1.  Motion by Councilman Yale to adopt the "Application and Permit To Discharge Fireworks" as prepared by the Attorney for the Town, and to authorize the Town Clerk or Supervisor to sign the permit. A fee will be considered at a later date. Seconded by Councilwoman Marini.

September 10, 2004
“The most extraordinary thing about a really good teacher is that he or she transcends accepted educational methods. Such methods are designed to help average teachers approximate the performance of good teachers.”                   -- Margaret Mead
Greetings from Wayne Central School District. Below are some items of interest.


1. Opening Day Enrollment – Opening appears to have gone very smoothly. Our staff was terrific in getting things ready for the new year. Below are the opening enrollments for each grade level. For elementary I have also given class sizes. Class sizes at the Middle School and High School are generally fine. There are a couple high school classes that are too large 29-31. Some just need to be balanced off with similar smaller classes. It looks like I will need to add one section of English for our College credit class. We kept one position in reserve in the budget just in case this was needed.


Grade Freewill (class size) OP OE MS HS
K 58 (14 -15) 115 (16-17)      
1 65 (16) 112 (16)      
2 58 (14 -15) 126 (18)      
3 71 (17-18)   138 (19-20)    
4 61 (20)   131 (21-22)    
5 80 (20)   130 (21-22)    
6       224  
7       214  
8       241  
9         274
10         228
11         208
12         207

2.   Flooding Impact at Schools – The flooding did manage to get into part of the Middle School lower level. Mr. Davis’s crew did a nice job of managing things. Bus drivers were also great yesterday making sure students were safe in going through flooded roads and in making sure parents were visible if students had to get off where there were flooded yards or driveways. We appear to be back to normal today. Also Lake Wayne did not take over the new field.
3.   Board Meeting Schedule -   It appears that there are a couple of school Board meeting Calendars floating around. The correct one, which matches the school calendar is enclosed. Please ignore any different or previous calendars.
4.   Board Presentations -  As you know, various areas within the school make presentations to the board each year. If there is a particular area or program that you would like to more information on please let me know and I will schedule a presentation sometime this school year. We are preparing a master list at this time.
5.   NYSSBA Annual Convention -  Please start giving some thought to who might be willing to serve as voting delegate at the school boards convention. At this time, I do not believe we have heard from any board member that they are NOT attending the convention. Lori will be making phone calls to confirm attendance dates and times. We have not made any food purchases to date, since they are not returnable. She will be looking for confirmation on that as well. I look forward to an educational and beneficial convention. Remember, our Science Olympiad Students/Staff will be putting on an exhibit at the convention as well.
6.   Football- You may hear rumbling from some football parents. Four varsity football players quit this week. There had been problems with some of them (stealing someone’s lunch, not following the coaches directions, etc.). They complained that it wasn’t fun anymore. Often when a new coach comes on board with different, perhaps higher, expectations these issues occur with senior team members. Mr. Blankenberg met with the parents of the students. He feels it won’t have a negative emotional impact on the team but we will be weaker physically. By the way we play Canandaigua tomorrow at 2:00.
7.   Resignation – One of our high school science teachers, Joe Drake, has accepted a position with a company he has been working with. This comes at a very difficult time, as he is our senior science member. We have 30 days and will begin running ads immediately.
8.   Events -
9/14 – OP Grade 1 Information Night – 6:30 p.m.
9/15 – Four County School Boards – Board of Directors mtg – BOCES – 6:15 p.m.
9/17-19 – NYSSBA School Governance Conference, Desmond Hotel, Albany
 Contact Lori if you are interested in attending
9/21 – Four County School Boards Legislative Committee Mtg – details TBD
9/30 – Four County School Boards Board Development Comm Mtg – details TBD
Athletics: (Home Games)
9/10 – Girls’ V Tennis vs. Pal-Mac – 4:15
9/10 – Boys’ Varsity Golf vs. Mynderse – Ontario CC – 4:15
9/10 – Girls’ JV & V Volleyball vs. Aquinas – 5:00 & 6:30
9/11 – V Football vs. Canandaigua – 2:00
9/13 – Girls’ JV Tennis vs. Newark – 4:15 p.m.
9/13 – Boys’ JV & V Soccer vs. Canandaigua – 4:30 p.m.
9/13 – Boys’ JV & V Volleyball vs. Edison Tech – 5:00 & 6:00
9/14 – Girls’ V Tennis vs. Marcus Whitman – 4:15 p.m.
9/14 – Girls’ JV & V Soccer vs. Pal-Mac – 4:30 p.m.
9/14 – Girls JV & V Volleyball vs. Honeoye Falls – 5:00 & 6:30
9/15 – Girls’ V Tennis vs Midlakes – 4:15
9/15 – Girls’ JV & V Volleyballs vs. Geneva – 5:00 & 6:30
9/17 – Boys’ JV & V Volleyball vs. Midlakes – 5:00 & 6:00
9/18 – V Football vs. Newark – 1:00 p.m.
9.   Attachments –
a.   Board Meeting Schedule
b.   Walworth Town Board Meeting Minutes – 9/2


Att. a


July 15      District Office        7:30 p.m.
       (Reorganizational Meeting)
August 19      District Office        7:30 p.m.
September 9    District Office        7:30 p.m.
September 23    District Office        7:30 p.m.
October 14    Ontario Primary School      7:30 p.m.
October 28    Three Boards’ Meeting      7:30 p.m.
           (Wayne District Office)    
November 18    Middle School        7:30 p.m.
December 9    Ontario Elementary      7:30 p.m.
January 13      Freewill Elementary      7:30 p.m.
January 27      District Office        7:30 p.m.
February 10    District Office        7:30 p.m.
March 10      District Office        7:30 p.m.
March 24      District Office        7:30 p.m.
April 4      Three Boards’ Meeting      7:00 p.m.
(Monday)      (Ontario Town Hall)  
April 27      District Office        7:30 p.m.
(Wednesday)    (BOCES Vote Date)    
May 5      High School          7:00 p.m.
(Budget Hearing)
May 17      District Office Gymnasium Lobby  9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
(Tuesday)      (Budget Vote and Board Election)
May 26      District Office        7:30 p.m.  
June 9      District Office        7:30 p.m.
June 23      District Office        7:30 p.m.
July 14      District Office        7:30 p.m.
       (Reorganizational Meeting)
Adopted: July 15, 2004
  REVISED: 9/10/04
Board of Education


Att. b

The regular Town Board meeting, held at the Walworth Town Hall, 3600 Lorraine Drive, was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Supervisor Frank Guelli. Board members present: Daniel Keyes, Patti Marini and Thomas Yale. Absent: Frank Maciuska.
Other town employees present: Norman Druschel, Building Inspector
                      Richard Morris, Attorney for the Town
                      Paul Russell, Engineer for the Town
                     Phil Williamson, Code Enforcement Officer
                      Marcia Englert, Town Clerk
 Motion by Councilwoman Marini to approve the minutes of August 19, 2004 as presented.
 Seconded by Councilman Yale and unanimously carried.
 Motion by Councilman Yale to adjourn to a meeting with the Attorney for the Town to discuss a  legal issue. Seconded by Councilwoman Marini and unanimously carried. Time: 7:32 P.M.
 Supervisor Guelli reconvened the meeting at 8:17 P.M.
Councilman Yale commented that there have been difficulties and confusion between multiple parties regarding construction on the property bordering the east boundary of 1920 Sherburne Road. There is a Stop Work Order in place, which applies to all work on the site. He further stated that the Board reviewed multiple issues.
          MOTION: Motion by Councilman Yale directing the Code Enforcement Officer to
     remove the Stop Work Order based on the following conditions:
1)  All work regarding the site plan be adhered to, which includes:
¨ The house must be in the proper location;
¨ The driveway must be located as per the site plan;
¨ The swale, as approved on the site plan, shall be constructed per the specifications of and definition of a swale as specified on the site plan. Any questions should be directed to the Engineer for the Town.
¨ The driveway that has been put in to date be removed prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy;
¨ The land is to be put into a pre-existing condition;
¨ All site development must be in keeping with the current site plan, including any substantial movement of soils.
2)   Any deviation from the site plan needs to be reviewed by the
Planning Board, as they are the body that is empowered to approve changes.
Seconded by Councilwoman Marini.
                 Roll call vote:  Supervisor Guelli          Aye
                                          Councilman Keyes    Absent
                                           Councilman Maciuska  Absent
                                                                Councilwoman Marini  Aye        
                                     Councilman Yale    Aye
                                     Motion carried.
Tom Clark, 1960 Sherburne Road, submitted a statement regarding the enforcement of the Sherburne Road Stop Work Order, "perceived preferential treatment of individuals" and the "misuse of a Walworth employee's authority." Copy is attached.

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 Motion by Councilman Yale to adopt the "Application and Permit To Discharge Fireworks" as prepared by the Attorney for the Town, and to authorize the Town Clerk or Supervisor to sign the permit. A fee will be considered at a later date. Seconded by Councilwoman Marini.
  Roll call vote:  Supervisor Guelli  Aye
          Councilman Keyes  Absent
          Councilman Maciuska  Absent
          Councilwoman Marini Aye
         Councilman Yale  Aye
     Motion carried.
 Supervisor Guelli recommended that panic buttons be installed at a cost of $195 each.
 He will obtain input from the staff as to where they should be placed. He will also contact law enforcement as to their thoughts about an audio alarm. Councilman Yale recommended automatic notification.
 Motion by Councilman Yale authorizing the Town Clerk to submit a request to NYSDOT to establish a 20-mph speed limit on Lorraine Drive. Seconded by Councilwoman Marini.
  Roll call vote:  Supervisor Guelli  Aye
          Councilman Keyes  Absent
          Councilman Maciuska  Absent
          Councilwoman Marini Aye
         Councilman Yale  Aye
  Motion carried.
 Councilman Yale offered the following resolution and moved its adoption, seconded by
 Councilwoman Marini to wit:
     WHEREAS, the Walworth Comprehensive Plan states “One of the most important goals Of the Walworth Comprehensive Plan is to preserve the rural atmosphere of the town, making farmland and open space preservation one of the most critical aspects of implementation,” and
   WHEREAS, David Wilbert and Gary Craft are active, long-standing farmers in Walworth who own approximately 294 acres; and are willing to consider selling the development rights for their properties; and
   WHEREAS, this project will provide a significant step toward accomplishing the Comprehensive Plan goal, and WHEREAS, the Genesee Land Trust, Inc. administers a farmland protection program, and has pending offers for acquiring agricultural conservation easements from landowners within their local jurisdiction and the Town of Walworth and the Genesee Land Trust, Inc. have agreed to work together to assure that such areas are protected from conversion to nonagricultural use,
     NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of Walworth hereby authorizes
and directs the Wayne County Planning Department to prepare, and the Town Supervisor to
submit with the Genesee Land Trust, Inc., an application for funds from the New York State
Department of Agriculture and Markets, on its behalf, in accordance with the provisions of the
Clean Water/Clean Air Bond Act and the State Environmental Protection Fund, to purchase the
development rights from these landowners.
 Roll call vote:  Supervisor Guelli  Aye
          Councilman Keyes  Absent
          Councilman Maciuska  Absent
          Councilwoman Marini  Aye
         Councilman Yale  Aye
 Resolution adopted.
 Paul Russell stated that the bulk of the punch list items has been completed.
 MOTION: Motion by Councilman Yale to lift the ban on building permits and to issue
        certificates of occupancy for only those homes that are already constructed in
        Parkview Green. No other certificates of occupancy are to be issued until the
        remaining punch list items have been completed. Seconded by Councilwoman
        Roll call vote: Supervisor Guelli  Aye
           Councilman Keyes  Absent
           Councilman Maciuska  Absent
           Councilwoman Marini Aye
          Councilman Yale  Aye
          Motion carried.
 Councilman Yale reported that at the last committee meeting preservation of open land and
 minimum lot and house size were discussed. The next meeting will be September 30, 2004.
 Marcia Englert reported that a fire drill was held August 23, 2004.
 Motion by Councilwoman Marini to adjourn. Seconded by Councilman Yale and unanimously  carried. Time: 8:50 P.M.
             Respectfully submitted,
             Marcia Englert, RMC
             Town Clerk

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