1. February 13, 2004
    2. Newsletter:
    3. 8. Events –
    4. 9.  Attachments:


February 13, 2004
"Literacy is inseparable from opportunity, and opportunity is inseparable from freedom.The freedom promised by literacy is both freedom” from” - from ignorance, oppression, poverty - and freedom”to” - to do new things, to make choices, to learn."          - - - Koichiro Matsuura


Greetings from Wayne Central School District. Below are some items of interest.


1. Sales Tax Update - Three boards of Education have now passed the resolution you approved on Thursday. All eleven districts should pass the resolution within the next two weeks. A core of individuals from Monday night’s meeting are meeting to choose a chairperson and set up strategies to apply “insight” towards the undecided supervisors. As I said Wednesday, a phone call of thanks from you to Joe and Frank would be most helpful. Our next newsletter will also focus on the sales tax issue.
2. Building Project - Greg returned from SED last night. Enclosed his report on the plans. We are meeting with Clarke Patterson next Friday to here their proposed solutions to SED’s issues.
3. Cost of Benefits - A question was asked at the board meeting about the cost per employee of benefits. It is estimated that next year benefits including health care, disability, retirement, FICA etc will be $5,901,600. We have approximately 450 employees (the number fluctuates). Therefore the cost per employee averages $13,114 per person. That is incredible.


4. Student Travel Plans - I have approved the senior trip to NYC for this year. They will be going over the April recess. I just received a request for the varsity baseball team to travel to Cooperstown for an overnight trip. They will see the Baseball Hall of Fame and play a game on Doubleday Field. The Spanish trip is being planned for February, 2005 and is traveling to Costa Rica, Central America. This trip is just in its preliminary stages, with travel into several national parks and the capital city. This trip will be limited to 60 science and Spanish students. The final approval will occur at a later date, when students are identified, chaperones have committed and the final trip details are in place.


5. Full Day K and Redistricting Meeting – The rescheduled Freewill Elementary community meeting regarding full day kindergarten and the redistricting plans was held on Thursday, February 12 at 6:30 p.m. at Freewill. There was a turnout of 8 with questions primarily focusing on students moving from the Freewill district to OE and OP. The questions were great as were the parents. There was no one upset with the move although there was one parent who was concerned about having a child at Freewill and a Kindergartener at OP. She may decide to switch her older child to Ontario also.


6. Energy Performance contract: This morning we met with an energy performance company. Last month we had them do a survey of our energy use. This morning’s meeting was to here their recommendations. They have proposed used a energy contract to replace single pane winds at Freewill and the Middle school, install cogeneration systems in our buildings and install a wind turbine. We will continue to meet with them and bring their ideas to the Board at a future meeting. A group of us will be meeting with Harbec plastics on Monday February 23rd at 10:30 to hear about their cogeneration and wind turbine. Call Lori if you would like to join us.


7. February Break - I will be traveling Florida to see my son at Florida State (Tampa) during the February break. If you need me, I can be reached by cell phone. Greg will be at the helm in my absence if something should arise.


8. Events –

Feb 16 – 20 – Winter Recess – School’s Closed
Feb. 23 – HS PTSA mtg – 7:00 p.m. @ DO
Feb. 24 – MS PTA Mtg @ Media Center
Feb. 25 – Board of Education Meeting @ DO
March 1 – FE Parent Group Meetings @ FE
March 3 – Senior Citizens HS Musical Performance/Dinner – 4:00 p.m.
March 5 & 6 – HS Musical “The Music Man” – 8:00 p.m.
Athletics: (Home Games)
2/11 – Girls JV & V Basketball vs. Victor – 6:00 & 7:30 p.m.
2/13 – Girls JV & V Basketball vs. Newark – 6:00 & 7:30 p.m.
2/17 – Boys JV & V Basketball vs. Geneva – 6:00 & 7:30 p.m.
Sectionals dates/times will be announced soon


9. Attachments:
a. SED Review
b. Wayne County Mail Wrestlers-Scout Letter
c. Senior Trip Information
d. Spanish Trip Information – Feb, 05
e. Honor Roll
f. Safety Committee Meeting Minutes – 12/18
g. Newspaper articles on sales tax
h. Newscope - February


Att. g

TO:    Safety Committee Members:

     Chris Shaffer - Committee Co-Chairperson (MS Asst. Principal)

Fred Prince - Transportation
Maureen Doyle – MS, PE
Tom Lucieer – OE, Maintenance
   Mark Callahan - DO, Administration        
   Lori Sensenbach – OP, SCRIP
   Bob Magin – FE, Instructional
   Frank Gough – HS, Science Dept.
FROM:  Don Davis – Committee Co-Chairperson (Dir. of Facilities)
RE:    Meeting Minutes

DATE:  December 22, 2003

This is a summary of the Thursday, December 18th Safety Committee meeting:

Student/staff accidents:
There was one incident involving two workers (in the middle school basement technology area) that reported developing headaches and smelling exhaust fumes. An investigation determined a motor was left running on a delivery truck. This allowed exhaust fumes to enter a vent outside of the middle school loading dock area. The vent was not in use. This was immediately covered over by O&M staff. A carbon monoxide detector was installed in the middle school tech area for added safety.
Maureen Doyle noted an injury to a student that ran into the gym wall. I had not gotten any details on this and will follow up with the middle school nurse.
Old Business:

1. As we have begun to build our budgets for the next school year, I will talk to Marc Blankenberg about replacing the four benches sited as needing replacement.
2. I have included additional wall mats for consideration in next year’s O&M budget.
3. Chris Shaffer reported to me that he has alerted the middle school monitor that she may be needed to provide supervisory back up in the girl’s locker room as needed.

Other Issues:

1. CPR/AED certification has been resolved
2. Different cleaning products are being used to rid the OP bathrooms of odors. We plan to seal the floors at our earliest convenience.
3. The FE fire alarm issue will try to be addressed after the main office renovation is completed.
4. It is my recommendation that staff line-up rides with friends to avoid being stranded at Pal-Mac during a Ginna evacuation.
5. It was recommended that students at FE be secured in the gym areas during a hostage emergency should on happen at that building.
6. I have included wood chips for consideration in the upcoming O&M budget to replace the pee gravel on FE and OE playgrounds.
7. The odor from the FE kindergarten room has dissipated on its own. We will continue to monitor this.

New Business: none
Next meeting is tentatively scheduled for Thursday, February 26th @ 8:00 AM and 2:30 PM.

Xc  Michael Havens


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