Use this assignment to start to pull the novel, Lipsyte’s One Fat Summer, together. Choose to write one of these at length. You may consult your notes, worksheets, and the text itself.

    Be sure to
    1. Provide a valid response to the topic.
    2. Explain your reasons for the response.
    3. Give examples from the text to support your explanations. Quotes help!
    4. Organize your ideas in a unified and coherent manner.
    5. Specify the title and author of the work of literature.
    6. Follow the conventions of standard written English.

    Before you hand the essay in, check off the steps on the list above to make sure that you have done each of them.
    Write one only:

    1. Besides losing weight, what other changes do you see in Bobby? For example, how does he react to Willie and his threats now? To whom else is Bobby starting to stand up? What do these changes tell you about Bobby’s character?


    2. In the last part of the novel, Bobby is nervous about Willie being after him. Yet, he is excited by the danger that Willie poses. Why?


    3. In this part of the novel, as well as earlier, should Bobby listen to Captain Marks? Why or why not? After all, Captain Marks is imaginary, isn’t he?


    4. Willie threatens and attacks Bobby, but that behavior is immoral, because he has no right or need to do that. Look closely at the scene where Pete attacks Willie and Jim. Does he have the right or need to do all that he does? Was it moral to do that?


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