1. April 2, 2004
    2. Board Meeting:
    3. Newsletter:
    4.  Athletics: (home games)
    5. 11. Attachments -
      1. Date: 11/15/22


April 2, 2004
“As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.”                      - - Carl Jung


Greetings from Wayne Central School District. Below are some items of interest.

Board Meeting:

1. Executive Session - We will have an executive session at 6:30 to discuss tenure and a district property matter.


2. Recognition Presentations – The Board will be recognizing the conscientious efforts of our “car-thief nabbing” maintenance staff members.


3. School Report Card – The NYS School Report Card Presentation will provide the details of the state of the academic progress at Wayne. Mr. Spring will facilitate the presentation. You were sent an overview of the presentation and the entire report in last week’s board letter. If you have any questions that were are not included in the presentation, please let me know and we will address them.


4. Performance Contract – I would like to have a discussion on the energy saving windmill and co-generation options that were presented to us at the March 24 board meeting. Please let me know what questions you have and if you would like any additional information. I would like to be prepared to move forward with a decision on whether or not to do a study at this meeting.


5. Budget Adoption - The final draft of the 2004-05 budget is presented for adoption. This is what will be presented to the community for their approval. If you have any last comments or concerns, please let me know. Our administration has worked hard to put together a budget that we all can live with. I appreciate all their efforts. The tax rate increase will be 3.9%. This is the smallest increase we have seen since Mr. Atseff and I have been here. Note also we are adding a number of programs.


6. Action Items – I recommend approval of all action items as submitted.


7. Policy – John Triou will be letting the Board know about the policies which have received their annual review by the committee.



1. MS Car Incident: Earlier this week, our maintenance staff caught the middle school car thieves as they were scouting for another vehicle to steal. It turns out that they were 14-15 year old kids from Rochester. They were driving a car that had been stolen earlier in Irondequoit. After a foot chase, gator chase, and car/truck pursuit, they were apprehended. Ted Hargarther and Bob Miller were first to come upon the vehicle when it hit a car in the parking lot. The walkie-talkie radios proved to be a very valuable resource. Bob Taylor, Rick Bulman and JR Sharkey heard the radio calls and came to assist in the pursuit and capture. Police and our SRO, Kim Smith, also aided in the pursuit.


2. Sex Offender: The enclosed letter informing residents of a level 3 offender living within the district boundaries went out on Monday. We received a few calls/visits from concerned parents, several calls & comments thanking us and a visit from an irate woman. All in all a very small response. I will play the part of the optimist and assume it means that parents appreciated the information and heightened awareness.

I had a conversation with the Sheriff’s Department over the procedures for notifying school district’s of the release and whereabouts of registered sex offenders. We learned of this situation when a caller noted the article in “The Times.” At recent Wayne County Administrators meetings, Superintendents had determined that BOCES would be the ideal entity to handle the dispersement of this information. BOCES has declined that role and we are back to the drawing board. The sheriff’s department wants one person to disseminate school data to. They tell me they have a stack of them waiting for someone to give them to. As the County Administrator Chair, I have offered to take care of the current list and disseminate to area school districts.

3. HS Student Injury - The student with the screwdriver accident is doing fine. He received a few stitches and is healing up very well. There is no indication of nerve or skeletal damage to the hand.


4. Property Line Status – The attached memo outlines a recent matter regarding reassigning district property lines to Webster. We will discuss this in executive session.


5. HS Masterminds Team – The Wayne High School Masterminds Team has won the Rochester District “League 5” Title. They will advance to “sectionals” in late April. At sectionals, the top 2 teams from each of the 10 districts compete. The winners advance to the Regional Championship. Attached is an article from the March 31 D&C on the recent meet. We wish them continued success as they advance through the competitionl. I would like to invite them to a board meeting to recognize their accomplishments.


6. NYSCOSS Conferences - On Wednesday I attended  a NYSCOSS conference on the CFE decision. You may recall that the courts have determined the current methodology of funding schools is not legal. The governor formed a commission to study and make recommendations for fixing the problem. That committee, sometimes called the Zarb commission issued its report on Monday and was reviewed at this conference. I have listed the highlights of their recommendations below. There will now be a lengthy political process to see which proposals become reality. I do believe there will be more flexibility in how state aid can be spent. I also believe this decision will drive money to NYC and the big five. We will probably see little aid growth over the next 3 years and must plan accordingly.  


_Provide an additional $2.5 billion to $5.6 billion in state, federal and local funding for public schools, depending on various models developed for the commission by Standard & Poor's.
_Maintain state aid for all districts at a minimum of current levels, preventing the enriching of poor districts at the expense of better-funded ones.
_Create a new Office of Educational Accountability to make sure that all schools have plans for meeting educational goals and are meeting them.
_Give failing schools three years to improve or be closed. In schools that make insufficient improvement, have an interim administrator from the Office of Educational Accountability take control and make changes.
_Follow New York City's model and give mayors in the state's next-largest big cities direct control over public schools.

_Require all school board members to get training about their roles and responsibilities.
_Allow districts to eliminate tenure for principals and administrators and replace it with renewable three-to-five year contracts.
_Eliminate financial incentives for school districts to classify children as special education students.
_Allow bonuses for teachers who work in hard-to-staff schools or specialize in hard-to-teach subjects.
_Accelerate the removal process for teachers deemed to be incompetent.
_Allocate state school aid on a two-year basis instead of the current one-year period to give local school officials more certainty on funding levels.
_Improve the size and certainty of funding for pre-kindergarten programs, especially in districts with large numbers of high-needs students.
_Give school districts access to expertise at the state Dormitory Authority to aid construction projects.
_Continue to use the Regents Learning Standards as the chief gauge of academic achievement and improvement.

7. Legislative Breakfast - Joyce, Jackie and John will be attending with Larry and myself. We will meet at the DO parking lot between 7:15-7:30 to car pool.


8. BOCES Annual Meeting – Anyone planning on attending the BOCES annual meeting on April 5 in Williamson should let me know. We will RSVP. They generally have a tour and refreshments put on by the vocational ed students.


9. Three Boards Meeting Our board meeting calendar shows the next meeting as the Three Boards Meeting, hosted by Walworth. I have placed a call to Frank Guelli to discuss the scheduling of this meeting. The Walworth Town Board meets on Thursday evenings, so you might want to pencil in April 22 as a tentative date. I will let you know what they decide in next Friday’s letter.


10.  Events -

April 4 – Daylight Savings Time – Turn clocks ahead
 April 5 – BOCES Annual Meeting – Williamson Vocational Center – 6:00 p.m.
April 7 – Board Meeting – HS Auditorium –6:30 p.m.
April 6-9 – HS Senior Trip - NYC
April 9-16 – Spring Recess
April 19 – HS PTSA Meeting – DO Conference Room – 7:00 p.m.
April 19-20 – FE Kindergarten Screening
April 20 – MS PTA Meeting – Media Center – 7:00 p.m.

 Athletics: (home games)
 4/5  Girls V Softball vs. Midlakes – 4:15 p.m.
 4/5  Boys V Baseball vs. Midlakes – 4:15 p.m.
 4/5  Boys JV Tennis vs. NR-Wolcott – 4:15 p.m.
 4/8  Boys JV Baseball vs. Pal-Mac – 4:15 p.m.
 4/8  Girls JV Softball vs. Pal-Mac – 4:15 p.m.
 4/12  Boys JV Baseball vs. East High – 4:15 p.m.

11. Attachments -
a. Land Issue Memo
b. Harbec Letter
c. Sex Offender Letter
d. BOCES Board Nominations
e. Masterminds D&C Article

Att. a


To:   Board of Education
From:   Michael Havens

Date:   11/15/22

Re:   Land issue
Attached is a letter from Eftihia Bourtis representing Gary Preston. Part of Mr. Preston’s property lies within the Wayne School District while part lies within the Webster School District. Two years ago when Mr. Preston wrote us, we declined to change his property status. It is not uncommon to own property in two school districts. On the advice of our attorney Mr. Vanderbyle, we did not wish to give up the property. We spoke with Mr. Vanderbyle again after receiving this letter. His advice, and I concur, is to retain the property on our tax roles where it legally belongs.
If we did made a change, we would need permission of both Boards of Education and the State Education Department. The work in doing this is not insurmountable, but I do not believe we want to begin this process unless we are willing to do it for any other property that may be between two districts. Please let me know if you feel differently than how you decided two years ago.

Att. b

           March 29, 2004
Mr. Robert Bechtold
Harbec Plastics, Inc
396 Route 104
Ontario, NY 14519
Dear Bob,

 I want to thank you for taking the time to provide a tour of your windmill and co-generation facility to the Wayne Central Board of Education.
The information you provided gave us much to think about and discuss. I appreciate your willingness to take time from your busy schedule to allow us to learn more about this innovative process. We found your facility to be a state of the art example of the options that do exist in energy cost management.
I look forward to talking with you again in the near future. Best wishes for continued success.
             Michael Havens
             Superintendent of Schools
xc:  Board of Education

Att. c

March 29, 2004
Dear Parents/Guardians:
The New York State Sex Offender Registration Act (SORA) permits local law enforcement agencies to disseminate information to entities with vulnerable populations concerning registered sex offenders. The Wayne Central School District has learned that there is one such individual living within the school district boundaries. His reported address is Ridge Road, Williamson, 14589. This individual is classified as a Level III “high” risk offender.
Although school districts are not required by law to share this information with their communities, we are notifying you as a precautionary measure. We believe that parents and guardians may wish to talk with their children about how to avoid unsafe interaction with adults and other people they may not know.
To ensure the safety and well being of our students, this information has also been released to district faculty and staff with instructions to report any observations of a suspicious nature on or near school grounds or in any proximity to children.
Questions about the Sex Offender Registry or this registered offender can be referred to the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services, Sex Offender Registry at their website http://criminaljustice.state.ny.us . Select “search subdirectory of level 3 offenders,” enter your name & address to gain access to the site. Once in the registry, you can search for offenders by county, zip code or offender name.
School districts across New York State have received, and will continue to receive, Sex Offender Notification information as it is disseminated by law enforcement agencies. To ensure the well being of Wayne Central School District children, our district will continue to work closely with local law enforcement agencies as Sex Offender Community Notifications are released.
Please contact the Superintendent’s Office at 315/524-0201 or by email at lsmith@wayne.k12.ny.us if you have any additional questions.
             Michael Havens
             Superintendent of Schools

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