1. October 8, 2004
    2. Board Meeting:
    3. Newsletter:


October 8, 2004
Learning is something students do, not something done to students” - - Alfie Kohn


Greetings from Wayne Central School District. Below are some items of interest.

Board Meeting:

1. Executive session- There is a specific personnel issue I would like to discuss regarding the superintendent. During a recent executive session Board members raised some questions about whether the Board president and vice-president got different information than the rest of the Board. While we probably are operating in the same manner as always this provides us with an excellent opportunity to decide as a group how we want information to flow.


2. Retiree Reception- We will have refreshments available following the reading of the proclamations and thanking of our retired employees. This year we are honoring nine people.


3. Teacher Mentoring Program- Program coordinator, Marcia Standera will report on this program for our probationary staff members. Many of you know Marcia as she was a long time math teacher who continues to work with us.


4. Board Position Discussion- An announcement is being placed in the papers regarding the open position. I would like to present a tentative timeline for us to consider for your selection of a new member and develop a list of qualities the Board desires for that person.


5. Ginna Negotiations- As you are aware we have a tentative agreement for an assessment of $260,000,000. I have been patiently waiting for the lawyers on both sides to agree upon common wording. I have not yet seen a copy of the resolution I hope you will be voting on. I expect I will be able to present it that night. If it doesn’t come we may have to postpone a vote until the next meeting. The good news is that Constellation has already sent us a check for the estimated amount of their tax based on the $260,000,000 assessment.
6. Building Project Update- Mike Jordan will give his monthly update on the project. I expect our lights to be operational next Tuesday or Wednesday. We should be able to have next Thursday’s soccer game against Victor under the lights as well as all of next weekend’s homecoming events. The trees and ditch are being cleared by the Town at the north end of the high school. They have employed Dates construction. An error was made on Tuesday when the Town had Dates clear a ditch which they thought was on school property but was actually on Glen and Linda Cone’s property. They were not happy to have the west side of their property exposed to the wind and the school. We visited the Cones with Town of Ontario watershed chairman Al Tyo (sp?). I thought we had them calmed down. We told Al we would work with the Town to plant trees along the property to provide a wind break. They were upset but it appeared they would be satisfied with that solution. Today they had their attorney visit Al and the Town of Ontario. They are talking about loss of property value, having the 300’ ditch replaced with culvert etc. Although legally the issue appears to be between the Town and the Cones, this was a joint venture with the Town and I hate to have something so positive become negative.
7. Financial update- Greg will give his monthly update.
8. Personnel action- Note that we will be accepting the retirement of Sandra Woodard effective July 2005. We are also appointing a new science teacher, Melody Klein, to replace Joe Drake. Melody comes to us with four years of teaching experience and industry work. I had a wonderful interview with her and believe she will be a nice addition.
9. Superintendent’s Contract- This will be my chance to see if you really just wanted to wait a month or..........


10. Reserve account- Please read Greg’s letter on this. Basically we can’t put as much of our excess funds into the Bus reserve as we had thought. Our auditor, Ray Wager, has recommended we create an additional reserve called an insurance reserve. We will then split the money between the liability reserve, the bus reserve and the insurance reserve. I believe that is an excellent recommendation and so concur with his thoughts.



1. Injured student – On Thursday a Freewill 3rd grader was injured on the playground. She was swinging when the chain separated from the swing. She was taken to the Strong Memorial hospital with and injured leg. We have examined the swing and have found it difficult to determine exactly how it happened. We believe the chain slipped out of the S clamp. Mr. Miller is examining all the swings and replacing some of the chains with thicker ones which should not slip out.


2. Professional development day- Today (Friday) is a professional development day for staff. Teachers are working on the assessment portion of the Understanding By Design curriculum development model. Everyone appears to be working very hard. I want to thank Mr. Spring and his team who put together this day.


3. Soccer discipline versus Volleyball discipline: We have had a question about why the volleyball player who threw the water bottle out of the bus recently lost his whole season of eligibility but the students who were caught by the police egging homes only lost 20% of the season. The athletic contract calls for greater discipline for athletes who break rules a second or third time. Discipline can stay with students for up to a full year. The volleyball player had had a number of difficulties last year culminating in him telling his coach to F----- off. He was allowed to play sports this year under a special agreement between him, his parents and the athletic director that there would be no further incidents. Unfortunately he was not able to stay with the contract even through the fall season.


4. Events -   

10/8 – Staff Training Day – no students
10/11 – Columbus Day – Schools Closed
10/14 – Board of Education Meeting
10/15-16 – Wayne Homecoming Weekend
10/18 – HS PTSA Meeting – 7:00 p.m.
10/21 – OP Open House – 6:30 p.m.
10/21-24 – NYSSBA Annual Convention – Buffalo
10/24-30 – Red Ribbon Activities
10/25 – HS Band & Chorus Concert
10/28 – Three Boards Meeting @ Wayne – 7:30 p.m.
Athletics: (Home Games)
10/9 – Boys’ JV & V Volleyball vs. Oswego – 2:00 & 3:00

10/9 – Boys’ JV & V Soccer vs. Newark – 3:00 p.m.
10/12 – Boys’ JV & V Volleyball vs. Sodus – 5:30 & 6:30
10/13 – Girls’ JV & V Volleyball vs. Newark – 5:00 & 6:30
10/13 – Boys’ JV & V Soccer vs. Waterloo – 4:30
10/14 – Girls’ JV & V Soccer vs. Victor - 4:30
10/14 – Girls’ JV & V Volleyball vs. Victor – 5:00 & 6:30
10/15 – Girls’ JV & V Soccer vs. Mynderse – 4:30
10/16 - Boys’ JV & V Soccer vs. Geneva – 11:00
10/16 – Boys’ V Football vs. Clyde-Savannah – 2:00
10/16 – Boys’ V Volleyball vs. East High – 2:00


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