1. 11. Events:
    2. 12. Attachments:

August 6, 2004
"The artist is nothing without the gift, but the gift is nothing without work." - Emile Zola  
Greetings from Wayne Central School District.
Board Newsletter:

1. State Budget: It looks as if we are close to having a budget. They may even have close the deal by the time you receive this. Components appear to include a $740 million increase to school aid. This is a 5% increase and should be quite helpful to some school districts. Because we are not high need nor urban we do not expect much of an increase to come to us. It is expected that we would get the aid runs next week. The new video lotteries are expected to pay for $240 million. I will give you the details on this anticipated budget (record late) at our Board meeting.


2. CFE: Since the legislature and the governor have not agreed to a new funding plan for education as required by the CFE case the Justice DeGrasse has appointed three special masters. They are to report to him on November 30th. His orders call for them to report with recommendations on what measures the defendants (i.e. State government) have taken to follow the court directives to bring the State’s school funding mechanism into constitutional compliance. The three masters are John Feerick , former dean of Fordham University School of Law, The Honorable E. Leo Milonas, former Chief Administrative Judge of the State of New York and Honorable William Thompson, former Appelate Justice of the Supreme Court of New York.


3. Water Leak at OP: We have gotten a price to fix the water leak at OP. You recall that we estimated the cost to be around $25,000. The actual bid cost is $20,757 (see enclosed). I have authorized them to proceed in order for the work to be done by opening of school. Greg will be asking for formal approval at our next Board meeting.


4. Soccer Trip: I approved an overnight trip to Houghton College for our soccer team. They will be departing on 8/22 and return on 8/24. As you know we have an extremely successful soccer team. These events help to build skill and team.


5. Building Project: New walls are going up and floor tile is being laid. They are not quite as far along as we had hoped (always the case). We have authorized some contractors to come in weekends to pick up the pace. You are aware of the DO leak which put out our phones. We do have limited use now. The new field is nearly at grade. The next step will be putting down topsoil. Roofing continues to move along OK. The rain has hurt somewhat but they have been catching up recently. We figure we will need the last two weeks of August to clean and get ready for school. Board members will have the opportunity to tour the high school prior to the next Board meeting.


6. Student Accident: As you know, we lost one of our students this week when he was involved in a motorcycle accident. Calling Hours are Sunday 1-8 at Dierna Funeral Home, 2309 Culver Road with funeral services at 9:00 a.m. on Monday. The family had just moved to Las Vegas.


7. Tax Assessment Petitions: We have received three petitions arbitrating assessments on local properties. One is from the DKR Investment Group (Ames Plaza) – assessed at $2,686,500. The overvaluation claim is for $1,935,540 (Assessment proposed by DKR is $215,060). The second is Dante and Ralph Gullace (Orchard Grove Trailer Park) – assessed at $8,858,610. The overvaluation claim is for $5,905,740 (Assessment proposed by Gullace is $2,952,870). The third is from RG&E (Ginna Nuclear Power Plant) – assessed at $378,523,600. The overvaluation claim is for $308,523,600. (Assessment proposed by RGE is $70,000,000)


8. Holly Armitage: High School Assistant Principal Holly Armitage became the proud mother of a baby girl on Thursday, July 29. Both Holly and baby (Carly Melissa sp?) are doing well, despite an emergency c-section. Holly will be taking a child care leave for this school year.


9. NYSSBA Annual Convention: The NYSSBA Annual Convention is being held in Buffalo this year, October 21-24, 2004. In order to receive the best possible housing, Lori sent in our requests to the NYSSBA Housing Bureau in July. We received confirmation this week and have 6 double occupancy rooms reserved. Please consider if you are planning on attending and let Lori know so we can register prior to the deadline (early September).


10. 04-05 School Calendar: The school calendar is at the printers and should be in your homes by August 23.


11. Events:

August 16 – JV & V Sports Tryouts begin (see web page for various times/places)
August 19 – Board of Education Meeting @ DO – 7:30 p.m.
August 20-21 – NYSSBA Conference – Board Officer Academy – Tarrytown, NY

12. Attachments:
a) Capital Project Meeting Minutes – 8/3
b) NYSSBA – Board Officer Academy Information


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