         CHAPTERS 22, 23
    Chapter 22
    1.  Examine each of the plans for Reconstruction; Lincoln’s, Johnson’s, and the Radical Republicans. Identify the specific parts of each place explain the
    fundamental goals of each of the plans.
    Discuss how well each of the plans was able to achieve its goals.
    2.  How did Southern and Northern racial attitudes shape Reconstruction, and what effect did Reconstruction have on race relations and the conditions of blacks?
    3.  Was Reconstruction a noble experiment that failed, a vengeful Northern punishment of the South, a weak effort that did not go far enough, or the best that could have been expected under the circumstances? What has been the historical legacy of Reconstruction? (Consider particularly the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.)
    Chapter 23
    1.  Discuss Grant’s failures as president in contrast with his success as a general. Contrast his performance with that of other general-presidents like Washington or Jackson who were successful politicians.
    2.  Consider the Compromise of 1877 in relation to race and sectional conflict. Would a Republican unwillingness to compromise by ending Reconstruction have led to renewed sectional violence?

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