1. February 18, 2005
    2. Newsletter:


February 18, 2005

February 18, 2005
“A truly American sentiment recognizes the dignity of labor and the fact that honor lies in honest toil.”
- - President Grover Cleveland
Greetings from Wayne Central School District. Below are some items of interest.


1. Greetings from the AASA Conference
1.   AASA Conference: So far the conference has been excellent. The speakers have been great. They have reinforced my belief that we are going in the right direction with our school. When implemented, the new graduation requirements and programs will put us ahead of almost every other school. Your suggestion in my evaluation that I spent some time on staff development for my myself was a good idea. This has been outstanding so far.
2.   Ray Wager: Mr. Atseff and myself met with our auditor, Ray Wager earlier this week to discuss reserve accounts and where we should put the extra revenue generated by Ginna. He had some excellent ideas. I have invited him to our second meeting in March to share those recommendations with you.
3.   Elementary Class Size: When we changed the elementary lines to accommodate full day kindergarten we expected the number of students attending Freewill to decline from four sections at each grade level to two-three. This has begun to occur. As a result we may not have to replace all of the elementary teachers who are retiring this year. I have asked our future director of student services, Michelle Scheik to work with our primary principal to see if this is the time to consider doing of the preschool services ourselves. Currently preschool services are contracted out to private schools. We might want to gain better control of the preschool instruction by providing the service ourselves. The Victor school district moved to this a couple years ago. It may not prove beneficial but I want them to at least explore it.
4.   Graduation Requirements: Last week I explained our proposed graduation requirements to my Chief School Officer group. These are the 25 superintendents within our BOCES. The response was interesting. One group was shocked that we were going beyond the already rigorous New York State standards. The other group (Victor, Canandaigua, etc.) asked if I would send them a copy of our proposed requirements for their review.

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