1. “ The Panama Canal was a waste of American money and lives.”
    2. “The Roosevelt Corollary increased American power in the Western Hemisphere.”

Name ___________________________________ Team _________
Packet Six Step Five Worksheet – Relations with Latin America.
Directions: Complete the ready of pages 631-637 and the reading. Then, for each of the statements below, you will take a position. AGREE means that you think the statement is accurate and can be supported by data from the reading. DISAGREE means that you think the statement is false and cannot be supported by the data, or can be proven inaccurate by the data.

“ The Panama Canal was a waste of American money and lives.”

“ The Panama Canal was a waste of American money and lives.”
Agree or disagree
Supporting details (at least two):

“The Roosevelt Corollary increased American power in the Western Hemisphere.”

“The Roosevelt Corollary increased American power in the Western Hemisphere.”
Agree or disagree
Supporting details (at least two):
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Although President Tafts Dollar Diplomacy and President Wilsons Moral Diplomacy used different methods, the results of the policy were similar.
Agree or disagree
Supporting details (at least two):
“Mexico was not an important country to the United States, and American foreign policy mostly ignored events which took place south of the US border.”
Agree or disagree
Supporting details (at least two)

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