1. Physical Education Grading 9-12
    2. Participation Rubric
    3. 3 Point system each day

Physical Education Grading 9-12

Participation Rubric

3 Point system each day
0= Unprepared for class: does not participate: Loses control: makes unsafe environment for others: chooses not to follow rules of the game
1 = Student can explain concepts of basic strategies but movement is inconsistent and/or inappropriate: attempts appropriate skills ineffectively: lack of high energy play
2 = Moves into appropriate position but is slow to react: has a good working knowledge of the rules, safety, etiquette and conventions of play and can apply them correctly most of the time: uses skills effectively
3 = demonstrates a thorough knowledge of rules, safety, etiquette and conventions of play and can apply them quickly, correctly, and consistently in a game. Student can score the game correctly. Student shows anticipation and tactical awareness by assuming appropriate field and body positioning. Student is able to assume various positions in the game. Participant uses skills effectively and consistently.
During the 10 wk and 40 wk marking periods, 60% of the grade will consist of the daily participation grade, 10% on Physical Fitness, and 30% on written tests.
During the 20 and 30 wk marking periods, 60% -70 % of the grade will consist of the daily participation grade, and 30-40% on written exams. (To be determined by the number of units taught during the marking period).
Students may make up a class missed due to absence within a week of returning, or through arrangements with the instructor.
All seniors will be required to take an adult CPR course and pass the practical portion as well as pass their regular class requirements in order to graduate.

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