Subject Area_____Spanish & French 4__________________ Grade Level _11___
Subject Area_____Spanish & French 4__________________ Grade Level _11___ Mission Statement: It is the mission of the Elba Central School District to actualize the phrase “Elba Equals Educational Excellence for Everyone.†We are committed to providing both quality and equity. Every student will have the opportunity to develop to the best of his/her ability.
Elba Standards: In addition to the knowledge and basic skills they need in order to participate in society, graduates of Elba Central School will develop:
1. Empowering skills: decision making, goal setting, creative thinking and problem solving abilities;
2. Communication and social interaction skills;
3. Technological literacy;
4. Total wellness (social, physical, emotional health and self-esteem);
5. The values necessary to participate in society.
As a result of achieving these outcomes, our students will embrace lifelong learning.
New York State Standards:
New York State Standards:
National Standards:
National Standards: 1.) Communication- participation in class, dialogues in target language, answering questions to reading comprehension passages. 2.)Cultures – Authentic relia in target language, presentation and samples of authentic products. 3.) Connections- Technological support through relevant programs , i.e. – Internet and CD roms. 4.) Comparisons- Cognates between English and the target language, customs and cross- cultural presence prevalent in society, i.e.- restaurants, plays, holidays. 5.) Communities- Encouragement of target language use at home. Use of technological devices outside the foreign language classroom
Performance Indicators: Comprehensibility in target language with regards to reading, writing, listening and speaking
Acceptable Performance Level
Journal writing
Applicable rubric
Weekly numerical grade
Scope/Sequence Numerous projects with various goals on enhancement of previously taught information
- travel brochure
- murder mystery involving the past tenses
- newscast using question words
- weekly topic on journal activities
- summer activity composition
- food unit using the imperative form, the students make an item of choice
- reading “Cinderellaâ€
- creating own fairytale
- fable reading
- watch Cyrano de Beregac and answer applicable questions
- reading “The Little Prince†with activity packet and associated project