Job shadowing Written report & other information that is expected of you.
    Report should be one page ( or more), single space, font 12, and default margins. Due January 10, 30% of grade for job shadowing
    Criteria Excellent (91-100 Very Good (90-81) Good (80-71) Fair (71- 65) Poorbelow 65
    See below* Describes all the following information in the report Covers 85% of the information in the report Covers 75 % of the information in the report Covers 65 % of the information in the report Cover below 65 % of the information in the report

    In addition to the written report you will be also graded if participant organization returns Student Evaluation form. 10 points
    Send Thank you letter to organization - 5 points
    If you shadow a position that closely fits with your career interest. 5 points.
    Total job shadow requirement is 30% of your EIP/Life Skills Grade.
    Person job shadowing responsibilities, how does this persons position meet companies goals, typical day, like most about job, why did they select this work, how much education do they need for this job, did they need more training after completing their education.
    Their job skills: Do they use reading everyday, how do you use writing on the job, is math important, how?, do you need good listening skills, when do you need to use good speaking skills, do you have to work in teams, do you use a computer, how, how much?,
    What kind of problems do you solve?, what skills do you need to solve these problems, what did you learn in school that helped you solve these problems?, what do you wish you had studied more of in school?
    The people: describe the clothing, did everyone wear the same attire, how did people treat o e another? Did everyone have the same work space, how did people greet one another, how did people answer the phone?
    Facilities: which did you observe?
    Lunch/break room
    Child care center
    Health carte/first aid
    Outside seating area
    Technology: How many computers did you observe, what software programs did you observe, what other equipment did employees use at their desk besides computers, what other technology does the workplace use to make its product or deliver its services.
    The Benefits:
    Health care plan, Dental plan, retirement plan, disability insurance, reimbursement for more education, advanced training for job skills, other services such as cleaning or car maintenance.
    Student evaluation form:
    What were the title and responsibilities of your workplace host?
    Which parts of the job were of interest to you?
    Which parts of the job would you find boring?
    Would you consider a career in this field? Why or why not
    What surprised you most about what you heard, learned or observed today?
    What knowledge and skills are you learning in school that will be used on the job?
    What knowledge or skills do you need to strengthen to be successful on the job?
    Did any other ideas or careers come to mind today?

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