1. Att. a

March 18, 2005
“The life of the arts, far from being an interruption or a distraction, in the life of a nation, is close to the center of a nation’s purpose – and is a test of the quality of a nation’s civilization.”
                    - - John F. Kennedy
1.   Meeting Time and Place:  Note that the Board meeting will begin at 6:00 at Freewill. We are beginning at 6:00 so that our Auditor, Ray Wager, can have an hour long work session with the Board. He will be talking about the funds we have this year as a result of Ginna and present some ideas for how they can be used to our advantage.
2.   Science Fair: Freewill students are hosting a Science fair so we will break from 7:00 to 7:30 to enjoy the exhibits.
3.   Wrestling Team: The Wayne Central Section V championship team will be introduced to the Board by Athletic Director Marc Blankenberg. So far this year we have had two section V championship teams. That is quite a feat.
4.   Manor House: We are still working through plans on the Manor house for our Eagle Ventures program. The work on the storefront is just about complete. SED will hopefully then gives us the OK to occupy it. Manor house counselors Kim Sherwin and Jodi Mutschler will present us with an overview of the program and will share their desire to have a home for the children. One of the Eagle Venture students will also talk about the program. I think it will be a very nice presentation.
5.   Second Quarter Grades: In our continuing emphasis on academic success, Assistant Superintendent Larry Spring will present the results of our second quarter grades.
6.   Elementary Goals: Last July the Board and administration set goals for our academic areas. Previously we have heard about Regents Diploma plans, Going to College plans, and Regents Passing Rate plans. This time we will hear about our Elementary Math and ELA plans. If you haven’t already heard, the preliminary results for K-4 ELA are very encouraging.
7.   Budget: It appears we are ready to vote on the budget. This has certainly been a different year. We are the only district in our BOCES that is adding programs. We will also probably have the smallest tax increase. I will ask you at the meeting if you are prepared to vote on the budget. If so I will ask that someone make a motion.
8.   Policy: Mr. Johnson continues to drive the policy committee and has some readings for us.
9.   Executive Session: - Discussion on Public Relations Position.
1.   Naming Rights: The results of our web page poll on naming rights are in. The question was “Should the district offer naming rights to our new facilities?” The results are as follows; Yes – 127, No – 25. The naming rights committee (Frank, Jeff and Michael) will establish a meeting date after the next Board meeting and begin pursuing the idea.
2.   School Report Cards: The State has issued their report cards on last year’s data. They are a little slow as we shared this with you in July. We are above State averages in all areas and are a district in good standing. Some information that is helpful to us are the sub-group comparisons. Our students with disabilities and our economically disadvantaged students continue to lag behind our other students. This will be an excellent topic to discuss this summer.
3.   All County: This weekend we are hosting the all county music program. The concert is at 2:00 in the performing arts center if you are interested.
4.   2005-06 School Calendar – I have enclosed the proposed 2005-06 Wayne Central School Calendar for your review. I will be bringing it to the Board for adoption at the next board meeting. Please let me know if you have any questions.
5.   RNews Interview: I met with RNews reporters this afternoon. I believe the interview went as well as it could under the circumstances, and I do not believe I spoke of anything that was not within our established guidelines. What slant they take with it is out of my control. I did make them review our district’s grade ELA scores and take some footage of the charts in my office showing our progress. Which story do you think they will run?
6.   Events:
March 18-19 – Jr./Sr. Instrumental All County
March 21 – HS PTSA meeting @ DO – 7 p.m.
March 22 – HS Art Show – HS Gym Entrance – 7:00-9:00 p.m.
March 24 – Board of Education Meeting @ Freewill Elementary – 6:00 p.m.
March 25 – Good Friday – Schools Closed
March 27 – Easter
April 3 – Daylight Savings Time Begins
5. Attachments:
a. Policy Committee Meeting Minutes – 3/14
b. SED Report Card
c. Red Ribbon Meeting Minutes – 3/9
d. WC 2005-06 School Calendar

Att. a

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DATE: Monday, March 14, 2005 TIME: 4:00 p.m. PLACE: District Office

PRESENT: Trustee Johnson, Mr. Havens, Mr. Atseff, Mr. Switzer ABSENT: Trustees Diller & Schultz (Mrs. Diller was excused and Mr. Schultz submitted input electronically)

PRIOR MEETING MINUTES: Minutes of the meeting of February 28, 2005 were filed as presented.
(1)     Proposed Revised Policy 7240 - Parent/Guardian Rights - Reporting Student Progress: Mr. Johnson noted that first reading was approved by the Board of Education on March 10th; the committee approved submittal for second reading and adoption by the Board of Education on March 24th.
(2)   Proposed New Policy 5500 – Disclosure of Wrongful Conduct & Protection From Reprisal: Mr. Johnson noted that first reading was approved by the Board of Education on March 10th; the committee approved submittal for second reading and adoption by the Board of Education on March 24th.
(3)   Proposed New Regulation 5501 – Internal Fiscal Controls – Mr. Johnson noted that initial review was conducted by the Board of Education on March 10th; the committee approved submittal for final review and approval by the Board of Education on March 24th.
(4)   Proposed Revised Policy 5520 – Extra-Classroom Activity Funds – Internal Controls: Mr. Johnson noted that first reading was approved by the Board of Education on March 10th; the committee approved submittal for second reading and adoption by the Board of Education on March 24th.
(5)   Proposed New Policy 7300 – Homeless Children & Youth: Mr. Johnson noted that first reading was approved by the Board of Education on March 10th; the committee approved submittal for second reading and adoption by the Board of Education on March 24th.
(6)   Proposed New Regulation 7301 – Homeless Children & Youth: Mr. Johnson noted that initial review was conducted by the Board of Education on March 10th; the committee approved submittal for final review and approval by the Board of Education on March 24th.
(1)   Referral from Board of Education - Dress Code Policy: Mr. Johnson noted the remarks during student questions at the March 10th Board of Education meeting on student input into this issue. Mr. Havens noted that the high school is working on review of the dress code and will incorporate student input. The policy statement on Code of Conduct includes generic text on student dress codes.
(2)   Referral from Board of Education – Chaperone/Travel Guidelines: Mr. Johnson noted that this topic was referred from discussion at the March 10th Board of Education meeting. Mr. Havens is working on proposed wording for consideration by the policy committee at a future committee meeting.
(3)   Referral from Board of Education - New Guidelines for Graduation/Model Schools: Mr. Johnson noted that the Board of Education endorsed the proposed new graduation guidelines associated with the model school’s program at the March 10th meeting and directed the policy committee to pursue policy and regulation statements as needed. Mr. Havens will prepare proposed wording for consideration by the policy committee at a future committee meeting.
(1)   Annual Policy Handbook Review:  Committee members conducted discussion of their individual reviews of §5000 (non-instructional/business operations), §6000 (personnel), §7000 (students) & §8000 (instruction) and noted areas for revision or addition in a few specific cases. Mr. Switzer was directed to prepare those items for review and consideration by the committee and subsequent consideration by the Board of Education prior to June 30th.
(2) Review of Proposed Regulations & Exhibits Handbook: Committee members discussed their individual reviews of the regulations and exhibits proposed for incorporation in the updated policy handbook supplement for same. Several were continued from the prior handbook and have new numbers. Mr. Switzer noted those areas where new regulations or exhibits are needed based on the newly adopted policy handbook of September, 2003. Committee members will consider proposals for those items at future committee meetings as part of development of the total proposal for adoption of the handbook of regulations and exhibits by June 30th.
(3) Required Annual Review of Existing Policies:  
3410 Code of Conduct on School Property 3420  Harassment & Discrimination 5220 District Investment     
4250 Evaluation of the Sup of Schools 5530 Petty Cash Funds   5221 Principles of Purchasing
5680 School Safety Plans 5690 Contagious Diseases 7111 K-5 Attendance Regulations
7112 6-12 Attendance Regulations   7113 9-12 Attendance Regulations 7310 SAVE Code of Conduct    
The committee addressed those policies that require annual review by law or origin, as noted above, with specific note of those with deadlines for any needed revisions. Mr. Havens will meet with school personnel, as needed, to review those areas. The committee will consider any needed revisions at a future committee meeting.



NEXT MEETINGS:    District Office @ 4:00 p.m.: Mondays, April 11th & 25th, May 16th, Wednesday, June 1st, Monday, June 13th            
ADJOURNMENT:       5:00 p.m.
Recorded by Jim Switzer


 Follow-Up On: Second Reading - Proposed Policy 7240 - Parent/Guardian Rights - Reporting Student Progress
Follow-Up On: Second Reading - Updated Policy 5520 – Extra-Classroom Activity Funds – Internal Controls
• Follow-Up On: Second Reading - Proposed Policy 5500 – Disclosure of Wrongful Conduct

 Follow-Up On: Second Reading - Proposed Policy 7300 – Homeless Children & Youth

Follow-Up On:  Final Review - Proposed Regulation 7301 – Placement of Homeless Children & Youth
Follow-Up On: Final Review - Proposed Regulation 5501 – Internal Fiscal Controls
Follow-Up On: Revisions/Additions Based on Required Annual Review of Existing Policies & 50% Handbook Review

• Follow-Up On: Proposed New Policies/Regulations on Increased Requirements for Graduation
• Follow-Up On: Proposed New Policies/Regulations on Chaperone/Travel Guidelines
Follow-Up On: Transfer & Creation of Regulations & Exhibits Handbook
Follow-Up On: Table of Annual Review, Notification and Publication of Policies & Regulations      

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