March 5, 2004
Greetings from Wayne Central School District. Below are some items of interest.
Board Meeting:
| ExecutiveSession: We will have executive session at 6:30 in order to review our probationary staff members.
| Student recognition: The following students participated in the NYS Championship competitions for high school atheletes in their respective sports. They earned this honor based on their ranking in the sectional competitions. Megan Thayer - Alpine Skiing – Giant Slalom; Nate Patterson - Wrestling - finished 3rd in 135 weight class; Ryan Lamarga – Wrestling; Joe Zaso - Wrestling - finished 4th in 171 weight class; Stephanie Mason - Bowling - Saturday @ Roseland Bowling Center in Canandaigua.
| Academic Report: Mr. Spring will share with the Board the Academic Report for the second quarter. This shows student progress on their first and second report cards.
| Tyes Program: Three of our students, Chelsea Griswold, Lindsay Galan, and Danielle Lee wrote and were successful in obtaining this grant to match high school students with students having special needs. It is extraordinary that these students were able to do this. They will be presenting the program to you.
| Financial Update: Greg will give his monthly update. This month’s emphasis is on the food service program. I am pleased to announce that we are back in the black! Nique Wilson will also be there to answer any questions. It would be a nice time for us to publicly thank her for her efforts.
| Sales Tax: We have a meeting with the County on Monday. At that time I will have a better idea about how we stand on this issue. We have been working hard to keep our $835,000. John and Jackie will also be able to report on the Wayne County educational Coalition meeting they attended on Wednesday evening.
| Budget Discussion: Greg will be presenting the entire budget for the first time. As we discussed last month we have kept the numbers very tight. Nothing could go up unless something else went down (except salaries and benefits). We have not cut any programs or positions. As you know we cut levels I, II and some III over the last three years. Given the information we have on hand right now we expect the tax rate increase would be 6.58%. This is less than the 6.8% we took to the voters last year. I would prefer to go to the voters with less than 5%, but I don’t want to cut any more programs. This assumes that the Ginna plant assessment stays where it is currently ($158,000,000). We have also included on the final page of the budget the two additions requested by some Board members as part of Mr. Spring’s educational priorities session in January. You will note that modified football would cost an additional $19,000 while Model Schools would be an additional $119,300. The additional tax rate increase would be .8%. We will be looking for direction from the Board as to whether you wish us to modify the budget. We would then bring that information to the next meeting.
| Personnel Action: Please note the appointment of a track coach under personnel. This replaces the person whose appointment we rescinded earlier.
| Bond Resolution: Enclosed in the packet is the bond resolution for financing our building project.
| Approve Bus Purchase Recommendation: You have a letter in your packet recommending the purchase of some buses, two new driver education vehicles and a Ford Excursion for some small bus routes. We fund these purchases through our bus reserve and place them on the ballot as a separate proposition.
| Budget Propositions: We recommend having the budget proposition, the bus proposition and a new Capital reserve proposition as recommended by our auditor. Greg has enclosed a letter which explains the proposition. The five million dollar reserve, once filled, would pay the local share of a future $15 million building project.
| Surplus Vehicles: I am pleased you will be surplusing these vehicles which can then be sold. The list includes one of our ancient and rusted out plow trucks.
| Bob LaRuche – Bob will be having surgery on his ankle on Friday. He hopes to be able to return to work, on restricted duty, on Tuesday if all goes well.
| Bray Letter: Attached is a letter and agreement sent to the Bray’s regarding their son, Bradley. As you know, this has been an on-going matter that recently resulted in a request from the Bray’s to meet with the Board. Marc Blankenberg and I met with them again and this is the result of that meeting. Mark will have the first meeting of the team, as discussed in this letter, next Monday.
| Sales Tax Community Meeting: A group of county residents, business owners, and educational people met with Laurie Verbridge, owner of KM Davies Cold Storage and Williamson Board President, on Wednesday evening, March 3. The group has asked for data on the highest tax payers in each community to demonstrate the increase in their school taxes, based on the loss of county sales tax.
| Legislative Breakfast: If you haven’t reserved your space for the April 3 Legislative Breakfast, please call Lori.
March 5 & 6 – HS Musical “Music Man” – PAC - 7:30 p.m.
March 12 – Staff Training Day – School Closed for Students
March 15 – HS Meet the Spring Coaches Night – PAC – 7:30 p.m.
March 16 – “Music In Our Schools” concert – grades K-12 – PAC – 6:30-8:30 (split)
March 17 – Four County General Mtg – Phelps Hotel – 5:30 p.m.
“No Child Left Behind” Dinner: Corned Beef/cabbage, baked chicken, grilled whitefish
March 20 – Celtic Concert to benefit Pines of Peace – PAC – 7:30 p.m.
March 23 – 2004 Student Art Show – HS (new gym entrance) – 7:00–9:00 p.m.
April 3 – Four County Legislative Breakfast – Ramada Inn, Geneva – 8:15-11:00 a.m.
Att. a
| Bray Agreement
Att. b
| Wayne County Educators Group mtg mintues |
Att. c
| Policy Committee Meeting Minutes
Att. d
| BOCES Board Vacancy Memo
Att. e
| Four County Legislative Breakfast Information
Att. f
| NYSSBA/Four County Calendar
Att. g
| Safety Committee Meeting Minutes – 2/26
Att. h
Kindergarten School Selection Parent Letter
Att. i
Celtic Concert Information
Att. j District Directory
Att. a
March 3, 2004
Mr. & Mrs. Glen Bray
87 Bills Road
Macedon, NY 14502
Dear Cheryl and Glen,
Enclosed is a contract regarding expectations in regard to your son, Bradley. Please sign and return the original in the stamped, self-addressed envelope. The second copy is for you to keep.
Upon receipt, I will forward copies of the expectations to all parties involved. I have asked Mr. Blankenberg to have the first meeting of the committee within one week of receiving your signed response.
Thank you for your patience with this situation.
Michael Havens
Superintendent of Schools
Xc: M. Blankenberg
Agreed upon Expectations between Cheryl and Glen Bray & the Wayne Central School District
| The Brays expect to be able to speak to and meet with their son’s coach about issues regarding their son. It is recognized that those meeting can not take place during practice sessions but should occur before practice, after practice or through a telephone conversation. In an emergency situation regarding the health of the son they expect to be able to speak with their coach right away. It is understood that during such meetings parties will treat each other in an understanding and positive manner.
| The Brays expect that their son will be treated in the same way as all other players on the team including training rules, expectations, behaviors and opportunities.
| The Brays expect reasonable accommodations for their son based on ADA and his disability of diabetes.
| The Brays expect that a diabetes training and reaction plan will be developed by a team consisting of Mrs. Sgabellone, Mr. Blankenberg, Mrs. Scheik , Mrs. Bray and others as necesssary. Mrs. Bray’s son will serve as an ad hoc member of the team. The plan will include
diabetes basics
hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia
blood glucose monitoring
insulin administration
glucagon administration
ketone testing
nutrition and exercise
legal considerations
school personnel responsibilities under ADA
Appropriate teachers, staff, coaches, bus drivers and students will receive annual training.
| The Diabetes Training and Reaction Plan will be presented for approval to the superintendent by May 1st 2004.
| The plan will be implemented by July 1st, 2004
| A copy of the approved plan will be distributed to each of Bradley’s teachers, each school nurse, each administrator and the Board of Education.
| The plan will be reviewed annually by the Director of Student Services with input from families of students having disabilities.
| The Brays expect that if there is a problem with the plan or implementation the parents will be contacted and the issue will be resolved.
| The Brays expect that Bradley’s current plan will be reviewed and updated annually.
| If the Brays believe their son is being discriminated/harassed against because of his disability and they so request it, a Title Nine investigation will be completed by the district.
______________________________ ______________________________
Glen Bray Michael Havens
______________________________ ______________________________
Cheryl Bray Marc Blankenberg
Att. b
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Att. c
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DATE: Thursday, February 26, 2004 TIME: 4:00 p.m. PLACE: District Office
Trustees Triou, Lyke & Diller; Mr. Havens, Mr. Atseff, Mr. Switzer
Minutes of the meeting of January 22, 2004 were reviewed and filed.
(1) Use of Privately Owned Computer Equipment: Mr. Triou noted that the Board of Education approved first and second reading of the following items
(February 1th & 25th), including provision for annual review of the regulations to keep them current with changes in technology.
Regulation 8272.3R – Guidelines for Use of Privately Owned Computers By Staff Members
Exhibit 8272.3E – Privately Owned Computers By Staff Members – Use Form
Regulation 8272.4R – Guidelines for Use of Privately Owned Computers By Students
Exhibit 8272.4E - Privately Owned Computers By Students – Use Form
(2) Computer Network & Internet Use: Mr. Triou noted that the Board of Education approved second reading of the following items on January 21st.
Policy 8271 – Internet Content & Filtering (Formerly Policy 4514) – Re-Named & Re-Numbered
(signature line/statement added for staff to acknowledge having read the policy)
Regtn 8271.1- Computer & Network Use Procedures for Staff – Entire Text Is New
Regltn 8271.2 - Computer & Network Use Procedures for Students – Entire Text Is New
Exhibit 8271 - Application for Computer Use – Formerly Single Form; Now For Students Only
Regltn 8272.1 – Computer & Internet Use Agreement for Students, Grades K to 5 – Entire Text & Number New
Regltn 8272.2 – Technology Code of Conduct for Students, Grades 6 to 12 –Entire Text & Number Are New
(3) Continue Annual Review of Policies: Committee members continued their annual review of the following items. Mr. Havens noted that the administrative council had no revisions to suggest.
| |
| | 5410
Principles of Purchasing |
| 7310 SAVE Code of Conduct |
Committee members decided that Policy 5410 does not require review by the Board of Education. They began review of Policy 7310 (46-pages), noting some potential revisions re: student discipline. This annual review will continue at the next committee meeting.
| |
(4) Progress Report– Posting of Policy for Staff & Public: Mr. Switzer stated that policy, regulations and exhibits are ready for posting on the web site and district network for public consumption and staff reference, respectively. The policy index is directly linked to policy statements.
(5) Progress Report – Phase II – Policy Handbook – Regulations & Exhibits: Mr. Switzer reported that the formatting and assembly of these items is complete and the items remain in effect until revised. Review by the administrative council and policy committee will now occur.
District Office @ 4:00 p.m. (all Thursdays):
March 25th, May 27th, June 10th
5:30 p.m.
● Follow-Up On: Potential Policy – Security of School Facilities
● Follow-Up On: Potential Policy on Student Privacy & Parental Access (NCLB) & Protected Prayer
● Follow-Up On: Completion of Required Annual Review of Policies
● Follow-Up On: Schedule Review of Regulations & Exhibits
● Follow-Up On: Table of Annual Review, Notification and Publication of Policies & Regulations
Recorded by Jim Switzer
Att. d
DATE: MARCH 3, 2004
Mary Lue Mueller, board president, announced at the February 23rd board
meeting, that she will not seek re-election when her term expires this
June 30.
I ask that you share this information with your board members to
hopefully create interest in serving on our BOCES board. I thought it
would be helpful if everyone was aware that there will be an opening
besides the current two incumbents who will be seeking re-election.
The other two board members seeking re-election are:
Nadina Stevens - has been nominated by Naples Board
Nancy Verdi - is awaiting nomination
If you are not the board clerk would you please share this information
with that individual? Thank you.
Carolyn Robinson
Board Clerk/DS Secretary
District Superintendent, Dr. Joseph Marinelli
Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES
131 Drumlin Court
Newark, NY 14513
Telephone: 315-332-7284
Fax: 315-332-7425
Att. e
8:15 a.m. - 8:45 a.m.: Registration/Coffee/Buffet Breakfast
8:45 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.: Meeting with Legislators
Ramada Inn –Geneva Lakefront Geneva, NY
Presiding: Jane Lawson & Nancy Scher, Legislative Committee Co-Chairs
Invited Guests:
Senator Randy Kuhl – 53rd Senate District
Senator Mike Nozzolio – 54th Senate District
Senator Dale Volker – 59th Senate District
Assemblyman Bob Oaks - 128th Assembly District
Assemblyman Brian Kolb - 129th Assembly District
Assemblyman Joe Errigo – 130th Assembly District
Assemblyman Jim Bacalles – 136th Assembly District
* This notice has been mailed to all Board of Education Members and Superintendents.
Four County School Boards Association
Legislative Breakfast – Ramada Inn – Geneva NY
Saturday, April 3, 2004
Tel: 315-332-7294 Fax: 315-332-7474
Please make your reservations no later than Monday, March 29, 2004
TOTAL ATTENDING: ____________________________ TOTAL DUE: _______________________________
______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________
______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________
______________________________ ______________________________ _______________________________
Att. f
Back to top
Four Co. School Boards Association & Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES
Public Informational Meeting, Proposed Budget for Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES
7:00 p.m. @ Regional Support Center, 131 Drumlin Court, Eisenhower Building, Newark
General Membership Meeting, Phelps Hotel
Four Co. School Boards Association
5:30 p.m. – Registration & Point of View Exchange
5:45 p.m. – Meeting of the Board of Directors
6:30 p.m. – Dinner
7:15 p.m. - Program – No Child Left Behind Act – School Board Role
Seminar for Prospective School Board Members, 8:30 a.m. to Noon
Sponsored by Four Co. School Boards Association
Conducted at Conference Room, Eisenhower Building, 131 Drumlin Court, W-FL BOCES @ Newark
MONDAY, MARCH 29, 2004
DEADLINE for Component Board of Education to Nominate Candidates
For Seats on Board of Education of Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES
(Our District Ineligible Since a District Resident Currently Serves on that Board of Education)
Legislative Breakfast, Ramada Inn, Lakefront, Geneva
Sponsored by Four Co. School Boards Association
8:15 a.m. – Registration & Breakfast
8:45 to 11:00 a.m. - Program
Annual Meeting of the Board of Education of Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES
Wayne County Trade and Technical Center, Ridge Road East, Williamson
Pre-Meeting Tours & Event Begins @ 6:00 p.m.
Annual Meeting Begins @ 7:30 p.m.
Date for Component District Boards of Education to Meet to Consider
Resolutions for Proposed Administrative Budget for Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES
& for Members of the B.O.C.E.S. Board of Education
MONDAY, JUNE 7, 2004
Annual Meeting, Four Co. School Boards Association
Belhurst Castle, Seneca Lake, Geneva, Tentative: 5:30 p.m. – Social Hour & 6:30 p.m.- Dinner
Reservations Are Available By Contacting Lori Eaton Smith
at 524-0201 or
Att. g
TO: Safety Committee Members:
Chris Shaffer - Committee Co-Chairperson (MS Asst. Principal)
Fred Prince - Transportation
Maureen Doyle – MS, PE
Tom Lucieer – OE, Maintenance
Mark Callahan - DO, Administration
Lori Sensenbach – OP, SCRIP
Bob Magin – FE, Instructional
Frank Gough – HS, Science Dept.
FROM: Don Davis – Committee Co-Chairperson (Dir. of Facilities)
RE: Meeting Minutes
Back to top
DATE: February 26, 2004
This is a summary of the today’s Safety Committee meeting:
Student/staff accidents: There were no staff accidents for the committee to review. Student accidents appear under “old business”.
Old Business:
I continue to monitor student accidents regarding the middle school gym. As you know, we have discussed the need for more crash pads on the walls of the old MS gym., There have not been any accidents reported of students colliding into the wall and sustaining injuries prior to this year. However since the beginning of this school year there have been two incidents reported of students injuring themselves on the non-padded section of wall. Funding has been trimmed for this task in the upcoming budget. We will continue to monitor the situation.
New Business:
I reviewed the annual SH-900 for worker injuries. We had a total of six accidents that met the criteria for being listed. Generally speaking, a recordable accident includes any employees injured on the job who require more than first aid (eg. cut requiring stitches, treatment for concussion, etc.) and those who lose time from work. These six workers missed a total of 71 days. This is not bad considering the total number of people who work for us.
The annual fire inspection has been completed. I noted that this year has been one of the best years for this inspection in that concerns (noted by the inspector) were minimal.
I noted action that we have taken regarding snow loading of roofs. As many of us know, this has been a concern this year. Typically, our roofs are rated for a maximum 45 pounds per square foot capacity for snow loading. We took a typical drift on our high school roof that was about 5 feet deep and cut a one-foot square plug of snow from it and weighted it. It weighed 19 pounds. The weight of snow is deceiving, as much of it is unpacked snow of little weight. We will continue to monitor snow loading as the needs arise.
Lori Sensenbach noted a concern about an issue involving scabies; how they are transmitted and prevention protocols. I shared information I had (seems to be similar to protocols for lice) and I will follow-up for more information.
Lori Sensenbach pointed out a number of areas where sidewalks have heaved due to winter frost. I noted that the only thing we can do is wait until the ground thaws. Usually the sidewalks will settle back to where they were before winter. If not, we will address problems at that time.
A concern was expressed by Frank Gough about science rooms being used for non-science classes. He noted that there are times when experiments are conducted and must be left out. This could present an exposure problem to other non-science classes. Although our regular science teachers are aware of this and implement appropriate safety protocol (to minimize exposures), substitutes may not be as conscientious. He noted that those in the department are aware of this and are currently working to minimize this to the best of their ability. The science teachers are aware that the problem will not exist next year, as the BOCES classrooms will become available to ease this problem. Frank will continue to monitor this issue and notify me as needed.
I will be following-up on the involvement of the safety committee in the upcoming construction project. Commissioner’s regulation 155.4 has some requirements listed. I will cover this information in our next meeting in April.
The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for Thursday, April 22nd @ 8:00 AM and 2:30 PM.
Xc Michael Havens
Greg Atseff
Att. h
March 2004
Dear Parents,
As you are aware, beginning in the Fall of 2004, Kindergarten students in your area of Ontario will begin attending Ontario Primary. In addition, any student living within the redistricted zone and currently attending Freewill may switch to Ontario Primary or Ontario Elementary if they so choose.
In order to plan for the correct number of teachers at each building we are asking all affected families to take some time to consider where you would like your child to attend next fall. If you would like a tour of either Ontario Primary or Ontario Elementary to help you decide, you may contact the principal at the telephone number below.
Ontario Primary Ontario Elementary
Mr. Robert LaRuche Mr. Joseph Siracuse
524-0276 524-0266
Please also remember that any child currently attending Freewill will be able to stay and graduate from there if you choose. Transportation will be provided for as long as she or he attends school at Freewill.
Would you kindly fill out the form below and have your child return it to the Freewill office by Friday April 2nd. You may also mail the form to PO Box 155, Ontario Center, NY 14520 or by fax to 524-0313. Should you have any other questions, please feel free to contact Mrs. Saxby at 524-0286 or myself at 524-0201. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to educate your children.
Michael Havens
Back to top
I would like my child(ren) to attend:
______ Freewill Elementary ___________________________________ __________
child’s name (s) grade(s)
______Ontario Primary ___________________________________ __________
child’s name(s) grade (s)
______ Ontario Elementary ___________________________________ __________
child’s name (s) grade (s)
parent’s signature
Please return to the Freewill Elementary office by April 2nd
Att. i
Back to top
February 27, 2004
“An Evening of Celtic Spirit - Concert of Music Song & Dance” will be presented at 7:30pm on Saturday, 20 March 2004 at the Wayne Central Beneway Senior High School Performing Arts Center located at 6200 Ontario Center Rd, Ontario, NY. Tickets for the concert are $7 for adults and $5 for children under twelve. Tickets are available at LW Emporium in Ontario, the Ontario Parks & Recreation Office, and Lagoner Farms in Williamson. Tickets are also available at the door. The proceeds from the concert are to benefit the Pines of Peace Hospice located in Ontario, NY.
The concert will feature Mitzie Collins (hammered dulcimer), Roxanne Ziegler (Celtic harp) with the Celtic Harp Choir, soprano Colleen Liggett, and tenor Joel Hume along with performances by the Feadán Or Pipe Band, the Genesee Highland Dancers and Chuck Boda with Haggis DuJour.
The Pines of Peace Hospice is located in Ontario, NY and provides terminal care services to Wayne County and surrounding areas.
Additional information is available at
or by calling Cheryl Haak, Pines of Peace Board President at (315) 524-9159.
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