1. “Experience is a hard teacher. She gives the test first and the lessons afterwards.” - - Anonymous

August 20, 2004

“Experience is a hard teacher. She gives the test first and the lessons afterwards.” - - Anonymous
Greetings from Wayne Central School District. Below are some items of interest.


1. Science Olympiads Presenting at Annual Convention – We have three booths reserved for the Science Olympiad students to set up their demonstrations and information about the program. Science teachers Molly Doyle and Scott Partridge are meeting with me next week to review what will be presented and arrangements, etc. I am very pleased to have this opportunity to further showcase our student’s outstanding accomplishment.
2. Staff Member’s Daughter – The terrible accident you probably heard about that occurred in Marion last weekend involved the daughter of our bus monitor Shari Lucas. Enclosed is the article which appeared in the Wayne County Star. We will send condolences from the board.
3. Ginna Update - Constellation has filed the paperwork to begin litigation. I talked with Maria Korsnik of Constellation today. We are going to see if we can put the parties together for another negotiation session. We are also pulling the municipalities together to review our strategy in light of our lack of settlement.
4. Fire Alarms We have had a few visits from the fire department because alarms are being set off. The firemen and staff have confirmed these are being triggered by dust from construction. We are taken precautions to minimize this happening again.
5. Phones – The transition is completed. There are some problems that crop up from time to time, when an unforeseen situation arises or seldom used numbers surface. Russ Harris has been working very hard getting this system coordinated and troubleshooting problems. I believe that overall we are going to be very pleased with the new phones and the features they offer. Below is a listing of the phone numbers as requested.
High School:      524-1050
Middle School:    524-1080
Freewill Elementary:  524-1170
Ontario Primary:    524-1150
Ontario Elementary:  524-1130
Athletic Director:    524-1060
District Office:    524-1001
Business Office:    524-1015
6. Events:
Sept. 1 – Staff Returns to school - 7:30 a.m. welcome
Sept. 1 – Four County Mtg – Presidents & Vice-Presidents – 6:15 p.m.          


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