1. Lyons Central School District
  2. Providing a Budget for Technology  Page 16
    1. Conclusion Page 18
      1.  Student Acceptable Use Policy for Technology
  3. ˇ The Board of Education
    1. David Alena Assistant Supt. For Business
  4. District Wide
        1. Objective #1: Providing a technological educational environment, which will enable the student to become a productive, responsible member of society.
    1. Objective #2: Having a Professional Development Plan for learning new and existing Technologies
      1. Objective #3: Requiring an Assessment of Technology for improving education by
  5. ˇ Maximize utilization of printing equipment and minimize its financial cost
  6. ˇ Evaluating & purchasing educational software to meet student needs
          1. ˇ Developing a plan for outside sources
        1. Objective #5: Providing for an assessment of Goals in Technology Plan
          1. ˇ Developing assessment tools to measure students’ ability to use and integrate technology
      1. REQUIREMENT/GOAL: Increasing student access to technology
        1. REQUIREMENT/GOAL: Provide User support
    1. REQUIREMENT/GOAL: Increase use of multimedia equipment for presentations
  7. REQUIREMENT/Goal: Maximize utilization of printing equipment and minimize financial cost
  8. REQUIREMENT/GOAL: Evaluating & purchasing educational software to meet student needs
          1. ˇ Developing a plan for outside sources


Lyons Central School District

Technology Plan

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Providing a Budget for Technology  Page 16
Assessing Technology Plans Goals  Page 17

Conclusion Page 18

Conclusion  Page 18
Appendix  Page 19

 Student Acceptable Use Policy for Technology

 Student Acceptable Use Policy for Technology
  Laptop Release Agreement form for Staff
 Digital Camera Release form for Staff


The Board of Education of the Lyons Central School District has committed itself to ensuring that each student will be:
1.  A Self Directed Learner
2.  A Critical Thinker and Problem Solver
3.  Academically Proficient
4.  A Responsible Citizen
5.  An Effective Communicator
In order to ensure that each student graduates with the information and skills needed to exist in a technologically advanced society, the Board of Education recognizes the need to integrate technology throughout students’ educational experiences. The Board of Education’s commitment to providing updated and accessible technology is essential not only for a strong technology program but for a comprehensive education that incorporates technology throughout.
In terms of technological growth, our school district can be proud of the progress made over the past ten years. It is only with the continued support of the Board of Education that we will continue forward movement.


The Lyons Central School District’s Technology Planning Committee acknowledges the following for their support.

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ˇ   The Board of Education

ˇ   Fred Bragan, Superintendent
ˇ   David Alena, Asst. Supt. For Business
ˇ   Mark Cazer, Project Manager, EduTech
ˇ   Anyone else who provided input regarding the technology needs for the district.

Lyons Central School Technology Planning Committee

David Alena Assistant Supt. For Business

David Alena  Assistant Supt. For Business
Kathie Polyn  Computer Coordinator
Anne Cook  First Grade Teacher
Pam Crandall  Computer Lab Assistant
Steve Leo  Network Administrator
Paul Meade  M.S. Technology Teacher
Robert Morsdorf  H.S. Technology Teacher
Brenda Neal  Elementary Computer Teacher
Gary Verdine  Second Grade Teacher
Stephan Wlodarczyk  Sixth Grade Teacher
Denise Cline  M.S. and H.S. Librarian

Methodology & Current Status

In the winter of 2004 the Technology Committee met to review our past Technology plan. Many of the goals from our previous plan had been attained while others were ongoing and have become part of this plan. Furthermore, with changing technologies some new goals were added.
Since the last Plan was adopted three years ago Lyons School District has made significant gains in technology.
The District now has three Smart Boards, one for each building. Smart Board training and integration of lesson plans occurred over the 2003 summer.
The District participates in shared educational television channel to inform the community of upcoming and past school events.
The District continues to expand its' school web page for parents, the community, students and staff. New additions to the site are:
§   PASS, (a Parental Access Support System) that provides feedback to parents/guardians on their student's grades; student schedule and school calendar;
§   Daily homework by grade & subject;
§   Links for staff to Data mentor and NY State Virtual Learning;
§   Athletic schedule and films clips highlighting school games;
§   School lunch menus;
§   Additional Teacher web pages;
§   Technology Guidelines and procedures for staff such as Network log on procedures, network-printing procedures, email procedures, virus scan procedures, Administrative curriculum guides, and frequently asked technology questions.
§   Future expansion of the web will include Highlights of the student handbook, administrative forms and library research links.
The District is moving forward to introduce students to new multimedia communications through the use of film equipment and software. The computer club offers students the opportunity to learn how to build computer workstations. The Art department offers students independent study courses to further develop computer graphic skills. The elementary lab through various grants continues to offer an extensive robotics program.
A renovation project is underway which will include a new computer lab for Middle School and High School students and students in the Art program. Furthermore a multimedia/research lab is planned for Elementary School Library.
The Junior/Senior High School has the following technology:
ˇ   MST lab (12 computers)
ˇ   Cad lab  (17 computers)
ˇ   Art Lab (9 computers)
ˇ   PC lab (28 computers)
ˇ   Business Lab (26 computers)
ˇ   Library Lab (14 computers)
ˇ   All District file servers (4 )
ˇ   Multimedia Lab- formerly RAITIN room (1 computer, document camera, projector, 2 VCRs, fax)
ˇ   All English classes have mini labs (5 workstations)
ˇ   2 Science labs have 5 mini labs (s workstations)
ˇ   Laptops for staff (10)
ˇ   9 digital cameras
ˇ   1 cam corder
ˇ   1 dv cam corder
ˇ   8 projectors
ˇ   Each classroom has 6 network drops
ˇ   At least 1 computer workstation
ˇ   HS Resource room has a mini lab (6 computers)
ˇ   MS Resource room has 1 computer and 1 laptop
ˇ   7 scanners
The Elementary School
ˇ   Computer lab (28 computers)
ˇ   Second computer lab (15 workstations)
ˇ   6 network drops per classroom
ˇ   All grade level classrooms have more than one computer & a g3 processor
ˇ   All special teachers have a power Mac
ˇ   4 Digital Cameras
ˇ   1 dv camcorder
ˇ   4 projectors
ˇ   6 Laptops
ˇ   2 scanners
Out of School Suspension Facilities –
10 Computers on a separate network
Bus facilities
Workstations with remote access to student records database system

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District Wide

ˇ   All buildings are networked
ˇ   Computer Coordinator
ˇ   Network Administrator


The Technology Planning Committee, with the support of staff, Administration and the Board of Education, is dedicated to providing the District with a technological vision for the future. By establishing a multi- year plan, the committee will give direction for the District in the following areas:

Objective #1: Providing a technological educational environment, which will enable the student to become a productive, responsible member of society.

Objective #1: Providing a technological educational environment, which will enable the student to become a productive, responsible member of society.
ˇ   Increasing student access to technology
ˇ   Increasing integration of technology & curriculum
ˇ   Providing user Support


Objective #2: Having a Professional Development Plan for learning new and existing Technologies

Objective #2: Having a Professional Development Plan for learning new and existing Technologies
§   Providing teachers with the opportunity for technology training
§   Providing support to teachers for implementing new technologies
§   Integrating the technology Professional Development Plan with overall District Professional Development Plan
§   Increasing use of electronic communication access by staff
§   Providing electronic student record systems and training to staff
§   Maintaining a Professional Development tracking system of staff courses and hours.

Objective #3: Requiring an Assessment of Technology for improving education by

Objective #3: Requiring an Assessment of Technology for improving education by
ˇ   Assess facilities and hardware equipment for technology growth
ˇ   Evaluate new educational technologies available for instruction
ˇ   Increase use of multimedia equipment for presentations

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ˇ   Maximize utilization of printing equipment and minimize its financial cost

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ˇ   Evaluating & purchasing educational software to meet student needs

ˇ   Evaluating District technology policies & determining if additional policies need to be established and or revised.

Objective #4: Providing for a budget to obtain and maintain hardware, software, professional development and other services

ˇ   Developing a plan of fund allocation

ˇ Developing a plan for outside sources

ˇ   Developing a plan for outside sources

Objective #5: Providing for an assessment of Goals in Technology Plan

Objective #5: Providing for an assessment of Goals in Technology Plan

ˇ Developing assessment tools to measure students’ ability to use and integrate technology

ˇ   Developing assessment tools to measure students’ ability to use and integrate technology
ˇ   Reporting on each goal in the Technology Plan (on ‘Update & Evidence’ chart) at year-end to determine if goal has been obtained.
ˇ   Review Plan on a yearly basis & update as necessary
ˇ   At end of three years, review previous plan & prepare a new three year plan for the District


Objrctive 1. Providing a Technological Environment

REQUIREMENT/GOAL: Increasing student access to technology

REQUIREMENT/GOAL: Increasing student access to technology
Training Needed/
Plan for technology growth Renovation Project
More labs
Wireless cart for classroom use
Students using lab
Staff & students using wireless cart
Tech Comm. Admin
2004-2007 Computer labs opened beyond school hours (before & after) Grants to fund plan
Students teaching classes for community
Adult Aide
Students using labs after school Students earning community service points
Community using school computers
Tech Comm.
2004-2007 Wireless Laptops/
handheld for students
Mobile cart used in classroom instruction
Remote Access points in place for Internet use
Policies & Procedures in place
Staff training Students using Wireless laptops Tech. Comm
Ongoing Provide access to students with special needs Continue to assess special needs of students with staff
Attend workshops on special needs software/
Continue Evaluating market solutions
Training for staff and students using new software/hardware. Students using new technology Computer Coordinator
Ongoing Provide other technological alternatives for learning On line courses through BOCES
Providing older computers to students who are in need
Update Administrators guidance, Dept. Heads, regarding programs Students taking on line courses Computer Coordinator
Network Administrator


Objective 2.Having a Professional Development Plan

Objective 2.Having a Professional Development Plan

EQUIREMENT/Goal: Increase integrate of Technology & curriculum

EQUIREMENT/Goal: Increase integrate of Technology & curriculum
Training Needed/
Ensure integration of software into curriculum Computer Coordinator/ Elementary computer teacher will work with staff to integrate technology objectives with curriculum
Staff will continue to merge technology and curriculum in lessons where feasible.
Staff will set a technology goal yearly with Administration
Staff Development
Curriculum Writing
Teacher lesson plans/ classroom projects.
Shared lesson plans on web for other district staff to access
Continue to identify how software is meeting curriculum objectives
Computer Coordinator
Elementary Computer teacher


REQUIREMENT/GOAL: Provide User support

REQUIREMENT/GOAL: Provide User support
Training Needed/
Ongoing Evaluate technical support needs Analyze service request, project priorities
Establish Timeline for major projects and resources projects
Update network and work workstations with current operating systems and applications
Have current protection procedures for computer viruses in place.
Technical Support
Service request, future and ongoing projects Timeline detailing major projects
Network and work stations having current operating systems and applications
Computer Coordinator
Network Administrator



REQUIREMENT/GOAL: Providing Teachers with the opportunity for technology training and curriculum integration.
Training Needed/
Technology Training opportunities In house training
Out of house training
During school day
After school
Determine what staff needs to know to use technology
Develop and implement a staff training plan
Update plan as necessary for new technologies
In-house experts
Increase in workshop participation
Computer Coordinator


REQUIREMENT/GOAL: Providing support to teachers for implementing new technologies

REQUIREMENT/GOAL: Providing support to teachers for implementing new technologies
Training Needed/
Ongoing Assistance from Staff, Computer Coordinator, Network Administrator,
Financial compensation
Release time
New equipment software
Research feasibility
Purchase equipment
Purchase software
Installation /configuration of equipment
Provide Training
Technology Committee
Training during school year & summer
New technology implemented Computer Coordinator
Network Administrator
Technology Committee


REQUIREMENT/GOAL; Technology Professional Development Plan should integrate with overall District Professional Development Plan

REQUIREMENT/GOAL; Technology Professional Development Plan should integrate with overall District Professional Development Plan
Training Needed/
Incorporate technology goal into overall teacher goals Goal setting with Principals/ Administration
Teachers incorporate a technology goal in PDP
Goal will include necessary training Teacher implementing technology Computer Coordinator
Network Administrator


REQUIREMNT/GOAL: Increase usage of student records maintained and accessed electronically.

REQUIREMNT/GOAL: Increase usage of student records maintained and accessed electronically.
Training Needed/
Ongoing Staff will use School Master program for
Recording all student information
(attendance, grades, scheduling, appointments, health information, bus routes)
Staff will use Web based Clear Trac 200 for students EIPs
Staff will use Data Mentor to (web based analysis of student performance on ELA test)
Administrators will use Cognos Data warehouse for analysis of test reporting
Have appropriate hardware available to staff workstations and PDAs
Have staff trained on PDAs as needed
MS/HS staff maintains period by period attendance
Implement new modules to student database such as AIS
Have staff trained on Clear Trac 200
Customize data fields on databases to accommodate LCSDs requirements.
ˇ   Document all Staff responsibilities in maintenance of databases
ˇ   Train MS/HS on Gradebook module.
ˇ   Cross train support staff on student database tasks.
Train new teachers on grading (ms/h.s.)
Train office staff new modules
Staff using software and hardware to input and retrieve student data and create reports
Parents accessing student data through PASS link.
Computer Coordinator
Network Administrator
Guidance staff

Requirement/Goal: Maintaining a Professional Development tracking system of staff courses and hours.
Training Needed/
2004-7 Web based PDP system Convert existing database to a more thorough & accessible tracking system      


REQUIREMENT/GOAL: Increase Electronic District communications access

REQUIREMENT/GOAL: Increase Electronic District communications access
Training Needed/
Ongoing Maintenance of email accounts for all district staff Provide email training for new staff
Provide user support
Communicate updates to email system
Staff training on e-mail
Troubleshoot discrepancies
Directory of accounts Computer Coordinator
Increase Staff using electronic communications to parents Training

on docushare, front page
Setting up docushare accounts
Increasing options on web based PASS system
Staff Web pages
Training on Gradebook
Implementation of web based Clear Trac 200 for EIPs
Staff sending communications for school tv channel
Web based sports program
Staff training Increase access to web for District information Computer Coordinator





Objective 3. Requiring an Assessment of Technology
REQUIREMENT/GOAL: Assess facilities and hardware equipment for technology growth
Solutions Strategies/Steps
Training Needed/
Provide for technology resources for new relocated and renovated classrooms Meet with architects, staff, BOCES, Administrators to determine plans
Evaluate other schools district facilities
Architect needs to understand expectations & incorporate in his design New classrooms with plenty of space for technology Admin.
Computer Coordinator
Tech Comm
Ongoing Examine continuing server space
Examine network
Meet with BOCES to determine needs BOCEs network staff Servers and network working efficiently Computer Coordinator

Requirement/GOAL: Evaluate new educational technologies available for instruction
Time- line
Training Needed/
Keep abreast of new technology Committee members continue to provide input
Tech. Coordinator will send appropriate information to staff
Representative(s) sent to technology meetings, conferences & shows
Joint Technology Coordinator meetings
Keep staff informed of new technologies/ software/ hardware/web based applications
Attend technology meetings/ conferences
On-going reports
Staff using new technologies
Tech. Committee
Tech. Coordinator
2006-7 Update the computer curriculum objectives as needed Review objectives Requests by Staff Staff integrating objectives Tech. Committee
Computer Coordinator
Ongoing Maintain software inventory Create a database to maintain data Computer Coordinator Software inventory  
Ongoing Maintain Hardware inventory Evaluate inventory databases Technician Data collected Computer Coordinator


REQUIREMENT/GOAL: Increase use of multimedia equipment for presentations

REQUIREMENT/GOAL: Increase use of multimedia equipment for presentations
Training Needed/
Ongoing Develop staff awareness of what is available Multimedia presentations at faculty &/or dept./ grade level meetings
Superintendent’s Conference Day focusing on technology
Tech. Committee
Faculty meeting
New teacher orientation
Administrators/ staff/ students using multimedia
Computer Coordinator
Tech. Committee
Ongoing Individual teachers/ students will request multimedia equipment (video cameras, movie editing software) Set up multimedia equipment & procedures
Provide user support
Training on multimedia equipment Multimedia Log sheet
Staff/Students using video equipment and video editing software
Tech. Comm.
Ongoing Complete Technology Assessment Inventory Evaluate inventory   Inventory Documented Tech Coordinator
Ongoing Reevaluate multimedia needs Review requests on log sheets   Requests
Teacher demand
Computer Coordinator
Tech Com


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REQUIREMENT/Goal: Maximize utilization of printing equipment and minimize financial cost
Time- line
Training Needed/
2004-07 Evaluate district printing needs
and make recommendation
Establish printing guidelines for staff/students
Evaluate other districts plans
Prepare inventory/cost of current equipment
& supplies
Determine if new technologies are more feasible.
Recommend alternative solutions to decrease printing cost
Vendor presentations
Review printing systems
Reports from vendors Tech Committee
Computer Coordinator


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REQUIREMENT/GOAL: Evaluating & purchasing educational software to meet student needs
Time line Solutions
Training Needed/
Ongoing Coordination & recommendation of software purchases based upon purchasing procedure Continue line item software budget
Individual teachers complete software request form for instructional software (May also be completed as a grade level or department)
Consider network vs stand alone licensing
Review inventory to prevent duplication
  Software request forms
Updated list of district software
Computer Coordinator
Determine if software is being integrated into curriculum Computer Coordinator will work with staff to integrate software
  Teacher lesson plans/ classroom projects.
Elementary rubrics & assessment by Computer Teacher
EIP Teacher for 11th graders (Skill checks)
Computer Coordinator

Requirement/Goal: Evaluating District technology policies & determining if additional policies need to be established and or revised.
Training Needed/
Ongoing Policies updated & published Review other School District policies on similar issues
Update policies as needed
Inform Staff & students on changes
Published and staff students notified Staff/Students Handbooks
Published on Web
Technology Committee


Objective #4: Providing for a budget to obtain and maintain hardware, software, professional development and other services

ˇ   Developing a plan of fund allocation

ˇ Developing a plan for outside sources

ˇ   Developing a plan for outside sources


Objective 5. Assessing Terchnology Plan Goals
REQUIREMENT/GOAL: Develop appropriate assessment tools to measure student ability to use technology
Training Needed/
Knowledge & integration of District’s K-12
Technology curriculum
Review Technology Curriculum 
Review Technology Curriculum at dept./curriculum meetings &/or faculty meetings
Publish on web
Integrate technology into portfolio development
See staff training
Elementary assessment & reporting
MS – MST assessment
HS – 11th grade assessment & reporting
Technology Committee supports building curriculum efforts focusing on technology integration Utilization of Technology curriculum Tech. Comm.
Ongoing Update & maintain assessment tools Rubrics
Review Technology
Rubric training
Software training
Students will demonstrate the use of technology in their benchmark presentations
and at agrade levels
Tech. Comm.
Evaluate student technology skills and application Students will be evaluated before & after grade levels to determine if curriculum objectives have been met. Clear expectations of curriculum outcomes at each grade level Students will improve technical skills Building Principals

REQUIREMENT/GOAL: Report on each goal in Technology Plan at year-end to determine if goal has been met.
REQUIREMNT/GOAL: Review Plan on a yearly basis & update as necessary
REQUIREMENT/GOAL: At end of three years review plans and prepares a new plan for District


  The mission statement of Lyons Central School is to “enable each student to become a productive member of society”. In today’s competitive and ever-changing world, such commitment is not possible without careful attention to the role of technology. Therefore the Technology Committee has strived to develop a plan that will allow technology to be integrated into all curriculums. This will help insure the success of our district in preparing our students for the 21st century.
 We also believe technology should support the district’s goal of life-long learning. Therefore community access to our technology is an important part of the plan.
 While mindful of the financial constraints of the district, the technology committee feels strongly that the cost of implementing this plan is a worthwhile and necessary investment in the future of our students and community-at-large. The committee requests the district’s support in implementing this plan.

Lyons Central School District
Student Acceptable Use Policy
for Computer Technology

 With Computer Technology comes an electronic network that provides vast, diverse and unique resources. Our goal is to provide teachers, staff, and students with up-to-date computer technology including access to the Internet. We believe however, that the use of this technology within the Lyons School District is a privilege, not a right, and that certain guidelines must be adhered to.
A.  Educational Purpose
 1.  Internet access has been established for educational purposes only, which include classroom activities, career development, and educational projects consistent with Lyons School district policy.
 2.  Students are expected to follow the rules set forth in the Lyons Jr.-Sr. High School Student Handbook/or Elementary building policies that may apply to the use of computer technology.
 3.  Students may not use the Internet for commercial purposes. Students may not offer, provide, or purchase products or services through the Internet.
B.  Student Access.
 1.  All students will have access to the Internet World Wide Web information resources wherever available. Students in grades K-12 using the Internet will be under adult supervision.
 2.  All students will have access to computer technology.
3.   Access to the Internet and to district computer technology is not a right but a privilege and unacceptable usage will result in revoking this privilege.
 4.  If and when individual e-mail accounts become available for students, the students will need additional authorization from their parents or guardians.
 5.  Students training in safety and “ etiquette “ in the use of the Internet will be required before student use is allowed.
C.  Unacceptable Uses
 1.  E-mail and the Internet
   a.  Students will not post personal contact information about themselves or other people. Personal contact includes information regarding home addresses, telephone, school address, work address, etc.
   b.  Students will not agree to meet with somebody they have met on-line.
   c.  Students will promptly disclose to their teacher or other school employee any message they receive that is inappropriate or makes them feel uncomfortable.
 2.  Software
   a.  Students will not download software from the Internet.
   b.  Students will not make illegal copies of District software.  When software is purchased it is licensed for a particular computer or group of computers. To use software in a manner that is not in compliance with the software license is an infringement of copyright laws.
   c.  Students will not load software from floppies, CD-ROM, or external hard drives.
 3.   Illegal Activities
   a.  Students will not attempt to gain unauthorized access to any other computer systems through the Internet access, or go beyond authorized access. This includes attempting to log in through another person’s account or access another person’s files. These actions are illegal, even if only for the purposes of “ browsing “.
   b.  Students will not make deliberate attempts to disrupt the computer system or destroy data by spreading computer viruses or by any other means. These actions are illegal.
   c.  Students will not use the Internet to engage in any other illegal act, such as arranging for the sale or purchase of illegal drugs which includes alcohol and cigarettes, engaging in criminal gang activity, or threatening the safety of person[s], etc.
 4.  System Security
   a.  Students are responsible for their individual accounts and should take all reasonable precautions to prevent others from being able to use their password to another person.
   b.  Students will immediately notify an administrator or the technology coordinator if they have identified a possible security problem.
   c.  If a security problem is detected by a student, that student will not identify this problem to anyone other than those specified above.
   d.  Students will avoid the inadvertent spread of computer viruses by following the Lyons School District virus protection procedures.
   e.  Any other user identified as a security risk may be denied access.
 5.  Inappropriate Language
a.   Students will not use obscene, profane, lewd, vulgar, rude, inflammatory,  
 threatening, or disrespectful language.
b.   Students will not post information that could cause damage or danger of  
     disruption to the computer network.
   c.  Students will not engage in personal attacks, including those that are prejudicial or discriminatory.
   d.  Students will not harass another person. Harassment is persistently acting in a manner that distresses or annoys another person. If a student is told by a person to stop sending them messages, the student will do so.
   e.  Students will not knowingly or recklessly post or defamatory information about a person or organization.
 6.  Respecting Resource Limits
   a.  Students will use the system only for educational and career development activities.
c.   Students will not download files to the computer unless approved by a
     supervising adult.
   c.  Time allocation is set for each student by attending supervisor.
   d.  An Internet Access Form must accompany each on-line use activity.
 7.  Plagiarism and Copyright Infringement
   a.  Students will not plagiarize works on the Internet. Plagiarism is taking the ideas or writings of others and presenting them as if they were theirs.
   b.  Students will respect the rights of copyright owners. Copyright infringement occurs when someone inappropriately reproduces a work that is protected by a copyright. If a work contains language that specifies appropriate use of that work, students should follow the expressed requirements. If students are unsure whether or not work can be used, consult with a teacher or librarian.
 8.  Access to Inappropriate Material
   a.  Students will not use the Internet or any other computer technology to access material that is pornographic or obscene. Students will not access material that advocated illegal acts, violence or discrimination towards other people.
   b.   If a student mistakenly, accesses inappropriate information, that student should immediately tell a teacher, administrator or technology coordinator. This will be documented and will protect the student against a claim that student has intentionally violated this policy. However, if a student repeatedly accesses inappropriate information, a review will be done to determine if access was truly accidental.
   c.  If there is material that a parent feels inappropriate for their child to use, the Lyons School District fully expects that the student will follow their parent’s instructions in this matter.
D.  Students rights
 1.  Free speech
Technology communication is considered a limited forum, similar to the school newspaper, and the Lyons school District may restrict student’s speech for valid      
educational reasons.
 2.  Search and Seizure
   a.  Students should expect only limited privacy in the contents of their personal files on the Lyons School District system. Teachers, administrators and the technology coordinator will have access to all student files on the Lyons School District’s instructional network. This excludes administrators files pertaining to the student’s personal information.
   b.  Routine maintenance and monitoring of the Lyons School District’s networks may lead to discovery that a student has violated this policy, as stated in the Student Handbook, or the law.
   c.  An individual search will be conducted if there is reasonable suspicion that a student has violated; Student Acceptable Use Policy for Use of computer Technology, Student Handbook, or the law.
   d.  Parents have the right at any time to request to see the contents of their child’s account.
   e.  Network storage areas may be treated like school lockers. Network administrators may review files and communications to maintain system integrity and insure that  users are using the systems responsibly. Users should not expect that files stored on district servers will always be private.
 3.  Due Process
   a.  The Lyons School District will cooperate fully with local, state, or federal officials in any investigation related to any illegal activities conducted through the Internet or the Lyons School District Network[s].
   b.  In the event there is a claim that a student has violated this policy in the use of computer technology, the student will be provided with the written notice of the suspected violation and an opportunity to be heard in the manner set forth in the Lyons Central School Student Handbook.
   c.  Lyons School District administrators will make the final determination as to what constitutes unacceptable use and their decision is final.
   d.  If the violation also involves a violation of other provisions of the Lyons Central School Student Handbook, it will be handled in a manner described in the Lyons Central School Handbook. Additional restrictions may be placed on student’s
     use of their Internet account.
 4.  Limitation of Liability
The Lyons School District makes no guarantee that the functions or the services provided by or through the Lyons School District system will be error-free or without defect. The Lyons School District will not be responsible for any damage incurred, including but not limited to, loss of data or interruptions of service. The Lyons School District is not responsible for the accuracy or quality of the information obtained through or stored on the system. The Lyons School District
     will not be responsible for any financial obligations arising through the
     unauthorized use of the system.
 5.  Personal Responsibility
 It is the student’s responsibility to use computer technology, both inside and outside of school, in a proper, lawful fashion. Failure to use computer technology appropriately may result in any or all of the following depending on the infraction.
       Verbal warning
       Loss of Internet use
       Limited use of computer technology
       Loss of access to computer technology

Loan of District Technology Equipment

Loans are to ber recorded and that equipment be returned upon request of somenone from the media center. All equipment is to be used for classroom instruction purposes. Digital cameras cannot be used by staff members for an extended period of time.
It is also understood that equipment be returned in the same working condition which it was borrowed, allowing for reasonable wear and tear due to normal use. The borrower assumes responsibility for any loss or damage beyond reasonable use.
Staff responsible for equipment:
Name:      Grade and Room no.
Building:      Phone

Date taking equipment    Date expected to return
Please stat in writing purpose or goal, project.
I will be financially responsible for equipment replacement if broken, stolen or lost.
Signature of staff taking equipment      Today’s Date

Building Principal:        Date:
Equipment Type: Laptop    Digital camera Digital camcorder
Model no.        Serial no.
Other items:

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