1. September 8-September 19
  1.  Sept. 9-Journal #1
  2. Sept. 10- chapter 1/vocab word wall
  3. Sept. 11-Journal #2
  4. Sept. 16-Journal #3
  5. Sept. 19-Unit I quiz
  6. current events 1
  7.  Sept. 24-Begin Campaign Project
  8.  Oct. 3- School Votes on candidates
  9. Unit II quiz
    1. Unit III The Constitution
    2. Unit IV The Three Branches of Government
        1. October 20-October 31
      1. November 3-Novmber 21
  10.  Nov. 10/12 -Computer Lab
      1. November 24-December 5
          1. Unit VII Civic Responsibility and Foreign Policy
      2. December 8-December 19
  11.  Dec. 8- chapter 3/vocab word wall
  12.  Dec. 11-chapter 14/vocab word wall/Journal #17
  13.  Dec 16-chapter 16/vocab word wall
      1. December 22-January 16
      2. January 20-23
  14.  Jan 23-Final Exam

Participation in Government
Miss Turk

Unit I The Nature of Law and the Many Forms of Government

September 8-September 19

September 8-September 19

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 Sept. 9-Journal #1

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Sept. 10- chapter 1/vocab word wall

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Sept. 11-Journal #2
  Sept 15- chapter 2/vocab word wall

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Sept. 16-Journal #3

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Sept. 19-Unit I quiz

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current events 1
Unit II The Political Process
 September 22-October 3
 Sept. 22-chapter 4/vocab word wall
 Sept 23-Journal #4

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 Sept. 24-Begin Campaign Project
  Sept. 25- Journal #5
 Sept. 29- Tour KWW Room

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 Oct. 3- School Votes on candidates

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Unit II quiz
    End of 5 weeks

Unit III The Constitution

Unit III The Constitution
  October 6-October 17
  Oct. 6-chapter 8
 Oct 7- Journal #6
 Oct. 9-Begin Constitution Projects
 Oct. 10-Journal #7
 Oct 16- Share Projects with 6th grade middle school students
 Oct 17- Journal #8
Unit III quiz

Unit IV The Three Branches of Government

Unit IV The Three Branches of Government

October 20-October 31

October 20-October 31
 Oct. 20- chapter 5/vocab word wall
 Oct. 21- Journal #9
 Oct. 23- chapter 6/vocab word wall/Journal #10
 Oct 28- chapter 7/vocab word wall/Journal #11
 Oct. 30- Journal #12
 Oct. 31- Unit IV quiz
current events 2
first 10 weeks ends
Unit V Public Policy and Issues that confront citizens Part I

November 3-Novmber 21

November 3-Novmber 21
 Nov. 3- chapter 15/vocab word wall
 Nov. 4- Begin Research Projects and Power-point
 Nov. 5/7- Computer Lab
 Nov. 10-2 page rough draft due in class

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 Nov. 10/12 -Computer Lab
 Nov 14-Powerpoints due/Journal #13
 Nov 17-19 –Presentation of Power-points by half class
 Nov. 21- Fishbowl Discussion
Unit VI The State and Local Governments

November 24-December 5

November 24-December 5
 Nov 24- chapter 9/vocab word wall
 Nov 25- Journal #14
 Nov 26-28 Thanksgiving Break. Enjoy!
 Dec. 2- Journal #15
 Dec. 5- Unit VI quiz
current events 3
end of 15 weeks

Unit VII Civic Responsibility and Foreign Policy

Unit VII Civic Responsibility and Foreign Policy

December 8-December 19

December 8-December 19

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 Dec. 8- chapter 3/vocab word wall
 Dec. 9- Journal #16

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 Dec. 11-chapter 14/vocab word wall/Journal #17

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 Dec 16-chapter 16/vocab word wall
  Dec 18-Journal #18
 Dec 19-Unit VII quiz
current events 4
Unit VIII Public Policy and Issues that confront citizens Part II

December 22-January 16

December 22-January 16
 Dec. 22- Begin Research and Publisher Projects in Computer Lab
 Dec. 23-Computer Lab
 Dec 24-Jan 4- Christmas Vacation. Merry Christmas!
 Jan 5/7- Computer Lab
 Jan 12/13-Computer Lab
 Jan. 14-16- Presentation of Projects and Publisher docs. By 2nd half of class

Review Week

Review Week

January 20-23

January 20-23

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 Jan 23-Final Exam
  End of 20 weeks
Regents Week- January 26-29
 NO SCHOOL for grades 9-12 unless you have a Regents exam
 Government class will end on January 23

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