Keshequa Central School District
    Community Service Work

    All members of the senior class at Keshequa are required to have a minimum of 20 hours of community service as part of a civics unit on community involvement and participation. The work they perform is voluntary; therefore students involved in community service should not be receiving wages. In addition, seniors should be working for members of the community with whom they are not related. Thank you for your help this year in assisting a senior complete their required hours. Please sign the community service paper to indicate the senior has completed the required hours. Please list all jobs performed by the senior in addition to the number of hours in which they worked.
                 Thank you
                 Social Studies Dept.
                 Keshequa Central School
    Name of Senior________________________________________________________
    Community Member ___________________________________________________
    Affiliated Organization (if applicable)______________________________________
    Hours Completed_______________________________________________________
    Description of work involved:

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