1. ACE English (meeting BCE)

English 9 (Block 9.01, meeting days ACD; 9.02, meeting ABD; 9.03, meeting BDE; 9.04, meeting BCE)
Daily: start periods with episodes from video Romeo and Juliet, approximately 5 minutes of video, with pausing to note significant signs of plot, theme, characterization. [Teacher needs to note where video stopped, in order to keep classes at same point and in order to return to appropriate points. This activity takes about ten minutes in total.]
Daily: review Global voc. ( abbot, abdicate, absolutism, acid rain, the Acropolis, The Age of Enlightenment, imperialism, alloy, alluvial soil.ancestor worship, assimilation, autonomy)
Quiz on day 2 on vocab 1_12.
Through week: Use Regents Prep: in small groups, students read in order to present their understanding of goal and directions for Part III Regents. Read 175-177, explaining the points raised there. Then do handout copied from 174–80: read, take notes, do multiple choice test (turn in for grade), write essay, check essay against rubric, turn in essay.


ACE English (meeting BCE)
Discussion, analysis and application of social and moral issues.
Day 1: class shares ideas for O”Brien essay..
Write an essay responding to O’Brien, 212-226: what moral judgments guide the protagonist’s choices? Due by 7 p.m., 12/18/04.
Days 2–3: write and research in computer lab.
English 12 (meeting days BCE)
Each day, as scheduled, students make presentations. After each set, turn to Sci Fi.
Day 1: Jon and Justin, Will and Charles, Jamie and Ashley; Day 2: David F., Nate H.; Day 3: Jesse and Robert;Day 4: Bobby Fitz, Day 3: Devin, Michelle A.
Students review The Day the Earth Stood Still for theme and connection with our other alien movies to prepare for an essay on the question: how reasonable do humans seem in The Day the Earth Stood Still? Essay is due two classes after end of review.

Standards 2.1.1,2.1.2,2.1.3,2.1.4,2.1.5,2.1.6,3.2.1,3.2.,42

ELA Lab.09 (meeting day B)
Students catch up or work ahead of English class. Students may work on other subjects, with teacher leading them into using ELA skills.

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