1. Reorganizational Meeting:
  2. Regular Business Meeting

July 9, 2004
“Education is the best provision for the journey to old age.”         - - Aristotle


Greetings from Wayne Central School District. Below is information regarding our reorganizational meeting.
Reorganizational Meeting:

1. Board President and Vice-President – As you know, both Rick and Tim plan not to seek these posts for the 2004-05 school year. We will be electing our new president and vice president at the start of the meeting.


2. District Officers and Officials - You will notice there are numerous appointments that we do annually. No changes have been made to personnel other than removing Peg Wachob due to her retirement. Rate changes for building use have increased slightly to cover the increase in wages (custodial and food service fees). I concur with the recommendations.


2. Board Meeting Schedule - The 2004-05 Board Meeting Schedule is presented for approval. We made some changes this year in board meeting dates. Meetings generally occur on Thursday evenings, except where otherwise noted. On some occasions, due to holidays and scheduling conflicts, we needed to schedule only one meeting per month.

3.  Liaison Appointments - The Board of Education needs to appoint representatives to both the WFL BOCES and the Four County School Boards.

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Regular Business Meeting

1. Transition Program Report – Larry Spring will be providing information on the new transition program for September 2004 9th graders. This program was established to provide support to targeted students to aid them with their high school course load. This is a component of our Model Schools Program.


2. Model Schools Conference Report –At the end of June a high school/administrative/board team attended the Model Schools Conference in Washington DC. Board members and myself will share some highlights from that conference and our discussions on how to bring this vision to Wayne.


3. Capital Project Report – As you know the project is underway. Currently there is a great deal of site work going on with the HS-MS road work beginning, athletic field work excavation and MS sidewalks. The MS office work has begun. The demolition is complete. At the High School the asbestos abatement work is complete, awaiting final test clearance. The middle school is experiencing some intermittent telephone service disruptions with the site work. At OP the roof replacement has begun. At OE the abatement project is being set up. The Freewill asbestos abatement project is nearly complete. The retention pond is underway; fill is being brought in (from the back of Wayne property) to bring the new field up to grade. Greg and our project manager, Mike Jordan will bring you up to date on our progress


4. Budget Update We still have no New York State budget and we still have not settled on an assessment for Ginna. Both of these weigh heavily in the tax levy we will establish in August. We promised our tax payers a 1.9% tax rate increase which means the tax per thousand would increase from $20.65 to $20.97 (.32). I believe we need to stay committed to this number, but in order to make this come out correctly for our tax players we need to review and adjust our revenue projections. Ginna is currently assessed at $378,000,000 but we know we will settle at a less amount. If we plan on the $378,000,000 assessment, after the settlement we would have to pay back money to Ginna. We wouldn’t have the extra money if we’ve put everything to the tax rate ahead of time, thus putting us in a fiscal crisis. What we are going to continue to recommend is that we separate out any potential increase in Ginna until the assessment is settled. Greg and I will walk you through the process step by step. We want to make sure you understand this very complex situation and still want us to do this so we are ready for our August meeting.


5. Personnel Action – You can see there are a number of appointments and resignations as is the norm at this time of year. We may have some additional appointments, which we will hand carry to the Board meeting.


6. Consensus Agenda – There are numerous actions including gifts to the district, health contracts, treasurer’s report, budget transfer, and bid awards. I recommend approving the consensus agenda items as submitted.

Board Newsletter:

1. Board/Administrative Workshop - Just a reminder that the Board/Administration Workshop will be on Tuesday, July 13 at the Lodge at Casey Park (Knickerbocker Road just North of 104) from 3:30 – 8:00 p.m. We will be setting our annual goals for the year.


a. Walworth Town Board Meeting Minutes – 7/1


Att. a
The regular Town Board meeting, held at the Walworth Town Hall, 3600 Lorraine Drive, was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Supervisor Frank Guelli. Board members present: Daniel Keyes, Frank Maciuska, and Thomas Yale. Absent: Patti Marini.
Other town employees present: Norrman Druschel, Building Inspector
Debora Germain, Recreation Director
Richard Morris, Attorney for the Town
Paul Russell, Engineer for the Town
George Schaller, Sewer Superintendent
Phil Williamson, Code Enforcement Officer
Marcia Englert, Town Clerk
Motion by Councilman Maciuska to accept the minutes of June 17, 2004, subject to the following amendment:
Roll call vote: change Councilman Keyes vote from "Abstain" to "Recuse."
Seconded by Councilman Yale.
Roll call vote: Supervisor GuelliAye
Councilman KeyesRecuse
Councilman MaciuskaAye
Councilwoman Marini Absent
Councilman Yale Aye
Motion carried.
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: No one present offered any comments.
1. BIDS:
Pro Carpet $6,670.55
Carpet Spectrum 6,881.61
Rowe Flooring 7,800.00
Motion by Councilman Yale to purchase vinyl flooring and carpeting from Pro Carpet as per their bid price of $6,670.55. Seconded by Councilman Maciuska.
Roll call vote: Supervisor Guelli
Councilman KeyesAye
Councilman MaciuskaAye
Councilwoman Marini Absent
Councilman Yale Aye
Motion carried.
Supervisor Guelli provided the Board with information to consider at budget time.
Motion by Councilman Maciuska authorizing the Supervisor to sign a contract with Casco, Inc. to perform an annual fire alarm inspection for a cost of $495.00. Seconded by Councilman Keyes.
Roll call vote:Supervisor GuelliAye
Councilman KeyesAye
Councilman MaciuskaAye
Councilwoman Marini Absent
Councilman Yale Aye
Motion carried.
Motion by Councilman Maciuska authorizing the payment of $3,378.40, from A7310.43, to
Traveling Tees for the purchase of shirts and hats for the summer recreation programs. Seconded by Councilman Keyes.
Roll call vote: Supervisor GuelliAye
Councilman KeyesAye
Councilman MaciuskaAye
Councilwoman Marini Absent
Councilman Yale Aye
Motion carried.
Supervisor Guelli stated that Scott Jones, from DEC, and Rob Williams, Wayne County Soil & Water Conservation, will inspect the 4,000-ft. section of Red Creek which is located south of Atlantic Avenue and runs through Ginegaw Park to Macedon. The project will be done in 2005.
Councilman Yale stated that the committee is continuing to review the current Master Plan. Councilman Maciuska, Norm Druschel, Phil Williamson, and George Schaller were asked to attend the July 29, 2004 meeting as sewers will be discussed.
Councilman Maciuska stated that the Sewer Master Plan needs to be reviewed to determine the plant's remaining capacity.
Councilman Maciuska suggested that legal notices appear on the Town's web site as well as in the legal paper, based on comments from the public. The Board members agreed and asked the
Supervisor to inform those individuals responsible for legal notices.
Councilman Keyes offered the following resolution and moved its adoption, seconded by
Councilman Yale to wit:
BE IT RESOLVED that the Account Clerk be authorized to transfer the following:

   $425.00 from Fund Balance Memorial Tree Fund to CM4-7110.41 for payment of the Rolling Hills Landscape voucher.

Roll call vote: Supervisor GuelliAye
Councilman KeyesAye
Councilman MaciuskaAye
Councilwoman Marini Absent
Councilman Yale Aye
Resolution adopted.
Councilman Maciuska stated that legislation from other towns is being reviewed. The Attorney for
the Town is preparing an application and permit.
Councilman Keyes stated that a lot of work has been accomplished in the last 2 weeks.
Motion by Councilman Yale to adjourn to a meeting with the Attorney for the Town to discuss legal issues. Seconded by Councilman Keyes and unanimously carried. Time: 7:50 P.M.
Supervisor Guelli reconvened the meeting at 8:29 P.M.
Motion by Councilman Keyes to adjourn. Seconded by Councilman Maciuska and
unanimously carried. Time: 8:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Marcia Englert, RMC
Town Clerk



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