendation of the superintendent of schools, the Board of Education of Wayne Central School District hereby approves the final scope for the energy performance contract with Atlantic Energy Services, Inc. (see also, Minutes PP. 9116-9118)
(10)   Adopt a RESOLUTION to participate in a joint effort with the Town of Ontario and County of Wayne relative to a tax certiorari claim), TO WIT:
 (Gullace • Orchard Grove Va MHP)
BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of Wayne Central School District hereby authorizes participation by the school district in a joint effort with the Town of Ontario and the County of Wayne in defense of a tax certiorari claim by Orchard Grove Village Mobile Home Park
Mr. Davis asked for an explanation of the budget code titles for the proposed budget transfers. Mr. Atseff provided clarifications and titles (i.e. change in coding for telephone lines, shift from non-instructional to instruction for computer technology).
Mr. Robusto asked what the profit amount for the school lunch operation was for the 2004-2005 school year; Mr. Atseff stated that the un-audited amount is appx. $80,000 and extended compliments to Mrs. Wilson and the school lunch staff for their fine efforts in this regard.
Mr. Davis asked if the school district has received a valid assessment of the real property encompassed by the request to share expenses with the Town of Ontario and County of Wayne to defend the tax certiorari suit by owners of Orchard Grove Village Mobile Home Park. Mr. Havens stated that the first step is to hire the independent appraiser, as proposed by the town and county, to determine the correct valuations.
Mr. Robusto stated that the property in question is presently assessed at $8 million and the property owner has filed the suit for reduction of the assessment to $2 million. As a licensed appraiser and real estate broker, he shared comments on the appeal process and the factors considered in determination of such valuations and assessed values ( e.g. number of lots, income from lot rentals, value of manufactured homes on the lots)
Mr. Wyse noted that this is not the first time that this property owner has sought a reduction in the assessed value of this property.
Mr. Davis stated that he is aware that some assessed values in the Town of Ontario were reduced after proof that they were too large and is pleased to hear the rationale by Mr. Robusto on the range of values for large parcels such as this one.
On the question, the consensus agenda was approved/adopted by a vote of 7 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Mr. Johnson, Mr. Schultz).
Policy Handbook   – First Review – Revisions & Additions – Regulations & Exhibits
In the absence of Trustee Johnson, policy chairperson, Mr. Havens noted that each trustee had received the proposed revisions and additions to regulations and exhibits for the district policy handbook for first review this evening.

XIII. DESIGNATE TRUSTEE LIAISONS • Energy Performance Contract

Mr. Triou designated Mr. Davis and Mr. Griswold as liaison and alternate liaison, respectively, from the Board of Education for the energy performance contract project.
A.   Mr. Robusto noted that the starting time indicated on the agenda cover page for the next business meeting is 7:30 p.m. and asked if the time was changed from 7:00 p.m. as previously established at the re-organizational meeting. Mr. Havens noted that the correct time for starting the business meeting is 7:00 p.m. and apologized for the error.
B.   Mr. Triou extended thanks to staff members at the building and district levels for their efforts as reflected in the annual report of student achievement reported earlier this evening.
C.   Mr. Davis stated that he plans to attend annual state school boards’ conference from October 28th to 30th in Rochester.


Trustees signed the warrant to authorize collection of school taxes for the 2005-2006 school year (copy filed in clerk’s files)
 Mr. Robusto offered a MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 9:08 p.m. 7 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Mr. Johnson, Mr. Schultz), Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
School District Clerk
       The foregoing minutes of the Board of
       Education were submitted for review
       & (approved as presented)(corrected
       as noted) at the meeting of
September 15, 2005
School District Clerk


Att. 3


To:  Board of Education
From:  Michael Havens, Superintendent of Schools
 (Prepared by Mark D. Callahan, Director of Human Resources
Re:  Personnel Action
Date:  September 15, 2005
The following is submitted for your review and approval.

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Resignations: None
Leave of Absence:
Laura Gilbert, Kindergarten Teacher, assigned to the Freewill Elementary School, a combination paid and unpaid FMLA leave of absence anticipated from October 3, 2005 through January 3, 2006. For the purpose of child rearing.
Patricia Yates, Physical Education Teacher, assigned to the Ontario Primary School, a paid FMLA leave of absence anticipated from September 1, 2005 through November 23, 2005. Leave due to illness. 
Melissa Banks, Reading Teacher, NYS Control No. 551342041 (Initial, valid through 09/01/2010) assigned to the Thomas C. Armstrong Middle School, a one year temporary appointment effective September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006 at $36,250 (base + MS). Replacement for Amy Tobin (child rearing leave).
Tracy Beachner, Elementary Education Teacher, NYS Control No. 614695051 (Initial, valid through 09/01/2010) assigned to the Ontario Elementary School, a five month temporary appointment anticipated September 1, 2005 through January 20, 2006 at $35,000 (base) pro-rated. Replacement for Tracy Harvey (child rearing leave).
Timothy Burlee, Physical Education Teacher, NYS Control No. 618638051 (Initial, valid through 09/01/2010) assigned to the Ontario Primary School, a three month temporary appointment anticipated September 1, 2005 through November 23, 2005 at $35,000 (base) pro-rated. Replacement for Patricia Yates (leave due to illness).
Jaime Gallo, Special Education Teacher, NYS Control No. 483374041 (Permanent, effective 02/01/2004) assigned to the James A. Beneway High School, a three year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2005 through August 31, 2008 at $38,893 (base + MS) credited with four years of experience. New position.
Lindsey Robusto, Spanish Teacher, NYS Control No. TBA (Substitute status, working towards certification pursuant to Commissioner’s Regulation 80-5.4) assigned to the James A. Beneway High School, a five month probationary appointment effective September 1, 2005 through January 20, 2006 at $35,000 (base) credited with no experience. Replacement for Jacqueline Senecal (child rearing leave).
Meybhol Vanegas, Spanish Teacher, NYS Control No. TBA (Initial, valid through 02/01/2010) assigned to the James A. Beneway High School, a three year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2005 through August 31, 2008 at $35,000 (base) credited with no experience. Replacement for Jane DelGuidico (resigned).

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Jaime Gallo, 1:1 Teacher Aide, assigned to the James A. Beneway High School, effective September 1, 2005. Accepted promotion to Special Education Teacher.
Lois Katz, 1:1 Teacher Aide, assigned to the Ontario Elementary School, effective September 1, 2005. Accepted promotion to Teaching Assistant.
Michelle Quigley, School Bus Driver, assigned to the Transportation Department, effective August 24, 2005. For personal reasons.
Leave of Absence: None
Sandra Adolf, Teacher Aide (1:1), assigned to the Ontario Elementary School, a temporary Civil Service appointment effective September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006 at $8.25/hr. Replacement for Lois Katz (promoted).
Andrea Baggott, Teacher Aide (1:1), assigned to the Freewill Elementary School, a temporary Civil Service appointment effective September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006 at $8.25/hr. Replacement for Kathleen Beck (resigned).
Kay Drechsler, Teacher Aide (1:1 Job Coach), assigned to the James A. Beneway High School, a temporary Civil Service appointment effective September 12, 2005 through June 30, 2006 at $8.25/hr. New Position.
Beverly Flanigan, School Monitor, assigned to the Ontario Primary School, a six month probationary Civil Service appointment effective September 6, 2005 through March 5, 2006 at $7.43/hr. Replacement for Mary Grice-Cockrell (transferred to high school).
Wendy Freida, Teacher Aide (1:1), assigned to the Ontario Elementary School, a temporary Civil Service appointment effective September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006 at $8.25/hr. Replacement for Lisa Mercurio (reassigned to position vacated by Linda Dye- retired ).
Patricia Griswold, School Nurse. assigned to the Ontario Elementary School, a six month Civil Service probationary appointment effective September 1, 2005 through February 28, 2006 at $14.56/hr. Replacement for Martha Walton (resigned). 
Dawn Landry, School Bus Driver, assigned to the Transportation Department, a six month Civil Service probationary appointment effective September 6, 2005 through March 5, 2006 at $12.20/hr. Replacement for Michelle Quigley (resigned).
Andrea Milsome, Teacher Aide (1:1), assigned to the Freewill Elementary School, a temporary Civil Service appointment effective September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006 at $8.25/hr. Replacement for Laura Bushey (retired).
Sharon Oddi, Food Service Helper, assigned to the James A. Beneway High School, a six month probationary Civil Service appointment effective September 6, 2005 through March 5, 2006 at $7.64/hr. New position (3 hours per day).
Shannon Sabin, Teacher Aide (1:1), assigned to the Freewill Elementary School, a temporary Civil Service appointment effective September 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006 at $8.25/hr. Replacement for Debra Pecoraro (resigned).
Stephanie Sage, Food Service Helper, assigned to the Freewill Elementary School, a six month probationary Civil Service appointment effective September 6, 2005 through March 5, 2006 at $7.64/hr. Replacement for Anne Jaeger (transferred to high school).
Deborah Whittmore, School Bus Driver, assigned to the Transportation Department, a temporary Civil Service appointment effective September 6, 2005 through June 30, 2006 at $12.20/hr. Replacement for Jim Klem (leave of absence).
Amendments to Annual Stipend Appointments

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Elementary Assistant Principals: rate - $1,807
Robert Magin      Freewill
James Herendeen    Ontario Elementary
Patricia Yates      Ontario Primary (To be pro rated upon return from leave)
v      Department Chairpersons: rate - $1,807 plus $171 per supervised teacher  
  Name   Department
  Kelly Gallup   Counseling
  Jodi Mutchler   Eagle Ventures
Eagle Ventures
  TBA   English
  Carolyn Straub   Foreign Language
  Kathy Emison   Mathematics
  Brad LaBarge   Mathematics
  Jay Gauthier   Technology (1/2)
MS (.5)
  Alan Eagle   Technology (1/2)
HS (.5)
  Gail McAndrew   Science
  Marc Binsack   Social Studies
  Mark MacMillan   Social Studies
  TOSA   Special Education
  Deborah Valinzo   Special Education
v      K-12 Advisors: rate - $1,807 plus $171 per supervised teacher  
  Name   Department  
  Patrice Ott   Art  
  Tami Adams-King   Media  
  Sarah Moran   Music  
v      Advisors: rate – varies per activity  
  Name   Activity
  Jay Gauthier   Detention (1/2)
  Danielle Powelczyk   Detention (1/2)
  Jackie Courtney   Freshman Class
  Erin O’Brien   Government (1/2)
  Amber Wawrzasek   Government (1/2)
  Kathleen Walker   Newspaper Club
  Judith Fletcher   Honor Society
  Joanna Bucci   Junior Class (1/2)
  Cheryl Raleigh   Junior Class (1/2)
  Thomas Siembor   Key Club
  Rebecca Walzer   Masterminds
  Jim Tiffin   Math Team
  Molly Doyle   Science Olympiad (1/2)
  Scott Patridge   Science Olympiad (1/2)
  Frank Gough   Science Olympiad
  Lisa Marlowe   Senior Class
  Tom Gentile   Ski Club
  Kevin Shoemaker   Ski Club
  Rebecca Walzer   Student Senate (Gov’t)
  Gwen Hoffman   Sophomore Class
  Dave Marean   Varsity Club
  Teresa Lawrence   Yearbook
  Deb Bussard   Yearbook (1/2)
  Wendy Herrick   Yearbook (1/2)
v      Team Leaders: rate - $1,807 plus $92 per supervised teacher  
  Name   Grade Level
  Tracy LaBarge   Kindergarten (1st Qtr)
  Patty Dombroski   Kindergarten (2nd Qtr)
  Bonnie Zelazny   Kindergarten (3rd Qtr)
  Laurie Gilbert   Kindergarten (4th Qtr)
  Linda Casey   Kindergarten
  Deb Knox   Grade Two (1st Qtr)
  Fran Trieble   Grade Two (2nd Qtr)
  Jill Ghysel   Grade Two (3rd Qtr)
  Cheryl Fry   Grade Two (4th Qtr)
  Brenda Drexler   Grade One
  Tiffany Cotsonas   Grade One (1st Qtr)
  Amy Sullivan   Grade One (2nd Qtr)
  Darlene Martino   Grade One (3rd Qtr)
  Kim Adamson   Grade One (4th Qtr)
  Bill Thomson   Grade Two
  Cindy Rutan   Grade Three (1st tri-mester)
  Kim Collazo   Grade Three (2nd tri-mester)
  Alex Balta   Grade Three (3rd tri-mester)
  Sandy Karpp   Grade Three
  Andrea Dysart   Grade Four (1st Qtr)
  Jason Carter   Grade Four (2nd Qtr)
  Alec Balta   Grade Four (3rd Qtr)
  Sarah Lohr
Kathy Bristol
  Grade Four (4th Qtr)
Grade Four
  Robert Magin   Grade Five
  Heather Glossner   Grade Five
  Barb Carlisle   Grade 6 Neptune (1st)
  Barb Thiele   Grade 6 Pluto (1st)
  TBA   Grade 6 Pluto (2nd)
  Terry Lindsay   Grade 7 Jupiter
  Eileen Schwarz   Grade 7 Saturn
  TBA   Grade 8 Mars
  Jenny Wing   Grade 8 Mercury (1st semr)
v      Model School Club Advisors -      
  Name   Activity
  Beth Peters   Homework Helpers
  Martha Hanley   KICKS Club (1/2)
  Tammy Scheuer   KICKS Club (1/2)
  Sandra Karpp   Ecology Club
  Jay Gauthier   Skateboard Club
  Jay Gauthier   Technology Student Assoc
  Brian Knebel   Technology Student Assoc
  TBA   Spanish Club
  Carolyn Staub   German Club
  Corrine Robideau   Art
  TBA   Natural Helpers
  Jackie Courtney   Book Club
  Gail Streeter   FBLA
  Mike Lester   Jazz Band
  Peter Derse   Select Chorus
  Judy Porray   Drama Club
  TBA   Media Club
  Jessica Kleindiest   Newspaper (1/2)
  Anne Bishop   Newspaper (1/2)


Att. 5
Wayne Central School District
Ontario Center, NY 14520

TO:    Board of Education
FROM:  Michael Havens
RE:    Consensus Agenda
DATE:  September 15, 2005  
The following items are being recommended for approval in a consensus agenda:
1.   Accept June 30, 2005 Treasurer’s Report
2.   Accept July 31, 2005 Treasurer’s Report
3.   Approve Budget Transfers

Consensus Agenda #3

TO:  Michael Havens
 Superintendent of Schools
FROM:  Gregory J. Atseff
 Assistant Superintendent for Business
DATE:  September 15, 2005
RE:  Budget Transfers
In accordance with Policy #5330, please present the attached list of budget transfers to the Board of Education for their approval at their meeting on September 15, 2005.
c: Helen Jensen, Clerk


Att. 6



6200 Ontario Center Road P.O. Box 155 Ontario Center, New York 14520-0155
Board of Education

FOR:    Board of Education 
FROM:  Rick Johnson, Policy Committee Chairperson
TOPIC:  Revisions – Regulations & Exhibits
DATE:  September 15, 2005

At the July 14th meeting, I provided CD-ROMS of the proposed revisions to regulations and exhibits for our policy handbook.
The policy committee will present these proposed revisions for second and final review at the September 15th meeting.
Please let me know if you have questions.
Thank you.


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