1. ACE English (meeting BCE)

English 9 (Block 9.01, meeting days ACD; 9.02, meeting ABD; 9.03, meeting BDE; 9.04, meeting BCE)
Daily: review Global and Earth Science voc. (abbot, abdicate, absolutism, acid rain, the Acropolis, The Age of Enlightenment, imperialism, alloy, alluvial soil. ancestor worship, assimilation, autonomy, autocratic, balance of power, baptism, barter, biodiversity, bureaucracy, caliph, capital, absorption [passing of a substance through a surface], and aerobic bacteria [bacteria that use oxygen]).
Each Day:
First part of each day, students work through Preparing for the Regents, 83-130: approximately 20 minutes.
Break with review of vocab.
Students continue work on “The Pigman Project.” Third journal section and third essay are due by April 29.
Next week: be ready for a quiz on the vocabulary and for an in-class essay for the Part II of the Regents (reading and writing for information and understanding).


ACE English (meeting BCE)
Write essay: explore the theme of personal change in The Metamorphosis. Focus primarily on a single character in depth. You must provide at least six (6) quotations or examples from throughout the story in your essay. Due Thursday, April 28, by 7 pm.
Tragic Drama (1380-1381):
Apr 25–Apr 29: read Oedipus Rex (1382-1423) before class. (As you read, bear in mind that the chorus sometimes acts as commentator or narrator and sometimes acts as participant.)
Guide: using as many critical approaches as help you, answer orally 1424, #9;
English 12 (meeting days BCE)
Journalism Unit
1. General editor coordinates assignments, manages deadlines.
2. Students assist each other in writing and editing.
3. Students turn in their time sheets for the week by the end of the week.


ELA Lab.09 (meeting day B)
Students catch up or work ahead of English class. Students may work on other subjects, with teacher leading them into using ELA skills. Mario Verillo works from workbooks on teacher’s desk.

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