Science Fiction, Science and Reading
    This workshop will present various science activities that can be tied to many SF stories and books, to illustrate and explain the events that take place in those stories. Participants will receive directions for the activities, websites and resources for further activities and a list of various SF stories that might tie in with them. The activities are generally of a space-oriented theme, making them applicable to hard SF literature. The use of the scientific method is used, and background explanations are provided. These activities are applicable for older elementary (and possibly early middle school). Orbits and “rocket” propulsion will be demonstrated and activity stations will be set up for participants to experience.
    I’ve taught 3-5th grade Resource Room students as well as 5th graders in the Challenger Learning Center Program, and have attended basic and advanced Educators’ Space Camp in Huntsville, as well as the International Space Station Educator’s Conference at Johnson Space Center. I applied for the Educator Astronaut Program (I’m still here, so obviously….).
    Dave Michelson
    aka Captain Zip

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