1. Informational Item:
  2. Mark Macmillan, social studies teacher, placed on special assignment as an administrative intern assigned to the high school at contractual salary (temporary replacement for Holly Armitage, on child-rearing leave of a absence).
    1. RE:  Consensus Agenda
  5. To: Michael Havens, Superintendent of Schools




DATE: September 9, 2004
TIME: 7:30 p.m.
PLACE: District Office Board Room
7:30 Call to Order /Pledge of Allegiance
Executive Session
Approval of Agenda/Approval of MINUTES
Att. 1
7:35 Public Comment
7:40 Board Member Comments
7:45 Board President’s Comments
7:50 Action Item Report
7:55 Superintendent’s Report
1. Opening Day Update – M. Havens
2. School Improvement Plan Report – L. Spring
Att. 2
3. Science Olympiad Signs – M. Havens
4. Financial Update – G. Atseff
8:40 Items for Board Approval:
1. Personnel Action
Att. 3
2. Consensus Agenda:
Att. 4
1. Accept Treasurer’s Report
2. Award Bid
3. Approve Budget Transfer
4. Approve Year End Financial Statement
9:15 Public Comment/Board Comments
9:20 Adjournment
Next Meeting: September 23, 2004 7:30 p.m. District Office Board Room

District Mission Statement
Based on the belief that all students can learn, the staff of the Wayne Central School District accepts the responsibility to teach all students, regardless of differences, the fundamental skills. We further accept the responsibility to challenge all students to attain higher levels of achievement. Wayne Central will provide the opportunity, environment, and encouragement to meet this goal while developing the whole child, physically, socially, emotionally, and culturally.
Ontario Center, New York 14520
     (arrived @ 7:15 p.m.),        (Mr. Johnson entered the meeting @ 7:15 p.m.)         
DATE: Thursday, August 19, 2004    TIME: 7:00 p.m.
TYPE: Regular Business Meeting PLACE: District Office
PRESENT: Trustees Brunner, Diller, Johnson Lyke, Ratcliffe, Triou, Wyse; District Clerk Switzer; Administrators Havens, Morrin, Shaffer, Siracuse, Saxby, Woodard, Atseff, Spring, Callahan, Davis
ABSENT: Trustees Robusto and Griswold
GUESTS: Visitor’s Roster filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting
I. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 p.m. by John D. Triou, School Board President
Prior to the meeting, trustees and school officials toured the high school to view the repairs, renovations and additions that have occurred since the start of the summer recess.
Mr. Wyse offered a MOTION to adjourn the meeting,at 7:04 p.m., for an executive session on personnel matters pertaining to specific persons. 7 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Mr. Griswold, Mr. Robusto), Carried.
III. RECONVENE:7:28 p.m.
V. APPROVAL OF AGENDA & MINUTES (July 13 & 15, 2004)
Mrs. Brunner offered a MOTION to approve the agenda for this evening’s meetingand the minutes of the meetings of July 13 & 15, 2004, each as presented. 7 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Mr. Griswold, Mr. Robusto,) Carried.


A. Mr. Wyse noted that he served as a member of the audit committee for the Four County School Boards Association and all accounts were in proper order.
B. Mr. Wyse spoke as president of the Ontario Fire Company and extended thanks to school personnel for their cooperation and diligence on vacating facilities as required by state regulations during construction-related fire alarms in recent days.
C. Mr. Johnson extended congratulations to Mr. Havens on his recent nuptials.
A.  Mr. Triou noted that the recent soccer scrimmage between himself and the athletic director on the soccer field as part of field-lighting review did not result in any injuries.
A.Mr. Havens noted the question from a prior meeting on the seating capacity of the planned expansion of the dining room in the high school as part of the 2002 Capital Improvement Project; the new space will increase seating from 300 to 450 persons.
Mr. Havens extended thanks to the Ontario Volunteer Fire Company for their prompt response to recent fire alarms posed by construction dust at the high school.
A. PROGRESS REPORT • 2002 Capital Improvement Project
Mr. Havens introduced Mr. Atseff, assistant superintendent for business, to make a progress report on the 2002 Capital Improvement Project. He complimented him on an excellent job of oversight of the project.
Mr. Atseff and Mr. Balcerzak, project superintendent, reviewed a Power Point presentation, including digital photos, of the status of renovation and repair work at each of the schools, field improvements on the Ontario Center campus and construction of footers for the additional classroom space at the high school. Work continues on new sidewalks at the middle school and entry stairs at Ontario Elementary School. Emergency repairs were completed on the water line break at Ontario Primary School, included as a change order on this evening’s agenda.
Interior remodeling and improvements are nearing completion at the middle school, Freewill Elementary School and Ontario Elementary School. Roof replacements are in final stages at the high school, Freewill Elementary School and Ontario Primary School. Completion of the lift for access to the stage, gym and auditorium at Ontario Elementary School will occur later in September when final components for the lift arrived. New floor and wall surfaces are underway in areas where asbestos abatement was conducted at the high school.
Mr. Johnson asked if the public water service line was re-routed at Ontario Primary School; the answer was yes.
Mrs. Brunner and Mr. Triou asked about location of radiator heating units and passive restraints in the renovated entry foyer at Freewill Elementary School. Mr. Atseff provided details.
Mr. Atseff noted additional progress on re-location of the field lights to the girl’s softball field, installation of conduit for new lights on the new fields and related field drainage as well as preliminary work on the new all-season track.
Mr. Wyse cited a potential concern with snow removal and access by school busses in the area where curbing was installed in the center of the new connector road from the middle school to the high school at the north end of the front parking lot/bus loop at the middle school.
Mr. Atseff noted that the architect worked with a traffic consultant in planning for roadway and site work that included the curbing area to help manage vehicle and pedestrian traffic. Discussion followed on varied factors related to the new connector road (e.g. direction of travel by vehicles, parent drop off sites, crosswalks, future parking areas) when the project is completed.
Mr. Havens noted that school officials have discussed this issue at length with project managers and he recommends the removal of the curbing and traffic island. Mr. Wyse stated that he concurs with this approach.
Mr. Triou asked if there is any risk of additional concerns about pedestrian flow by the NYS Education Department. The architect and construction managers stated that they do not view that as an issue of concern.
Mrs. Brunner asked if there are any plans by the NYS Department of Transportation to add a third traffic lane along Route 350 that would result in the need for a sidewalk on the east side of the new connector road for pedestrian/student access to the middle school from the sidewalk along the east side of Route 350. She feels students would make substantial use of those areas and would recommend them for careful consideration as part of the capital project. Mrs. Lyke suggested placement of a pedestrian/student crossing at a point further north along the new connector roadway between the middle school and the high school.
Mrs. Brunner asked about the plans for storm water drainage along the new connector road and the potential of any ponding or icy pavement during winter thaws. Mr. Atseff reviewed the plans for storm water drainage.
Mr. Wyse noted that area now occupied by construction trailers along the future connector road will provide additional parking spaces for persons and athletic events when the connector roadway is completed in 2005. Potential location of a new sidewalk in that area was discussed.
Mrs. Brunner asked if sidewalk access is planned from the new connector roadway to the entry to the north gymnasium at the middle school. Mr. Atseff stated that none is planned at this time.
Mrs. Brunner asked how far north busses would park at arrival or dismissal time at the middle school and repeated her concern from a prior meeting about motorists attempting to drive behind the school busses at the south entry to the parking lot at the middle school to pick-up students. Mr. Atseff explained plans for bus traffic and parking.
Mrs. Brunner asked if there is any consideration to install a divider to delineate spaces for busses and motorists at the south entry/exit driveway at the middle school. Mr. Atseff stated that curb cuts are not allowed onto state highways by the NYS Department of Transportation and that driveway striping will handle these issues.
Mr. Ratcliffe suggested appropriate signage to advise parents and motorists of proper locations for parking and bus traffic.
Mrs. Brunner asked if school busses will still assemble in double rows; Mr. Atseff stated that they will assemble in double and triple rows.
Mrs. Brunner noted that she as had extensive discussions with Mr. Havens and Mr. Atseff on additional topics related to the capital project (e.g. field drainage, roof leaks and reparations, rest room locations).
Mr. Johnson stated that he is pleased to hear that construction crews are working evenings and weekends to finish summer recess projects prior to the start of school. He asked if school officials are confident that schools will open on September 7, 2004 as planned; the response was yes.
Mr. Ratcliffe clarified that final windows in renovated office areas at the middle school and completion of the lift equipment at Ontario Elementary School are the only areas where permanent work remains unfinished; the response was yes.
Mr. Ratcliffe asked what conditions will exist on the track and related areas on the opening day of school and what restrictions and provisions for spectators are planned. Mr. Atseff and Mr. Balcerzak reviewed plans for installation of fencing to insure the safety and security of spectators and for access to fields by athletes. They noted that completion of the new track is anticipated in early October, 2004.
Mr. Johnson suggested installation of signage to direct spectators and visitors to athletic fields during the construction period,
Mr. Johnson asked about the status of installation of the new district-wide telephone system. Mr. Atseff noted that the transition from the former system occurred last weekend and the new system is functioning. He also reviewed options for staff uses of the new system when school resumes in September.
Mrs. Brunner suggested publication of the new telephone numbers in the news media and Mr. Wyse suggested that trustees receive a copy of the updated telephone list. Mr. Havens stated that both would occur. Mr. Wyse asked if classroom telephones will have access to both telephone areas codes that serve families in our school district (e.g. -315 & -585). Mr. Atseff stated such access is available.
Mr. Triou asked if parents will have access to their child’s teachers and voice mail options and if teachers will have ability to place calls to parents. Mr. Atseff stated that was correct.
Trustees extended thanks to Mr. Atseff and the representatives of the architect and construction management firm for their report this evening.
Mr. Havens presented the annual report of student achievement for the 2003-2004 school year for review and consideration by the Board of Education (copy filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting)
He noted how pleased school officials are with improvements in the core academic areas reflected by the data in the report and reviewed passing rates and mastery rates in specific subject areas for grades K thru 12 as reflected in the graphs included in the report.
Mr. Havens made special note of students reaching the long-term goal of a 90% passing rate in math in grades K to 4. He complimented the many staff members whose diligent efforts led to these student achievements.
During the 2004-2005 school year, district goals will include efforts to increase the number of students who graduate with a Regents diploma and the number of seniors who pursue college studies.
Trustees will receive updates on student achievement on a quarterly basis during the school year.
Mr. Triou asked how the first year of extended class periods with block scheduling had impacted student achievement. Mrs. Morrin, high school principal, noted that the overall sense is that the block schedule has helped students in comprehension of subject matter and achievement.
Mr. Havens introduced Mrs. Woodard, director of student services, to provide an update on the TIES program funded by a grant from the NYS Office of Mental Health.
Mrs. Woodward reviewed the terms of the grant, plans to recruit children for the program, staff training for the program and community outreach efforts. She will meet with grant project managers on a monthly basis and provide updates to Mr. Havens to share with the Board of Education. She noted that the grant is for one school year with the option for continuation at local expense.
Mr. Ratcliffe asked how many students the program can handle and if the school district could operate a parallel program to meet additional needs of our students. Mrs. Woodard stated that the grant guidelines and criteria allow some twenty (20) students to participate and options for a parallel program are under review.
Mr. Ratcliffe stated that he would expect a large number of students would volunteer to participate in the program and suggested providing opportunities for all to do so.
Mrs. Lyke asked if students for the program must originate from a specific program; the response was no.

Mr. Havens noted that the recent adoption of a state budget by the NYS Legislature has provided state aid estimates for local school districts. Preliminary reports indicate that our district will receive an increase of some $105,000 in operating aid and possible increases in transportation aid.
As a result, the revenue appropriation estimates and property tax levy projections made at school election time in May will remain.
Mr. Havens noted that the final valuation of the nuclear power plant is still under discussion. The school tax levy now includes the plant’s value at $383 million dollars as proposed by the town assessor. Since any reduction in that amount would require a refund of school taxes, the Board of Education will need to set aside funds in the reserve fund from the tax levy to meet such a possibility.
Mr. Johnson asked for background on the agenda enclosure to enact the option to remove the nuclear power plant, based on its large assessed valuation, from the calculation of the equalization rate. Mr. Havens explained that removal of the large parcel from the equalization rate will insure the equity of the tax burden between taxpayers in Walworth and Ontario by establishing 100% equalization rates for school purposes.

Mr. Havens announced that our science olympiad students have accepted an invitation to present their award-winning entries at the annual meeting of the NYS School Boards’ Association in Buffalo in October.
Mr. Havens presented the following personnel changes for review and consideration by the Board of Education:
Jennifer Vaccarella, art teacher, assigned to the high school, effective July 31, 2004 (personal reasons)

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Informational Item:

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Mark Macmillan, social studies teacher, placed on special assignment as an administrative intern assigned to the high school at contractual salary (temporary replacement for Holly Armitage, on child-rearing leave of a absence).
Correction to Previous Staffing Resolution:
Colleen Meagher, kindergarten teacher, assigned to the Ontario Primary School, a continuation of a three year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2003 through August 31, 2006. (unlike part-time appointments in other certification & subject areas. part-time kindergarten teachers are provided full probationary status)
James Adamo, re-assignment as ELA Coach, assigned to Ontario Elementary and Freewill Elementary Schools, effective September 1, 2004 at contractual salary (new position)
Gary Cooley, .60 FTE, reading teacher, assigned to the Ontario Elementary School, a part-time appointment effective September 1, 2004 with compensation at the maximum allowable rate provided under §212 of the Retirement and Social Security Law due to Mr. Cooley’s retirement status. Current rate is $27,500, annually (replacement for Barbara Boyce, teacher aide, retired)
James Herendeen, vocal music teacher, assigned to the Ontario Elementary School, a two year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2004 through August 31, 2007 at $48,135 (replacement for Jay Crofford, resigned)
Shari Hurny, elementary education teacher, assigned to the Ontario Elementary School, a two year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2004 through August 31, 2007 at $36,140 (replacement for James Adamo, re-assigned, supra)
Justin Marino, social studies teacher, assigned to the high school, a two month temporary appointment effective September 1 through October 31, 2004 at $34,250, pro-rated (temporary replacement for Mark Macmillan, serving administrative internship, supra)
Erica Staab, elementary education teacher, assigned to the Ontario Elementary School, a one year temporary appointment effective September 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005 at $34,250. (temporary replacement for Megan Zipprich, on child rearing leave of absence)
Rosamaria Visconti-Goebel, elementary education teacher, assigned to the Ontario Elementary School, a five month temporary appointment effective September 1, 2004 through January 31, 2005 at $36,140, pro-rated (temporary replacement for Julie Geesler, on child rearing leave of absence)
Additional Coaching Staff • Fall 2004
See Listing, Clerk’s Agenda File, This Meeting
Additional Extra-Duty Appointments/Designations • 2004-2005 School Year
(September 1, 2004 through June 30, 2004 @ rates in collective bargaining agreement)
Elementary Assistant Principals, K-12 Advisors, Musical Production Staff,
See Listing, Clerk’s Agenda File, This Meeting
Laurie Bernard, teacher aide (1.0 FTE) assigned to the Ontario Primary School, a six month temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2004 through February 28, 2005, at $8.05 per hour (new position, full day kindergarten program)
Luciana Chevez, teacher aide (1.0 FTE) assigned to the Ontario Primary School, a six month temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2004 through February 28, 2005, at $8.05 per hour (replacement for Kelly Demick, resigned)
Mary DeWolf, 1:1 teacher aide (1.0 FTE) assigned to the middle school, a one year temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005, at $8.05 per hour (replacement for Alicia Van Vliet, resigned)
Scott Fox, cleaner, assigned to the high school, a six month temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2004 through February 28, 2005, at $8.50 per hour (position reinstated from previous budget cut)
Patricia Gommenginger, 1:1 teacher aide (1.0 FTE) assigned to the high school, a one year temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005, at $8.05 per hour (replacement for Rachel Ford, on leave).
Patricia Hecht, teacher aide (1.0 FTE) assigned to the Ontario Primary School, a six month temporary Civil Service appointment effective September 1, 2004 through February 28, 2005, at $8.05 per hour (new position, full day kindergarten program)
Terry Shulla, cleaner, assigned to the high school, a six month temporary civil service appointment effective September 1, 2004 through February 28, 2005, at $8.50 per hour. (replacement for Ann Stokes, resigned).
Mr. Wyse offered a MOTION to approve the personnel changes as recommended by the superintendent of schools. 7 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Mr. Griswold, Mr. Robusto), Carried.
Mr. Havens presented the pupil placement recommendations of the Committee on Pre-School Special Education for review and consideration by the Board of Education.
Mrs. Brunner offered a MOTION, seconded by Mr. Wyse, to adopt a RESOLUTION for pupil placements by the CPSE, TO WIT:
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the recommendations of the Committee on Pre-School Special Education and authorizes the Director of Student Services to arrange the recommended special programs and services.
On the question, the RESOLUTION was adopted by a vote of 7 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Mr. Griswold, Mr. Robusto), Carried.


(1) Approve Agreement for Energy Audit
(2) Adopt Resolution for Alternative Method • School Tax Apportionment
(3) Adopt Resolution • Tax Levy • 2004-2005
(4) Award Bids - Ice Cream, Bread & Cafeteria Paper Products • 2004-2005 (Co-op Bid)
(5) Award Bids - Applied Technology & Art – Supplies & Equipment • 2004-2005
(6) Award Bids – Computer Supplies • 2004-2005
(7) Establish School Meal Prices • 2004-2005
(8) Adopt Resolution for Change Order – 2002 Capital Improvement Project • Landry Mechanical nd high schol elec
(9) Approve Contract • Finger Lakes Community College • Gemini Courses
(10) Approve Agreement – Wayne County Chapter, American Red Cross • Mass Care Sheltering
Mr. Havens presented the consensus agenda for review and consideration by the Board of Education.
Mrs. Brunner offered a MOTION, seconded by Mr. Wyse to adopt/approve the consensus agenda, as presented by the superintendent of schools, as follows:
(1) Authorize the agreement with Atlantic Energy as the energy saving company for an energy audit (copy filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting)
(2) Adopt a RESOLUTION for an alternative method of school tax apportionment for a designated large property, TO WIT:
(R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Station)
BE IT RESOLVED, that, upon the recommendation of the superintendent of schools, the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District hereby approves the use of §1316 of the Real Property Tax Law for the apportionment of school district taxes for the 2004-2005 school year
(3) Adopt a RESOLITION for the levy of property taxes for school purposes for the 2004-2005 school year, TO WIT:
WHEREAS, the amount authorized to be raised for school tax purposes for the 2004-2005 school year, for the current school year's budget, is a sum not to exceed $23,540,000.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education set and fix the equalized school tax rates for 2004-2005 by towns and confirm the extension of said taxes as they appear on the tax rolls of the component townships (see worksheet attached to these minutes in the minute book)
AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the school tax warrant of the Board of Education, duly signed, shall be affixed to the 2004-2005 school tax rolls authorizing the collection of said school taxes begin on Wednesday, September 1, 2004, with an effective period of said school tax warrant of 61 days, at the expiration of which the school tax collector shall make an accounting, in writing, to the Clerk of the Board of Education of the amount of paid and unpaid school taxes,
AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Helen Jensen, School Tax Collector for the Wayne Central School District, be, and hereby is authorized and directed to give legal notice and to start collection of school taxes, beginning Wednesday, September 1, 2004, in accordance with provisions of law, and to give notice that school tax collection will conclude on Friday, October 31, 2004, and to collect school taxes in the amount of $23,540,000 as set by the attached school tax warrant;
AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that delinquent school tax penalties shall be fixed as follows:
2 per cent, payments made from October 1 to October 31, 2004
2 per cent, plus additional penalty, from October 31, 2004, on, as levied by the county treasurer in the re-levy in town/county taxes
AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the 2004-2005 school taxes will be collected at the District Office of the Wayne Central School District, 6200 Ontario Center Road, Ontario Center, NY 14520, from September 1 to October 31, 2004. No taxes received or postmarked after October 31, 2004 shall be accepted by the school tax collector.
(4) Award bids for ice cream, bread & cafeteria paper products for the 2004-2005 school year to the lowest responsible bidders, multiple bid award (W-FL B.O.C.E.S. cooperative bids)   (copy of bids in clerk’s files)
(5) Award bids for applied technology & art supplies & equipment for the 2004-2005 school year to the lowest responsible bidders, multiple bid award (copy of bids in clerk’s files)
(6) Award bids for computer supplies for the 2004-2005 school year to the lowest responsible bidders, multiple bid award (copy of bids in clerk’s files)
(7) Establish school meal prices for the 2004-2005 school year (copy of price schedule filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting)
(8) Adopt a RESOLUTION to approve a change order for the 2002 Capital Improvement Project re: repair of a water line at Ontario Primary School, TO WIT:
(Landry Mechanical – Water Leak – Ontario Primary School)

BE IT RESOLVED that, upon the recommendation of the superintendent of schools, the Board of Education of Wayne Central School District hereby approves change order CO-1 in the amount of $20,757.00 for repair of a water leak at Ontario Primary School (copy filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting)

(9) Approve an agreement with Finger Lakes Community College for educational programs (Gemini Courses) commencing September 1, 2004 (copy of agreement in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting)
(10) Approve an agreement with the Wayne County Chapter of the American Red Cross for use of school facilities as mass care shelters (copy of agreement in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting)
Mr. Havens extended compliments to Mrs. Wilson and the food service staff for their efforts that resulted in a profitable year for the school lunch fund. Trustees asked Mr. Havens to send a letter to her on behalf of the Board of Education in recognition of this achievement.
Mr. Johnson asked about the timing of the energy audit in terms of the capital project work. Mr. Atseff provided details.
Mrs. Lyke stated that she is pleased to see the large number of courses included in the Gemini program; she added that availability of the physics course, for example, would also impact the achievement levels in physics at the high school.
On the question, consensus agenda was adopted/approved by a vote of 7 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Mr. Griswold, Mr. Robusto), (copy attached to these minutes in the minute book)
A. Mr. Johnson extended thanks to Mr. Atseff and construction representatives for their report this evening to provide reassurance that schools will open in September.
B. Mrs. Lyke noted that it is valuable for trustees to have current information on the 2002 Capital Improvement Project to share when questioned by residents.
Mr. Wyse offered a MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 8:44 p.m. 7 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Mr. Griswold, Mr. Robusto), Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
School District Clerk
The foregoing minutes of the Board of
Education were submitted for review
& (approved as presented)(corrected
as noted) at the meeting of
September 9, 2004
School District Clerk



To:   Board of Education

From: Michael Havens, Superintendent of Schools
(Prepared by Mark D. Callahan, Director of Human Resources)
Re: Personnel Action
Date: September 9, 2004
The following is submitted for your review and approval.

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v Tenure Recommendation:
Alan Eagle is being recommended by the Superintendent for appointment to tenure in the tenure area of Technology effective October 8, 2004.
Sharon Hetzler is being recommended by the Superintendent for appointment to tenure in the tenure area of Special Education effective September 25, 2004.
Karen Palmer is being recommended by the Superintendent for appointment to tenure in the tenure area of School Counseling effective October 9, 2004.
v Resignations:  
Michelle Guerrieri, Special Education Teacher, assigned to the Thomas C. Armstrong School, effective July 30, 2004 For personal reasons.
Jennifer Underwood, Math Teacher, assigned to the Thomas C. Armstrong School, effective August 18, 2004 For personal reasons.
v Leave of Absence:    
Laurie Rogers, School Counselor, assigned to the Thomas C. Armstrong Middle School, a one year unpaid leave from September 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005. For purpose of child rearing.
v Appointments
Katie Breedy, Art Teacher, assigned to the James A. Beneway High School, a three year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2004 through August 31, 2007 at $34,840 (base), credited with one year experience. Replacement for Jennifer Vaccarella (resignation).
Nancy Jordan, English Teacher, assigned to the Thomas C. Armstrong Middle School, a one year temporary appointment effective September 1, 2004 through June 26, 2005 at $35,500 (base + MS). Replacement for Jennifer Borowiak (childrearing LOA).
Jennifer Piede, School Counselor, assigned to the Thomas C. Armstrong Middle School, a one year temporary appointment effective September 1, 2004 through June 26, 2005 at $36,400 (base + MS). Replacement for Laurie Rogers (childrearing LOA).
Tina Smith-Cieplinski, Special Education Teacher (Home Instruction), assigned to the Thomas C. Armstrong Middle School, a two year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2004 through August 31, 2006 at $42,262 (base + MS), credited with six years of experience. New position created through consolidation of tutoring services..
Tracey Wiesmore, Special Education Teacher, assigned to the Thomas C. Armstrong Middle School, a two year probationary appointment effective September 1, 2004 through August 31, 2006 at $39,250 (base + MS), credited with four years of experience. Replacement for Michelle Guerreri (resignation).
v Appointment Amendment from June 9, 2004 Personnel Action:
Colleen Havranek, Speech Pathologist (.5 FTE), assigned to the Freewill Elementary School, a part-time appointment effective September 1, 2004 at $41,250 pro-rated (base + MS), credited with 9 years of experience. The June 9th resolution listed Colleen’s appointment as probationary. Part-time teachers are not eligible for a tenure track.
v Resignations:   
Kim Baker, Girl’s and Boy’s Modified Cross Country (Fall Season), effective August 4, 2004. For personal reasons.  

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v Resignations:   
Nancy Bolton, Food Service Helper, assigned to the James A. Beneway High School, effective August 31, 2004. To accept Teacher Aide position.
Theresa Congelosi, Teacher Aide, assigned to the James A. Beneway High School, effective August 19, 2004. For personal reasons.
Gail Fritz, 1:1 Teacher Aide assigned to the Thomas C. Armstrong Middle School, effective August 31, 2004. For personal reasons.
Kathleen Lindsay, Teacher Aide assigned to the James A. Beneway High School, effective August 27, 2004. For personal reasons.
Linda Schieven, Food Service Helper, assigned to the Thomas C. Armstrong Middle School, effective August 31, 2004. To accept Cook Manager position.
Michele Paszkiewicz, Food Service Helper, assigned to the Ontario Primary School, effective August 9, 2004. For personal reasons.
Janice Popoli, School Bus Driver, effective August 25, 2004. For personal reasons.
v Appointments

Durwood Adams – School Bus Driver, a six month probationary Civil Service appointment effective September 7, 2004 through March 6, 2005 at $12.45 / hr. Previous part time run turned full time.

Jacqueline Boerschlein, 1:1 Teacher Aide (1.0 FTE) assigned to the Freewill Elementary School, a one year temporary Civil Service appointment effective September 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005, at $8.05/hr. Position required to support returning students.
Nancy Bolton, Teacher Aide assigned to the James A. Beneway High School, a six month probationary Civil Service appointment effective September 1, 2004 through February 28, 2005, at $11.70/hr. Replacement for Theresa Congelosi (resignation).
Joyce Anne Collier, Teacher Aide assigned to the Freewill Elementary School, a six month probationary Civil Service appointment effective September 1, 2004 through February 28, 2005, at $8.30/hr. New position required to support full day Kindergarten.
Sarah Cooman, 1:1 Teacher Aide (1.0 FTE) assigned to the James A. Beneway High School, a one year temporary Civil Service appointment effective September 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005, at $8.05/hr. Position required to support new student.

Peter Evans – School Bus Driver, a six month probationary Civil Service appointment effective September 7, 2004 through March 6, 2005 at $12.45 / hr. Replacement for Janice Popoli (resignation).


Thomas Hemstreet – School Bus Driver, a temporary Civil Service appointment effective September 7, 2004 through June 30,2005 at $12.20 / hr. Replacement for Carm Heintzelman (medical leave).


Daniel Kuhner – School Bus Driver, a six month probationary Civil Service appointment effective September 7, 2004 through March 6, 2005 at $12.20 / hr. New bus run.

Christina Lawrence, School Nurse assigned to the Ontario Primary School, a six month probationary Civil Service appointment effective September 1, 2004 through February 28, 2005, at $15.10/hr. Replacement for Darcy Petrosino .
Tracy LaPlaca, Teacher Aide, assigned to the Freewill Elementary School, a six month probationary Civil Service appointment effective September 1, 2004 through February 28, 2005, at $ 8.95/hr. Replacement for Jean Gardner (retired).
Kristin Liberti Bauerschmidt, 1:1 Teacher Aide (1.0 FTE) assigned to the James A. Beneway High School, a one year temporary Civil Service appointment effective September 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005, at $8.05/hr. Position required to support a returning student.

Sherrie Lucas – Bus Monitor, a temporary Civil Service appointment effective September 7, 2004 through June 30, 2005 at $8.30 / hr. Replacement for Barb Twist(medical).

Kristine Murray, 1:1 Teacher Aide (.7 FTE) assigned to the Freewill Elementary School, a one year temporary Civil Service appointment effective September 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005 at $10.30 /hr. Position required to support returning students.

Terry Nevil – School Bus Driver, a temporary Civil Service appointment effective September 7, 2004 through June 30, 2005 at $12.20 / hr. Replacement for Monica Ambeau (medical leave).


Michelle Quigley – School Bus Driver, a six month probationary Civil Service appointment effective September 7, 2004 at $12.45 / hr. Replacement for Pam Sawyer. 

Linda Schieven, Cook Manager, assigned to the Thomas C. Armstrong Middle School, a six month probationary Civil Service appointment effective September 1, 2004 through February 28, 2005 at $12.40/hr. Replacement for Anita Amsler (retirement).
Bonnie Scott, Food Service Helper, assigned to the Ontario Primary School, a part-time probationary Civil Service appointment effective September 1, 2004 through February 28, 2004 at $7.05/hr. Replacement for Michele Paszkiewicz (resignation).
Lisa Walsh, School Nurse assigned to the Ontario Elementary School, a one year temporary Civil Service appointment effective September 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005 or until the return, resignation, or other conclusion of Martha Walton, at $14.20/hr. Replacement for Martha Walton (on medical leave).


Information Item:
Kim Muir has moved from an eleven month Typist position in the Athletic Department to a twelve month Typist position vacated by Margaret Wachob’s retirement.

Ontario Center, New York


TO:    Board of Education
FROM:  Michael Havens

RE: Consensus Agenda

DATE:  September 9, 2004
The following items are recommended for approval as presented in a Consensus Agenda:

1. Accept June, 2004 Treasurer’s Report


2. Accept July, 2004 Treasurer’s Report


3. Award BOCES Bids


4. Approve Budget Transfers


5. Accept Year End Financial Statement


TO: Michael Havens
Superintendent of Schools
FROM: Gregory J. Atseff
Assistant Superintendent for Business
DATE: September 9, 2004
RE: BOCES Cooperative Bids
Wayne Central School District participates in a cooperative bid with the schools in the Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES area for Various Commodities and/or Services. I recommend that we accept the recommendation of the Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES to award the bids to the lowest bidders as stated below.
Snack & Specialty Food Items
The BOCES Cooperative Bid for Snack and Specialty Food items for the period of August 1, 2004 through July 31, 2005, has been awarded to Zappia Vending Service Inc., 201 Ford Street, Newark, NY 14513 for Specialty Food Products, Frito-Lay Products or Equal, and for Juices and Drinks; to Snyder of Hanover Pretzels, Inc., 4 Champeney Terrace, Rochester, NY 14605 for General Products, Borden/Wise Products or Equal and to McKee Foods Corp., PO Box 750. Collegedale, TN 37315-0750 for Little Debbie products..
Milk, Milk Products, & Juices
The BOCES Cooperative Bid for Milk, Milk Products, and Juices for the period of September 1, 2004 to August 31, 2005, has been awarded to Upstate Farmers Cooperative, Inc., 25 Anderson Road, Buffalo, NY 14225.
Meat, Meat Products, Cheese & Frozen Foods and Canned and Packaged Foods
The BOCES Cooperative Bid for Meat, Meat Products, Cheese & Frozen Foods and Canned and Packaged Foods for the 2004-2005 school year has been awarded to Davis Bros., Inc., 4521 County Route 4, Oswego, NY 13126 and Palmer Distributing Co., 100 Hoffman Street, Newark, NY 14513.
TO: Michael Havens
Superintendent of Schools
FROM: Gregory J. Atseff
Assistant Superintendent for Business
DATE: September 9, 2004
RE: Budget Transfers
In accordance with Policy #5330, please present the attached list of budget transfers to the Board of Education for their approval at their meeting on September 9, 2004.

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To: Michael Havens, Superintendent of Schools

From:  Gregory Atseff, Assistant Superintendent for Business
Date:  September 3, 2004
Re:  Year End Financial Position
 Below is an analysis of our financial position at year end for 2003/2004.
     Year End Financial Position
Beginning Fund Balance     $2,599,513
Revenues           30,346,263
Expenditures           (29,076,756)
Carryover Encumbrances (782,632)
   TOTAL       $3,086,388
2004/05 Appropriated Fund Balance   (1,350,000)
2004/05 Unappropriated Fund Balance     (660,100)
    Excess Fund Balance  $,1076,288
 As the numbers above show, we were able to meet our financial goals established during the 2004/2005 budget process. This is very important because any shortfall in the $1,350,000 appropriated fund balance, would have added to the tax rate increase of 1.5% that was projected at budget time. We need to have the Board of Education approve the transfer of the $1,076,288 excess fund balance to reserve funds to bring the district to the 2% legal limit for unappropriated fund balance.
I recommend the following transfers:
Liability Reserve        $326,288
Bus Reserve         $750,000
  Total           $1,076,288
Once the transfers are done, the balance in the Liability Reserve will be $753,147 the balance in the Bus Reserve will be $1,274,455, as of June 30, 2004.


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