Essay Questions for The River


    Essay Questions for The River


    Essay Questions for The River

    Chapters 1–8:
    General Directions:
    Before doing anything else, read these instructions.
  1. Make sure that you answer the main question.
    Give sensible explanation, with appropriate examples.
    Organize your ideas in a unified and coherent manner (check your outline).
    Include the title and author of the novel you are writing about.
    Follow the conventions of standard written English.
    In order to become a decent member of society, one first has to stop thinking so much of oneself and to start thinking more of others. With that advice in mind, explain in about 250 words whether you think that Brian (in the first third of The River) is more mature or less mature than Kostya in the beginning of “The Bridge.”
    You might find the following chart helpful:
    Self-centered actions/thoughts
    Other-centered actions/thoughts
    When you are finished with your rough draft, check off the items in the instructions above, to make sure that you have done what is needed.
    Chapters 9–15:
    General Directions:
    Before doing anything else, read these instructions.
    Make sure that you answer the main question.
    Give sensible explanation, with appropriate examples.
    Organize your ideas in a unified and coherent manner (check your outline).
    Include the title and author of the novel you are writing about.
    Follow the conventions of standard written English.
    In The River, after the storm, Brian realized that Derek was sick. So, Brian began to wait. In a letter to another ninth grader, one who has not yet read the novel, explain why Brian chose to wait.
    Be sure to include what you think Brian was thinking or feeling.
    Be sure to refer to actual information from the novel to support your ideas.
    When you are finished with your rough draft, check off the items in the instructions above, to make sure that you have done what is needed.
    The entire novel:
    General Directions:
    Before doing anything else, read these instructions.
    Write on one (1) of the following essay topics.
    Make sure that you answer the main question.
    Give sensible explanation, with appropriate examples.
    Organize your ideas in a unified and coherent manner (check your outline).
    Include the title and author of the novel you are writing about.
    Follow the conventions of standard written English.
    A . As you were reading the novel, you must have developed opinions about Brian. For example, did you admire him at any point? Or were you disappointed by any of his decisions? State your opinion of him, and explain:
    how did the author’s characterization of Brian help you come to that opinion?
    Be sure to refer to actual information from the novel to support your ideas.
    B. Another theme running through The River involves Brian’s knowledge.
    How did that knowledge lead him to build and float the raft successfully?
    Use specific information from the novel, and be sure to use your examples to answer the question
    When you are finished with your rough draft, check off the items in the instructions above, to make sure that you have done what is needed.

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