March 12, 2004
“Home computers are being called upon to perform many new functions, including the consumption of homework formerly eaten by the dog.”           - - Doug Larson
Greetings from Wayne Central School District. Below are some items of interest.
Board Meeting:

1. Harbec Co-Generation Facility and Windmill Facility Tour: We will meet at the Harbec facility at 6:30 to begin the tour. The plant is located on Route 104. Owner Bob Bechtell will explain the operations of these two energy savings pieces of equipment. The tour should last 40 minutes and will provide background knowledge for the Energy Performance presentation which will follow later in the evening.


2. Executive Session: We will have a 15 minute executive session in the Board room to discuss Michelle Scheik’s title. You will recall that I am recommending that we move her position from teacher to administrator as we have her assume duties during Sandy’s last year.


3. Science Olympiad Team: Our winning Middle School Science Olympiad teams will treat you with demonstrations of some of their projects. You will really enjoy this. Be sure to thank Mr. Currier for taking this program back over when Mrs. DiGravio left.


4. Energy Performance Contracting: We had a company complete an energy use audit of our facilities to determine if there were ways we could reduce our consumption and save money. Representatives Bob Grant and Paul Darby will be presenting their findings to the Board. They will be suggesting that we consider replacing the middle school single pane windows, adding some co-generating mini-turbines and adding a windmill similar to the one you will be seeing at Harbec’s. You will not need to make any decisions this night. I would just like you to hear about it and to generate a list of questions you have about the proposal.


5. Building Project update: We received approval on the architectural drawings today. SED will be completing the mechanical on Monday or Tuesday. We will give you our most up-to-date information as of Wednesday.


6. Budget Review: We presented the complete budget to you at our last meeting. That budget contained additions of: Full day Kindergarten, Modified Football and Model Schools. You asked that we also add Modified Boys Volleyball. The revised budget is enclosed. Greg and I have met with Ontario’s Assessor, Eileen Perkins. The Ontario assessment is up and it appears that our tax rate will be below the 7.1% we projected last week. I’ll have a better perspective after we have had the weekend to study it, but I think it will come in under 6%. This is good news for residents since so many assessments went up. I’ll have fairly definitive numbers by Wednesday night.


7. Approve Calendar: You received this at your last meeting. It has been shared with our teachers and CSEA. I recommend that you approve it.


8. Ginna Resolution: This is a new resolution on working with the Town of Ontario and the County of Wayne to determine assessment. You will note that it is close in wording to the resolution passed last month with the Town of Walworth. The difference is that in this case, we are including sharing negotiation as well as litigation costs. With this passage the Town and County should both be on board and the concern expressed in our last executive session will be fixed.



1. County, Town Collaboration: I meet this Monday with Don Colvin, Frank Guelli, Joe Molino, and Bob Deener at Lyons to discuss an agreement with the county to share in the expense of negotiating a fair tax assessment for the Ginna Power Plant. Frank Guelli participated on behalf of the Town of Walworth (that would be affected because of the school taxes), as well as sharing his past experience with shared assessment negotiations. The meeting went very well and an agreement was confirmed.

Monday evening I attended an executive session with the Ontario Town Board regarding this same agreement. There has been disagreement among the board regarding proceeding at this time with Al White and his negotiations. I was pleased that the Town Board also decided to be supportive of the collaboration and to proceed with the process.

2. Ginna Assessment Meeting: On Tuesday, March 23 Greg and I will be meeting with Mark Brewer and Don Shears from the Ontario Town Board. Mr. White will be meeting with Eileen Perkins (Town Assessor) at 3:30, and then with the group at 4:00. I am looking forward to putting the wheels in motion on the Ginna Assessment process to insure that we are carefully attending to our tax base structure.


3. Music In Our Schools Instrumental Concert: This concert was cancelled on Tuesday evening (March 16) due to the weather conditions. It has been rescheduled to Monday, March 22 at 7:00 p.m. in the Performing Arts Center.
4. HS Art Show: The High School Art Show is on Tuesday, March 23 from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. in the HS corridors (by new gym) and the Art rooms. If you have never been, I urge you to take the time to come and see the outstanding artwork our young students create. It is well worth it.
5. Donkey Basketball Game: If you are looking for some serious basketball games, stay home and watch the NCAA tournament. But if you are interested in watching donkeys entertain us and our students attempt to play basketball, then catch the Donkey Basketball Game. This is sponsored by the High School Yearbook Club and serves as their primary fundraiser to offset the cost of the yearbooks and to purchase software, cameras and computers used to create the yearbooks. The Rotary Interact club is selling “dinner tickets” also (pizza, wings, pop) before and during the game. TONIGHT (3/19) – 7:30 PM
6. Reminder: The board meeting will be held in the High School Cafeteria.
7. Superintendent: I will be in Florida next Thursday and Friday. Michael is being inducted into the FSU Business Honor Society.
8. Events -

March 19 – Donkey Basketball Game – HS Gym – 7:30 p.m.
March 20 – Celtic Concert to benefit Pines of Peace – PAC – 7:30 p.m.
March 22 – Music In Our Schools Instrumental Concert – PAC – 7:00 p.m.
March 23 – 2004 Student Art Show – HS (new gym entrance) – 7:00–9:00 p.m.
March 26 & 27 – Jr. & Sr. High Instrumental All County – Sodus CSD
April 3 – Four County Legislative Breakfast – Ramada Inn, Geneva – 8:15-11:00 a.m.
 April 5 – BOCES Annual Meeting – Williamson Vocational Center – 6:00 p.m.

9. Attachments:
a) Hopeworks Newsletter – March
b) Wayne’s World - March


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