1. Grading Policy
    1. Unit IV Money, Banking and Finance
      1. Unit VII The Global Economy
        1. Final Exam: Research Paper

Course Description and Syllabus
Miss Turk

Course Description:
Economics is the study of the choices and decisions people make about how to use the world’s resources. Understanding economics will help you make informed decisions for yourself and assess the decisions made by others. All the lectures, discussions, journals, and projects in this course are designed to help you understand key economic principles and to show you those principles in action in the real world.
Economics is a half-year course and is required for graduation. You will earn .5 credits toward your diploma upon successful completion of this course. A 65% or higher is considered adequate.

Grading Policy

Grading Policy
The syllabus gives you major topics of study as well as a guideline for chapters to read among other assignments. Reading the chapters is ESSENTIAL and is due on the day specified. The syllabus also outlines our time frame for the course. There are seven units that correlate with the textbook.
Grades are kept electronically on my computer at school. Each five-week mark you will receive a copy of your grades to date in the class.
The following formula will be used to determine each marking period grade:
Unit Tests/Quizzes:     30%  
In-class work/Homework: 25%
Projects:         35%
Attendance/Participation: 10%
Extra Help
I am available Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday for extra help and Fridays by appointment only. It is your responsibility to seek help when you are having difficulty understanding the main concepts/themes of the course.
Make-up Work
If you are absent legally, you are allowed the number of days missed to make up the work. Truant students will be given a zero.
Communication/Computer Use
Open communication is always key! Please feel free to email or call me with any concerns. I will post this syllabus on Docushare as well as other important material for the course. Please check that periodically.
468-2541 ext 2043

YOU NEED access to the school computers to complete many assignments for the course. Every student needs his or her own login name and password. Acceptable use forms are available in the main office and need to be returned ASAP.
Composition notebook (to be kept in class)
Nylon/Paper Textbook Cover (Required!!!)
  Textbooks are BRAND NEW!  
Unit I Introduction to Economics
Unit II Intro to Microeconomics: How the Market Works
Unit III Business and Labor

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Unit IV Money, Banking and Finance

Unit IV Money, Banking and Finance
Unit V Intro to Macroeconomics: Measuring Economic
Unit VI Government and the Economy

Unit VII The Global Economy

Unit VII The Global Economy

Final Exam: Research Paper

Final Exam: Research Paper
Papers due in class on or before June____(date TBA)
·   There is no formal exam for Economics. Your research paper will serve as your final exam score and will be worth 1/3 of your overall grade

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