1. Newsletter

May 6, 2004
“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”
                   - - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Greetings from Wayne Central School District. Below are some items of interest.
Board Meeting:

1. Executive session: We will need to meet at 6:30 for executive session. There are three items I wish to discuss with you 1) Review the information about the teacher who we allege was hitting children 2) Update you on the Ken Schaumberg grievance 3) Ginna assessment negotiations. We will meet in the Board room for this and then go to the auditorium for the Budget hearing.


2. Budget Hearing: We have prepared a slide show on the budget for the hearing. It follows a fairly similar format as last year except we have a different beginning which I hope you like.


3. Ties Program: We will be presenting plaques to the three students who wrote and were awarded the awarded the TIES grant.


4. Model Schools Conference: The district will be sending a team to the Model Schools conference being held in Washington, June 29, 30, 31. We fly out of Rochester the morning after graduation and will be coming back Monday afternoon. We will use this conference to gain additional ideas for how to best implement our plan and to see if there are some additional ways to make our program relevant and rigorous. As former participants Mark Wyse and Scott Griswold will tell you we generally work hard and play hard at these sessions. Our Board president has volunteered to be one of the Board representatives. We are looking for one more. Be thinking about whether or not you could be that other Board member.


5. Energy Study: We will give you an update on the timeline for selecting a firm and conducting the energy study you authorized last month.


6. Building Project Update: Greg will share with you our current timeline for this summer’s work schedule. We had our first pre-bid meeting on Thursday which seemed to go well. There aren’t a lot of contracts out there right now for bidding. We are hopeful that will help with the bids.


7. Consensus Agenda: Please take a moment to read over the memos from Greg that explain the transfers and capital project resolution.



1. National School Fitness foundation: This week we received a letter from the National fitness foundation stating that for the time being they will not be able to meet their monthly reimbursement for the LIFT America Program equipment (see attached letter). Until this letter, the foundation had met each payment, reimbursing us approximately $36,000 to date. This is a big disappointment to us. While we had already planned to purchase the equipment as part of our building project, the possibility of getting it all refunded through the grant had been very appealing to us. While there is some possibility the funding will resume based on the letters, Greg and I doubt that will occur. We had wondered about the viability of the foundation from the beginning but figured what ever they paid would be money we could use on other things. I really feel bad for those districts which had no intention to purchase equipment and are now stuck with the bill. I will keep you informed about any further details we receive.


2. Budget: The feedback I continue to receive on the proposed budget is positive. They are happy both with the full day kindergarten and the 1.5% tax rate. Lets not take anything for granted though. Keep getting the message out.


3. Auditorium/Musical questions:  Jackie Brunner called with a couple of questions regarding the sound for the MS musical. Our Auditorium Manager explained that the sound issues included one problematic microphone. Overhead mics were used throughout the production and magnify the overall stage – but do not enhance the clarity of diction. The Roberta Updaw Grand Piano dedication plaque is made, but their has been questions as to where it can be placed on the piano that will not impact sound. Several attempts to contact the man that refurbished the piano have gone unanswered. I spoke to the Eastman School of Music Instrumental Director. He does not feel there should be a problem wherever it is placed, as long as it is not touching or interfering with the sound- board. He noted that the best application would be one that uses adhesive in conjunction with screws to prevent rattling while the piano is being played. This opinion was seconded by the Nova Piano Company in Rochester.


4. Events -

5/11 – Board of Education Meeting & Budget Hearing @ PAC – 7:00 p.m.
5/12 – HS Band Concert @ PAC – 7:30 p.m.
5/14 – Half Day grades K-8
5/17 – HS PTSA Mtg at DO – 7:00 p.m.
5/18 – Budget Vote – HS Gymnasium – 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
5/18 – FE Band & Chorus Concert @ PAC – 7:00 p.m.
5/18 – MS PTA Mtg @ Media Center – 7:00 p.m.
5/19-21 – Grade 4 Science Assessment Tests
5/20 – OP Spring Concert @ PAC – 7:00 p.m.
Athletics: (home games)
 5/8 – V. Softball - Wayne Diamond Tournament – 2:00 p.m.
5/8 – JV. Softball – Wayne Diamond Tournament – 10:00 a.m.
5/8 – V. Baseball – Wayne Diamond Tournament – 2:00 p.m.
5/8 – JV. Baseball - Wayne Diamond Tournament – 10:00 a.m.
 5/10 – V. Softball vs. Pal-Mac
 5/11 – Boys’ JV. Tennis vs. Pal-Mac
5/11 - V. Softball vs. Victor
 5/11 – V. Baseball vs. Victor
 5/12 – Boys’ V. Tennis vs. Harley Allendale Columbia (HAC)
5/12 – V. Softball vs. Mercy
5/12 – JV Baseball vs. Pal-Mac
5/13 - JV Softball vs. Canandaigua
5/13 – JV Baseball vs. Canandaigua
5/18 – Boys’ V Tennis vs. Newark
5/20 – Boys’ V Tennis vs. Honeoye
8. Attachments:

a. Pet Therapy Dog at OP
b. Safety Committee Meeting Minutes – 5/3
c. Our Town Article
d. National School Fitness Foundation Information


Att. a

1730 Ridge Road · P.O. Box 155 · Ontario Center, New York 14520-0155

Robert C. La Ruche      Michael Havens        Patricia Yates
Principal         Superintendent of Schools     Assistant To The Principal

               Telephone (315) 524-0276 · Fax (315) 524-0317


Dear Michael,
I am writing to you to get your blessing and to answer any questions you might have about having a pet therapy dog at Ontario Primary School. I have been interested in the benefits of a dog in a school ever since I was introduced to the idea while I was a staff developer at Cattaraugus-Allegany BOCES and saw what a positive effect a dog can have in a building.
Recently I have done some research, and everything is so positive regarding therapy dogs in schools. I have talked with Barb Funk, the middle school principal at Cuba Rushford Central School. She purchased a lab last year and is having it trained as a therapy dog. She tells me that it has had an incredible impact on her building.
Children who are upset or grieving have found comfort in the dog and are better able to express feelings. Children deescalate faster, children with school phobias transition to school better and all children find it a very positive experience. Children with special needs are fantastic with the dog.
There would be no cost to the district. I would be purchasing the dog as a released puppy through the “Guiding Eyes For The Blind”.
I would bring the puppy to school with me everyday and socialize the puppy to the children. I would find a trainer and not only train the dog in basic obedience, but get the dog certified as a therapy dog. This would eliminate any questions about why this employee gets to bring a dog to work and this employee does not.
There are so many positive, proactive attributes about having a dog at OP.
I invite you to contact me if you have any questions about this topic.
I look forward to this exciting adventure.
Thank you
Bob La Ruche

Att. B

TO:    Safety Committee Members:

      Chris Shaffer - Committee Co-Chairperson (MS Asst. Principal)

Fred Prince - Transportation
Maureen Doyle – MS, PE
Tom Lucieer – OE, Maintenance
   Mark Callahan - DO, Administration        
   Lori Sensenbach – OP, SCRIP
   Bob Magin – FE, Instructional
   Frank Gough – HS, Science Dept.
FROM:  Don Davis – Committee Co-Chairperson (Dir. of Facilities)
RE:    Meeting Minutes

DATE:    May 3, 2004
This is a summary of our Safety Committee meeting held last week Thursday:

Student/staff accidents: There were no student or staff accidents for the committee to review.
Old Business:

1. I forwarded information about scabies to the OP nurse and Lori Sensenbach. The protocols appear to be very similar to lice.
2. Many sidewalks experienced heaving due to frost in the ground from winter. It appears that all the areas have settled back to normal as the frost has left the ground.
3. Frank Gough updated the committee regarding the use of science/chemistry rooms by non-science classes. Thus far there have been no safety issues. I will follow-up with Lory Morrin to see if the problem will be resolved next year when we begin to occupy the BOCES classrooms.

New Business:

1. It was reported that there is a speeding problem again this spring at OP/OE. I have contacted Bob LaRuche, Joe Siracuse, and Fred Prince to notify their staff to slow down and remind them of the 10 mph school campus speed limit. I will monitor results.
2. Concern was expressed that adequate precautions from dust generated from the roofing project at OP this summer would be taken. I will discuss this concern with Bob LaRuche and have teachers store materials in a manner that will minimize dust infiltration.
3. Bob Magin noted problems keeping the southeast exit (at Freewill) open adequately this past winter. Snow drifting over the roof tends to settle in front of this exit making it extremely difficult to keep clear. One possible remedy would be to build a canopy over that exit. I will investigate this option further.
4. According to Commissioner’s regulation 155.5 the safety committee is to be expanded during a construction project to include the architect, construction manager, and contractors. The committee shall meet periodically to review issues and address complaints related to health and safety resulting from the construction project. Committee members shall also have an opportunity for a walk-through inspection to confirm that the area is ready to be reopened for use. I talked to committee members about the impact of this for our group. It has been my experience that complaints related to health and safety were addressed by the district and architect immediately. As a result, I would be bringing the committee up to speed on what the issues were, response times, and corrective measures taken. I will also be contacting you regarding a walk-through of district facilities to confirm areas are ready for the opening of school in September.

This was the final meeting for this school year. I look forward to seeing you for the upcoming school year. At this time, I am tentatively scheduling our next meeting for Thursday, September 23rd @ 8:00 AM and 2:30 PM.
Xc  Michael Havens
 Greg Atseff


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