    Dear Students,
    Thanks for a great two weeks so far! You did well learning about your “learning style” and you can use this information in the future when you have to complete some project on your own. Look back at the list of activities you could choose from to match your “learning style”.
    Like I mentioned already, we will study many different study skills throughout the year. Some of these include: studying, test taking, writing essays, reading strategies and many more. You will also be given some time to work on homework. This means you need to do most of it at home! Please bring homework questions to resource everyday so when you have time you won’t need to waste time going to your locker. You won’t be able to get all of your homework done during my class!
    Remember if you have any problems with anything, please find me or one of your other teachers to talk with! Tell your parent or guardian that Open House is coming up and I would like to meet them! Have a great year!
    Mr. Winslow

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