1. January 21, 2005
    2. Agenda Newsletter:
    3. Newsletter:
    4. 6. Events -
    5. Athletics: (Home games only)
    6. 7. Attachments:


January 21, 2005

January 21, 2005
Greetings from Wayne Central School District. Below are some items of interest.

Agenda Newsletter:

Agenda Newsletter:
1.   Regents Requirements – Continuing our reports to the Board on improving student achievement, this month the high school will present the plan on increasing the regents diploma rate to 98% (all students but those receiving an IEP). One of the things they will be discussing is raising the regents passing rate from 55 to 65. Currently we have a SED waiver which allows us to count 55 as passing. We can’t however, give students regents credit for the 55. We do not believe that a 55 demonstrates sufficient knowledge in the subject. This topic is part of our model school plan for graduation which we will be presenting to you in February. We will not be asking for any action at this meeting but will wait until we review our entire Model Schools Plan
2.  Budget – Capital Portion – Mr. Atseff will present the capital portion of the budget at this meeting (see attached information). He will present administrative and program budgets at succeeding meetings. Also enclosed is the Governor’s run on school aide for Wayne Central. Extraordinary aide is up as is our operating aide. This appears to be better than expected news if the number is accurate. As a school district, we are in a very different financial position from our fellow Wayne-Finger Lakes schools. They are looking at continued cuts and sizeable tax increases. Our long-term financial plan has been extremely successful. Going out the next 5 years, we want to create a new plan which will protect us against future lean times. You will be hearing some parts of that plan when Ray Wager explains some of our thoughts next month. We would like the entire plan to be in place by July.
3.   Lease on Storefront Addendum – I am asking you to approve an addendum to the storefront lease. We would like to rent the third main street space in order to have a place for our Eagle Venture students to be from now until June. The cost will be $800 per month or $4,000 for the remainder of the year. We are working on a more permanent solution which includes looking at additional sites, obtaining SED approval for Ginna, looking at the Walworth School and expanding the main street site. I urge your approval for this addendum which is necessary for SED to give the OK for students to use the site.
4.   Reducing Board Size – The board has been considering reducing the size of the Board for some time. Some members have asked that we begin an open discussion on this matter. Any change would require a community vote. I will begin the discussion, but the board will need to be the major participants in the dialogue.
5.   Technology Club – Additional clubs are approved by the Board. This group has competed in the Oswego Technology Fair and did very well last year. They wish to be recognized as an official club. There will be no cost to the district this year, but I will recommend a stipend for next year’s budget. I am recommending that you approve this club in the board action at the next meeting.
6.   Unpaid Internship – I wrote to you about this earlier. Mr. Derse needs an internship or he will hose his administrative coursework. He has requested an unpaid internship which fits around his teaching load. Mr. Derse has done a great job helping our while Lory has been out and I recommend you approve his spring internship.


1.   Ginna Public Hearing – This is just a reminder that our Ginna Public Hearing will be held February 17th in the high school performing arts center.
2.   Winter Superintendent’s Meeting – Beginning this weekend, I will be in Albany at the Winter Superintendent’s meeting. I will be back Tuesday night. If you need me for anything Lori can be in touch with me at any time.
3.   CSEA/NEA Meetings – We had our monthly meetings with our unions this week. Both meetings went extremely well. With the exception of our high school issue, relations with our two associations appear to be at a high. We begin negotiation training with our CSEA group later this month. They appear anxious for things to go well (I hope it stays that way). They have volunteered to provide dinner on Friday of the training. I volunteered to provide lunch on Saturday. NEA remarked that they felt the level of trust between staff and administration was the best they could recall. Our meetings with them continue to be very friendly and productive. The one issue revolves around the high school staff concerns about leadership. I explained to them that issue cannot be resolved until Lory is healthy.
4.   Dini – We reported to you earlier that we were a “district in need of improvement.” Then we reported that we weren’t. The enclosed memo from Martha Musser of SED officially tells us we are a district in good standing instead of a district in need of improvement (dini).
5.   Accidents – This is just a follow up to earlier information. On Tuesday an OP bus bumped into the bus ahead of it, breaking the cross over mirror. Students were on both buses at the time. One student complained of a sore knee but was cleared by the nurse to go home. On Thursday our Driver Ed car slid off the road while taking the Salt Road exit off Route 104. The students, teacher and car were all fine, though the student driver was a bit shaken up.

6. Events -

6.   Events -
1/24 – HS PTSA MTG – DO Conference Room – 7:00 p.m.
1/27 – Board of Education Meeting – DO Conference Room – 7:30 p.m.
1/24-28 – NYS Regents Exams/Wayne HS & MS Midterm exams
1/28-29 – Jr/Sr Vocal All-County Competition @ Newark
1/31 – 2/4 – Grade 4 ELA Exams – OE & FE

Athletics: (Home games only)

Athletics: (Home games only)
1/28 – Boys JV & V Basketball vs. Newark – 6:00 & 7:30 p.m.
1/29 – Boys’ JV & V Basketball vs. Webster Schroeder – 6:00 & 7:30 p.m.
1/29 – Girls JV & V Basketball vs. Pal-Mac – 3:00 & 2:30 p.m.
1/30 – Girls’ Freshman Basketball vs. Gananda – 4:00 p.m.

7. Attachments:

7.   Attachments:
a.   SED Letter
b.   Governor’s Budget Run

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